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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I think it's because Clarke always looks out of breath and sweaty.  I understand he's singing really hard but I also understand why his face might make people uncomfortable.  He doesn't look comfortable himself.  I don't mind it so much though.

  2. I'm sorry, but I found Joaquin's rant towards Shirin absolutely hysterical.


    May I please say that I'm a staunch feminist and I'm always the first one to point out things like that, but Joaquin's rant at her was the first time I was legitimately entertained by this season.  I couldn't understand every word, obviously, but his speech patterns and deadpan reactions to her, oh my god.  Hilarious.  I rewound it a few times.  I really wanted to understand everything.  I couldn't find the closed captioning.  He just absolutely hates her.  And the visual of him being barely visible in the trees or whatever, and keeping the same facial expression while saying all these things.  People on Survivor are supposed to keep these extreme feelings about people to themselves so when it's let out in this type of way it's very, very funny to me.


    I have to love the honesty.  You're expected to just go along with this person who has Decided what everyone should do in regards to the Idol and he was basically like, Fuck, No.  That's the kind of character I enjoy.


    Jenn on the other hand, Queen of Smug, I can't even take it.  She's just soooo pleased with herself.  "God, why does everybody (who probably spent years applying and is trying hard to win a million dollars) take Survivor so seriously?" 

    • Love 6
  3. See I actually really don't like Alicia Florrick at all.


    Mary Jane (and Meredith Grey, from what I sort of remember) are flawed, yes, but I do really enjoy watching her (them?).  I barely remember Grey's Anatomy but I know I loved watching it (I couldn't handle the dismembered hospital victims, people being blown to smithereens, poles going through their bodies, etc.)


    So to me that's the difference... I don't know if I find MJ likeable per se but I do enjoy the hell out of watching her.  

  4. I love the show too.  I'm terribly addicted.  I can't even explain what I love so much about it.  I don't even love the characters either.  Like I like them in the sense that I enjoy watching them I guess.  It's like the show feels so much deeper than it is, or something.  Hard to explain.  Gives me a lot to think about, feels "real", feels "messy".  Mary Jane is not likable, not perfect at all.  I don't think she's meant to be.  She's very flawed.  Though it is kind of annoying how men are always falling for her I guess.  This episode was a bit much.   Though with a body like that maybe it is believable.  And her "fame"... 

    • Love 1
  5. Nick Fradiani:


    His voice is way too affected for me, and not in the way I like.  It's too distracting for me and I can't hear the song.


    I'm not a Joey Cook "fan" but at least I can see why people like it.

  6. I had to come here specifically to mention that Hakeem's song that he and Naomi presented to the family


    - Appeared to sample Suzanne Vega's song "Tom's Diner" from the 1993 movie Untamed Heart

    - Quoted Aaliyah and R. Kelly's song "Age Ain't Nothing But a Number"




    I love Cookie and Malcolm!  100x more sex scenes between them please!

    • Love 5
  7. I have made so many friends by simply being a fellow minority though!   A lot of times it is in reaction to such strange scenarios as portrayed on this show's school.


    Your experiences are so interesting, and quite shocking honestly.  It probably explains why you prefer more 'organic' reasons for building friendships!

    • Love 1
  8. I have a few friends who were the only 1 of 2 people of their race in their entire high school.  It means that most of the students saw the 2 minority students as interchangeable and called them by each others' names.  Honestly it sounds awful and those people always have my sympathy.  I think it's too sad to even address on a sitcom, so this episode did a good job.  

    • Love 4
  9. Count me in.  Bert was just the CuuuuuuuUUUUUUUtest on Trophy Wife.   Evan is cuter, but still.


    The father laughing jovially and blithely saying he didn't want to know about the 2 boys scheming is so, so, so my father.  

    I love this show so much.  After every episode, I have a huge grin on my face and I'm thinking, "I'm never deleting this......."  


    I'm a huge nerd.

    • Love 2
  10. You're welcome and thanks for the appreciation!  Sorry, Dog.


    Thanks for the information on Dawkins.  That is awful.  I'm an atheist too and he doesn't represent my views.

  11. If Alicia's mad at her son for not revealing something very important to her, shouldn't that make her take a closer look at how she parents rather than freezing her son out so that he can make the same mistakes again?  No wait, what am I saying, LOL this is Alicia Florrick..... 

    • Love 3
  12. What friendships? Other than Jake she's consistently mean and disrespectful to everyone...especially Amy. Which is the worst because Amy is the best.


    Oh Ugh.  This just proves how subjective this stuff is.  Gina's one of my favourite characters.  Amy is the worst.


    I think that Chelsea Peretti is very funny.  I love her line deliveries.  Amy / Fumero do absolutely zero for me.


    No. Cheers, Friends, Frasier never did

    Cheers had Carla, who was a total bitch.


    And Friends had Phoebe, who was mostly an asshole towards Ross and Chandler, which was never funny to me.  I would also argue that George on Seinfeld is pretty bad towards his own friends, too.  Jerry too.  That was kind of the point of the show.

  13. First of all, if Zach is homeless, why would that give him a unibrow?


    Second of all, Zach misses a call, yet he can't see who it was from, and can't call that person back immediately?  Is this 1982?


    Third of all, Mom of the Year strikes again, doing what she always does.  "Worrying" about her son and doing absolutely next to nothing about it, i.e. giving her son a call and not caring that he didn't pick up.


    I don't know if the calling part was a fantasy or not and frankly I don't give a damn.


    As for the landline, don't dorms still come with them?


    No offense, but I graduated from university 10 years ago and the premise of that is ridiculous to me!  No..... not where I come from...  no.  I haven't used one in a home since the 1990s.

    • Love 6
  14. It makes you squeamish because actual Native American actors are so rarely afforded opportunities to tell their own stories on American television.  Again and again we have white actors cast as Native Americans.  Whether it's part of a "joke" or Not it happens far too frequently and is incredibly disingenuous.


    I'm not the hugest fan of Jane Krakowski and there was no real actual need for her to play a Native American woman ashamed of her race.  Yes, I do get the "joke" but that doesn't mean I like it.  


    Look at the casting of the movie Pan to see that whitewashing is still happening in 2015.  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3332064/


    There are many many many Native American women out there where you wouldn't be able to immediately identify their race.  Why do you think so many cross-race casting happens in the first place?  Because people assume audiences are dumb enough to buy it.  


    If the story absolutely had to have a woman who was ashamed of and hiding her Native American race, then the show could have still cast a Native American actor (or even partly Native American) to portray that.  If you think no Native American actor could ever pass for white, then the actual joke in the show falls apart, doesn't it?


    Even Saved By the Bell handled race better than this.

    • Love 10
  15. His panic when the butterscotches just appeared in his pocket!  Laughed out loud.


    It was funny but I have to admit it reminded me of cats magically appearing in Penny Harts's apartment on Happy Endings (and episodes of The Good Wife and The View appearing on her DVR), leading her to believe she was becoming a spinster against her control. 

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