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Mrs peel

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Everything posted by Mrs peel

  1. The document was held invalid due a technical glitch, the Court did not find it was fraudulent. You don't need fraud to invalidate a document. My hazy memory is that B had certainly come up with the Skinnygirl idea and the original drink before meeting Jason; but she wasn't making money off it. The money and real marketing came from Jim Beam, and she was married to or with Jason at that time. IIRC, he was arguing that the Skinnygirl money shouldn't be part of the pre-nup because of his involvement in getting the Jim Beam deal. Whether he was really instrumental, or helpful, I don't know. He wasn't just trying to invalidate a document he voluntarily signed (B - looking at you and the home), but felt the Skinnygirl deal should be held outside of it. Someone above mentioned her inheritance from her father. Regardless of the marriage/pre-nup/whatever, that'd be her non-marital property (unless she somehow co-mingled it with family money).
  2. I thought Elizabeth was recognizing what she would be giving up, and more importantly, what the children would be giving up. I think all the Russia storylines were to show that things would be terrible for the family if they returned. Sure, they'd have access to the "good" grocery store, but Paige and Henry would be miserable, and Philip would probably be miserable too. Rampant corruption would bother Elizabeth; Philip doesn't seem to believe in anything anymore (knowing that the USSR weaponized the serum and used it in Afghanistan was devastating for him). I'm sort of glad they seem to be moving to the idea that P&E don't return to the USSR; I never thought that was a realistic option for the family. I thought the Martha scene incredibly sad. They were going to give her a child like it's a toy to make her happy. Edited to add - I thought the interaction with Tuan was interesting (except the adoption). Useful advice from E; Tuan was very on-point for the Vietnamese by talking about "bourgeois" behavior by P&E.
  3. No kidding! I didn't realize this was starting again so soon, thanks for the reminder. But I am glad this is the final season, Season 2 got off-kilter for me, and I think dragging the story out longer would be a mistake.
  4. Before we all get too angry about Watson's question of drug use, let's remember that he has relapsed since she met him. I didn't think it was odd or out of line. I pegged the woman as a hallucination and as his mother, although for a brief time I figured she was real due to the text message. Odd that he would have gotten a new phone just to send the text..... And I thought he figured it was dementia or a mental illness, and that he went to the doctor to rule out any other medical issue. I also never really understood Watson's obsession with Shinwell, though perhaps it goes back to her medical career and need to save people?
  5. Can I just say how much I hated that movie? Everyone wanted to watch it, there were get togethers to do so. My friends and I found ourselves rooting for the town to be nuked, the people were assholes.
  6. Certainly you'd think the FBI would be different, but let's remember back in the 1980's there wasn't as much - if any - general building security. The only thing that would have stopped anyone from wandering around my office floor was the receptionist (who was useless at that - I found opposing counsel wandering around past my office one day; apparently she had given him directions to someone's office instead of calling them to come out to get him). So much of this office building security is post- 9/11 related. Which makes me question why E needed to stop at a security desk when she went into the psych's office..... I'm trying to think back - I was a law clerk for Dept of Labor back in the last 1970's - I don't recall any security at all.
  7. Thanks to everyone with the history lesson - I hadn't realized the WWII story was such garbage. Lazy writing. I was not surprised that P couldn't pull the trigger but E did, though I was surprised she now wants to go home. She can't truly think they can bring the kids to the USSR, can she? And of course if she did go home she would be severely disappointed in the corruption. On Oleg and his partner - they can't be that ignorant.....Oleg is aware enough that the store his family shops at is not available to others that he offered to get his partner "in" so he could buy things otherwise unavailable to him. Or perhaps they can't make the leap to that the very fact the elite have special shops for better food IS corruption, and invites additional corruption? The secretary facing long hard time but being convinced it wasn't going to happen was sad - I can't decide if she's right, or if she's not bright enough to realize she's a small fish that would be sacrificed.
  8. I get the House might want her to resign. But she could have become a pretty well paid lobbyist or consultant. Instead, although the show hasn't shown her to be particularly interested in Education, she agrees to a pretty low level cabinet position? That I don't get.
  9. Which actually makes no sense. Why would she recognize a plain gold band? I always hate the Hannah and Atwood go it alone parts of the episodes. Jeez, get them some backup! And we were in "24" territory with being able to get Hannah and all the munitions out of the freighter, into a van, and drive from Baltimore to DC into the basement of the presumably very secure FBI headquarters in - what - one hour? Why would the Speaker agree to become the Education Secretary? Didn't make sense to me.
  10. Trooper York, you are terrible! Come, sit by me.
  11. He's not a Catholic priest (marriage?!), so no seal of confession. And Paige wasn't doing any formal "confession" anyway, nor is telling him about her parents a religious "confession." At least for Catholics, confession is only about your own sins/actions. I loved the marriage scene, but I don't think P&E would be considered legally married in the US.
  12. Sure, but how would Yolanda have known he took the photo?
  13. Everything stupid about Kelly is contained in the final quote: I’m honored to have an amazing president. Whether it was Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, that’s not my concern.” Carole - here's someone who clearly knows less about the election than you.
  14. FYI - Harper Lee decided not to publish any other books, it wasn't that she couldn't have gotten the contracts.
  15. He tried to do the same thing in Scotland with the golf course. FYI - the US Supreme Court subsequently ruled, in a case in CT, that the govt could condemn private land for the building of other private property (as opposed to a govt use like a highway), as long as they decided the newly built property would be a benefit/improvement to the community.
  16. The reaction is good, understated but clearly on the "you are crazy" scale. the delusion that she should be able to call the police in order to get back something she allegedly left at his house? Crazy. Nor do I buy that she didn't realize she couldn't be there and could be arrested. Presumably she had lawyers, who told her the terms of the protective order. And I'm trying to understand how going back to NY is "getting her power" back. Sounds more like she needed a new/old town where folks didn't know every detail of her recent past.
  17. Not to totally beat a dead horse, it if we look at the beginning of this tweetstorm, it starts with a comment (by her great friend) about the hypocrisy of Melania saying she's concerned about cyber-bullying, when I think (?) most would agree she is married to one of the biggest twitter cyber-bullies out there. It was a one deaf comment (IMO one of many by folks supporting trump), and it screamed out for a response. Then add the incredibly racist things said about the First Lady, add in Trump's claims that his wife would be a "classy" First Lady (implicitly or explicitly versus the then current First Lady) and we get to questions about having the first First Lady to have nudie shots in the public domain. Could Carole have commented on the racism without reference to Melanie? Sure, but it was not totally out of the blue for the series of tweets. And thanks to the posters linking to 2 of the worst dancers in housewives history! The lack of recognition by both Ramona and Alex is awesome. [Apologies everyone, I have no idea why I wrote fascism instead of racism in the second to last paragraph, it was not intentional. Corrected now.]
  18. What the heck happened to her eyebrows? imwill say formtheNYHousewives, at least none of them do the black raccoon eyes. That looks horrible.
  19. B claims to be such a great businesswoman and so bright, I don't blame the lawyers. She seemed to want them to go after Jason, they did. Were they aggressive, sure, she had money she was willing to burn. Few lawyers will turn that down.
  20. That's what those are. I hate that kitchen, because it's too blindingly white and while I'm sure a designer would tell me the stripes make it look larger, I hate them. Some color would help. I was trying to figure out if she had an oven, and saw the 3 half size stainless steel thingies. I figured at least one was a dishwasher; a small fridge would make sense if she doesn't cook. Ramona reminds me of an article by Richard Kirshenbaum (he writes columns for the NY Observer on the wealthy, someone on the former not-to-be-named site mentioned him once). One of his articles (which is in his book "Isn't it Rich?") talked about older UES divorcees, and how only the ones who are "realistic" find new men. The ones who basically want their husband but richer/cuter/nicer won't find that guy, because that guy is looking for a much younger woman. Ramona looks great, but she is 60; wealthy good looking 60 year old guys are taking 30 year olds. PS - highly recommend his columns and book. Googling to remind myself of his name, just read a column about the "Brich" = rich and broke. Mostly about how divorce/step-parents/siblings/lifestyle kill an inheritance. All of the columns, and the book, are about the rich (mostly in NY), and while I can't relate at all to the cash, he's got a great writing style.
  21. I include that court testimony because it seemed very calculated - she was able to get in all the digs and complaints she wanted in the way she wanted, then suddenly before the cross-exam she settled the custody matter.
  22. I had the exact same thought about Carole's outfit! It screams "I have tons of money so that I can buy a coat I can only wear a couple of times." I've done canvassing (hated it!), and fitting in helps. It was depressing as heck to watch the election night party, but at least learning B was co-host makes me less annoyed at Carole for leaving early. When I thought she was the only hostess I was thinking she needed to stay as long as there were guests present (or at some point shut the party/funeral down). I was in WI poll-watching on election day, got home to watch results and when the numbers guy on MSNBC said (though PA hadn't been called) that there weren't enough Philly votes to overcome the rest of the state, I went to bed knowing she'd lost. The next day I worked from home and found myself bursting into tears, sobbing actually. The following day I was sobbing with a co-worker in his office. I could have happily avoided re-living that night. While I think it would have been appropriate for B to do a drive-by at Ramona's party (they are co-workers after all), but considering NYC traffic, that could have involved significant driving time. So, although for the wrong reason, she gets a pass from me. Sonja needs to lay off Tinsley, but if Tinsley has $35MM, jeez girl get a short term rental and get off the show. You will never be the new 'it girl'. STAM to include the reference to the John Adams family? Jeez girl, you are not biologically related to ANY of these famous people. What was up with B's dress at Sonja's tea party? That white sort of cape thing was attached to the back of the dress. Very odd, but then I often don't like her clothes. And considering what she was wearing, she could stop with the Lu dress bashing. It was totally appropriate for a tea party. Though, I will acknowledge my first thought was "that's a nice pattern for a quilt."
  23. I wouldn't say rude or elitist, but what idiot doesn't know how to "switch my clothes"??? You put your gym clothes and shoes into a bag and carry it to the gym, simple!
  24. Again with the stupid Hannah stuff. She's investigating the most important conspiracy in recent memory, but has little to no back up and is staying at a cheap motel? On the second floor? Really? And if that native terrorist group is all that interested in security, NO WAY they would all be at the landing site rather than leaving some folks behind to keep watch. Especially after Hannah and pal (why am I blanking on his name?) tried to get into the ranch? In fact, wouldn't they also avoid the town? Because it is strange when a bunch of out of state cars show up.
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