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Mrs peel

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Everything posted by Mrs peel

  1. Thought Sonja's daughter started boarding school before this year. Wasn't the alleged problem with Sonja and the trip to NJ in the limo because her initial arrangement for who was going to watch her daughter when she came home for the weekend fell through? I was happy to see LuAnn is only spending some weekends at Sonja's, not moving in for months at a time. But yeah, that NYC pied a terre was too expensive for her without someone else paying the bill (wasn't it like $15k a month?). Maybe the marriage is partly due to finances, which doesn't make her much different than many but does indicate she wasn't taking as good care of her money as some of us thought. While my first thought of Jules was "jeez she is thin!," B can stop with commenting on it. Or claiming her knowledge of eating disorders is from her relationship with her mother. She can also stop with the office drive-by fake visit. All the office supplies are bright red? Yeah, branding, but only for the show. Poor employee props. She's not doing the marketing since all she does now is license to companies that really do the work of selling. I couldn't follow the comparison to the Kardishians - she she really say they are the new Kennedys? I hope Carole was joking about the service/emotional support dog, but who knows. And while I think, as other have said, the dog poop was for a trip to the vet - first off, if the dog is sick don't go running around town with the poor dog, too stressful. And put the specimen in a bag, and keep it off counters. The fake coffee cup was just so stupid, and so Carole. Again with the trying too hard to be cool. But since last year she thought driving on the handlebars of the bike while barely holding onto the dog was fine, I am not surprised, but am disgusted, at the idea she took a sick dog out on the town to use as a prop for the show. I think Carole was referencing the new musical Hamilton with that quote. Points for knowing about it (and I can't imagine most of the woman going to that show). Since none of these woman seem to work full time, Jules shouldn't feel awkward about being a SAHM. But when she referenced her husband dating Eastern European models, I didn't think she was referencing Jewish women. Though if he was the one who is more religious, I can't understand why he would seriously consider s non-Jewish wife. Or maybe that was dating with no intention of marrying. Sonja spray painting her outdoor furniture at night was one of that saddest things we've seen. I can't with Dorinda and John. They do seem mis-matched. I can understand she is not a fan of public kissyface, but at some point either he should have gotten that message, or she needed to decide to go for it or dump him. Ramona seems unchanged, though the divorce dig at B was more intelligent that I would have given her credit for.
  2. Yeah, her death or someone else's death. When Anton had that odd look on his face, I wondered if it was his death. I think we're supposed to think that Pastor Tim and Alice haven't already gone to the FBI because it's difficult for people to grasp the idea that P&E are really SPIES. They speak with no accent (while in reality apparently the people they are based on did have Russian accents), they appear to be "normal" folks with jobs and a family. You may know - intellectually - that there are people spying on the USA, but the average person doesn't expect to run into one. How often would P&E have talked about the end game? It can't have been a surprise that going back to the USSR would be a culture shock, if not impossible, for the children. But heck, Henry can always move in with Stan.... If P&E are stuck in Gabriel's apt for 36 hours, how do they contact Claudia to get the hit canceled? Guess we'll learn next week.
  3. I thought of The Lion in Winter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72vIkvjRpqY
  4. "When you marry for money, you [work hard to] earn every penny." Effectively, being Tom's wife is her job, and her boss gets to determine the job duties.
  5. So apparently Kimmy is trying to claim she doesn't have implants? That the cleavage is all due to aggressive taping? Sure...but they look like bowling balls with tape on them. http://pagesix.com/tag/kim-kardashian/
  6. Even dumber, for a former FBI agent, she is informed there's a threat, and she blissfully opens wide the apt front door rather than looking in - say - the peephole! Or calling up her watcher to see if someone is in the hallway. Nope, no reason to do that due diligence, let's just open the front door, complete with child standing directly in front of the door too. I think technically Lady Ambrosia was kidnapping the kids from one (of the 2) parents. At this point Tom should be wising up and getting the heck away from her. Didn't like this episode much. I am sick and tired of Lizzy's background mystery. I don't care.....
  7. I started reading Kato's, but it was pretty boring (though the interplay betw the attorneys about how difficult it was to tell when Kato paused v. completed his answer was funny!). I'll have to look at Cora's, I don't recall her from the case (and I was obsessed with the criminal trial). I'm sure in Southern CA this is normal, but I laughed when I read this.
  8. Let me know the name of that course! When I got my sound system and blue-ray player (worst investment I ever made!), I got one of those universal remotes. It has never turned on the DIrecTv dvr, no idea why. Now that I bought a new TV, somehow every time I use that remote to turn on the receiver it turns on the receiver, TV, and the blue ray - then switches the TV over to channel 8. Which I can only correct using the TV remote! Then I go over and manually turn on the DVR, since I refuse to have 3 remotes out. None of this was an exciting as the day my parents bought our first color TV.
  9. Stop talking about Kyle ! <VBG> I had forgotten that one of my "oh God no" moments was LisaV and her 2 sizes too small white shirt. And it was apparently missing most of the buttons, since she had it open practically down to her belly button. Hate, hate that! [edited to correct IPad auto-correct!]
  10. Thanks to whoever posted the link to the depositions and other trial material. fascinating stuff! Sticking to the RHBH connection - I read Marcus Allen's deposition and most of Fayes's. I know people want to say Allen was evasive, but it seemed to me that he was someone who didn't want to be there, didn't want to testify, and so was -without being nasty about it - uncooperative. He stuck close to the line most lawyers tell their clients to hew - "if you don't know from personal knowledge, say you don't know. Don't speculate, don't answer the question if you aren't clear what is being asked, don't provide more information than is requested." He did, however, clearly and affirmatively state he did not have an affair with Nicole. Was he lying? Perhaps. But Faye saying they had an affair? Kris K speculating about it? Not personal knowledge. Faye? Well, she was certainly a fountain of very detailed, specific information. So much that, the more she said, the more I wondered how much was embroidered, how much was what "she" thought v, what she was actually told. I found the idea that she talked to Nicole at least 3 times per day, EVERY day, unbelievable. Also unbelievable that they saw each other at least 5 times per week, every week. She seemed to have a photographic memory of all of her conversations with Nicole and OJ. Yet, when questioned about her own life by OJ's attorney, an amazing transformation. She doesn't tremember how often she worked at her fiancé' office, she doesn't remember how often she bought drugs in the weeks before Nicole died (and immediately before she entered rehab). She went from total recall to almost no recall, that makes NO sense. She should remember more about her own life, not less. She certainly had a thing about Allen. She testified, very early on in the deposition, that the only disagreement she and Nicole couldn't resolve was her disagreeing about Nicole dating Allen. Really? Your supposedly best friend has given you incredible detail about how her husband repeatedly beat her, you know she reconciled once with him, and considered doing so again, but her dating a guy while divorced is the one fight you couldn't resolve?? I am nor minimizing her stated concern that OJ would go nuts to learn of an affair, but an abuser doesn't need that excuse to beat and possibly kill her. I have been an attorney for over 30 years, and and the more I read, the more I questioned. Was she right about much of what happened between Nicole and OJ? Maybe, but I really question whether all her information was first hand and the actual words of Nicole and OJ. And whether she was adding color commentary to "fill in the blanks." Nicole is dead and can't speak, OJ lives in a world where he has probably convinced himself he didn't kill her. Neither can dispute her story. And she knows nothing about what Kathryn knew or didn't know, or how she did/would have reacted. I think that's part of why Kathryn was pissed - there was NO need to mention Kathryn at all in the book, even though she mentioned Allen.
  11. Not enough "likes", as in "with, like, blueberries" to be the kardashions.
  12. I can't know if she read the book, but the Faye's claims that Marcus Allen had an affair with Nicole was repeated nationwide. I read parts of her civil case deposition (thanks to whoever posted that link!) and she actually claims Marcus and Nicole had an affair when he was engaged to Kathryn and then again just before Nicole died (when Kathryn and Marcus were married). Since Marcus has always denied it - and to my knowledge no one but Faye (and maybe Kris K who I don't find credible in any way shape or form) has claimed there was an affair, I can understand Kathryn being angry. (I'll take the rest of my thought on this to the OJ players thread)Is she really still angry today? Who knows, I can see getting mad again all over again when confronted with the person. But it doesn't seem like she focuses on that at all times. on the party - I wish Bravo would drop the excuses for a RH party. What a horrible idea for an anniversary par? I co-sign everyone talking about how horrible Taylor looked - the raccoon eyes are RHOC, not RHBH! Also co-sign those pointing out Kyle's bullshit on demanding LisaV back her up (what, are we in junior high!?!) about being annoyed that Kathryn voiced an opinion, while still maintaining Faye's behavior - identical in confronting a hostess - was fine. Kyle needs to learn that supporting your friends does NOT require stridently and loudly supporting each and every thing they do! Sometimes you do disagree, and if you don't want to admit that, just keep quiet. I side-eyed Erika's repeated "let me show you MY (dining room/living room/etc)." Let's be honest, hubby paid for that house, and pays all the ongoing expenses. Jeez, at least say "our." And I'd be more impressed with the "chapel" if it didn't seem like just some room containing the religious artifacts s/he have bought. I don't imagine she holds services or prays there. I wonder if hubby insisted she move al that stuff out of the other portions of the home? And I agree with Kathryn on the "c" word. I hate that word, it is used solely to demean women. Erika's comeback that she would continue to use the f-word missed the point. Yo hasn't walked in 9 months? Just like she didn't leave the house for 18 months. I wish LisaR hadn't apologized, I don't think the question of Munchausen's is that far off, considering the numerous and various symptoms Yo has reported. Not sure she has it, but it's not an outrageous question to ask.
  13. It's also possible that Kyle is de-sensitized to Kim being drunk/high/stoned because it's "normal" in their family. Kim probably has a baseline of 'drunk/high/stoned' on a "normal" day. She knows Kim drinks/does drugs (possibly on the latter), but can no longer tell sober Kim from "normal level of drunk" Kim. Totally Kim? That she'd probably recognize.
  14. You are so, so mean! Obviously it's just that, due to the worst case of Lyme Disease in the history of the world -- heck, the worst case of ANY disease in the history of the world - Yo initially FORGOT she had THREE children! So she started with just Gigi; then it hit her that she had another daughter....then she finally remembered she had a son. Give the woman a Nobel prize for remembering all her children while suffering from the worst case of the worst disease ever! ! ! ! And in real life, ROFL on the picture.
  15. The article could have been subtitled "rich person parks illegally, is shocked to find there are consequences."
  16. I agree with the beginning of your post. But I think to some degree she does mold her personality - the whole hipster thing with the young guy, etc. of course, I think we all change a bit with relationships. Things you don't much care about become important because they are important to your partner. And that's not a bad thing.
  17. I noticed the "Church" dress too, guess her publicist bought it. So much unlike her that it screamed "I have changed!" ( well for purposes of gaining sympathy. Putting everything down to being afraid of being alone -woman get some real therapy. She tried to say she would get back with Don, but then said Crooks treated her the best, or something like that. Of course, the "love" was all about catering to her. Her "apologies" we're ridiculous. While I hate Tamra, that apology was all about Vicki's neediness - continue to love me, you have made mistakes too, etc. listening to Gretchen's statement about her boyfriend actually dying causes Vicki to start crying about how difficult things have been for her?? But yeah, she will be back. Andy let her bullshit go.
  18. Do we really think he didn't fake the flat tires? The paper and ink cartridge were probably Vicki's, and he probably used her credit card for any gas. So he's out not one dime.
  19. Caroline S and Sophie were also smoking.
  20. Authenticating how?? City of Hope cannot confirm this is his bill.I totally think he faked this, but one of the interesting things is there are limited ways that hospitals describe the various treatments and medicines - because insurance companies require certain language. So I am not surprised the language is identical. More interesting to me is - are the drugs and other medical work described typical for the cancer he claimed to have? I can't seem to make the copies large enough to read, are there prices listed? Because they should not be identical. In fact, shouldn't there be 2 sets of prices - one "actual", the other what your specific insurance will reimburse.
  21. On breakfast, maybe the late guests didn't care about having breakfast? If Caroline F wanted them to be on time, she should have gotten them before 10:30. The food was already cold by then. Caroline S being still in pajamas at 10:30am reminded me of a prior episode where she calls the office to talk to her assistant. She says she is choosing an outfit and will be there "in a couple of hours."!! How long does it take to pick an outfit, and how far from her office is her home?? Yeah, she is NOT a real business person.
  22. I agree with most of this, because as you say, to deny in one instance but give the "I can't say" in the second effectively tells us that in the second instance the person is a patient. But that's when someone calls to ASK is X is a patient. But, and I am guessing of course, I don't think that's what happened with Heather. Instead I think she said something like "Hey, this guy I know told me he's a patient of yours. And I'm surprised because we all think he doesn't even have cancer, he's claiming to be so sick, but being healed through multiple sources including some non-traditional medicines, and he's said he stopped chemo or he's using chemo along with these coffee enemas.....". Yeah, I totally get a doctor saying in response "He's not my patient!" And since there is no dr-patient relationship, no confidentiality applies. As to it being inappropriate for Heather to repeat what Brooks told her, they are on a reality TV show, and he's talked about his "illness" on film. I don't think he is entitled to the same level or privacy. The on-TV doctors are different, I suspect they quickly say "Not that I'm treating X" because people are idiots (present company excluded of course!) and might actually think the doctor is treating that celebrity.. Plus they are protecting themselves if/when it turns out the public information is wrong, making their entire diagnosis incorrect. This is so it would be easier to con other women, right?
  23. Having spent far too much time thinking about this, here’s what I have concluded . As others have said, Vicki is an incredibly needy person, and Brooks the con-man noticed that and pushed those buttons with the daily affirmations, etc. So she thought she fell in love. But I don’t think she was ready to be into the nitty gritty of him being sick. So she threw money at him when he complained he couldn’t afford the medical bills, she never really went to any of the appointments, etc. But she wanted to look good to her friends, so she claimed to know everything about his illness, she went to all his appointments, created the binder of his medical bills, etc. When confronted with the inconsistencies, she deflected and played victim. She tried amending/changing the stories (I sat with him during chemo, no, I was only outside in the waiting room). She doesn’t want to admit she wasn’t involved in the beginning, or that he got money from her. Obviously I have no proof that she paid for non-existent treatments, but it fits. In many years of dealing with a lying sister, I learned to translate my parents’ statements about her. “X paid $900 to have that house cleaned after she moved out” translated to “I gave X $900 when she claimed she spent so much money having the house cleaned.” Rinse and repeat, repeatedly. Did she know from the beginning that this was a lie? I can’t say. But most recently there was a story of a former Miss (or Mrs) Pennsylvania who scammed people claiming to have had cancer. She even had people drive her to appointments, with of course the friend/family member never actually entering the building to meet the doctor. Vicki isn’t as bright as she thinks, and she seems to see things in absolutes. I can believe she was conned. As for why she continued, up to the reunion, to defend him, the pending litigation could be an answer. She may well want to have him for a witness (Lord knows why, with his past opposing counsel will have a field day on the cross-exam). Also I wouldn’t be surprised if he had inside info on her real income/asset levels (more than even what we already know from the divorce). Or he knows about other affairs of hers during the marriage to Donn. Or knows of additional plastic surgery. ZoeysMom – this group includes Tamra, the bar is so low it’s below-ground. Like deep mining below-ground, not even strip mining level below-ground. Saint, heck she implied she was being crucified, just like Christ! She actually said she had a ‘perfect’ childhood. NO ONE has a perfect childhood or anything else for that matter. Vicki seems to jump from one extreme to another, without recognizing there is grey.
  24. My parents died 10 years ago, 6 months apart. And I had a VERY bad cold last week, which turned into bronchitis. I would show you the medical records, but at the moment all I have is the proof of my co-pay and I haven't faked the diagnosis page yet - and I could do a great job on that because my Mother, may she rest in peace, always told me my handwriting was so bad that I should have been a doctor! So I need casseroles even more! [and hey, everything here, except the needing casseroles (I don't even like casseroles) and faking medical records, are actually true!:-)) ]
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