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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I am the Zach fan.  I would be so sad if we saw much less of him this season.  Zach and Will two of my favourite characters.  Sigh.


    He looked tired and pale and frantic and the hopelessness he showed as Kalinda walked right past him without noticing him, was chilling.


    Was that scene literal?  I kept thinking it was a dream sequence.  I couldn't possibly understand how Kalinda wouldn't a) hear her name b) be looking for him as she knows he's in prison c) see him.  That was so weird.  I guess that was the point.


    Intern Girl was so beyond cray cray.  How the F can somebody get away with flashing someone in the office.  So gross.

    • Love 4
  2. I was sad when it was over too. Definitely enjoyed it.  


    I was watching in Canada -- I don't think we got a promo here at all?  I got a promo for some dumb other show.

    • Love 1
  3. It wasn't so bad.  The last half was more exciting than the first.


    If you follow Madam Secretary and The Good Wife on Facebook, they will always post every Sunday evening exactly what time the show will air.  The show never airs as planned because of football.   It's always delayed.  Annoying I know, but unfortunately, this is the reality us TGW fans have been dealing with for seasons.  

    • Love 1
  4. Calling all Frasier fans!

    "Madam Secretary" premieres tonight, and Bebe Neuwirth co-stars as the Chief of Staff!


    Madam Secretary (TV series)

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Madam Secretary is an upcoming American drama television series about Elizabeth Faulkner McCord, a female Secretary of State. The pilot episode was picked up for series in April 2014. The first episode will air in the 8 p.m. time slot between 60 Minutes and The Good Wife on Sunday, September 21, 2014, on CBS as part of the 2014–15 television season.[1][2][3]

    • Love 1
  5. Sandhya's elimination is not good for me at all.


    She was one of the more creative designers.  She may even be my favourite one.

    Further than that, the judges constantly praised her and liked her designs.

    Of course, she would have gotten used to ignoring Tim's critique.

    I can't blame her for being super confident when she was constantly praised and rarely critiqued by the judges.


    Then they just suddenly get rid of her for a rare design that they don't like.

    I prefer judging the entire history, but that's just me.  Emily should have gone.


    It's always PR irony that the person whose "specialty" it is gets eliminated or at least put on the bottom.


    Amanda's design was one of my tops this week.


    Honestly, Tim aggravates me.  When they do their "up close and personal" critique with Tim towards the end, when they look at the designs up closely, he should admit that he advised Char against the fringe.  He loves to tattle on the designers he doesn't like, and he loves to defend his favourites.  But he won't admit his mistakes.


    Also, Korina is a stone cold bitch.  When the person you hate gets eliminated, you could show a little class.   Sandhya's done nothing to deserve that wrath.

    • Love 5
  6. I think the invitations are just reminders for the dates -- not meant for 'display'.  And I don't think it's that rude to rip up the invitations but I've never gotten married. 


    Blah. I CAN NOT stand Jessica Biel so her presence spoiled the episode for me


    So much plastic surgery.  Zooey is really becoming a victim too.

  7. Shane talking on his island Blackberry is one of the best things I've seen on the show.


    I liked Dan too, but he was hilarious to me because he kept sharing the "secret" of how he was an astronaut in the exact same way with everyone out there. "Now, don't tell anyone, but as it turns out, I got to do a little more than just work on the space shuttle. It turns out I got to fly on it." I was waiting for someone to say, "yes, we know Dan. You've already told us that six times."


    This is why I hated Dan.  Seriously.

  8. Wikiquote has amazing quotes from the first four seasons.


    Just found this:


    Laura: (about being pregnant with her sixth child) Five, six, seven...I'll just throw it on top of the pile with the other ones.


    Throw "it".... Omg... hahaha


    Michael: I even made a white girl look like she had some ass. That's how damn sexy my dress is.
    • Love 2
  9. Remember Mychael and Laura's bromance/friendship?  They were so adorable.


    Remember when Mychael said something like, "I'm not trying to play Captain Save-a-ho" (I know that there's a song about this type of person, LOL) -- one of the all time great moments of Project Runway history.

    • Love 3
  10. Oholibama, I agreed with everything you said, but this, 1000 times yes:


    (I also thought Ra'mon's Sci-Fi look was kind of cool, and thought his elimination was bullshit. He was also smoking hot, so maybe I am biased).


    Nicolas was hilarious and I remember enjoying his commentary.

  11. I think I'm pretty well versed in most of the seasons, but have zero to vague recollections of Seasons 2-6.



    Colleen & Greg, Aras (surprised to never see him mentioned!), James Clement, Russell Hantz (yes, unapologetically so), Woo & Tony.  I wanted Brendan and Taj to go far in their season, so sad when Brendan was cut.


    I was obsessed with Ozzy when I first watched S13, like crazy obsessed, but everything's kind of dwindled after seeing subsequent seasons, learning about the porn, knowing he's a "friend" of Lindsay Lohan's, etc.

    I loved Brenda during first season, that kind of dwindled after the Dawn teeth incident.

    I actually loved Dreamz initially, but yeah, the car thing soured me.  

    I liked Ami at first too, but she got weird later on.


    There are a lot of contestants I'm super attracted to, like Malcolm, Kat, Ryan Opray, etc. but trying to be more objective, I don't think they were my favourites :) 

  12. The reason the Sherry episodes are among my favourites is mostly because I love the way she gets under Frasier and Niles's skin.  They are just so turned off by her.  I really really enjoy the show when Frasier and Niles's snobbishness gets kicked into high gear, it's very entertaining for me.


    I wasn't surprised to learn that Sherry is such an accomplished actor.  It makes sense.  I really buy that character and I really buy that she loved Martin.  Niles is so tense around her it's just fantastic.


    I'm sure I'm not the only one who wonders if Martin belongs with Roz.... ha ha ha!


    I really, really, really didn't like Faye.  Claire was just far too boring, but obviously sweet, just TOO sweet.


    I thought the Felicity Huffman arc was amazing too.  She was a nasty person but again, I love everyone's reactions towards her.  The sexual harassment episode was indeed hilarious and I've talked at length about how fantastic the episode is where Frasier is determined to make things work with her, but she meets Frasier's family and she is just atrocious towards them. He's so stubborn, but she's so awful, and finally her awfulness wins out and he has to kick her out of his house.  Remember when she's choking on cereal, Frasier is so hurt that she insulted his drawing and Martin, Daphne, and Niles just sit there silently and wait it out :)


    Frasier:  SHAAAAAME ON YOU....

    • Love 1
  13. Another one of my favorite Ross moments is when Rachel is pretending that she's sleeping with him to steal Monica's thunder and he finds out that Rachel likes the way he gives massages

    "Looks like the only one that's going to be enjoying these bad boys (holds up his hands)...is me" (stands there for a sec realizing what he just said, then just walks away)


    That's really sweet, and I don't know if you're just being polite, but I don't think they're talking about massages at all. :)  I think Rachel is implying she likes the sexual stuff Ross can do with his hands, hence the following joke, which is Ross saying he's the only one who's going to get to enjoy that stuff from now on :)


    (Chandler) says something like, "The best reason to get married is pregnancy," and Rachel does this WTF double take in the background that's just gold.


    I agree!  And there's a few more like that to watch for.  Great background takes:


    • Phoebe, Season 5 when everyone returns from Ross's wedding:  "London IS stupid.  STUPID."  Watch Chandler's surprised reaction.
    • I don't remember the episode, but earlier on, there's a scene where Joey comes into Monica and Rachel's apartment and sits down but his robe falls open and someone tells him to keep it closed.  Watch Phoebe's appreciative look at what he should be hiding :)
  14. CleoCaesar  - yes.  Thanks for helping draw back to specific instances.  I'm getting angry just reading about the relationship in your post.  Steve actually makes me that physically angry.  Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if I felt that the writers were somewhat on Miranda's side, because in some cases, (the first movie is the best example), they seem full-blown on Steve's.  That 3rd season seems a lot of, let's pooh pooh Miranda's life as a headstrong career-focused woman.  Oh god.  It's so unbearable for me.  Steve's childish tantrums were the absolute worst.

    • Love 2
  15. Sean's made me cry.  I actually teared up and cried.  Also. ...... he's hot.  Oh, and his model is always fantastic.  He got really lucky with her.  I definitely recognized the McQueen reference, but he did a good job of doing his own spin on it, and I guess he's lucky that was 15 years ago.


    Great job pointing out that Christian Soriano dress!  I didn't know about that one, or forgot.  I love Kini, but one thing: I desperately wanted his model to wear a bra for this piece.


    I'm so sorry to all the Fade fans here.  That blows.  


    With all of the debate over Amanda's personality, she made me laugh when she jokingly imitated a pretentious grad student who "just wants to celebrate" the vagina. 


    What I thought, was that Amanda was going to incorporate "the falling eyes" with the whole rain thing, like make that the idea.  Like the eyes winking off the dress or something?  It doesn't really make sense, but maybe with more thought she could have made it work.  And have the falling eyes be intentional somehow.


    I continue to like Sandhya and her designs.  Though it was hilarious to have her be intentionally insensitive this week (I think) but then next week preview her begging for compassion.  I mean, come on, that is hilarious!


    Even if an "actor" had the "smartest" or best opinions in the world, I'd still object to her being there for a guest judge.  I can understand a fashion icon like Sarah Jessica Parker or even someone like Zoe Saldana who's often recognized for her style.  But an actor that this tv and movie fanatic has never heard of.  No.  Thank you.  Please god no.


    Wasn't Zac being a bitchy little boy when he piped up and stated that he and Nina strongly felt that the win should go to Sean... while Heidi and guest judge chose Kini?!?  Whose sandbox did he think he was playing in??? Good for you, Heidi.

    I thought it was all very obvious that it was an act for the cameras that the producers (Heidi?) had requested.  That's why everyone was smirking at each other, they were obviously uncomfortable and embarrassed to be play acting.  It's just to justify to the audience why Kini and Sean were tied this week (my opinion).

    • Love 4
  16. I'm so glad this topic exists, and I'm so glad other posters have ranted about some of the other guys.


    Because I am here to rant about Steve!


    I hate Steve.  Haaaaaaate.  Haaate.  Haaaate.  And it doesn't help that I find him so unbearably unattractive, either, probably, but I assure you.  I do hate his personality.


    I've been rewatching the series, and it's been incredibly enjoyable (of course) and so is the first movie.  I'm not even going to get in the movie (for now), because I'll probably go psycho, but let's just start with the series itself.  I was surprised at how much I was watching Miranda and Steve's "relationship" and just screaming at the screen.  Seriously!  It reminded me of how I recently rewatched The Devil Wears Prada, a movie I always enjoyed, and realized that the entire movie seemed to be about (to me) all of Andy's friends, boyfriend, family not respecting her career or aspirations but absolutely demanding that she respect all of theirs. Argh!


    My basic reasoning is that Steve has a huge sense of entitlement.  Whenever Steve did not get anything from Miranda in the relationship on the timeline that he demanded it, he threw a huge tantrum and then Miranda eventually gave in.  Rinse, and repeat.  This happened again and again.  (Looking at Wikipedia, this seems to be when they date in Season 3.)


    Steve wants Miranda to watch him do that basketball contest thing.  Miranda says she's too busy with her work.  Steve throws a tantrum and literally, a basketball until Miranda caves.  Just an example.  I swear there are more examples because I was screaming a lot, I just can't pinpoint them right now.  I think Steve pressures Miranda into dating "steady" and then moving in together both before she's ready.


    Finally, in "The Big Time" (Season 3) Steve tries to pressure Miranda into having a baby before she's ready. This was my last straw and thank god Miranda's too because she finally dumped him after they had numerous issues.  Maybe they're kind of a mirror image of Carrie and Big in some sense, with Steve being the Carrie.


    You can see where this leads, to the first movie, where I think Steve is just an unrepentant asshole and of course all of Miranda's friends claim she is the one who is the asshole for being cheated on, and Carrie calls her an idiot and demands Miranda take him back.... Oh, the humanity.


    To switch topics to something much nicer, Smith.  Early on when Sam and Smith are dating, Smith confessed that he's in AA and he spent 8 years of his life fucked up in Seattle.  I always remember that line.  I think it helps explain his compassion and maturity.  Very hard not to like that dude in my opinion.


    Also, Berger.  Everything said about him -- he's insecure, etc. -- I agree with.  However, I credit the writers for this intensely fascinating character.  I'm grateful for his addition to the show and even though he might aggravate me a bit I really enjoy the aggravation in his case.  He's just so believable, and real....

    • Love 5
  17. Wikipedia is a handy guide to go through old seasons.


    I actually really liked Alyssa Milano, and I think I didn't mind Carolyn Murphy.  Heidi is miles & miles better than she used to be, but her haughty, unhinged, high pitched scream "HELLO!?!!" whenever she greets the designers on the runway before she announces the challenge, and basically her only critique ever being the non-compliment, "You know I just feel like I haven't seen this before" drive me totally crazy.


    Season 1's  Robert Plotkin is one of the most beautiful men, ever to me.

    In Season 2,  I don't think anything on this show has ever surpassed Santino (my favourite personality) mocking Tim and Andrae's secret Red Lobster love affair.

    Season 7:  I think my 2nd favourite all-time personality has to be Anthony Williams.

    Oh, and I loooove Christopher too!  (Season 10?)


    My favourite personalities besides this:  all those boys from Season 2 (Nick, Andrae, Daniel), Mychael Knight, Kortu Momolu, Nicolas Putvinski, Michael Costello. 


    In their first seasons I think I loved Ricky, Ra'mon, Jerell Scott, Jay Nicolas, Joshua Mck, but I think I didn't care so much on re-watch.  I usually strongly take someone's side because of some early adversity and can't shake the loyalty.  I get really involved.  


    I'm very pro-Anya!  And fashion designing is in my family so I swear I do appreciate the art.

    And Olivier was hilarious.

    The Season 10 baby challenge was one of the funniest things I've ever seen on the show, if not the funniest.


    Wow, Season 12 really was a season full of assholes wasn't it?  Though Sandro was beyond entertaining.

  18. Milaxx, you misunderstood.  I didn't outright accuse Zac of 'copying'.  


    I personally find it ironic that Kini was on the bottom 3 this week for a style, colour, sillhouette, and fabric that Zac seems to favour.

    • Love 2
  19. I continuously love Kini, his catchphrase ("Dammit") and even his dress.  His dress was very much 'my type'.  Love him.  For those who might not have noticed this week, his look was actually in the bottom.  The top was Sean, Amanda (obvs), and Korina.


    Thank you to the poster who mentioned Korina only uses her lower lip to speak or something.  Something very aggravating going on with her face and makeup.  She looks like a mannequin.


    I hate to admit that I agree that Korina should have won.  She was right when she said her look was the most extravagant.  I think it might have been my favourite, though Emily's layered red dress was gorgeous too, I really liked it and was sad/surprised it wasn't in the top.  As we know, a top 3 place must always be reserved for the Amanda.


    The thing about Amanda is that she DOES seem incredibly phony.  She's so cloying, everything she says seems so staged and practiced.  She always talks like a game show host or something, of "The Amanda Game!"  The sad thing is Korina didn't have to say it the way she did, or at all, and I felt so bad for Amanda because it seems very genuinely and honestly like she doesn't realize how phony she comes off as.  I felt for her.  I really don't think Amanda's a bad person so I can't hate.


    My two cents, I love Zac.  I don't ever want him to leave this show.  They can get rid of Nina any day.  


    Alexander never, ever closes his mouth.

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  20. I don't mind the idea of the team challenges, but what I do mind is how a team has to win or lose together.  That's so stupid.  If somebody's is the worst design, somebody's is the worst design, separate them from the team.


    I guess the whole point is how well you work within a team.  Well I personally don't care about that.  I just want the drama of working with someone else (LOL) but in the end be judged alone.  That is my perfect world Project Runway.  At least it's more honest.  They say it's a 'team challenge' but rarely do the 2 people actually work together to create 2 outfits together. It's usually that they completely separate, do 2 separate outfits, and then blame the other when something goes wrong.  The only thing that ends up being 'coordinated' is colour and theme choice which is decided at Mood.  So I guess the whole format is flawed.


    I really like Sandhya -- I like her designs almost every week, and thought she should have won last week.  I'm glad she didn't go and I loved her blunt assessment of Korina.  To paraphrase, "She came on this show thinking she's better than everyone else and acted that way, and now she's struggling because she sucks."  LOL  could not be more spot on.  That suit jacket was horrid and I love white blazers!

    • Love 5
  21. Kristin Davis is exceptionally beautiful to me.  Her face is seriously so stunning.  Sometimes the angles kind of make me gasp.


    If one wants to see The Value of Charlotte look no further than Miranda's mom dying episode (already mentioned upthread).  The character writing and Kristin's acting as Charlotte is just fantastic.  She completely takes charge, keeps all emotions perfectly in check, helps everyone through it while everyone else falls apart (not that I blame any of their reactions).  Such a great character episode for Charlotte.

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  22. I just nearly rewatched the entire series and almost everything Samantha did made me completely gleeful.  God I love Kim Cattrall.  I take so much pleasure in this character.  It's hard for me to even articulate.

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