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Mrs peel

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Everything posted by Mrs peel

  1. Oh, I can believe it was Ash Wednesday, it's the claim of having come from church I don't believe. Or maybe Ramona is a really bad Catholic, because you are not supposed to wash off the ashes. They are a public reminder of your faith. Something she claims to care about.I missed Sonja claiming to have been at church too, did that really happen??? Bethenny's original Skinnygirl margarita was basically a shot of high end tequila (I thought Grey Goose but a Google search says she was pushing Patron) and a splash of whatever other liquor. I think she omitted the lime juice entirely. Other than suggesting a smaller portion, I am left wondering how her corporate version is lower calorie, lime juice is not high calorie.
  2. I had somehow missed the "designed in NYC", but I believe elsewhere she has claimed the clothes are manufactured in NYC. I am not getting where you say they admit to polyester. The items say "100% silk." Hey, I get it, all silk is not the same, but she is claiming silk as the fabric.
  3. Small point, but Ramona was full of shit at Sonja's house about having come from church for Ash Wednesday. Does she think other Catholics didn't notice NO ashes?!? You don't wash them off during the day. Bethenny's home was just not to my taste. And I don't know about the outdoor space she was talking about, they showed her on a Juliet balcony. You could have opened a window for the same effect.
  4. So the woman who allegedly was thinking of removing her kitchen in a renovation because she never cooks is going to do the text for her "we never heard of him" boyfriend chef. And it will be "plant-based vegan" recipes?! so many things wrong with this. Let's accept that without her assistance no publishing house would ever consider publishing anything of this guy's. She is not competent to write the text for a cookbook (does she ever eat?). This is a small sign of the celebrity-obsessed nature of our society (and yeah, since I am snarking on them I am a part of it and a hypocrite). No one would care about either of them without this show. [sorry, bad day, while surfing the net I found a link to how "you too can look like Kylie Jenner" which involves a full thirty minutes of contouring the hell out of your face, pounds of makeup and removing all indications of personality or life from your face. Why are these people popular??] I am also pondering the need to specify that vegan is "plant-based". Heck, if there is a "steak-based" form of veganism I am all for calling myself a vegan, it's so cool!! Has Carole ever indicated she is a vegan? Sounds like she is just following his habits, something I really dislike in a supposedly self-confident person.
  5. I feel sorry for the dog. That is no way to carry a pet. I can imagine the dog feeling unsafe and squirming to get down as they are in traffic. Also, unless she keeps a good grip on the leash it could drop and get tangled in the bike's spokes, with disastrous results. Some people are too stupid to have pets.
  6. Well, she has claimed the clothes are made in NYC, not that we should believe her. I seem to recall her saying she picked the looks based on items she already owned, so it's not so much she "designed" anything as she said "I love this Ralph Lauren dress, make that" and some poor anonymous seamstress made the sample. I started thinking of Sheree in RHOA who couldn't sew at all, and I forget her name in RHOC who had someone else who really designed and sewed the clothes. But didn't she also say something about there was an office, but the conference room space was somewhere else? Like not even a shared conf room in the office building but they someone loaned them one? This is from Sonja's most recent blog. So apparently the only thing required for an "international fashion lifestyle brand" is that you can ship to Canada and you can drive over the border wearing the clothes. Ok then. Ok, you do need to be "stylish and appropriate." Maybe I'm a prude, but the red jumpsuit is not "appropriate" anywhere public. Not a fan of boobs hanging out and waiting for nip-slips. And "heritage brand" now means that they are high quality and you pass them down to your daughter? .Or because you and your daughter can both wear the clothes? Sure hope Sonja's daughter isn't wearing the red jumpsuit. Or she seriously thinks her stuff is couture vintage Chanel? Ah, NO.
  7. Again, I'm losing brain cells reading this. My life for a comma! Or proper grammar! One of her interns must have told her she needs to be on LinkedIn. It's.....sad, and funny in that unintentional way that's so....sad. Clearly cobbled together from a variety of sources rather than written for the purpose (in one section she refers to herself in the third person, in another it's first person). She is apparently still looking for backers for the clothing line?!? Fun facts from it: Apparently she started the fashion/jewelry business in January 2015. Huh? One of her organizations is "France" - yeah, poorly placed commas and LinkedIn's hyper-links will do that to you. Museum is spelled Museo She was an actress?? Her movie producing career was 5 months long. but the stated months are AFTER the only movie actually made, The Marsh, was premiered at Cannes?!? She claims the cinematography award for The Marsh as her award, I guess because of the producer credit. Hmmm.....when I watch the Oscars, the cinematographer accepts that award, but whatever. Another honor and award, being one of NY's 400 families (hey, isn't that Morgan's family, not hers anymore). She thinks "Fanny Brice" and "Funny Girl" are different. Or she (or her intern) doesn't know the meaning of the word "or." I can't decide. I'm mostly amazed she hasn't made her Kennedy connections more clear, don't you know she was born on the day of President Kennedy's funeral? No really, that part is true, the funeral was 11/25/63.
  8. But earlier the CEO was claiming they were in negotiations to be in department stores, but they couldn't name them. If the pla was always to sell the clothes online, he could have said that.I found it telling that both Bethenny and Heather thought they were there to see clothes, not models. And Sonja couldn't get her act together to tell them the plan changed - or more likely she didn't care enough (or there was some other screw up she didn't want to acknowledge). Had Sonja had already chosen the ,model type to see, why was the very first model NOT that type? I strongly suspect the model call was "hi, do you want to be on RHNY?" I can't help thinking the ladies were just being kind.. Because I thought the fashion show was bad. No idea how she chose what went down when, there was no cohesive look to the models, never mind however long she took between the 2 sets of clothes (shouldn't model 1 have been changing immediately after going back upstairs? I don't understand the timing.) Ramona's claim that Mario is just and old homebody was hilarious! Or maybe he is at home more now that she is not in his home?? Must be a lot quieter. I thought her hair looked awful in her TH, and something seemed off about her face, her eyes seemed less sunken than, for exa,ple, during lunch with Dorinda. Her hair looked better there though I still think it looked better shorter. Whoever commented on Bethenny's comment about Luann's height - that was as they were talking about LuAnn having been asked to not cross her legs because the runway was so arrow. I didn't see it as a dig. Query - since the fashion show was in a completely different location, can Sonja really say she was a part of "Fashion Week?"
  9. Exhausted? I think I lost some brain cells reading that piece of garbage!
  10. Well, LuAnn was married for a long time to a man who apparently used the title, so I imagine she got used to it.Carole may not have "Princess" on her credit cards but she has mentioned it on the show, and there are many who think one of the reasons she was hired was to drop LuAnn down a notch. And of course it was her first tag line. Finally, Carole's husband apparently never used tht title. On balance, IMO the title is more natural for LuAnn. Carole seems, to me, like one of those people who want everyone to know their connections while on the surface acting like it's no big deal.
  11. I think it's just a typo for "interment." [though yeah, for a "wordsmith" to mess that up is not good] "Burial or interment is the ritual act of placing a dead person or animal, sometimes with objects, into the ground." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burial
  12. Late to the party as I only watched last night. I didn't think Dorinda chiming in during the conversation about death was bad, I think they were just sharing. Of course, NYers as a group (yea, I'm one) are pretty fast talkers and I believe more likely to "talk over" or interrupt. It's just a style. I still don't understand the Dorinda and London thing. I could have sworn she has said she lived there with husband #1, then at some point said she lived there with Richard. Who was based in NYC. And now she's talking about going there every 2 months or so. I'm confused. I thought much of Carole's conversation with the priest was pretty organic, and I can understand it being awkward to go there at all. But, she is likely Catholic even if lapsed - how in the heck did she not know what to call the priest? Father, you always call a priest Father. [oh, and Carole, in case you're reading, you call a Catholic nun "Sister", unless she's the Mother Superior. In that event believe me she'll let you know it's "Mother Superior."] And she certainly delayed in going to London if there was time for the church to be formally de-consecrated and the remains moved. Jeez, pick up Anthony already! Kristin wants to meet him [kidding, I'm kidding]. Were all the women required to wear red to Bethenny's party? Rude to insist, if that's what happened. Ramona was her usual idiot self. Bethenny's "talk" was odd, but at the moment I'm blanking on the thing I thought was worst. I see Ramona is changing her story again. Didn't she imply she was up to something with the guy (the "I didn't want to explain, sorry Luann" said with a smirk TH)? Now she's claiming to not have been involved at all??? No, not buying it. I
  13. Tough choice, because I want Dorinda, Bethenny and Ramona gone. I voted Dorinda, because the drunk slurring, crying, yelling is just something I don't want to see. Bethenny is horrible, but at least we can snark on the "homeless" rich girl with 2 homes. And Ramona's mangled English can be snark-worthy.
  14. Her sizing only goes up to size 12. So many women have no opportunity to buy these clothes. XS is equal to a size 0. I was at the site, she claims several tops are sold out. I actually assume that is bullshit, and they will magically re-appear as in stock shortly. I hadn't noticed that all the inseams are the same for all sizes, but I don't know if that is normal. Heck, if you are so high end that your purchasers tailor their clothes, do like men's pamts and don't hem at all. Lengthing a silk seam is no mean feat, I think. I don't think we can really compare the silk/rayon for Sonja and Luann's collections, the price point is so different. And at Luann's price point, people aren't routinely having all clothes dry cleaned or professionally laundered. Let's face it, the vast majority of people don't have the money for that. LuAnn will likely make a lot more money than sonja, she is wearing some of her clothes, she is occasionally selling on TV (now I am forgetting If Evine is on cable at all). But you get to see the clothes up close, see them move, how the seams are, etc. we have one non close-up on a website for Sonja. Other than her backers needing a tax loss, I have no idea how she got them.
  15. It's pathetic that I remember this, but I seem to recall Carolyn was reluctant to be photographed. Like in JFK Jr. actually asked the press to leave her alone when they got married. And unless the two were out and about with husbands (and Anthony was ill most of the marriage IIRC), who would photograph them? The lure for the photographers was JFK Jr. I haven't seen Carole's whole book, just the Amazon excerpt, so don't know if she put in many private photos, but I could imagine her not putting in photos of the 2 of them. On Carole's comment about never dating a 57 year old, in comparison to what Anthony's age would be now. Luckily I haven't had to deal with the death of someone young, but I think people's mindset of the deceased freezes. So likely Carole hadn't really thought about the fact that Anthony would be 57 now. He'll always be 42-43 in her mind, whatever his age was when he died. [edited to say, again, beaten to this comment. MotorCityMom said it better than me]. [edited again because see and seen are different words]
  16. Then she could wear more comfortable shoes! Personally, I am guessing the has always walked that way.
  17. So I am watching the episode tonight. When Dorinda was apologizing, she made a comment about forgiveness, after which Heather said she forgave. So I think Heather was trying to respond in a way she thought Dorinda would want. So Dorinda, STFU! [edited because Breezy beat me to this explanation!] Can anyone explain the chaos crayon reference? It made no sense to me at all. At Kristin's event, I thought Heather could hear Ramona being her usual idiotic arrogant self during Kristin's speech, and her reaction (if it seemed angry) was to Ramona's behavior, not Kristin saying they were BFFs. We have seen HWs time and time again talking through someone's speech. How rude are you that you can't shut up for 5 minutes to even pretend to listen?? It's basic manners, jeez we learn this as children. After watching Carole and Dorinda I went over to the Amazon site and read the beginning of Carole's book. I am not a Carole fan but was moved by it, and liked the writing style. Her description of obsessing about the plane crash and what was happening and when he knew they were going to crash, and whether she knew - very real. On another level, her cousin called a radio station the day after her wedding to dish on the celebrities who were at the wedding?? OMG I would have died of embarrassment ( and yeah I could see a relative of mine doing that).
  18. OMG, that was great! I probably wouldn't have noticed the guitar though. But she didn't even bother to sing the repeats "no deal, no deal (or whatever)". Plus that was so obviously auto-tuned or sound altered/corrected in some way, why bother to claim it's not taped!
  19. Ramona added "fashion" jewelry to the line. But yeah, it's mainly Mario's family business. I wonder if the real reason she has "True Faith" and "TruRenewal" is that the True Faith name was there before. She acted (several seasons ago) like she created the name, and was very annoyed with Bethenny rightly told her she should stick with one spelling for the brand.
  20. Kristin's blog says she and Dorinda were upstairs watching the "events" that night. So while I can agree Dorinda was probably too drunk to process the questions the next morning, she knew the guys had come back.Funny stories of chandeliers and children!! Too bad the HW can't be that light-hearted. I can imagine Bethenny photographing her various Skinnygirl products on those red shelves, and trying to take a tax deduction for home office with that as evidence.
  21. I was reading the blogs for the episode, interesting that neither Sonja or Ramona have blogs up. Dorinda wants to believe that she was just a little over-served at dinner, rather than that she was drunk as a skunk. When you start slurring your words and crying, you're more than a little over-served. I also notice she seems to be moving responsibility for naked guy over to Luann: But married man and Naked Man are different people....hmm... She also wants to minimize the event by saying nothing happened. But since her example of what "could" have happened includes the guy going into Heather/Carole's room to stare at them while they slept, no go. No one knows whether that happened. Bethenny still wants to control other people. First, who are these "enemies" of whom she speaks?? Who has enemies anyway? [ignoring Jason here]. And so it's not just "friends" who can't talk to the press, it's anyone Bethenny "knows." Jeez, that's a lot of people!
  22. In a co-op (unlike a condo) you don't actually own your apartment, you own shares in a corporation with the exclusive right to use the apartment. It is a legal arrangement that provides tons of power to the board. Co-op boards can demand a ton of information from prospective buyers (including financial information), interview prospective buyers, and reject them -- and many people are/were rejected. You also generally need to put down far more money for a co-op; at one time mortgages weren't even allowed but that's changed over the years.
  23. Adding another reply to say, on topics not involving naked men: Bethenny, shut up! You don't control who gets to talk to the press about you! And kudos to Kristin for responding "who says I want to be friends?" Dorinda honey, you had far, far more than 3 martinis that night. Or perhaps it was 3 martinis and then you switched out to just vodka or wine. . On the LuAnn crown symbol - she mentioned at the jeans party that that is the logo for her clothing collection. Not sure the bathrobe crown was the logo, on the jeans I thought I saw the initials CL.
  24. Word to all of this. I will say I don't understand why, upon reflection (like at the decorate our jeans - what, they're 12 years old? I digress!), LuAnn couldn't have said "you know, I was woken from a sound sleep, and didn't realize what had happened. I'm sorry you had that experience, but remember it wasn't my doing. Go yell at Ramona some more." Hmm…if Dorinda was watching from upstairs, then she was deliberately avoiding responding to Heather and Carole’s questions. Not cool. She may not have known how the guy ended upstairs, but she certainly knew guys were brought home. And exactly why was Dorinda in the hallway with her suitcase? That made no sense to me. And is she so vain that she comes downstairs without her glasses? ScoobieDoobs. I didn’t hear her say that, but she did say that you don’t bring the children with you when you plan to have “fun.” Sonja didn’t know better. Based on Kristin’s blog, I’m beginning to think she just couldn’t find a guy, or she lost out in a game of 3 women/2 men musical beds. She was certainly hanging around long enough to manage to get into bed with Ramona before morning. To which I say “Ewwww”. Just saying they have different morals/ethics IS indeed slut-shaming LuAnn, considering sex was part of the conversation (as well as whether LuAnn’s guy was married). Certainly Heather wasn’t’ trying to say her own morals/ethics were bad. Celia, that’s brilliant! Never thought of that. For the record, I thought Heather had every right to be upset, and I thought her reaction was out of fear. But I thought she got over the top, likely because her concerns were ignored.
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