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Mrs peel

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Everything posted by Mrs peel

  1. And this is why I see what Teddi did as different from Dorit. She told Dorit when they were ALONE. Perhaps her timing could have been better, but it's not like these two ever get together for coffee. I suspect she legitimately felt that, having repeated what Dorit and PK said to Rinna, she needed to let Dorit know about it. Normal people wouldn't go to Defcon 4 over this. The person who dragged this out was Dorit, by bringing it up to the group. And she could have ended it when Teddi and Rinna both spoke calmly, but NO..... Erika, girl sit down and shut up! I get that Teddi did call you a liar (though she may not have thought of it that way), but you CANNOT tell other people what they can and can't say. I want to call you a liar, I damned well will do so! That was a helluva over-reaction, which makes me wonder why she does it? Hmmm..... Dorit is a designer in the same way Sheree was a designer. "I want a fashion line....I think..... swimsuits." "Yes, I'd like a bikini......in black." "Oh, and in.....white....." Shakes hands for other people to do ALL the work. That was embarrassing for her, not that she'd ever recognize it. And she certainly stood up to PK on everything didn't she? DORIT: "I want this name, this price point." PK: "No, different name, cheaper." Dorit: "OK"
  2. I don’t think in NY she can move out of state without agreement or court order. Visitation can indeed be decided by the Court, but usually the parties manage to agree.
  3. If NY is an “at will” employment state, she can fire someone for no reason. She can’t discriminate re race, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation. Drinking off the job? Not a protected class. I also notice the article mentions no drinking “especially on” the job, so it’s possible she is not really trying to ban all drinking.
  4. And for me this is the down side. When joint custody started, a number of times people avoided it (and the primary point of “joint custody is shared decision making, as opposed to one parent having NO input in the decision making) by claiming the 2 parents couldn’t get along well enough to make decisions together. The one parent who tried to make it work was undermined by the jerk who refused to cooperate. Lucky that doesn’t happen as much these days. sole custody, if B gets it, doesn’t mean Jason will have no involvement in Bryn’s life. He would likely still have ample visitation rights. But he wouldn’t be involved in decisions like school choice, religion, doctors, etc. It’s VERY difficult to stop visitation completely, or require supervised visitation. That the parents can’t get along ( lol, they got divorced, obviously they don’t get along!) isn’t what supervised visitation about - it’s about danger to the child. Now the standard of proof in a divorce court is different from criminal court, so to possible the judge won’t just look at the fact the charges were dropped re these emails. But Jason will be able to bring in B’s responses or failure to respond ( to reasonable requests). The custody evaluation is pretty standard. Very useful for the court that it’s the same person as before. It’s as much about the parents and their interaction with the child as an eval of the child herself. The psychologist is usually pretty experienced in these kind of things, and it’s not usually de vastating for the child. Obviously Brynn is far too young for anyone to ask her where she wants to live. on the hearing report, how does someone decide Jason “angrily” drank the water? Sounds over the top as a description to me. Heck, do the NY courts allow folks to bring bottled water into the building at all? For those who say Jason isn’t “normal” because he had a child with B, didn’t she get pregnant pretty quickly? I doubt either of them realized much about the other before their lives were dramatically changed by the pregnancy. They both at least tried to make it work, perhaps it was always a relationship that would have ended, but far earlier had B not gotten pregnant.
  5. What is with these housewives thinking each and every different color requires a separate photo/ordering page? Dorit has 8 different swim suits (assuming we count the tops and bottoms separately which, yeah,, no), but she has 42 different photos. Same thing with the very basic hats. Do they not invest in a real website where you can see one swimsuit on the page, then choose the color and size? And the photos of a "jewelry" don't show off the product at all. I didn't mind the main font for the name, though it's not my favorite. The other font was off-putting to me for reasons I can't really describe. Just screams vanity webpage to me. Maybe she and Sonja can get together on a clearance sale later.
  6. I see your point on the worldly seeker of new experiences, but its possible that she doesn't think eating Chinese food in NYC counts; eating it in China is a different thing. And you might ask your friends how often they go to Chinatown for dinner when out-of-town friends aren't in town....going to a touristy place tends to happen to NYers only when an out-of-towner wants to go. See how many NYers have been to the Statue of Liberty, for example (Native here, though no longer live there, we went once, when my parents decided we needed to "do" NY like a real vacation, most of my friends were never there). I also don't think we know that Carole insists on ordering pizza (or any other particular food) EVERY TIME people are over at her house. Heck, in NY each person could easily order from a different restaurant; I just don't see Carole as someone who insists on her own way each and every time. Now Bethenny? Yeah. I have friends who like Mexican food, I don't. They go out for Mexican food they don't invite me, and I'm not offended.
  7. Ha! I read that and thought, who cares? People like what they like.
  8. Well, did he want HER in the show, or was putting her in the show a way of getting on TV? I don't want to slam a child's looks, and won't. But I too wonder about this trend of the children of famous people suddenly becoming models. I have already forgotten the actual reason for the dispute between Lisa and Kyle (and Dorit), but I think what Teddi was getting at was, if you value the friendship, apologize even if you're not sure why, because it will make the friend happy. Not a good thing to do repeatedly, but once won't kill anyone.
  9. Ley's leave that to the animals, and I'm still annoyed with people who dress up animals. On a serious note, there are folks who have severe light sensitivity and who need to wear sunglasses all the time. But of course that's not why a RH does it.
  10. She may have said that, but I don't have to believe her - on either the Mellencamp connection or the budget. I find it hard to imagine someone who takes her music "career" so seriously not being impressed with Mellencamp's decades long career. Yep, it's not Teddi's career, but it is her family. And Mr. Girardi seems to control the purse strings to a degree that's likely tighter than Erika wants to admit. I haven't figured out Teddi either, no idea why she wants to be in Beverly Hills if she wants to ride and wear jeans all the time. Her husband prefers it maybe?
  11. Teddi seems off to me in ways I don't really understand. I am wondering if it's something about her being an accountability coach, and possibly trying NOT to "be" that in her personal life? But I disagree on Erika not giving a shit about Teddi. In fact, I suspect Erika is jealous of Teddi, as her father has a legitimate, serious music career that has spanned decades. Erika's "career" is a joke that wouldn't exist without repeated infusions of $$ from hubby. I don't know how close Teddi and John Mellancamp were when she was young, but if they were at all, I'd imagine any conversation about musicians she and Erika know/met/etc. would be hilariously one-sided. Yeah, it's not Teddi's career, but still.....
  12. You're a bad person RAP541, I had been planning on doing some de-cluttering tomorrow.....guess there's always next weekend.
  13. On Luann and Ramona - I agree with you up to a point, in that you shouldn't start dating an ex-spouse, significant other without informing our "friend" (not sure they should have to give permission), but I don't know that you need to inform a "friend" about dating a former "hook-up/side piece/person the friend dated 1/3/5/7 times." It would be the gracious thing to do, but as to Sonja, did anyone really know she and Tom were hooking up? On Luann and Carole - I agree Carole was needlessly dismissive of Nicole's feelings, regardless of Nicole SHOULD HAVE been hurt/bothered. Worst was there was no need to say anything other than "I understand they were broken up, {add I'm sorry she's upset if you want to be gracious}." I do think Nicole being upset was the beginning of why Luann was upset with Carole, though she took it to over the top level.
  14. The helicopter entrance might have been impressive if they helicoptered ONTO the actual boat! But it wasn't big enough to have a helipad, poor things. I thought her performance was terrible, she wasn't singing in unison with Boy George and the "dance moves" were embarrassingly lame. PK seemed genuinely touched at the party, which was nice. And Dorit, you have NO business complaining that Teddi talked about you when she did NOT name you. Maybe you should consider the fact that, although Teddi didn't name you, Lisa VP immediately knew it was you. And Lisa VP, don't tell Dorit about the chat with Teddi, you knew you were stirring up a hornet's nest. Cuddos to Kyle for attempting to bring a rational voice, but it was doomed to fail.
  15. Unless she was an employee of his there is no way Erika should have been at any client meetings. He’d be breaking Attorney-client privilege to allow a third party at the meeting. And at this point at least, I doubt he attends many client meetings anyway. If he’s that “high end” in plaintiff personal injury work, lower level partners, associates and paralegals do all the leg work. Heck, many times the plaintiff isn’t even the most important person/witness in a PI case.
  16. Another Irish-Italian NYC born Catholic here. This is my memory too, show up at the wake and talk about the deceased, or re-connect with family you haven’t seen recently. If close family, go out to dinner. Some send Mass cards, but no one keeps track. Hmmm, I thought the article said she chartered a plane to get back in time for the funeral. the joke isn’t mine (this was a short version), but from a great 1960’s album “The Yiddish are Coming.” Done by the same comedy team that did an album of the Kennedy family when JFK was president. Why my Catholic parents had the former but not the latter is a mystery.
  17. I'm not totally following your example here in terms of B and J. But I think B wants to avoid the joint decision making, in addition to changing the amount of time he has with Bryn. If she wants SOLE custody, she doesn't want to have to talk to Jason about any decision in Bryn's life. That sound right up her alley, but unfortunately for her my limited research of NY law would indicate she's got an uphill battle there. I'd be pissed as a parent if my ex were having the child stay with a nanny (instead of me) on a regular basis. But then you just change the schedule for when each parent has physical custody of the child, not that you move for SOLE custody. People used to think that joint custody meant the child spent 50% of the time was spent with each parent, but that's rarely true (or workable).
  18. I seem to remember the tradition to bring food when you went to the home. Not that people had things delivered separately if they didn't go to the home. Listen, the woman was in Aspen when Bobby died, she flew back very quickly in order to make it to the funeral. I'd cut her some slack on the shiva food/wine. As to whether it is a favorite of the deceased, there's an old joke about the dying man whose son asks if there is anything he can get his father before he dies. The father says "your mother's apple strudel." Son comes back, no strudel, tells the father "Mama says you can't have any." Why? Because the strudel is for "after the funeral."
  19. Virtually impossibly to do. She might bet an arrangement where a third party acts as an intermediary between the parents (though that's rare too), but cutting all contact between father and daughter? He would need to be a pedofile or have tried to kill Bryn or something like that. Horrible parents get supervised visitation, at the worst. I'd say the entire story was garbage (it's all third hand statements), but has it been confirmed she's re-opened the custody decision?
  20. Interesting, I didn't know but assumed she was dealing with addiction issues.
  21. That might be difficult due to the clients not signing waivers to appear on camera. Or, she might not want to allow filming due to confidentiality, if she's serious about the career. [Looking at you every other housewife who has done fake therapy on camera.]
  22. Plus she claimed to be only 10 minutes away but the tape has the driver saying 20. If she thought Teddi was being dramatic in the text over 6 minutes, where is her response that she’s on her way at 4:36? Yeah, doesn’t exist. Lord knows what she was really doing to be so late. And dorit, there is no way to minimize calling another woman a c@@t. Stop, do not pass go, stop making stupid excuses (that wasn’t a joke) and apologize - in public.
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