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Mrs peel

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Everything posted by Mrs peel

  1. Apparently whatever Dr. Dubrow looked at had nothing to do with Brooks. I believe that Terry wouldn't have said the scan was of a "dying man" unless he really believed that - and that he knew the person whose scan it was couldn't recover, yet Brooks says he's doing better. And he looked great in that interview with Andy (caveat of course that how you look is not the definitive view of whether you are sick).
  2. Vicki is not nearly as smart as she thinks she is. Right near the end, she first said she decided "in this last month' that Brooks does not have cancer, and deflected any criticism of her prior actions with 'I didn't know then". But then she said it was 3 months ago. Never mind that earlier in the reunion she kept repeating 'I have no reason to believe/not believe he has cancer." WHICH IS IT? Vicki - you cannot know that you are going to Heaven. It is your stupid belief that, regardless of what you do and how you treat other people, you will get to Heaven that is one of the reasons you find it so easy to be such a horrible human being, IMO. I don't for a minute believe she is afraid of Brooks, unless it is that, as Heather said, he has something on her. I do believe that won't get back together, but she will next be with some other asshole.
  3. Totally agree. And if the "Baroness" Fleming is so famous in Denmark, I am surprised the driver didn't recognize her. Plus what happened to the 'she gave up her title to marry'? Even more, how is the daughter of a Baron a Baroness anyway? Wouldn't that be her mother's title, with her as a 'lady' or 'honorable' before her name??Jeez Caroline F, if you say you accept the apology and are willing to move on, do it! And stop blaming others for your lousy relationship with your family. Can I also say I loved that at first, during that ridiculous story about how the chef catered to her, she confused kilos with kilograms. Hilarious! And how pretentious to tell the story at all. What was Annabelle so pissed off about? A vegan not shopping for fur seems like a no-brainier to me. Julie doesn't seem to understand the the concept/purpose of advertising for the product is not about her getting beyond her fears or whatever bullshit she was talking about. Shouldn't she have consulted her new partners about the ad campaign? Everyone (except Annabell) was right to not indulge Caroline F with her "tell it now or let it go" invitation, one she should have remembered before she demanded yet another apology. And Annabelle's decision to lecture people at dinner was just wrong. For all the talk about how the Brits are more cultured, we didn't see any of that last night.
  4. So Caroline S is so upset about the gift library that she doesn't want to shoot, but not so upset that she does anything other than sleep in. Certainly not do the decent thing and be in the office to answer questions from the soon to be unemployed staff.... But I just remembered, the people who actually do the work at that office will let the staff know, so it's probably better that the figurehead isn't around. Caroline F, if you want to say you are a "grown up" woman, then don't blame someone else for your parents' opinion of your relationship. That she listened to Marissa say the sister asked what Marissa thought of the guy, and then repeated that Marissa had no business starting the conversation?? Apparently Marissa did NOT start the conversation! And maybe your parents learned about the boyfriend from the many photos taken of you and him?!? While I thought Marissa's comments were stupid and she needed to apologize, I am right there with her on the "how many times do I need to apologize?" Question. It was kind of funny that Caroline S' sister was making such a point of how it is so British to love shooting, and then her sister bailed. If the height of British "class" is. 40-something woman literally forcing alcohol down someone's throat, I am totally fine with a "class-less" American. Juliet did kind of nail Marissa's trying to be so British by loving shooting. And jeez, even I could tell she had no idea how to handle the rifle.
  5. I have no idea if Tamra had cancer or not, but even if she had, I would still now assume she could read medical scans. Not even because she is stupid (which I agree she is), but because they are of a technical specialty few of us know anything about.
  6. On a related topic, I noticed Vicki is still trying to peddle her "I gave Donv alimony" garbage, when she was claiming if she had only bought that 'yacht' she would still have it, unlike the river house. In reality, the yacht, or money equal to its value, would have been given to Donn as part of the property settlement. CA is a community property state Vicki, we know that, stop peddling crap.
  7. And everyone else will go home to their nice houses but she has to deal with "this, this, this and this." Sure, because only Vicki "works" and "deals with things." What an idiot!
  8. Thanks, I must have skimmed that article. Though I suspect Caroline S is going to be 39 for a couple of years
  9. You know she does. Which reminds me that she commented to Vicki about her self-tanner before the baptism. Because the most important thing to do before you are baptized is to make sure you have a good tan (not anything stupid or unimportant, like say praying). She is horrible.
  10. Those things are horrible. It's just a new name for a corset. There was a British reality show of a family living a turn of the century (1900) house. The mother and older daughter had corsets fitted, and almost immediately started to have difficulty with their breathing, being short of breath with limited activity, etc. it was because the corsets were restricting their breathing (including something about the ribs being affected IIRC). Because the show had them living on a middle class budget they couldn't get rid of the corsets; that would have required buying a whole new wardrobe and that wasn't in the budget.And of course what a horrible example for teenage girls. The Barbi proportions are impossible to meet, the kardtrashions (and magazines) all photoshop their looks to be skinnier - when they seem to be slim in the first place! I can only imagine Vicki is friends with Gretchen because she thinks she will look better by comparison. As to still loving Donn, I doubt she knows what real love is.
  11. I co-sign all of this. Also disgusting that the church allowed her to do the "baptism" at a hotel, instead of at the church. Tamra claimed she had been "privately" attending church for a year, but I didn't notice any church friends at the baptism.Also, most churches have robes for adults to wear, yet she managed to find something that would become see through once she got dunked. And needing 45 minutes after the dunking to greet her guests? Yeah, I get that they were filming, but that's just another reason not to have filmed this.
  12. I didn't realize they are Jewish. What are the odds that (in Britain with its established Christian religion) 2 of the women would be Jewish (or at least have had Jewish weddings)?
  13. She might have seen them at the club, but that's still far different than being in their social circle. And Caroline S is obviously pushing the "I dated Andrew", but is that really true, or was she just one of his conquests? Just found an article where she denied a relationship at all. Apparently Caroline S doesn't come from "landed gentry" on her mother's side.How old is Caroline S?? There was an article claiming at 40 she dated a 24 year old Hugh Grant. When did she have these children?
  14. I thought Vicki went to Saddleback Church, where the pastor is/was Rick Warren (who wrote The Purpose Driven Life). Opinions vary, but it looks to be evangelical lite. It's a mega-church, one of the largest. Is Tamra involved with this church also? I've only been watching intermittently this season, but is her baptism with Saddleback? Hard to believe they'd be doing an individual one in a random hotel though. See, I can totally believe that Vicki is that delusional. And that dress was not that nice. Run, Donn, run! But he's probably safe. Vicki seems to be stupid about a lot of things, but when "her" money is involved, watch out. She'd require a pre-nup this time around, heck she'd probably require a pre-nup for dating!
  15. Tamra says the baptism is "all about her" and she can dictate that everyone wear white. She's at a hotel getting her makeup done while wearing an incredibly large gaudy cross, and is worried about her make-up after she is baptized (but at least we don't have to worry about her dress since she bought 2). Meanwhile Vicki is suddenly discussing Satan and has an angel statute outside her kitchen. And next week she compares herself to Christ on the cross. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. They are both disgusting, and as far from God as I can imagine. It makes Shannon doing a colonic and thinking she had plastic up her butt seem normal.
  16. Once she agreed to represent Sheree, ethically, she owed competent representation to her client, regardless of whether she'd been paid. Of course, she is ethically prevented from lying to the Court (whether Sheree lies - without Phaedra's knowledge - is another story). But she shouldn't be "ill prepared" because the check didn't arrive. But once she went into court and entered her formal appearance, she needed either Sheree to hire new counsel or permission of Court to stop representing Sheree. Now this is not based on GA law since I'm not licensed there, but it's likely similar to my state.
  17. WalnutQueen, adding my thoughts and prayers to those of everyone else. How lovely that you took care of this stray kitty for so long, and are going to be with him at the end. I'm also so sorry to hear you and Aunt Kiki lost so many beloved pets in such a short time. I've lost 4, but spaced out over a number of years. On another bulletin board I have been on for many years, we discovered by accident that 2 of us had euthanized beloved pets on the same day - it was oddly comforting to know they went to kitty heaven together.
  18. I blame all of you for commenting on her inability to look at the camera during THs. Because now I can't stop looking at that, and I'm getting dizzy following her constantly moving head Did anyone else think she should have refused the prize money for the dive competition, or shared it or used it to buy everyone drinks/dinner on a tr off the boat? Because she was a competitive diver, when no one else was. Just seemed unfair to me. Like everyone else, I find her incredibly annoying. Yet another Sam, who thinks she should be doing only the parts of the job she likes. Her pretty quick to break down and call Daddy crying didn't endear her to me either.
  19. I had to laugh when she said she was 'born missing 6 teeth.' Ah, we're all born missing all our teeth! Seriously though, IHave never heard of someone not having all their adult come in.
  20. Fundamentally, the guests kept talking abut how they didn't have the liquor, but never mentioned not having the filet. In fact, they complimented every dish. So Kate can stop complaining about the chef. I didn't like Ben much, too full of himself and too into doing whatever he wanted regardless of the guests' preferences. Yeah, Leon didn't have filet but he served steak, Ben I would have served tofu in the form of a steak if that was what he was into at the moment. I also thought Leon's presentation was as "fancy" as anything Ben did.
  21. I'm not sure about her mother, but her father was a distant relative who became the lord of the manor due to multiple deaths during WW1. Which explains the Importance of the guy attacking him, as he was before Phryne's father in the line of succession but was reported missing, presumed killed.That said, I never thought the timing worked well for Phryne's history. I have read the books, which have that family background also - but if she grew up poor in Australia, daddy inherited during WW11, and she herself was an ambulance driver in WW1, when did she have the time in between to go to a real school and learn so much? Not after the war, as she stayed in France for several years. And being so poor doesn't explain why Aunt Pridence didn't help out the family more, as she is certainly rich (I don't recall if the TV show gives any back-story for her that would have had her poor when Phryne's was growing up). I suspect the author didn't think out the timing when developing the backstory for how she is upper-crust but not. I don't particularly like the Phryne's and Jack romance, it's too Hollywood for me.
  22. I suspect they make more money off weddings (likely why everything is closed on Saturdays) and the occasional movie. But he is a horrible husband - why wasn't he at NYE? I wonder if he just doesn't want to appear on camera, and was willing to do it only when filming at Mapperton. But Jeez, the husbands were barely shown, he could have celebrated the holiday with her. It's almost like they are separated, and the whole "I'm getting investors for JUB to support Mapperton" is really code for "he can't pay me enough alimony and I don't make enough as a yoga instructor so I need a business to pay the bills." I understand why Julie was upset at the dig, but the answer was to explain why she was doing it so slowly. Of course, that's a dig on Caroline2, but Caroline1 started the issue. And once Caroline1 knew Julie was upset, she could have done a better fake apology and hugged/touched the poor upset woman. I was also wondering why the hostess didn't see to her guest. No way that NYE party wasn't planned out far in advance, if the place is so special. Or were they on what looked like some oddly sized balcony because the place wouldn't allow them to film the real rooftop (assuming they have outdoor space there)? Is Julie actually willing to sell the entire company for 150k? That doesn't make a lot of sense. I can't decide between those 2, Caroline1 was rude as hell ("I hope you're not going to present that way" "you biked here?"), but based on how Julie presents herself most days, I can understand the questions. Does anyone know who the 16yr old with Julie is? I thought she was far too young to have a 16 year old daughter (though bravo's website says she has 4 kids). Marissa may be many bad things, but according to the bravo website bio she worked in NYC with Ian Schrager on his restaurants and nightclubs, so she's no slouch. I hadn't noticed how yellow everyone's hair looked until several people mentioned it. Now I can't "un"notice that :-) Is Caroline1 Jewish, or is her husband? Because, again looking at the bravo website, her wedding photos show him wearing what looks like a yarmulke. Plus her dress looked very conservative (highish neck, 3/4 length sleeves) and there were no photos of the service.
  23. Delusional as usual. Not so much a blog entry as 3 short paragraphs saying nothing. Again she turns Ramona's marital strife into a story about her. But I am at a loss to see how we "went through it all" with her. She was long divorced when she started on the show.And Sonja - learn when to use "who" and "whom"!
  24. The article says she typically signs agreements where she effectively leases the name and gets 8-10% of the who.esale price. I think the typical supermarket markup isn't huge, so she might get $0,16 to $0.20 for every package sold wholesale at $2.00. Takes a lot of sales to get to $4mm. Of corse, the liquor deal is different.I think she wants into Costco because Walmart isn't how she sees herself, even though Walmart sells a ton of stuff. A lot of Costco's do have liquor, but I have never seen her products there.
  25. Surrealist, I totally agree with you about Rockford not being Chicago. But if I grew up In Evanston or even Naperville, yeah in California I would just say Chicago. I actually live in Chicago (really within the confines, in fact very close to "the friendly confines" ), but I am from NY. I usually just say NYC and then maybe "the suburbs," because no one (other than Carolyn Radziwell, because our high schools were football rivals) has ever heard of the town in which I grew up! I agree with others in not getting the love of the aristocracy. It's all inherited, not for your own hard work. Perhaps the current lord of the manor has to actually work to keep the place, but they aren't at a factor job each day. We fought a war of independence to get away from them, I don't get the scrapping and bowing to a title. Edited because "Chicago" got changed to "hi ago" by Apple auto-correct!
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