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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Episode 109, "License to Sell".


    The music this episode so far, so very, very good.


    Passin' Me By - Pharcyde:  When Eddie's crush walks by. 


    I'm the Only One - Melissa Etheridge:  Jessica eats a chipwich in the car.

  2. It says you don't enjoy the Alicia Florrick character?  Doesn't necessarily mean anything about the actress herself.


    I think it could, if the actress has become an executive producer and has more say in her character.


    Thanks Noreaster.  I didn't mean to derail.  I will check out that thread for this discussion.

    • Love 1
  3. I would appreciate if Phil divorced Carol.  I hate when people are so selfish as to keep being in a relationship with someone while interested in someone else.  So am I supposed to find it so ironic and hilarious here because of the premise?  There is nothing keeping Phil to Carol - No kids, no lawyers, no divorce settlements, no pre-nups, nothing that exists in the Normal world.  So what the f***?


    I find it weird that Melissa has been so cold to Phil.  I guess it's very pro-woman and rah rah rah which is great, but I feel like I never see this played out on television normally.  Again , irony based on the circumstance, like the show is saying Phil really is THAT repulsive to her.


    With a new person practically appearing every 'episode' there is no way these characters would honestly think they're alone on Earth.  4 people ending up in the same city in this short a time?  Come on!


    I think January Jones is just fine in the role.


    I find her so pretty and charming.  

  4. Now they can call the show what it really is, The Smug Wife.  


    I don't know why I'm watching.  It's not like I want to see Kalinda killed anyway (I'm not spoilered; I have no idea what's happening.)


    Poor Niles.

    • Love 8
  5. I can't look at him without thinking there is a bobby pin pushing his hair back.  Is there?


    "Not gonna" reminds me of Dana Carvey's Bush impersonation, but I guess 'not gonna lie' is different.

  6. Thanks for reminding me about Boy George.  I'm excited for that.


    I was totally thinking that Qaasim had the best performance of the night and then Harry agreed with me.  Weird.


    Some of those song choices were wretched.  There are so many fantastic movie songs out there.  Checking the nominations for the Oscar for Best Song alone.  Ah whateever.

    • Love 1
  7. I'm laughing because I'm thinking about how Max and Shirin thought they had the World's Greatest Strategy by walking around naked and 'intimidating' the other players a la Richard Hatch.  Jenn/Will seemed to indicate that "those two" just spend all their time together, "secretly" strategizing in full view of everyone, which leads me to believe all the dumb things they did were probably part of this great strategy.  And Max calling Shirin "brilliant" for telling Carolyn who to vote for or whoever, LOL.  It's just all so funny!  I also think Shirin said a bunch of things to 'scandalize' the other players.  Like "I killed a rabbit, you know?"  (Cue shocked faces).  But knowing people like Will, Jenn, and Hali they probably just gave them a slack-jawed stare (i.e. "Please stop talking.")


    himela, I understand what you're saying, but what I'm saying is that just because Will isn't loudly telegraphing everything he's doing and acting emotionally about it, doesn't necessarily mean he's a dumb player.  He could be planning and thinking, but not telling the camera or other players.  I can't judge him for being a bad player until I see the result.  If I was Sierra I would hope I wouldn't make it clear to all the other players on my team I need reassurance (a la Kass) because that might be just another annoyance that the Blue Collar Bros might want to get rid of.  I get what you're saying and it might be smart, but I guess I'm not thinking like that.

    • Love 6
  8. I don't "hate" Jenn and Hali but I do resent the implication that people are not allowed to dislike certain contestants or not allowed to provide personal, subjective, and in my opinion, often very rational reasons for liking or disliking people or contestants.  I'm not sure what fun of the show even is if I can't pick and choose amongst the contestants what of humanity I like versus dislike, what people I'd get along with versus not.... what would be the point of casting 20 different personalities if we couldn't judge them in this way?   One of the facets of Survivor is watching these people attempt to survive amongst different personalities.  Clearly some of us can hardly even survive watching them on screen.


    It reminds me of that personality type where if I state I don't like a certain woman the person declares that as a fellow woman I "must be jealous of her" even if in the same breath I talk about how I adore 10 other woman separate from the original one in question.


    Hali acted okay until she suddenly said Nina "got what she deserved" getting voted out.  Where did that even come from?  Nina did nothing mean-spirited to Hali so why was Hali's comment so ..... strangely mean-spirited?  It sounded practically hateful.


    My issue with Jenn is that she's smug.  There's nothing inherently wrong with being smug but a lot of people get turned off by it.  She's only smiling and happy if she's doing whatever exactly she wants to do at any given moment -- if anyone else has the attention or wants to do absolutely anything else she looks very unhappy.  She's extremely pleased with herself and her own personality.  That is all fine.  Just is a unique personality type to get used to where she doesn't care to get along with someone who might be slightly different.


    I found Shirin really annoying myself and don't care if the so-called Mean Girls agree with me on that or not.    


    I think Will will wear any mask necessary and say anything necessary to fit in and fly under the radar.  I don't necessarily believe what he actually says.   The other contestants love to shit on his body type and apparent lack of athleticism so I think it's a good strategy.


    This is the kind of evaluating personality types that I love to do... I am not "trying so hard to find reasons to hate somebody".

    • Love 11
  9. Regarding episode 4: I'm wondering why Will wasn't mad for using him to avoid an idol being played by Nina. They actually told him "If Nina had an idol you were the one leaving and/or you are the fourth in this four people alliance" and he was like "ah ok, thanks for filling me in". I mean, wtf? When The same thing happened with Sierra (her being used to avoid an idol played by either Rodney or Lindsey) she went rightfully crazy. In my books and in survivor books this means war and that's what she claimed she'd do.




    In my opinion Will was doing the smart thing by hiding his feelings on it and just giving straight Poker face.  That's exactly what he did at that first Tribal Council and that seems to be his method of playing and he seems very smart for it.

    How is the Sierra play ever the good play --- almost never, in my opinion.

    • Love 10
  10. That challenge made me sick.  After 30 seasons, they test these challenges for safety, and they thought people pulling heavy things down onto their own heads while blindfolded was the way to go?


    Jeff, yelling at blindfolded people:  "BE CAREFUL!"


    When you're blindfolded, how can you even know how to follow what he means by that?


    Sometimes, the challenges are so interesting, and poetry in motion when carried out successfully.  Challenges like this always turn my stomach.  "Survivor" shouldn't have to be about literally surviving the challenge and not getting seriously injured from the lack of safety restrictions, yet time and time again we see examples of this peril.  That's not the kind of show I'm here for.

    • Love 18
  11. I do agree with Dan's assessment of how men should listen to women.  And I totally agree that men listeners tend to want to fix the problem and women listeners tend to want to understand the problem, then console.


    I really don't want to sound snarky when I say this, but it's not a novel concept.  It's the thesis of the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" by John Gray, first published in 1992.


    I think I read it in college, and I did appreciate some of the teachings.  It puts a typical couple into 2 stereotyped categories.  Some people can't listen and empathize to your problem, they must provide a solution and then they would probably rather you not complain about your issue anymore.  Some people just want to vent to each other and have someone listen and empathize.  Of course, the stereotype and tradition would say men were raised to be the former and women to be the latter, but I'm sure everyone knows examples of both genders falling into either category, and then of course there are same sex couples as well.  I have no issue with the book per se, it's just kind of silly to spout these outdated fixed concepts on television.  It's just a theory.  Some people fall into it and some don't.


    Anyway, I actually love this cast.  I don't mean I love the people in the cast but I find they make for a far more, I'm talking 70% more, interesting show than last season's cast.  The disparity for me is actually ridiculous.


    I totally felt that Shirin's (totally nasty and uncalled for) remarks about Will's weight were mean spirited.  She doesn't have some perfect body.  That would be Jenn.  I am completely in awe of this woman's body, it is so annoyingly perfect.  I can't stand how perfect it is I'm just ogling.  Just, wow.


    I thought I would hate Carolyn, but I love her.  Jenn seems to win me over and piss me off with every other episode, this episode she was not so bad.  With that body I assume she is used to everyone treating her like she shits rainbows so I guess I get it.


    Tyler is a dark horse.  Joachin and Tyler, I find them very dangerous in this game in a good way.  Tyler is playing smart because I don't hear him being annoying and I'm thankful for it.


    I thought the shot of the lizard with worms on its face was astonishingly beautiful.  I Instagramm'ed it.  When Jeff Probst referenced his own Botox I died of happiness.  Thank goodness for this show.


    Mike was kind of hot this episode, that was the scariest part.  His voice kind of turns my stomach though.

    • Love 10
  12. This is the second show set in the 80s or 90s where someone said "24/7" and I found it really off. I think it was the magazine editor on this show when they were trying to explain their concept to Becca.  In another forum someone insisted people were saying it back then.   I only remember hearing this in the 2000s earliest.  Just a personal pet peeve of mine.

  13. I'm overall disappointed in this show.  It had a great premise and seemed like it would be a show for my demo (30 - 40 female), but I'm now thinking that this show was written by Millennials for Millennials.  


    I'm 32 and I'm considered a Millennial, and always have been (since back when we were called Generation Y at first; this is all according to the Wikipedia definition; also there is no way I'm Generation X considering I was a baby to small child when that was all going on... ).  Anyway, I love the show.


    There were 3 songs that played at the engagement party that I'm not seeing the titles listed for anywhere.


    - Becca first comes in, and it's a song with only a flute!  No words.

    - Becca speaks to some people, another song.

    - Becca speaks to her father, song with guitar and a beat.


    Not good descriptions, but if anyone knows please help.  Thanks.


    My final thoughts.


    • Sean is majorly hot , but I have no idea why we had to follow his life after Becca and him broke up the first - let alone the second time - it made no sense to the viewer.  Only if he was an incredible actor maybe, but he's not.
    • The kid who plays Noelle was good on her show (Lying something something? LOL) but here she is annoying as hell.  I hate that slimy, slithery, sassy, saucy type of character.  Come on she is awffffuuuuul!
    • The actor who played Lolly was amazing in the last scene.  I find her usually quite grating - her voice is the worst - but she really freaked me out in the last scene, I was impressed.


    I wish it was more clear whether Becca knew what she was doing/ knew what she wanted.  She's just so passive aggressive and falls into any situation she is in.  I love the actor but this character is so hard to root for.  It's so boring to only take interest in a man because he shows interest in you.  That's why I found her and Sean interesting, maybe there was passion and chemistry there, but the show never delved deep enough into it.


    I get that Becca and Kevin were kind of soulmatey; I've been there, but the show didn't establish it.  Too much tell and no show.


    Lolly is an asshole to Jamie.  And why couldn't her name have been Molly?

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