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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I'm a "just tuned in" viewer.  I've seen all the episodes in a matter of days and I'm a fan.


    I've read most of the episode threads so can I please add my general thoughts that I haven't seen posted?


    - I hate Nadine.

    - Magda looks like Mariel Hemingway.

    - I think Petra is so dazzlingly gorgeous.  And I enjoy her acting.



  2. Kate McKinnon in the wedding sketch.  It doesn't matter what she does or how or it's just so genius every time.  I liked Leslie Jones breaking, too.


    Taran was in every sketch.  Fantastic as Gollum.  Who played the Orc (sp? I have no idea what that is)


    Martin Freeman's accents were admirable I thought.  He really showed a range.  I only really know him as Tim from The Office so this was kind of cool to see.


    Our Waterbeds are the baaaahhhhhhhhstttt!

    • Love 3
  3. I thought Dmitry's was the clear winner and Jay's was the clear loser.

    So of course they were both in the middle.


    When Alyssa called Dima, Jay, and Sam, I thought Dima was the top and Jay and Sam as the bottom and it made perfect sense!


    Then Alyssa declared them safe and all was wrong in the world.  What the fuck ever.


    Poor darling Fabio! 


    Michelle's was great -- she combines creativity with execution.  


    The way the guest judge spoke disturbed me to my core.


    Helen has designed the same thing 50 gadzillion times.

    • Love 1
  4. Loved Doug Judy, him singing "Peaches &Herb", I remember them. And him and Jake in the robes, such morons.


    I literally said "Oh god they're so stupid" - however - I was laughing my ass off as I said it.


    So many things to laugh at in this one.


    To make a perfect show even perfecter, I'd rather Terry have more plots focused completely on him rather than being that Side-Guardian type character who assists the cops in what they're doing or listens to their B.S.  But I understand the show is trying to even things out between all the best characters.  I guess he's like my Tom from Parks and Rec.


    I saw a spark between Peralta and Rosa at the end, but she cut the tension with a joke.  I thought it was getting so sexual for a moment there.  Sorry guys.  I saw what I saw.

    • Love 1
  5. I like to think I can admit when I am wrong and boy was I wrong about Jon.  What a buffoon slash moron.  


    This. Jon is very stupid. I'm not sure if stupid if the right word, but he just has no perception or insight about, well, anything.


    As another poster said last episode, "Jon realizes nothing."  My, how incredibly right that poster was.


    Thank goodness Missy did the right thing in the end.  Credit to her.  She was talking nuts but at the end she acted logically.


    That was a great vote and an excellent plan. Natalie should be proud. I love that after getting instructions to act defeated at Tribal, Keith cut Jeff off to put on a show for Jon. After his past tribals I thought it was adorable.


    LOL, Keith rushing to play his part.  That was so stupid, and scary, yet hilarious.  What is wrong with him!  He's just so unable to deceive it's utterly hilarious!  It's just this incredibly precarious balance each time, bringing him to TC.  Haha.  

    • Love 7
  6. Gunnar did a brown wool and leather dress in Season 10 that I loved.  That is the only design I remember of his that I loved.  And in the infamous challenge where Ven was a total asshole to his "Real woman" client, Gunnar won a lot of our hearts by being extremely wonderful to his, in an interesting side-by-side comparison of 2 different designing personalities.  I think Gunnar is a sweetheart and I'll never mind him on my screen.  


    Negatives to Gunnar: In Season 10 he started out extremely insecure and had a weird "hate" (really unrequited love I think) thing for Christopher (I love Christopher too so I get it) but then he got progressively a bit better.  This season I think he's totally fine.  Though okay, he does kind of suck as a designer in comparison to these people but so does Samantha, another personality I'm totally fine with.


    I didn't think Jay's coat was so bad.  But I like Jay so I'm biased.  I fully agree with the top 2 coats and I thought Dmitry's was cool as all heck impractical or severe or not.

    • Love 1
  7. I totally get all the criticism of Jon, whereas I actually find him to be very good-looking and a lot smarter and more aware than Jacquelyn.  That's why he was practically like "Ok, DUh... STHU!" When Jac confronted him after his Castaway days.


    It's Jac that I find really "vapid" (perfect word used by another poster).  I can't even see why they're together.

  8. Just started to like Reed in the episode where he's voted out.  God I looooooooooved him being so assertive against Missy/Baylor.  Though I do kind of like Baylor too.  I just love Reed standing up for himself and his opinion and I used to not like him at all.  That first episode, I went from liking Natalie to not caring if she's gone.  And that second episode.  Kind of starting to like Alec.  He just looked so heartbroken when Jon won Immunity.  I so pitied him.


    Jeremy.  Just sittin' over there lookin' so fine.


    I wonder if it is yet obvious why I do not like Jacquelyn.  How can she seriously be that stupid?  It's like her brain is running on empty.  How many episodes in a row are we going to count of her complaining that her ass isn't being kissed?  I say it every episode, and every episode I am met by someone saying "That didn't happen".


    I have to say that I am at least (KIND OF) now enjoying the season.  And I am KIND OF understanding who is on what side with who.  This is one of those horrifying seasons where all the best personalities (Reed and Jeremy, such slim pickings my God) are all picked off one by one.  If we follow this pattern, Natalie is next to go.  I like Baylor.  She is so outright with her lack of respect for her mother and her fucked up ways with men.  I think it's hilarious.  If it wasn't real.  Unfortunately it is.


    First episode, I was getting annoyed with Natalie and ready for her to leave.  Second episode, I just love how open Natalie was about how happy and excited she was about her "maneuvers".  Something about it was so cute.

    • Love 2
  9. I think I could watch this whole season twice and still not understand who is on what side with who.


    One thing I liked was Baylor and Natalie finding the Idol and running around in circles afterwards.


    I would have grabbed the tray and run off into the woods, Woo-style.


    Giggling forever at work reading this

    • Love 1
  10. I still don't care about the election but I do enjoy seeing David Hyde Pierce. He needs a show of his own.


    I have the feeling he works when he wants to and doesn't because he doesn't want to.  I think he was nominated for an Emmy for all 11 seasons that Frasier was on, if you can believe it.  If he hasn't offered been several shows already, it would be very strange.


    For his work on Frasier, Pierce was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Emmy a record eleven consecutive years, winning in 1995, 1998, 1999 and 2004. - Wikipedia
    • Love 1
  11. So did Kalinda screw Cary in her attempt to help him? It did seem like Bishop's threatening, testimony-changing presence in the courtroom was possibly brought on by Kalinda's threat. But it also seemed like Bishop gave Kalinda Dante because of her threat. So confused.


    Bishop "gave" Kalinda Dante, only to screw her over.  Dante testified saying that Cary advised him on how to break the law, which is a lie and will likely get Cary convicted.  After Kalinda's threat Bishop only hurt Cary more, "except" I guess for that "offer" to "work for him" in Barcelona.

    • Love 2
  12. That was really good.  I'm not surprised though, since I think Ed Helms is a genius.  I loved Peralta's chemistry or non-chemistry with him.  Peralta's reactions to him were so great.  And Boyle is one of the best characters on television.  

  13. I would rather, 5000 times rather, watch a bunch of recruits playing sloppy than two superfans flip a fucking coin for an idol at the auction when one of them already has the Tyler Perry bullshit idol.


    This cast was recruited?  That surprises me.  I often like the recruited casts, like Cook Islands and Fiji, easily two of my favourite casts of all time.  Wasn't Cagayan recruits?  I assume Spencer applied on his own but how did they find all the brainy, brawny, or beauty people?  Those people all applied on their own?  I still say that this season's cast has got to be in my 3 least favourite of all time.


    How many people thought Brenda was an entitled princess (like they think Jaclyn is now, apparently, for wanting to get some basic respect?) for not scrambling?


    I have no problem with Jaclyn wanting basic respect.  But I don't think she's at all savvy.  If someone doesn't kiss your ass when you believe they should and that angers you, that's totally your prerogative.  But why not just quietly feel angry about it and exact revenge later?  Instead, she screams to everyone at tribal council that she's flummoxed over nobody kissing her ass.  She's acting like a child and I find it very irritating.  Also, what if Wes/Keith/Alec just plain don't like Jaclyn or know how to socialize with her?  That's their prerogative too.  You can't scream at people to get them to like you, approach you, or treat you nicer.  It's a game.  Exact revenge the way you want later.  Until it's revealed that her screaming at tribal council is some sort of genius strategy that plays out later somehow and blows me away, I'll find it annoying.


    I did not at all find Brenda to be an entitled princess for not scrambling.  I also don't get the analogy.  Jaclyn is in the opposite position of Brenda.  Nobody in this cast expects Jaclyn to scramble and nobody resents her for not doing it.  They just leave her be and hardly seem to think about getting rid of her, or think about her at all.

    • Love 1
  14. Does anyone else think Jaclyn looks like Brittany (I think??), the "dumb" cheerleader from Glee?  I can't see anything else now that that crossed my mind.


    Oh yes very much.  And they both have incredible bodies.

    • Love 1
  15. I will say that I think Jeremy's gameplay is way overrated.


    Who is overrating Jeremy's gameplay?  I'm not seeing that at all.  He was my favourite player, not the player I'd say was the best.  He was literally outplayed, so he's one of the worst players (unfortunately for me).


    I kept thinking about YauMan's bag being rifled through and thought I was imagining it, so thanks for confirming.  


    I would prefer Philip and Brandon over these people I think.  I have no idea who Lisa is.  

  16. I think the husband was also a guest star on The Good Wife --- someone on death row perhaps.  That's where I know him from because I haven't seen his other shows.


    IMDB listing:


    The Good Wife (TV Series)
    Carter Wright
    - Nine Hours (2010) ... Carter Wright

    • Love 1
  17. I have been very impressed with Natalie's game play lately.  She was the one who asked Jeff if they could trade the reward with another player, which was a smart move to make.  It wasn't enough to keep John and Jaclyn loyal, but it was still a clever move to make.


    Watching season after season, I've seen many contestants try to kiss ass and curry favour from power players by giving them rewards.  I don't remember ever seeing it work for someone.    Am I wrong?  I don't find it clever at all.  How was it smart, and how did it help her?   If Jeremy was just going along with what Natalie did and put no thought behind it, it kind of inadvertently cost him the game.  

    • Love 7
  18. Jake put on some music when he went in the office with the lawyer. Could that have been a Sade song?


    Haha.  100% not a Sade song.  But some chill sounding R&B.   Boyle dancing to this song was so funny.  


    Tunefind identifies it as:   Doin' that Thing by Raphael Lake, Aaron Levy & Jane Afrilu Sammut

    "Jake puts on some smooth listening tunes while discussing the possible Anthrax exposure to the lawyer."


    Tunefind is a great site by the way.  People go in there and identify all the songs for any show there.  If a song isn't there, you can request to know what it is, and people always respond!

  19. Not just Ray Rice, but Rihanna-Chris brown also (though I know they did that before).  I thought a lot about Rihanna during the episode.


    At least the actors were good.  Real, actual actors.  I'm happy for all you Barba fans out there.  Other than that.  Meh.  Meagan Good is very good-looking.


    I can't stand Kelli Giddish on this show, and either she's getting worse, or I just can't stand her.  The writers always give her the cheesiest, expositiony lines and she recites them very cheesily too.  The entire character and her dialogue are so unnatural.  What the hell was taunting Amaro all about.

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