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Mrs peel

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Everything posted by Mrs peel

  1. . Phaedra may have schooled that way, but I always assumed she married Apollo simply because she got pregnant. That THAT was really schooled into her, you do not get pregnant and not get married. Now why she didn’t take serious efforts to avoid that, no idea. Why she thought having sex with a felon just out of prison - as an attorney who handles criminal defense cases - I REALLY have no idea.
  2. Where is the Countess when we need her?! Even assuming that dress was “off the runway” (and God help me but I think Nene is right that you can have the same dress made in another size), it was UGLY! I think actors do receive “residuals” when a show is in syndication, but that usually takes a certain number of episodes/seasons. Glee might get there (and she would only get $$ for her shows), but not The New Normal. But Nene lying about money is pretty standard, don’t forget the huge Trump checks that never were. Speaking of money, is Porsha’s hair line really making tons of money? Considering she seems to be dumber than a pile of rocks, that just seems odd. Unless of course it’s like other Housewives lines and she’s just tacked her name onto someone else’s product, in which case I doubt she gets that much per $1 sold. Others have said it better above, but I totally agree with the, hey, up to you if you want to get money from the boyfriend/married man/whatever, but be bright about it. Some lousy purse that isn't worth $80k in real life isn't the thing to go for. Jewelry (real jewelry, not fake stuff or diamond chips -- and yes I'm looking at every RHOC who crows about the "total carat weight" when there are hundreds of tiny stones) holds value, cash/stock holds value, buy a home that won't be foreclosed on.
  3. Egawds! I had to look up my old forgotten password to get back into the site so I could post. HOLD ON, how did I never know that Heather graduated from SUNY Plattsburgh?!?! She and I went to the same college? Yikes! Now I'm dying to know what she studied, where she lived, etc. It's not exactly a college know for design studies. Now I gotta give the girl more credit for her second home. If she chose Plattsburgh, she really does like cold and rural.
  4. Like most people I hated this finale. Very pretentious and just bad. The horrible CGI at the climax made me laugh rather than be sorry Jax was dead. They would have been better off with no visual and just sound. was already taken out of the scene once I realized they seemed to be re-using the same video multiple times; the road changed from 2 lane to 1 lane back to 2 lane without any seeing the lane added/deleted. I didn’t realize the crows were CGI too, but merely thought they were the club following him, loyally, to his death. I hadn’t thought about the Christ metaphor because so obviously Jax isn’t Christ, but the bread/blood/wine, as well as Jax’ arms-raised motion, speak to that. Which is stupid. The homeless woman had bread too, I wondered it was the same bread. Did anyone else think that, based on the roadway, Jax’ motorcycle should have veered right, and crashed over the edge into the ravine? Just another reason I was taken out of that scene. And while I can understand that the driver may not feel responsible, it’s still a pretty shitty thing to bring another person into your own suicide. Jeez Jax, be man enough to kill yourself by yourself. I also wondered why the cops didn’t try to cut him off, but I don’t know how they would have really shot out the tires. I think Hollywood makes that look far more easy than it really is, plus all the cops in cars were alone, there was no one not driving who could aim. But was that property in OR Jax’ to give? Gemma’s dad is still alive. I get that Gemma likely had a will leaving her home to Jax, and he quitclaimed his (and Wendy’s former) house to Wendy. But since ownership hadn’t transferred solely to him yet, he really couldn’t quitclaim all of the garage (Gemma probably owned half as Clay’s widow), or Gemma’s home, to Wendy. And heck, what is the worth of the garage anyway? It needs to be totally rebuilt, is Wendy supposed to supervise that from Norco or the east coast? And the houses are likely worth very little too. Poor Wendy to be stuck with Gemma’s father. Actually, since Tara was the previous “guardian” (when and why did that happen?), it wasn’t up to Gemma to name Wendy as the new “guardian.” Someone said the kids are doomed because Wendy and Nero never had straight lives. I disagree that Wendy never had one. Once out of rehab, she had a regular job (addiction counselor) and her own apt. Well, until Jax shot her up again and she needed more rehab. And you could argue that Nero did too, since he did seem – when first introduced – to be long out of the Mayan gang and his business was at least semi-legit. I’ve decided that all these people use the word “love” so much that it has no meaning, so I’m no longer disgusted that Wendy “loves” Jax. Katey Segal gets a few more bucks for acting/non-acting? More importantly, she was outside, dead, overnight. There would have been bugs, many bugs. Possibly a coyote or two. And flies around Unser.
  5. For me it takes more to be a "mom" then giving birth and being married to the dad. She almost killed Abel and then left. Tara was the mom who took care of him and raised him. She is MOM. I get that, but let’s remember that Wendy didn’t abandon Abel voluntarily. And her husband and mother-n-law did little to nothing to help her with her problems (and in Jax’ case he made it worse). She is still legally Abel’s mother. I have no problem with Tara being called Mom by Abel, she has been around since he was very small (and of course he still is). . I thought he meant the MC, especially since he was talking to them. I hadn’t considered this possibility. I managed to forget about Gemma and the ring. What an asshole! How in the world could she still think the MC is a good choice for her grandson? I still feel bad for Juice. His original sins are he loved the MC too much and when one of the many Sheriffs threatened to reveal his father was black, wanted to hide that. At least that’s how I remember it, I’ve been half-watching for a couple of seasons. I kinda like that idea, though I doubt Jax would do it. He seems to always think he can solve whatever problem (and per the preview). But if that happens, it better only be after Wendy has been given enough money, new id and gotten many, many miles away with Abel and Thomas. Because Gemma would cry a bit, then pick herself up and try to go get Abel to groom him for the MC.
  6. I wish it would START! The previews are killing me!
  7. Chibs in the Hamptons seems all kinds of wrong :)
  8. I didn’t mind Wendy telling Gemma because she has no reason to think this is about anything major, and obviously Gemma already knew about Juice. I don’t even mind Jax telling Unser, because he wanted information. Unser though? Idiot, especially considering he seems to have doubts about Tara’s death before anyone else. She’s not even technically “bio Mom” (as in references to moms who give up children for adoption). She’s MOM. She and Jax were married; she didn’t give the kid up to anyone, etc. Tara was step-Mom. I was distracted enough by the car chase to be pissed off Jax didn’t leave the car somewhere for it to be found. Poor guy who lost his brand new car. I assumed he was talking about Juice. Although based on the preview… And what annoys me about this is that Juice was, I think, trying to protect Jax by helping Gemma. They all know Jax adores his mother, and would be (is) devastated by learning anything bad about her. Juice tried to fix a horrific situation; Jax should be angry first and foremost with the person who killed Tara - GEMMA. That doesn’t work for me because it was still Jax’ decision to go after the Chinese without any further investigation. It never made any sense that another gang would kill his wife, and only his wife. If the Chinese were starting something, it wouldn’t have started or ended with only Tara’s death. Jax should have realized that. God, what am I saying? I’ve forgotten everyone on this show is stupid! I agree with everyone about the acting tonight, and the amazement that Sutter actually had the Gemma reveal before the last episode.
  9. Which is so odd considering Thomas is the son of Tara, supposedly the love of his life!
  10. Y GoldenHera, I thought Jax had set this up in advance as a precaution. At the very beginning of the episode, he talks with Rat about it in a veiled way. I didn’t catch it at first, but sadly was still watching tv for the rerun. There was something about “don’t let it go on too long”, and “make sure to let [whoever] know the plan”. Still stupid that idiot Jax could have pre-planned it. I actually didn’t like the payback, because I thought Marks’ security guy was too bright to fall for that, and I don’t care enough about Bobby to want/need exact vengeance. If anything to Marks’ security guy torturing Bobby was just a job, not personal, but it was personal to Jax. Disraeli Ears although it’s way more likely Abel wouldn’t have remembered, Jax did say he and Tara had explained Abel wasn’t biologically Tara’s. But yeah, what idiot (1) tells a young child the only mother he knows – who just died! - isn’t his “real” Mom; and (2) drops the bomb as to the name of “real” Mom when the child is in crisis? Jax for lousy parent of the year. Kudos to Wendy for getting out of that embrace and asking about tea! I was fearing they’d end up in bed together (right after Jax said they were better off as friends). I feared they were going to go with “Abel is a liar” as the theme to dismiss his outing of Gemma. But the previews seem to focus on Jax learning more that will back up Abel. On the aftershow Sutter referred to Abel “betraying” Gemma. Earth to Sutter, 5 year olds don’t understand enough to “betray” anyone, he just repeated what Grandma said. Now that’s interesting, though I think he overhead Gemma generally saying killing Tara was an accident. What are the odds that he first Joan van Snark – ha! I noticed that too on the aftershow. I kept reading about how his accent was messed up in the show and yet I never seemed to notice.
  11. If Unser doesn't do a better job of hiding his police files, either Gemma or Jax will find them and someone else will die. Gemma's way would be to suggest Unser is a rat, or some other shit. Jax, he could go postal if he figures out his mother lied to him. Of course, he's been written as a genius and an idiot, so I guess it depends on how he's written in the scene where he reads the guy Mom pegged as at Tara's house the night of her death was actually sleeping in a drunk tank in Vegas that night.
  12. It may be nicer, but for someone effectively in customer service, it’s a bad thing to make comments about the guests. I personally think the “eaters” as a definition of the group of guests says far more about Kate, and to me adds to the question of her own eating habits. Yes, fat people are fat, this is the only time I’ve heard them called “eaters.” It’s just odd, as if the concept of eating is something wrong. I think that’s part of where some of us question whether Kate has eating issues. I thought Kate was terrible on the show and in the reunion. She was defensive as hell, and she refused to ever acknowledge that she did something wrong. A good manager she is not. I continue my obsession with Kat and Kate’s bad dye jobs. Kat had one bunch of hair that seemed to be crayola yellow. Very bad. That Kat could say she didn’t remember if she gave oral sex to the guy was embarrassing, yet she didn’t seem at all embarrassed. Very sad. I was completely uninterested in Kelley, but agree with other posters that as long as Jenise (sp?) wasn’t saving up gigabytes of data of his comments, showing a few screen shots makes sense in this situation. What the heck was the new guy wearing? Is this the new hipster look?? I don’t remember if I watched last year’s reunion, but Andy asked harder questions of these guys than on any RH show. And Andrew, since you’re now bartending and had only one subsequent yachting gig, yeah, we believe Andy that you got fired from that other yachting job. Awesome that he even asked!
  13. Except that in real life (or at least according to MSNBC’s LockUp – Don’t judge ), it’s not that comfy. You’re locked in a small single sell for 23 hours per day, with limited personal items. People go crazy in those cells. Wasn’t Gemma having an affair with Clay by then? Maybe JT just got tired and decided to take the easy way out. You know, instead of taking care of his son in CA or his daughter in Belfast. At least we see where Jax gets his little pea brain from. My problem with Jax jumping on the “Lin murdered Tara” is that, since that day, Lin’s gang has taken no direct action against the MC. There’s no reason to kill Tara unless it’s to start something with the MC, so what else was he going to do? I know the timeline is messed up with the season ender, but still. I can only believe Marks killed the birds, mostly because like others I don’t think Abel could have written that cleanly (or high up). Nor could the child have realized the impact of the words. And Pope’s group has a history of attacking the families (see Tig). Jax was an idiot to think Marks would accept a deal, and Bobby paid for his loyalty with the loss of his hand (or fingers – why do some people think it was only fingers? Surely an artery is no problem in magic Charming-world).
  14. The episode was so boring that I focused on how bad the dye jobs are on Kate and Kat. Very unattractive, some women just shouldn't be blondes, and Kate especially looks like she has very dark brown hair before all the coloring.. Kate's hair especially looks completely over-processed and teased, it explains why it always looked like straw to me. That she comes out of every charter with new "lifelong friends" also seems very unlikely. I missed the "Kate has no sense of smell" part. Completely uninterested in Andrew and the Kelley romance saga. I wonder how often the boat was "falling down around them" in real life, that's just odd.
  15. He may not understand that Grandma actually killed Tara, but kids are mimics, and at some point repeat everything you say. So he could repeat what Gemma said at some point, maybe when he overhears someone talking about Tara dying or someone else being dead. Me too, though since we’re not near the end I guess we shouldn’t think Gemma will kill anyone yet. Done in the last episode? I could have seen Gemma killing someone. Unlike everyone else, he’s not stupid. Who would want Gemma around? Totally rationalization,in my opinion. Gemma convinced herself it was an “accident” because she had “wrong” information about Tara. Because the obvious answer to a woman wanting to get away from crazy people who kill everyone is to go and kill her. They did mention it when they were at the table. Chibbs said something like Juice would do it because all he cares about is his cut/the club. Why the club would allow Juice to stay in considering everything that’s happened makes no sense, but whatever.. And showing again how stupid Juice is (not that he’s alone). But I also thought at the beginning that the idea was he would kill himself, and then that it would be a suicide by cop thing. Then I thought the club was trying to get the cops away for some other purpose (the van drove up after they left), so I was way off. Near the end Jax said something about a rat talking to Marx (I think)? Did I miss something shown? Because I’m blanking on that.
  16. TaraS1 – I was thinking the same thing! Perhaps Sutter could give us a short update at the beginning of the last episode of everything we don’t really need to see “hordes of people were killed in brilliant actions by Jax, the MC continued to follow him, they killed/did not kill Juice for XX reasons, Gemma is XX…” And now the ending. But NO, we’ll all sit through multiple episodes waiting for what better not be a fade to black or a dream. BubbeTV – I wondered about that too, or is it a flashback to Juice getting his cut in the first place? But that was unlikely to have been Jax giving it to him. I missed JT’s initials, but at this point I’m only partly watching anyway. And I’m going to mention this again, although they’ve already filmed the show. Sutter, watch The Vikings. The most horrific death scene, one that went on for a long time, was filmed without showing much blood. We got the enormity of what was going on, we felt the horror, but we didn’t have to see much blood. If you kill Juice, re-film to steal that genius! And stop dragging out his death, I figured out early on he wouldn’t die last night, but if they don’t get around to it for a couple of weeks I’m going to be even more annoyed. Great catch! I noticed her son being named John, but never even heard the waitress’ name. When Gemma said she knew from the beginning that Gertie was “good people” I thought she was checking her out for next daughter-in-law. I hope they don’t try to pull that Gertie’s son is Jax’s. He and Wendy were married, but it’s not like he was ever faithful. That was so sad. I like your ideas but can no longer believe Sutter has a real plan here. Other than the “Jax is a God and brilliant guy” thing, so of course all he women love him. Now I’m confused about the Grim Bastards and the Niners. Same gang? Different gangs? One a subset of the other? I’m having trouble taking a gang with neon orange bikes seriously. Real world, best and easiest way to ID the perps – they were on bikes with striping in neon orange. Nero should be the one to figure out Gemma killed Tara, but who knows. Certainly he’s figuring out that Gemma protected Juice, since Juice had her car (when she was supposed to be going to help out her father). How that gets to Tara I don’t know. I don’t know how Juice telling Jax about Gemma and Tara will make a huge difference, because Jax has no reason to believe Juice. He’ll just think it’s a lie to try to hurt him. And unless Sutter is writing Gemma to have a mental breakdown (possible since she’s talking in public to a dead woman), Gemma will NEVER admit it. And last night yet another gun fight between 3 groups of gangs where there are no injuries to 2 of the groups. At least the positioning didn’t have Samcro and the Grim Bastards directly opposite one another, but it's bullshit that no one else was injured.
  17. Lord, the show isn't on til tomorrow and I'm already disgusted with the episode. Look, Jax gets revenge again! Probably in some incredibly brilliant way, then he walks away from the camera in his schoolboy sneakers and the cave-man gait.
  18. With his Dad, just like the various Lock-Up shows! Hey, some reality. Or flash-forward 30 years, Abel the son of the junkie has become a doctor, and the junkie son of the doctor kills him. Of course in real reality, depending on CA law Jax could give Wendy power of attorney or consent for her to become guardian/conservator over Thomas.
  19. I always liked her house and decorations, not over the top or screaming 'DESIGNER'!! But man, "books by the foot" in that house - I always hate that, beautiful bookcases without real books to read. I'd like to think she took out any books she and family really read before staging for sale (both house and estate). Did she buy all completely new stuff for the smaller house she bought last year? Yikes.
  20. Pathetically I know this. He could leave, but he would need to cover the SAMCRO tattoos. The burning/cutting only happened if the MC learned you hadn't done that. I wonder if the last episode with Abel and the axe is foreshadowing of at least part of the end. Either a flash-forward with Abel as a small time hood, or in jail, or the leader of the MC. Or he kills Thomas (or would Thomas have to kill him to be true to the Cain v Abel story?). Or as an adult he learns Gemma killed his first mother figure and he kills her, that'd be poetic justice for Gemma's fate. Sutter could have Jax killing off the other MCs' leaders (he's already started), but the character just hasn't been written as a brilliant guy to plan that out. I don't see how he could consolidate all the various ethnic groups under his sole leadership though. I'd like to see - if they have Jax kill off even more people (what's the head count this season?) - he ends up in jail with NO allies, and gets the shit beaten out of him. Repeatedly.
  21. Bec, I had the same thought. Especially because, since David invested his own money into Nolan’s business, Nolan was supposed to give Amanda a big piece of the business, so she shouldn’t have been broke at her “death.” I hadn’t even thought about that (DUH!), but I was thinking, “how about your wife, you know, the crazy one”? That was bad, but I thought the storyline with her mother was to show that Victoria was in fact just like her – using people to get ahead at all costs. Never a nice person. It’s going to take the Fire Dept. about 3 seconds to realize this was arson, and at some point perhaps people will remember it was Charlotte who was running out of there. And of course Emanda would rat her out, but I expect there’s some more long term – none of us will like it – storyline about the 2 half-sisters.
  22. Another Yankee fan here, but enjoyed all three. I was left wanting to know what the "white" Jeters thought when they learned they were related to the Yankee Captain! It would be interesting if any were NYers... I think Jeter is just very guarded by his nature, sharpened by 20 years in the limelight, so I wasn't surprised that he didn't show a lot of emotion. I thought Billie Jean King referred to the family being 100% European as "boring" because it killed the Native American story. I was getting annoyed by the moving back and forth between stories but then decided they did it so people wouldn't just stop watching after the major one they are interested in was done. I too like this much better than watching someone walk in and out of a building, that's a waste of time.
  23. I'm generally on the "Amy" side of this debate, but wanted to step in to say that I did feel for Kat during the dinner service. A number of the charter guests were making references to blow jobs, and she was definitely (and understandably) uncomfortable. I can't remember where Kate was at that time, but she should have removed Kat from the situation. But Kat, you appear to have a serious drinking problem and you need to get help. I thought Kate handled things very badly. Including dumping Kat on Jeneice (however you spell her name). And am shocked that the Captain thought otherwise. Either he didn't see everything, or there was far more that we didn't see.
  24. I don't think I can watch Victoria as the victim seeking Revenge. She's seeking revenge for the things done to her in revenge for the wrongs she did to other people (lord, that sentence is everything that will be wrong with this season <G>). She got what was coming for her, finished. If the show wants a re-boot, start a completely new Revenge. I thought that was what they were going to do before they spent 3 years on Emanda. I don't see how they bring back David Clarke without including some new knight in shining armor version of the Initiative. Certainly David couldn't have planned out everything on his own, including his own murder and hiding away for 10+ years. Where did he get the money? No one would help a traitor (which, don't get me started would never have been the criminal charge...) They've established everything the govt knew about they took, and the rest seemingly went to Nolan's company. The man wasn't that wealthy that there was a third major source of funds. And if there is some group helping him, how did he not know about what his daughter was doing? Makes no sense. Yeah, I know, that's the show now. How depressing.
  25. Except that there does not appear to have been any agreement that he owed her a commission. It sounds like he loaned her the pieces for a period of time - that this wasn't the one time "let's show some artwork of new artists" scene involving LuAnn's daughter's work. Instead, the Dreschers' obtained free artwork to make their apt looked more lived in. That Aviva's statement to Page 6 isn't "he owes me money" but "I asked him to take the pictures [that's paintings, "writer girl"!] and he didn't" tells me she knows she has no evidence she is owed money by the artist.
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