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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I can't recall whether it was in this episode or an episode or two back (Darn binge watching...), but what was up with Yates' forgetfulness at the grocery store? That seemed like it was leading somewhere, but didn't get followed up on.


    I know that Kim Dickens' character later said "You need to get some sleep".


    And they basically spelled it out that the author had an addiction to men's confessions (snickers).  So.  You know.  He was in withdrawal (snickers).


    No one seems to be posting in the other episode threads, so I would love to know what you all thought of this actor who played the author!  I thought he was so bland for most of the season, then he kinda got interesting in the back 5.  I dunno.  I felt he was so lacking in charisma or anything special that I kept being distracted as to why he was cast.  I don't know any authors in real life I guess.  I know someone who reminds me of him, but that person I know lacks the focus it would take to actually be a novelist.


    I thought Season 1 was fantastic, 5 stars.  I absolutely hated Season 2.  This one was okay.  I don't think I'll ever feel as good as I felt about the show in that first season again.  I mean this season was episode after episode of me waiting for something good, for a shoe to drop.  And the shoe is that Claire is leaving?  My god, I didn't need 13 hours for that....


    They really took all the fun out of the Doug Rachel story.  There were so many great ways it could go, Rachel running off into the fields, into town.  WHO WOULDN'T BE RUNNING IMMEDIATELY in that situation, especially her?!  She is a survivor....... plain and simple!  I wanted her to kill him "again" -- that would have been satisfying. It would have been what he deserved.


    Whatever... the only spark in this show is Remy and Jackie... and the show is determined to not them happen... except for those fleeting seconds..... instead... we get that Boring dude....

    • Love 2
  2. It's always my hugest pop culture pet peeve that every television show and movie feels the need to shove in a vomit scene, and in 90% of the time in my opinion, for no good reason.  It's for shock value in my opinion, so the writers can pretend they're Super Edgy.  I mean this one was more of the nonsensical ones I've ever seen.  And I've seen thousands.   If Claire's stupid gagging scene amounts to nothing, I'll be even angrier.


    Have any of you vomited out of being anxious over something?  Or upset?!  I mean really.  And yet you'll see it in movies all the time.   The mark of a writer or director who cannot figure out how to display those emotions.

    • Love 9
  3. I knew it was a mistake as soon as Claire closed her eyes and promised she'd sleep "Just for a bit" but I honestly thought Corrigan would kill her.  A emotionally distraught and desperate man in a jail cell.  No offence but I wouldn't close my eyes.  Kind of hard to believe that the First Lady would be kept in such a situation long enough for that to happen.


    To be fair I'm waiting for someone to be killed every 5 seconds on this show... 

  4. Guys, what do you think of the novelist actor?


    I keep wondering if the actor is boring and bland by design.  It doesn't work for me, really.  I mean I kind of know bland personalities like that in real life, but for such a big part...?


    WTF did this actor come from, anyway?


    Also, a couple of episodes ago, I remember the character saying he's married -- is that right?


    For example, in contrast, I find Molly Parker pretty damn electrifying.

    • Love 5
  5. "I'm cute about everything!" Yep, that's Jake allright.


    This was straight out of Tom Haverford's playbook, though -- "I'm cute together with everyone."


    Anyways, what's the song playing in the background when Rosa and Nick Cannon are kissing?  Thanks.

    • Love 1
  6. I think Matt McGorry (Asher) is so special and talented.  I would hate it if he left the show.  He's brilliant on Orange is the New Black and here.  It is weird, and he does seem like he's on a totally different show than the rest of them.  But.... I love him!  :(  There must be some intent or plan in place to have him so deliberately out of the murder team, right?


    The actor who plays Rebecca was also killed on The Killing -- she's the subject of the first season and pilot so I don't think that can be a spoiler.


    Is Rebecca 1000% dead no doubt at all in this?  I don't want to believe it.


    Let's say Annalise is Wes's mother.  Would she be okay putting a hit on the woman that her son loves?  I don't think so?  If so why?  So many "What Ifs" but still it doesn't seem right :(  Wasn't AK the one so hellbent on proving her innocence for reasons no one could really understand, besides "She got Wes"?

    • Love 1
  7. I'm a woman (I happen to be straight, it doesn't matter, but just giving Redhead Zombie my own perspective) and I find the actor who plays Laurel so, so, so attractive.  As the dead eyed sociopath she's turning out to be, not so much the character of Laurel, but Karla Souza herself?  I'm awestruck by how attractive I find her.  And her voice has this odd quality I really like.... like a weird accent or something?  Her eyes and her eyebrows, her glass cut cheekbones, I think she's such a beauty!  I can't answer why men do, but that's why I do.....


    (Is this really her?  I just Google Imaged and a whole terrible bunch of photos like this one came up....http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_EDFqmuHfAF0/SxS1WfgMGSI/AAAAAAAADNM/f-8o65ISFT8/s1600/Karla+Souza-53.jpg )

    • Love 8
  8. First of all, I found it so unrealistic and way too magically coincidental that Laurel found Michaela's ring in Connor's car?


    Second of all, Thank you for confirming it was Zola Jesus and what song it was!  I knew it was her just from the vague sounds of her voice!


    Third of all, at some point I realized I was waiting all episode for #NakedNate.  Unfortunately we were not blessed again.


    It's been a hell of a ride.  I've enjoyed this season so immensely with you all!  


    I'm sad that Rebecca, Oliver somewhat, Nate somewhat, and Frank were 'ruined' on this show!  I liked all of them, every single damn character on this show except for Sam and his stupid sister Marcia Gay Harden!  Still love Wes and am #TeamWes all the way, tonight more than any other night!  I love the actor so much in this role.


    Silently rocking back and forth with my body pillow


    So hysterical and apt!  Thank you!

    • Love 1
  9. Agreed, I'm sick of the trope where the woman in the room who is the biggest asshole to you , makes you pursue her even harder-- I've seen this on Sex and the City with Carrie Bradshaw time and time again.  Kara and Gael are that......


    With respect to The Mindy Project, some people are complaining about Kara and her self-hating minority issues.  I find this attribute incredibly realistic not only in my personal life (I know a lot of women like this) but I also use the example of Mindy Kaling.  She's very proud of the fact that she only hires white love interests for her show. In 3 seasons, there's probably been 2 dozen of them at this point.  Two SEPARATE characters she dated on the show were played by actors who are brothers in real life!  Any time anyone asks why she never has men of colour on her show (besides the character of her brother) she basically responds with, if you don't like it, tough.   She finally had Larenz Tate and John Cho on at different points, probably to answer the criticisms, but they very clearly played men she was not dating.  This is just my opinion.  

  10. I'm not sure how to feel about Kara. I don't have an issue with her enjoying her job and being busy, but her saying that she doesn't date Latino men, and calling out Gael for being "a proud Latino" is making me pick up on some self-hatred.


    I have so many friends of my own race who are exactly like this.  (Hell -- look at Mindy Kaling and her show.  One huge example for you.)  It honestly does hurt my feelings.  But it is so damn realistic.


    I don't get why MJ takes Niecy's decisions and struggles (? are they struggles if Niecy's really happy with her life?  LOL) so personally.  I keep trying to picture being an aunt and how I would feel if I didn't agree with my nephews' or nieces' (Niecy = Niece LOL) choices.  I think it's pretty clear that the show is portraying MJ as resentful and jealous towards Niecy for having two kids (hence, the laughing while she injects herself while staring at the Bed of Post-Niecy's Lovemaking) but is that all there is?  Why is she so controlling and paternalistic towards her older brother's kid?  Is it that Niecy does not have a female role model aside from her and her grandmother?

  11. Waited the entire hour to see a message about Harris at the end.  My DVR cut it off, even with taping the show after.  Of course.


    Did anyone see anything?  Was there anything?  I know it's a small problem that the DVR always cuts off the last minute, but it's frustrating.  Maybe it's the network that is broadcasting it, I don't know.     

  12. People are trying to use her as an 'example' to further their own opinions/get more hits on their articles, Twitter pages, etc.  In doing that they're obviously being incredibly condescending and insulting to her, personally.  And again, she's only 25.  She's kind of proving the point like, look, I don't want to be the host, and leave me TF alone about it.  People selfishly writing that they know what's best for her career!  My goodness.


    Holy cow -- could "Hot Tub Time Machine 2" predict the future? Check out this clip, which speculates about the future of TDS circa 2025. Jessica Williams fans will particularly enjoy it.


    Absolutely love it.  The critics haven't been kind, but I will be seeing this movie in theatres.

    • Love 1
  13. I loved most of Jessica's completely inappropriate harassment talk except for her saying that men should be told how handsome they were was so completely out of character. The rest of the talk was about being direct/rude/not getting context which we have seen her do in other situations but that was straight out of nowhere for the character.


    I don't know.  I think she could be my Mom, in that way I get it.  She can act all conservative and prudish, but if a man is totally handsome she kind of throws all those rules out the window.  It's embarrassing so I don't want to delve too deeply into it. Haha.


    I'm so obsessed with Evan, I think he is a miracle.

  14. R&B, Episode 5:


    H-Town, Knocking the Boots.  This is the sexual song heard throughout the episode.


    I'll have to watch it again to see if I catch anything else.


    CrazyDog, no problem at all and you're so welcome!

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