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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I agree, I know what you mean @topanga.

    I think about this stuff too, because there was a time in my life when I really hated Britney Spears (Slave 4 U times) and J.Lo (Bennifer times) and now I have only positive things towards them both.  I try to analyze that as best as I can.  I really try and think whether I have real reasons for disliking something, or whether it's latent or unchecked sexist bias.

    I think the fact that so many people during the Silver Linings Playbook award season reacted positively and almost cultishly towards Jennifer Lawrence during the total, 24/7, aggressive onslaught of the "please like J.Law and see how real and goofy and natural she is" media campaign also reveals a bias many people have - a bias TOWARDS young, perfect looking white women.  The whole thing made me kind of sick.  There were other women nominated for Best Actress that year , and you never heard anything about them.

    • Love 1
  2. Here's to a great baseball season; I hope Jose Bautista and Devon Travis can make it through a baseball season with great health.  Cleveland, please take care of Edwin, I miss him so terribly.

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  3. I loved this one.  It's my favourite book of the trilogy, and the preview looked similarly action-packed.  I had a great time.  Half of the crowd was great and so into it.  The other half was just quiet, LOL.  Not my style; I love the fun showings where people really get into it!

    For me, this far exceeded the first movie, which I thought was just average.  Jamie Dornan was a lot sexier and manlier somehow.  I don't know what he did.  He was a lot looser, his character was happier and more playful, and you really buy that they're into each other.  Lots of action, and yes a lot of sex scenes.  LOL

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  4. 14 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    It's funny that she's interested in theater arts and dance because in their fashion video challenge Paige looked so great moving. I know the judges loved India, but Paige gave personality. As the leader of the dance group, she was sometimes cocky, dismissive, and having fun. India was just model face, model face, model face.

    This icons shoot looked cheap and was poorly thought out. Some of their lady boss icons like Tyra, Beyonce, and Britney are not at all known for their personal style. Hell, even someone like Mariah is known for her ridiculous modern Mae West drag. It looks terrible, but it's her signature. Lady Gaga, Cher, Barbra, and Rhythm Nation Janet Jackson would have been better choices.

    I agree with a lot of what you wrote.  I love India myself but why the hell did she get Best Video?  I don't agree with the judges on that one.  It's almost like they really, really didn't want to give it to Paige.  We can see the video ourselves.  India looked stiff and awkward moving, but she's a very goodlooking girl who takes makeup well.  Meanwhile Paige danced her butt off and even Coryanne had a sexier exit.  Paige does funny things with her face sometimes but I thought she did a great job on the video.

    8 hours ago, phoenix780 said:

    They said "smile." That's all I got because I did not understand this episode. 

    They said "Smize".  It's something that Tyra "invented" on this show.  It means to "Smile with your eyes".  LOL

    • Love 1
  5. That's so funny, weird.  I thought Ryan was the charismatic part of the movie while Emma wasn't.  LOL.

    So happy to see so many fellow Arrival lovers.  

    I am wondering if La La Land, given the social and political climate that we are in right now, will win the major awards because it's a feel good film (well, MOST of it, anyway). Like if they'd given Oscars to Astaire and Rogers films during the depression.

    But it is also the white movie, when so much of the U.S.'s political climate right now is dominated by white supremacists, including many major people in the government.  I don't think people who feel bad because of the government were necessarily uplifted by this story.  Especially Emma's "dancing" in that jazz bar.  When Arrival came out, there was a lot of talk on social media about how it had a great story about listening and communicating with different populations before reacting with violence.... 

    • Love 2
  6. On 8/21/2015 at 9:51 AM, deaja said:


    You're right.  That is superior to Music & Lyrics. I can't believe I forgot about that one! 


    My top 5 modern day romantic comedies are probably:

    1) Sweet Home Alabama

    2) You've Got Mail

    3) Hitch

    4) 27 Dresses

    5) Return to Me

    Hitch is great.


    1.  Clueless
    2.  Two Weeks Notice
    3.  Mean Girls (if it counts?)
    4.  My Best Friend's Wedding
    5.  Picture Perfect (1997)
    6.  Bridesmaids
    7.  Fever Pitch (2005)

    I have to plug Out of Sight (1998) here.  One of my favourite movies.  Romantic yes. Not comedic.  I also saw Jerry Maguire written here but I never considered it a comedy. For non-comedy romances I also like Edward Scissorhands

    • Love 2
  7. On 2/8/2017 at 10:39 AM, Qoass said:

    I have Drinking Buddies 

    I think I typed upthread that I really loved it so yes please tell me what you think afterwards.

    I rewatched Groundhog Day on Groundhog Day weekend as a local theatre decided to reshow it on the big screen.  The ending is one of my favourite romantic moments of all time.  I realized that that particular scene is probably the closest representation to my idea of romance, on film.

    I rewatched A View from the Top (Gwyneth Paltrow and Mark Ruffalo) and Just Like Heaven (Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo) recently.  Both REALLY cute movies that I definitely recommend.

    Now, don't hurt me, but when I first saw Life or Something Like It (Angelina Jolie) I thought it was pretty bad because, well, Angie is just so, so, so bad at this type of romcom acting, but god, this movie kind of grew on me.  Something about Trump being President and the movie's theme of the world coming to an end made me crave it again.

    • Love 3
  8. What does "having an alter" mean?

    I love the show.  I think I love Jughead even more than Veronica, but Camila Mendes is just so beautiful that it's a hard choice.  I read Cole Sprouse's interview on Vulture.  He seems uber-intelligent.

    Veronica is a Latina character on the show by the way - Camila made that clear in an interview.

    They are really making a show of Josie being preachy and the other 2 Pussycats rolling their eyes at her.  Taken from the comics?

    I agree @Neurochick a lot of the characters of colour (everyone but Veronica) are simply peripheral.  And so far, pretty negative, except for the super hot coach.  Not only that, but they have the main gay character, Kevin, be simply that = "Gay".  He makes a lot of stereotypically gay remarks. He's there to comment on Cherry's boots as a total non-sequitur.  LOL.  

    I'm definitely noticing that they're making a lot of the men of colour evil on this show.  I can't help but not.


    As soon as Veronica said that about "full darkness no stars" I knew Betty would end up outdoing her. Jughead's bit at the end about "light and dark, good and evil, Betty and Veronica" was interesting since the point the episode ended up making is that when Betty does go dark, she's worse than Veronica could ever be.

    This really reminds me of Blair and Serena (Serena versus Bad Serena.)

    • Love 2
  9. 14 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    If Molly'd had a plant sprouting out of her head, clownish makeup and ethnically diverse accessories, or the knack for squealing every five minutes she probably would've made it through. 

    I don't think so whatsoever.

    Tieler seems like such a good person.

    I really got goosebumps when I saw Chris's outfit come down the runway.  I wanted the coat thing so bad and yet I think I'm probably too old to wear it.  Would still buy.  

    I was rolling my eyes at Aya saying, "My heart is literally breaking." No, it's not.

    She really pissed me off.  I know people who have passed away from heart problems.  

    • Love 2
  10. It hurts my feelings to read this shit:

    Female stars here give a lot of revelations about their degrading experiences on set:


    responding to @topanga:  

    I'm not going to give JLaw and ScarJo a free pass on their shit.  Lot of evidence for them being white feminists.  I actually love ScarJo movies but her comments on Asian people recently have really upset me.

    I understand your point totally.  Someone like Hathaway has done nothing offensive.  I could see how Susan Surandon being outspoken on her politics would upset some people.  A lot of people who don't like Trump are not exactly happy with her anyone but Hillary campaign.

    Jennifer Lawrence H A S been overhyped.  She's what, 25 and she's been nominated for 3 Oscars or something? Do you think a black or Asian woman with her talent would ever be recognized that way or put in that many films or given that many opportunities?  After Passengers bombs she'll be just fine and probably head another franchise or two.  Am I supposed to feel inspired that a beautiful young blonde with a perfect body does well in Hollywood?  That older men see her as a muse and let her act in parts that require her to be age 17 to 70 or whatever? Because I don't.

    • Love 5
  11. Courtney looks exactly like Snejana Onopka, ,which is a plus for her that the judges can't resist.  She's extremely lucky in that vein.  I'm sure she'll be a successful model.  Even though her attitude is the worst.

    Coryanne is just so extremely blank - zero emotions in her photos, and in her actual life - but they like her look and her mother so much I guess they just keep propping her.

    Poor Paige, that came so extremely out of nowhere, but at least I'm comforted by the fact that everyone here is in agreement.

    Tatiana gets W O R S E F O T O this week.  By far.  

    • Love 5
  12. I agree, I love Madeline.  The problem is the second time I read the book I kept picturing Reese and it killed my love for Madeline a bit.  Nothing against Reese it just kind of dulls the spark.  But Mad is a great character.

    • Love 2
  13. I just read it for a second time.  I love it.  I think I mentioned this elsewhere, but I've tried to read a bunch of Liane's books and unfortunately BLL is by far my favourite.  I liked What Alice Forgot as well, but I'm really not liking her other books as much.  Would love to hear anyone else's thoughts.

    • Love 1
  14. Plastic surgery turns me off big time, so yeah, one wouldn't think I would like Alexis (boobs) but her personality was just so fun and I'm the same as you; she won me over.  And her emotion was so real when she was cut.  She's young, real, vulnerable.  But she should find someone easily.

    • Love 4
  15. I personally like Nick. I think he seems so real and sensitive. And smart.  He's playful with Alexis, he's a good listener to Rachel and Kristina, he's introspective.  He's almost slightly different with each woman so it seems like he puts a lot of thought into each interaction.  The women aren't interchangeable to him.  I loved him showing emotion this episode.  I L O V E D the fact that he probably thinks Danielle L. is as idiotic as I do.  He doesn't want to lead any woman on or waste more of her time than he has to.  He's honest, he's straightforward, he's direct -- these are signs of major respect.  To all of the women, equally.  As soon as Jasmine freaked him out, she was gone. Simple.  No games.  He had always been so pleasant to Jasmine up to that point.  He didn't pay her major attention, but he treated Whitney the same way.  He's never forced a connection when there wasn't one, and he's not fake.   It sounds like a cliche but he's "In touch with his emotions".  He wears his emotions right on his face - "no poker face" somebody said.  For me, that's a plus.  If you're upset, act upset. If you're sad, act sad.  Don't make the person guess or be passive aggressive.  This is exactly my type of person.

    He makes out too much for my taste but whatever that's his personal decision and that's kind of the point of the show.  He likes Corinne, but, he's a guy.  

    Contrast this with Ben who was a total boring idiot.  Just my 2 cents

    Vanessa is just not my type of person.  She's done nothing offensive but she seems to take herself so seriously and I just think she's kind of annoying.  Rachel gets more attractive to me with every episode.  She's so fresh-faced.  

    • Love 13
  16. Does anyone know if Milo Ventimiglia is going to act in the next 2 seasons?  Logistically, this show being guaranteed for 3 full seasons doesn't really mesh well with the popular characters of William and Jack being near their deaths.  I guess I'm supposed to assume the show will just play out in the next (undetermined) amount of years as flashing back and forth to present?  Thanks.

  17. 1 hour ago, Tikichick said:

    Not to sound like a super expert or anything, but the nickname Horse Dick is completely inappropriate unless it is being used as an oxymoron.  His behavior makes it clear the comparison would be absurd in the extreme.

    It's such a disconnect to me.  To me, this would be an appealing nickname or a compliment, LOL.  Like those Sex and the City characters: Mr. Big, Mr. Marvelous, Mr. Too Big.  That's what it reminds me of.  And yet everyone uses it as an insult.  Too funny.


    So rude and condescending to tell someone you don't even know how to live her life.

    Olivia did this to Kate too,  It's like every single person that interacts with Kate has to be an aggressive, sociopathic person with zero respect for boundaries.  The writers are being very clumsy here.  There are normal people out there.  

    The one thing that annoyed me about Sophie was her line "Yeah, I'm kind of a badass."  Ugh.  It's just horribly cliched writing.  As an adult woman, I never hear my counterparts speak like that in real life and if they do I'd find it so trite and immature.  It's okay to say you're accomplished or good at your job but that kind of dialogue just reads so phony and cloying.  

    • Love 5
  18. 36 is middle aged if we live to 72.  Which I think is the average life expectancy in U.S. right?  (I Googled it - it says 78.7.)   The oldest Millennials are already 35 so don't feel so bad about it.  It just means we're in the middle of our lives -- and if I make it to 70+ that's pretty good!


    That article is just repeating what very young people think, no way to scientically prove such things.

    You don't need science to do simple math.  Go from beginning to the end of someone's life and then find the middle.

    Anyway, thanks @truthaboutluv and everyone else for any gossip - I freaking L O V E it.

    Well after @huahaha has pointed this out to me, apparently middle aged and midlife crises are not technically accurate titles at all.  Weird.

    • Love 4
  19. 3 hours ago, Nowhere said:

    I'm one that doesn't hate Nick.

    I love how he seems to care about not leading any women on, not wasting any of their time.  How could I not?

    @Nowhere, your entire post, top to bottom, agree with all of it.  Jasmine didn't let Nick get a word in edgewise in that entire strangling monologue.   His panic levels were reaching 11.

    And I also can't stand Vanessa.  Consider your entire post co-signed.

    And another post to praise: @alannaofdoom.  Lol you're too funny.  I love reality shows for the editing - Survivor is great at it, Idol was great at it - But Bachelor has hooooorrrrrific editing.  Why do they always spoil future clips at the beginning of the episode?  Can't I just see how it plays out organically?  Nothing makes sense.  Also why is there always a promise of a cocktail party AND THEN THE COCKTAIL PARTY IS ALWAYS CANCELLED.  What the fuck is that?

    Corinne's Platinum Vagine Fireworks Factory

    We should start a rock band with this name.

    • Love 6
  20. Danielle L. is one of the dumbest people I've ever watched on television. And I watch a lot of television.

    Nick immediately regretted keeping her once he actually sat down to have a conversation with her. That was hilarious.  The look on his face.  It was like his face kept crumpling further with every sentence she spoke.

    Jasmine's brain absolutely breaking was a sight to behold.  All of that talk of strangling, and choking, and actually mimicking it on him.  Hahahaaaaaa. She talked about choking a LOT.  I hope that she was drunk?  Otherwise..... Also including if she was drunk.... Both ways.  It was scary and her subconscious has some explaining to do.  Haha.

    Whitney is one gorgeous woman!  

    Alexis and Nick breaking up was like a real breakup.  They had some kind of chemistry even though Nick didn't see himself with her long-term.  Alexis REALLY got along with him.  That was fascinating because when I watch a show like this I suspect so little is real, but Alexis liking and getting along with Nick was something real.  I'm probably reading way too much into their fuck buddy chemistry, just like poor Alexis.  Sigh.

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