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Mrs peel

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Everything posted by Mrs peel

  1. And yet she claims he's the one upset at not being famous. Sure....
  2. I don't want to hear more about the hipster boyfriend. I'm done. I am looking forward to watching Sonja repeat "I'm an international luxury/fashion lifestyle brand" a billion times more, and watch Heather and Bethenny's heads explode after trying, unsuccessfully again, to explain that saying it doesn't make it so. WIll anyone ask her for proof she has shipped any clothes to regular people (she claimed Carole and maybe Bethenny bought some outfit, when she was on WWHL)? Will we hear more about the toaster oven, or the Nigerian football team? Or just how no one else ever "lived the life"?
  3. I guess one thing we have learned is that when Dorinda is embarrassed by her behavior (or at least when she SHOULD be), she won't admit it but will attack, attack, attack so no else can speak. She did it to Kristin and Heather. Unfortunately for her, she made herself look even more ridiculous. Seriously, she got drunk and emotional at the fuck you dinner, she could say that. Instead, she claimed not to be drunk or to have slurred her words. Perhaps her daughter should watch the show (sarcasm!) so she could tell her mother they did in fact sub-title her slurred words. I voted Kristin solely because, by simply trying to speak in a rational manner, she had Dorinda make herself look like even more of an asshole. [edited because I somehow forgot what thread I was on and posted about tonight's episode. Moving those thoughts to where they belong]
  4. Or she could have been referring to Dorinda's home, but since she's not barred from there (that we know), it doesn't make sense. Hamptons could be right, though again she's not barred from LuAnn's new place (can't recall if that has a pool). But still Hamptons is not the same as Hampshires! Lord, I just tried to apply logic to Sonja, I am so ashamed. But, but, it's an international luxury dildo! Or rolling pin, whichever. Looking at the first gif, I am reminded that Sonja did manage to memorize "international luxury/fashion lifestyle brand" and say it correctly a billion times. It's not something that just rolls off the tongue, after all. So kadooz to her for that, if not for actually having an international luxury/fashion lifestyle brand (because she doesn't!).
  5. They did have that Dallas Mom/Daughter show for a while. I think someone else mentioned they looked into a Chicago show but couldn't find enough "interesting" women. I wonder if part of the problem was they looked Gold Coast (in the city for those who don't know) and on the North Shore suburbs, and no one would agree to be on camera. I would bet if they looked in Naperville or anywhere in DuPage County they would have found some "interesting" people who would agree to appear!
  6. Did anyone else notice that Sonja confused the Berkshires with "The Hampshires"? It was when LuAnn said something about not having Carole to her house in the Hamptons, and Sonja said "no, not that, we already lost the pool in the Hampshires," all the while looking at Heather (though I don't recall if Heather has a pool).
  7. Like Sonja, they seem to think including the word "luxury" equals it costs more. Other candles without the word luxury are $65 -still too expensive.
  8. Exactly. Dorinda is the one who keeps saying Kristin was "blaming" John.Lord, she was primed in the clip for part 2. Jeez, Andy asked Kristin for her thoughts, and Dorinda steamrolled over her attempt to say anything. Bothering to learn Kristin has posed topless? Really?? Starts to make me think "the lady doth protest too much." I wonder how often she hears John is handsy. I gotta co-sign Mozelle's explanation. Kristin was flirty, when it turned uncomfortable when he turned around and had his junk against her (and let's recall how appalled everyone was when Groege did this), it got uncomfortable and she got out of it. She didn't make a scene at the party, she took care of herself. I think the difference is that John was not uncomfortable when Kristin was against his back, and Kristin had some control in that situation - she could back up and get away. When he was behind her and his hands went to her hips, yeah I would be very uncomfortable too. And John let her go, he didn't try to pull her back or anything. So it wasn't anything that needed to be brought up at the party. Edited because handy and handsy are not the same thing!
  9. No, she is just assuming this is the case because B is all about hawking her brand.I think Dorinda and John are well matched, neither has much class. Dorinda wants people to think she is a born and bred UES socialite, but that is clearly not true. Not a fan. Dorinda and Sonja are probably more dangerous when drunk because of the constant arm flailing - they could put out someone's eye!!
  10. I have no idea if she used a ghostwriter, but it is my understanding that sometimes people tape-record their memories, and ghostwriter uses that, along with meetings to discuss things, to write the memoir. So it is the person's voice, and even their actual words. But the ghostwriter can put things in more order, edit, etc.Edited for typos, I do so hate Apple auto-correct!
  11. Dorinda doesn't listen to others. In that clip she said Kristin was wrong about everything, then blamed being exhausted for her behavior. Kristin specifically said, in addition to the drinking, that Dorinda was exhausted. Andy confirmed Dorinda was slurring her words. Jeez, we ALL saw that!! Bethenny may not have been at the dinner, but she obviously watched the episode and was correct in what she said, at least as to what was shown.I hope it is not true that LuAnn is pressing the ghostwriter thing. I have no idea if Carole used one, though it wouldn't be unusual for someone writing a memoir. I am one of the folks who doesn't think having been a producer on ABC is an absolute indication that Carole can write a book. Nor is her short "career" of writing up Q&As done while lunching with a series of famous people an indication she can write an entire book. But on the other hand, that her fiction book is apparently bad (I haven't read either) isn't absolute proof that she didn't write the memoir of her own life. Fundamentally, the topic is just over, let it go.
  12. I can totally see the original cover having JFK Jr. on it, anything with the Kennedys sells. Maybe now the publisher thought that with Carole being on RH, her name would be a seller.
  13. I can remember when she first said this thinking "this is nuts!" But an internet search did in fact find several recipes for eggs a la francais. Mostly it seems to be about texture (in particular continually moving the eggs around while cooking, instead of allowing them to sit in the pan for a bit), not whether you add milk or not.
  14. Sigh, major rainstorms tonight meant my satellite was hit or miss. But from what I saw... Kristin - in the preview I was so distracted by the visible boob and the one large piece of hair not tucked behind her ear that I didn't notice the bad extensions and talons. Tonight I was incredibly distracted by the large mole at the base of her right eyebrow! How have I never noticed this before? LuAnn - if you wanted to continue the Adam discussion, you needed to prepare a coherent statement of what bothered you. Running back and forth between he was your niece's boyfriend, he's younger, and he worked for you doesn't cut it. Nor Carole, does the excuse that you were going to tell LuAnn 8 days after your first date, but she interrupted you because she already knew, help you. And no, as someone who doesn't have children you do not know how A mother would feel. I say this as a woman who doesn't have children, though I have managed to take care of 5 cats without the help of multiple "co-parents." And Caole said she witnessed Bethenny call 8 or 9 times,not let the phone ring 8-9 times. That is stupid and borderline harassment. He doesn't pick up? Leave a message. Why would Carole think that was normal?? Sonja really is living in her own little world. I can't figure out why Heather And Carole thought admitting they were at a lunch where the topic was taking Bethenny "down" - without apparently saying anything against the plan - was a good thing. Though it makes me wonder if some of Heather's behavior was In furtherance of the "plan." Edited because even after correcting numerous Apple induced errors, ticked and tucked are different words!
  15. Better, RyeBread, would be a Madonna impersonator doing this!
  16. Are you referring to the statement that both sides want to enforce the pre-nup? I read that and thought, sure, but they are fighting about what the enforcement means, because there is still no determination (reading the tea leaves of this appeal) as to whether the Skinnygirl money is all non-marital. It's lawyer-speak, trying to make things look better than they are. Bethenny's side is trying to convey/imply to the appellate court that now that the trust has been voided, "we're all done, nothing else to hash out." But if that were true, the trial court judge would have finalized the divorce.I was surprised to read the temp maintenance order was from this April, seems pretty late in the process to implement temp maintenance.
  17. NY Irish AND Italian here, and my Uncle Harry (my father's childhood friend) and Aunt May (mother's childhood friend) were "family" though not related by blood or marriage. Though my mother and Aunt May at one time plotted to marry her older son to my sister and me to the younger son :-)) But can I say that Carole's relationship is not "stronger" because the 2 cousins were very close? I'm not trying to deny she had a close relationship (because I don't know of course and her book appears to imply otherwise). But it's not that unusual that the spouse's relationship is just, well, different. I actually don't think that Sonja's claims have any effect on what Carole's relationship was, and much like Bethenny can't tell others to not talk about her, she can't really tell Sonja to not talk about her family. But let's face it, I suspect most if not all of us think Sonja is lying/exaggerating (though the point about him dating airhead Darryl Hannah might make me re-think this!). And that's the problem.
  18. See, now the story is getting odd. Either LuAnn "hooked up" with a married guy (and for the record she denies having had sex with him, whether we believe her or not, no one else knows the truth) or she "hooked up" with a 21 year old. I seriously doubt the guy was married AND 21. Not likely to be both and not with his wife, or have the money to travel (alone or with wife), or he's Euro-trash money - in which case Sonja would have decked LuAnn in order to get to him.
  19. Girl Code - if I never hear that expression again I will be very happy. I can't help but think that someone came up with the song idea, pitched it to LuAnn, and now she feels obligated to use the term releatedly. Or 20-something's are now using it and she heard it from her daughter (or no, that can't be true because then Carole would be using it.) I finally watched the episode. There was no excuse for LuAnn to comment on Carole not having children. And the maniacal laugh after - we hear that a lot from HW and it seems to be a sign they know what they said was offensive/stupid/fill in the blank. But Carole honey, there is a HUGE difference between 0 children and 1 child. And I say this as a woman who doesn't have children. You can't really buy a kid and "co-parent" him/her with the current boyfriend and some random friend, especially if you do this with one on each coast! [sadly though, I think that may be how some kids are "raised" these days] sonja wants to blast Kristin about what she said in an article, but Sonja is too lazy to actually read the article? Even though it was supposed to be press about Sonja's collection?? I can't decide whether to believe that or not. It is hard to believe Sonja doesn't read everything positive written about her, but she does appear to be funcpdamentallymlaxy and too reliant on her "interns." Or it was producer interference, because at one point she really did appear to be acting. And Sonja, much like Bethenny, you don't seem to realize that other people are NOT obligated to support/champion/speak nicely about you and every little thing you do. They are not your paid friends. [which reminds me I came across a fabulous article from the NY Observer about wealthy people having paid friends, the dark side of The Entourage. Someone hear may have posted it, or I followed a link, can't recall exactly.] Ramona, if you want people to listen to your toast, (1) have one prepared because you are a terrible off-the-cuff speaker, and (2) do it from a position where everyone can see you, because starting a toast while randomly standing in the middle of the party is not the way to go. Edited 8/17 because I only now noticed I typed "magical" not maniacal. That was odd!
  20. I'm usually good at googling, but I bow to the superior sleuthing skills of my fellow posters who figured out the dress is from Luann's collection. Very sad. In the one clip I saw of the reunion, Ramona is doing her "I have been told I have one good side and I must sit so that I can show it," even though that means she is facing away from Andy and the other couch. Very NeNe of her.
  21. Sonja's dress is from her collection, it's listed as "sold out" there so presumably Sonja hasn't returned it. Luanne's doesn't seem to be from her collection, which shows some taste. Because that is one ugly dress, color that looks good on no one. Am I dreaming this, or did sometime a HW say that they didn't really get to choose what they wear for the reunion, but that production had a series of options? If so, this seems to show they are gunning for Luanne, but being nice to Sonja (who I doubt would remember it's a marketing idea to wear your own clothing line).
  22. Fascinators, the British have yet another thing to apologize for. What a useless addition to the fashion industry! And of course Sonja adopts it because she thinks it makes her look high-class and old money. Too bad she doesn't realize the person who seems to have made them famous (looking at you Duchess of Cambridge, because Katey-waity is so pre-wedding) is actually nouveau riche. I haven't even watched the episode [damn my Yankees for losing their 4th in a row in the 16th inning!! Why are they losing? Sorry, rant off] but the idea that Ramona didn't have hot guys at her party is both hilarious and not surprising. What self-respecting hot guy would hang around her?
  23. Based on everything Sonja and her interns have typed, I doubt anyone even noticed the typo. It's PERFECT for Sonja!
  24. "Sold out" = Sonja hasn't returned it yet to the "warehouse."
  25. Thanks WireWrap, I was not understanding the Sonja/church thing at all!
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