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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. 14 hours ago, DearEvette said:

    Honestly, I don't feel the cable critical darlings are all that darling.  I have watched many a prestige show on cable and frankly outside of Breaking Bad, most of them I have found to be either or all: pretentious, badly paced, too much of a writer's vanity or self importance peeking through, not entertaining, too "twisty" for its own good, starts out great and goes steeply downhill after the first season(due to becoming pretentious, too twisty, or badly paced) , or is just plain old boring. 

    I know critics sniff at network, but on the whole I think network tv is a lot more entertaining.

    The Affair.  This is how I feel about The Affair.  I know two people who really like the show so I tried the pilot.

    A young child attempts suicide.  Check.

    Rape scene?  Check.

    (That's putting the scenes bluntly without much nuance, but that's how you're supposed to feel when you see the scenes.  I think they're supposed to upset you, because they really upset me.)

    It checked all the boxes of what is "so super edgy" in a pilot.  You will find that other cable show pilots will also employ the following: vomit scene, masturbation scene, disturbing sex scene (i.e. at least one partner doesn't enjoy the sex), character urinating on a toilet scene.

    All, in my opinion, to show you how EDGY the show is.  I've seen it again and again. I couldn't tolerate The Affair.  I can't believe how many awards it won in its first season against shows I found far superior and definitely more enjoyable.  I don't understand television critics when they're like this.

    Dialogue and writing plot can happen instead.  It doesn't have to be these gratuitous shock scenes.  THESE SCENES AREN'T TELLING A STORY.  They just annoy me and I really feel like it's a checklist of Edgy Stupidity at this point.

    • Love 7
  2. 20 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

    Not sure why it wouldn't.  Abortion was legal in the 1980s when the film was made, though not legal in the 1950s when it occurred.  And if anything abortion has more support now than back then in the 1980s.

    Just not sure what has changed with the abortion debate in the last 30 years to change that outcome. 

    Most people can, I would think 

    Like I said, Hadley Freeman wrote about this at length.  Her argument is that films are far more conservative about abortion NOW than back when Dirty Dancing was made.  See all the films where the protagonist will discuss an abortion but not have one, like Juno.  What Hollywood films do you know of where a character has an abortion?

    Legal support and what happens in Hollywood film are not always parallel.

    It reminds me of sometimes how I watch television from the 80s, and the white protagonist like Stephanie from Full House or Sophia Petrillo in Golden Girls will have a romance with an Asian man (boy in Stephanie's case) and it's treated like normal, sweet and romantic.  I'm trying to figure out likewise parallels that came after that.

    • Love 6
  3. Thanks.  Forgot that Bateman was in The Break Up.

    I honestly am a big fan of The Switch.  It's a romantic comedy from 2010, but in my opinion there is a lot more drama than a typical light-hearted rom-com.  It's in between a rom-com and a rom-dram, let's say.  Aniston and Bateman are wonderful in it.

    • Love 1
  4. The "womanless man" line was spoken so fast and low that I couldn't grasp it, but the crowd really reacted around me so I felt I had got the gist.  I Googled the script when I came home to know exactly what she said.

    The man sitting behind me praised the actor who played Gabe.  When I saw the name in the credits I knew it was the actor who is probably most famous for playing Bubba Blue in Forrest Gump.  I think that's really cool.


    • Love 2
  5. I also think the negative reaction is that some people act like they're deathly terrified to learn more about race or engage in discussions about it or write characters of different races because they're "damned if they do, damned if they don't".  Well, too fucking bad.  I don't really sympathize with that.  Asking people of colour to sympathize with the white struggles of trying to live in 2016 without offending anyone.....  Sorry, no.  Educate yourself.  There is a wealth of material.  Make friends with people of different races if it's that necessary for you to learn.  I've lived my life being friends with people of all different races and I've been necessarily and harshly educated sometimes.  Margaret and Tilda weren't "friends" as I see it.  Tilda tried to use her for free education.  And it's pretty clear she had no intention of listening to Margaret, or doing any further work, and then she didn't.  So not even for free education.  Just flat out permission.  For me it was Margaret who was in the damned if she does, damned if she doesn't position.  It didn't really matter what Margaret did in that position.  Tilda took the role.

    • Love 12
  6. I'm a Jennifer Aniston fanatic.  This is at least the 4th time she's been in a movie with Jason Bateman.  Unfortunately my expectations far exceeded it.  It's not that funny.  Average movie.  It passed the time though, something to do.  I'd wait for DVD if there are some people still deciding.

    • Love 2
  7. I disagree that it is "quickly swept under the rug".  A lot happens in between.  @Bruinsfan That is how I felt when I read some reviews as well.  I don't regret seeing it.  The movie made my Dad happy and it was something I could do for him on Christmas Day.  I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it.  The space stuff in 3D was pretty cool.

    However, as a feminist, I'm glad that so many reviews were so angry with the problematic message of the movie and how it's not a good basis for a traditional romance story or love story at all.  I still feel like I can decide for myself though, and I'm a big 50 Shades fan and I'm glad that stuff exists.

    Also with all of the J.Law hype since Winter's Bone and the fucking 3 Oscar nominations or whatever I can't help but smile that the movie totally bombed.  

    • Love 3
  8. I'm trying to see why maybe people respond to him - he never lets go, he's always this high strung character, never relaxes - I don't know. I guess I'm starting to get it a bit.  There's just so many actors on that show who are so special and who give the kind of performances I respond more easily to.

    These characters like Ted's (and other examples from other shows I won't touch on) who only operate within this tiny little box and do exactly consistently what is expected of them.  It's not my thing because it doesn't feel complex.

    • Love 2
  9. I don't get all of the accolades for Ted Danson on The Good Place.   A lot of people seem to point to him as the highlight of the show. I really enjoy the show, and it's one of my favourites of the new season.  But for me, he's the least interesting actor on the show.  He shows the least amount of range of emotion.  I've actually been turned around to like Kristen Bell a lot more than I did prior, and I enjoy all of the lesser known actors on the show as well.  And Adam Scott is a great asshole.  But Ted?  What is the big deal?  He's just.... kind of anxious?

    • Love 8
  10. Thank you @Spartan Girl for starting this topic, and commenting on the film.  It's one of the 3 I still have to watch for 2016.  It's a must for me, but I've been putting it off because I know I'll find it heavy.  You've added some details for me that I absolutely needed to know.  

    • Love 2
  11. @choclatechip45 So happy to read your post.  I was OBSESSED with Cory.  Everything regarding Cory made me cry.  I was a mess.  I'm so intrigued by the actor now.

    Warning, this movie is long and feels long.  With the previews, my experience was more than 2.5 hours and felt like 3.  But, I loved the movie and it and Arrival are my top 2 of the year so far.

    • Love 3
  12. A bit more explanation here BUT THESE ARE SPOILERS:


    The ship goes right through an asteroid (?) that shakes so much that Chris's pod is jarred loose and he's awakened by mistake.

    He spends a year completely alone, trying to fix his situation, then eventually giving up, he is very much like Tom Hanks in Castaway.  He contemplates suicide.  He almost commits it.  He goes 'crazy'.

    He then 'falls in love' with J-Law's character just from her lying there in her pod.  He is just mental enough that he awakens her even though he knows that what he is doing is terribly, terribly wrong.

    Not excusing what happens.  But it is a weird movie, with a 'unique' premise for sure.  

    I'm NO J.Law fan, I'm just trying to give more details here so it's not so cut and dry.


    J.Law's character is very appropriately angry, incredibly angry, which is not what I expected from these reviews.  She almost kills him in retaliation.  I mean, you have to watch until the end to see why reviewers were upset, I guess, because I think it kind of makes sense that she eventually gets the Stockholm Syndrome.

    • Love 2
  13. Edwin did not make a big deal about wanting to stay in Toronto.  I remember Kinzer mentioning it a couple of times through negotiations - that's it.  

    And there are some reports that Edwin DID get better offers than the Cleveland one - depending on what you believe, from Toronto was reported, and Billy Beane from Oakland Athletics himself said $50 million for 2 years depending if you want more millions per year or longer term.

    Edwin wanted to test the market because he thought it would be more lucrative than it ended up being.  I take no joy in him losing out on more money for the work he does.

  14. I love how people call it greed, right.

    People expected EE's market to be 100-120 million over 5 years.  Jays offered Edwin $80 million over 4 years and Edwin wanted to think on it for a bit.

    But Edwin's greedy.  Because anyone here would be able to give up the potential for another $20-40 million dollars right?  Out of loyalty or something?  Edwin's been underpaid and overperforming for years.  He has sacrificed his body and youth for this game, and I don't remember him taking a day off in the 2016 season. One of the best and most powerful hitters in the game - one of its top producers.  In the top 5 of RBI and home run producers in the past 5 years in MLB or similar stats.  Maybe he wanted the paycheque to reflect that, like it's reflected other, lesser players.  He has a child.  He came from the Dominican Republic.  Maybe he wants stability for his family several times over.  Athletes who play in American sports are paid very highly.......... but of course, Edwin is just greedy.  

    How does EE going for LESS than the Jays supposedly offered make him greedy.  Not only is he an offensive monster who is better than most of his peers in the entire game but he's also a great first baseman.  If you disagree, please show results.  I don't remember him making 1 error in 2016 and he played first base for many games while other players like Donaldson/Bautista/Travis/Martin played DH through their many injuries.  Edwin was never injured in 2016.  Maybe he looked after his body very well.  Like a greedy asshole.  You can check his Instagram right now to see him still wearing BJ uniforms as he prepares for 2017.  He is one of the most responsible Blue Jays for getting us to the post season 2 years in a row after a twenty year drought...  What a Scrooge.

    Billy Beane has declared that the Athletics offered him $50 million for TWO years, and Edwin declined that as well.  (Not really getting how that's Moneyball, but okay Billy....)

    Toronto front office now gets to save all that money they didn't pay for Edwin or Dexter Fowler, so who is greedy?  Edwin right....... Instead of going for superstars Toronto has locked up a bunch of well..... not superstars.  With the Skydome averaging an attendance of something like 37,000 in 2016, is anyone else wondering where that ticket and food money is going?

    Sportsnet Stats

    Most RBI Since 2012:

    Miguel Cabrera: 569
    Edwin Encarnacion: 550
    Adrian Gonzalez: 504
    David Ortiz: 502

    • Love 4
  15. My favourite was the schizo-print outfit with the crazy colours - Chris's.

    Ruby's purple outfit wasn't bad at all, just a tiny bit boring. I  thought it was sophisticated though.

    It's really hard for me to get excited about a black outfit.  (The "ninja" one.)

    The Bondage outfit - they would hate it if the PR Adults did it.  I think the skirt was cool but the rest was overboard.  No good.

    @Gemma Violet now I've read the other posts.  Turns out I have echoed you - without meaning to!

    Really wish I never had to see Kelly Osborne ever again.  I'm fine with the other judges.

    • Love 2
  16. Erin should have just sent out a bunch of t-shirts with the word "LIKE" plastered on them; it would have made more of a statement.

    (if that joke was done by someone else already I apologize)

    Erin's banana pajamas are a rip off of Stella McCartney doing this with pineapples in the 90s.  I don't care if I'm old; that's all I see.  Next!

    I haaaaaaaaaaaaated Rik's collection.  Garage mechanic chic?  No thanks.

    Roberi's was OK.  Were all of the references to the 1990s intentional?  If so then that's cool, LOL. So many conservative dresses towards the end that you never see anymore. Again, that's all I saw.  His 1990s looks would have been better if it wasn't the most boring parts of the 1990s.

     Laurence's was my 'favourite' but all of it was disappointing.

    Stella McCartney, 1990s:  http://abes-celebrities.com/ana_beatriz_barros_11.jpg

    Stella McCartney, 2011:  https://mogleyohara.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/stella-mccartney.jpg

    Prada, 2011:  https://elsonleee.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/prada-spring-summer-2011-banana-printed.jpg

    • Love 4
  17. @angora I really agree with you on Donnie Yen's character.

    Some people have made me look at Rogue One in a new way by tweeting about Felicity Jones' character.  Her entire journey/quest is about her father, so some see her as simply as the object of a more important male character.  Someone likened this to The Hunger Games.  She said that in big action movies where a woman is finally the star, it is unfortunate that the writers always make sure her journey/quest is about a man.  Something interesting to think about.  (Ugh, I just realized this is about gender.  Apologies.)

    Watching Taraji promote Hidden Figures has made me realize I adore this woman so much I should read her new book.  It's gotten rave reviews from readers on Goodreads.

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