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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Not excited about Marcia Gay Harden.  I enjoy scenery chewing a la Taraji P. Henson.  I do not care for Marcia's style and never ever have.  For me, she's not anywhere even near Goddess Viola's league, sorry.  I get they were trying to do a cliffhanger, but the sister of the husband is back, am I supposed to be shaking in my boots?  It's fucking Annalise.... she can handle it.....


    Anyways, I'm glad "our" show is back.


    Matt McGorry is an amazing actor I think.  Everything he does on this show and on Orange, he breaks my heart.  It's rare to see an actor like this.   Just constant vulnerability.


    I'm a big fan of Wes, but amongst my circle of friends, I stand alone in that :)


    Somehow I forgot that Nate existed and he's like my favourite part of the show (besides Viola).  More Viola/Nate sex please, it raises the show up to an A+++ for me, that would be great.

    • Love 2
  2. Why didn't Olivia just shoot the guy at the end? Didn't she still have the gun?


    Olivia dropped the gun on the floor after shooting the main captor guy, which was very, very, very stupid, but I can't really judge a person in that extreme situation.


    Here's another perspective.  I thought the episode was very captivating, albeit sometimes way too scary for me.  This is coming from someone who got so bored/grossed out/fed up with the show that I've missed probably more than a season of it at this point.  So I finally was compelled to watch an episode all the way through in like a year.  For me, that's something.


    The cell mate thing was so predictable, even CW's The 100 did it a few episodes ago.


    They also did it on LOST, in one of my favourite television episodes of any show of all time, ever.  And yet I still didn't pick up on it.  I never pick up on anything.

    • Love 2
  3. I do love that they're rounding out the personalities and motivations of everyone. There's something to respect about every character (well... maybe not Hakeem yet).


    It's his relationship with Jamal :)

    • Love 1
  4. I really don't like how fancy the technology is all presented as being when we're just jumping two-ish years into the future. It seems like too much, and while I find the jokes from Five Minutes into the Future funny (still laughing about the Freeman/Woodley feud), they're not going to keep well... I guess it can just be taken as an alternate universe timeline. Still.


    What was that?


    I remember Nicki Minaj throwing shade at Jesse Eisenberg at the BAFTAs or some such; Tom was on the side that it's deserved and Lucy on the side that it wasn't.

  5. I feel like they wanted to say something about Google and privacy,


    Facebook and privacy is what jumps out at me.  Facebook is always data mining what you "Like" and then giving you ad suggestions based on that, and everyone complains about the lack of privacy.  There are some things you have to make public if you join Facebook; there's no choice about those things.  And then of course a lot of people feel the 'need' to join Facebook because everyone and every business is on it.

    • Love 3
  6. I watched both episodes with a huge smile on my face.  I thought these two episodes were fantastic and I wasn't so hot for the first few of Season 7.  (Looked it up):  Amy Poehler directed "Gryzzlbox".  Joe Mande wrote "Save JJ's".  How can anyone not have the hugest grin watching Tom and Donna shop in Beverly Hills? All of my favourite romcoms smashed into my favourite sitcom for a montage with palm trees and the Hollywood sign.


    I'm still laughing over Jaden Smith's shoes in Hitch 2: Son of a Hitch.


    This was said a little too quickly for me -- so thank you for typing it out.  Genius, genius, genius, genius.


    I think the show was practically at its best for these two episodes and I think Jorma and Billy Eichner (no fucking surprise there) have been great additions.  


    Loved the cameo by Dax Shepard.  He's great at comedy.


    I loved when Leslie was doing some big speech about how J.J. built J.J.'s from the ground up and he interrupted and said "That's not true."

    • Love 5
  7. I've always said button-down shirts.  I've never heard the phrase "button-up" shirt before to be honest.  I love button-down dresses too, I think they're so sexy :)


    Helen makes the same goddamn pieces over and over again since her season.  The fact that she's never called out on this, my god!


    I find it so funny that the show wants to save Fabio every week so no matter what he does he's safe.  I like him too I have to admit.  This week I only liked his looks and Sonjia's -- I thought he'd be in the top!   His separates were at least ultra-adorable, no?  That top looked like leather, was it?  But as soon as I realized he made a skort I was like....... 


    Dmirty's were weird, outdated, and I couldn't see the relation between the two of them.  I usually like him enough but this week was very 80's ballroom.  Remember how big royal blue was back then?  And corvette yellow.

    • Love 3
  8. I remember as a kid, being very angry with this particular category in 1993.


    Best Supporting Actor Best Supporting Actress
    Tommy Lee Jones – The Fugitive as U.S. Marshal Samuel Gerarddouble-dagger - Winner
    Leonardo DiCaprio – What's Eating Gilbert Grape as Arnie Grape
    Ralph Fiennes – Schindler's List as Amon Goeth
    John Malkovich – In the Line of Fire as Mitch Leary
    Pete Postlethwaite – In the Name of the Father as Giuseppe Conlon


    Obviously, with how young I was, I thought Leo was the be-all and end-all.  I was so upset that Leo didn't win, and if he didn't win, then I would have given it to John Malkovich who scared the shit out of me with that performance.  However, that was 100 years ago, and I was shocked when I recently saw "The Man in the Iron Mask" and found Leo's acting a lot, lot, lot worse in that film than I remembered :)


    These days, the Oscar Best Picture winner that makes me the most annoyed was "Crash".  I hate that movie.


    I was a huge, huge fan of "Social Network" and "True Grit" in 2010, so my heart was broken by "The King's Speech" taking everything, which I found just average.  And I mean, if those movies weren't going to take it, why not "Inception"?  Overall I thought that was just an incredible year for movies.


    In all of these cases, I saw all of the movies I mention.  "The Fugitive" is actually one of my all time favourites, but that performance!?  Come ON!

    • Love 1
  9. Cuba Gooding Jr.!  Yeah, I know he pretty much squander any opportunities he got after winning an Oscar (Daddy Day Camp?  Boat Trip?  Freaking Snow Dogs!  Come on, man!)


    I don't blame Cuba Gooding for taking what jobs and money he was offered.  I don't think he's ever been in a position to dictate some fantastic career. 


    I still love Porscha, her look, her clothes, her behaviour, everything.

    • Love 2
  10. This is my first rewatch of GG.


    I'm on Season 4.  I'm trying to actually watch it this time (I wrote about skipping a LOT of Season 4 through first watch on another thread) and keeping in mind everyone's positive comments about Diggar, Paris, etc. and it's kind of working.  I'm actually able to watch.


    However, I will say, Rory's baby voice is really, really grating on me this time.  Really!

    • Love 1
  11. I was only half watching the runway, so I may be misremembering. But I'm pretty sure it was Dmitry's avant garde *thinking* - rather than avant garde *execution * - being rewarded. Maybe Isaac said that?


    That was Alyssa.


    Considering Nicole S's last foray into judging reality competitions, I wasn't expecting much, but I was surprised she had some interesting criticism. I thought it was a good point that Fabio might be using the pink in an attempt to inject some femininity into his otherwise androgynous designs


    That was also Alyssa.

  12. Oh I missed that they had the actor imitate the paper bag thing.


    Shiloh Fernandez looks like someone but I couldn't place who.  Oh noooooow I remember him on Gossip Girl.  He was the love interest in the backdoor pilot episode of Valley Girls!

  13. Why does everyone think the actor was supposed to be Shia LaBeouf?


    Everything about the actor was Franco!  Franco did the dating a youth over the internet thing, inviting her to his hotel room, and his whole life is an art piece.  Shia is a totally different animal.


    I'm usually the type of person who NEVER gets who the 'killer'/'suspect' is so I was really annoyed that I knew through this whole episode.  Jeremy Jordan is the new hot thing right now, and I knew knew knew he'd be the 'bad guy' in the end.  I've never seen Shiloh Fernandez in anything before (except, apparently, Gossip Girl).


    I'm in love with Carisi too.   Ever since they let him shave the mustache off. 


    So does the Shia Lebouf-esque character winking at the girl at the end prove that he was somewhat involved? Was that girl, the girl from the suitcase?


    I think it was a completely new girl, and she was another crazy that was in love with the actor.  I guess that's what we were supposed to think.

    • Love 1
  14. Porsche is soooooo hilarious I love her.


    This episode was way better than last and I'm addicted now.  Taraji is the new God.  Last year I was saying Viola was God.  So now there's 2...


    The music was so great this episode!  I felt spoiled.

  15. I've certainly noticed that the GGs make fun of a lot of mainstream pop culture that I really like.  I can't come up with examples right now.  It's kind of funny though.  GG is very easy to digest, mainstream pop culture in itself.


    I remember Lorelai calling "that Cranberries song" an annoying earworm, probably referencing "Zombie".  They're my favourite band :)

    • Love 4
  16. And I think I might want Niles to win (I can't remember his name on the show).


    I love how you call him Niles.  I call him that too.


    That's all I care to comment on.  That's how boring this episode was.

    • Love 5
  17. I'm on my first rewatch, ever!


    I watched the Season 3 premiere and Lorelai woke up to a bunch of alarm clocks and was preggers with Luke's twins.  I was like Zuh?  How did I miss a half season or so?

    Then of course it was revealed to be a damn dream sequence...

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