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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Was Selina's point that people will conclude that Catherine was bullied because her mother was the VP?


    I think that makes Selina more sympathetic, not less, so I'm not sure I get that.

  2. Too groggy for the murder?  I don't think so.  Their main suspect has always been Ben who finally found out he had been drugged and even Cornell herself thought experienced a blackout whilst committing the murder.

    • Love 1
  3. I was describing the show to a friend and I said it's unique in that it's the only show where nobody has a heart (except for maybe Gary towards Selina?) and yet I'm somehow attached and still want to know what happens the following week.  I haven't always felt like that, so maybe these past 2 seasons are actually superior to the previous.


    Ben and Kent are so amazing.... Obsessed with Gary Cole in this role.


    It's funny how two of the cast members are from my favourite movie Office Space - Gary Cole and (the evil) Diedrich Bader.  Even his real name sounds evil.  They should have Ron Livingston on the show.  And Stephen Root could easily slide into Ben's role.


    Compared to House of Cards, there is no comparison.  On an episode by episode basis this show blows HOC out of the water.


    Also.... I'm still amazed by Sue.

    • Love 4
  4. So sad about this being the season finale.


    Season Finale - So Chineez


    I loved the mention of Bjork, who is one of the greatest 1990s artists for me.  The album Post came out in 1995.


    Clean in My Lac by Smoke - opening song

    Juicy by Notorious B.I.G.

    Opportunities - Let's Make Lots of Money by the Pet Shop Boys - when Louis imagines business at the Country Club

    Kokomo by The Beach Boys -- the school kids doing their Caribbean islands project

  5. Andre Braugher was really funny this whole episode.  I would talk to him about the moons of Jupiter.  I've had someone try to talk to me about that before.


    I liked when Kevin told Marcus the tale of his beef bourguignon and he feigned enthusiasm while having no idea what he was talking about.


    Jake mistreats Boyle a lot.  I felt so bad for Boyle being so excited about that Atlantic City trip.

    • Love 2
  6. The thing is, I feel like this show was really shitty the entire time and then for the past two episodes it was somehow really good and gripping.  I feel like we're all undercover smart for sticking with this for so long and now we're being rewarded.   It makes The Good Wife look like shit, not that that's hard.  I'm having fun.


    (Same timeslot)  Secrets and Lies  >>>  The Last Man on Earth >>> The Good Wife


    I never pick up on anything, so at the very least I'm glad I picked up on Jess being overtly sexual and creepy all the time for no reason.

    • Love 4
  7. I like the season.


    I also think that Dan having an extra vote is an exciting development.  I've never seen that on another season so it's novel and interesting.

    • Love 1
  8. It scares me how acceptable the lies about Will are because he turned out to be "mean".  And how the lies Shirin told are acceptable because she's a sad person.  And someone's suggestion that Shirin should go into police work?  My god.  I am not even going to touch that one.

    • Love 7
  9. Shirin, Mike, and Jenn outright spread rumours of Will stealing, lying, hiding things based on zero evidence.  They jumped to this conclusion based on nothing and held firm to it.  Why is that just completely forgotten here?  Shirin did play the victim, yet Will was the victim of their shit in the first place.  Will purposely made a decision to NOT act like a victim.  He wanted to fight back.  


    What Will said was mean, but he was angry.  I don't blame him for angry feelings.  I thought a lot of the episode was entertaining, until Shirin made everything about her.  I'm sorry but in no way does Shirin's domestic abuse justify lying about Will.  Not seeing the connection there.  Never saw her once apologize or even try to.  I really, really hate those people who attack someone and then when they're called out on it, cry and make everyone pity them.  I've seen that act before.  And yet so many people can't seem to see through it.


    I don't see how Shirin, Jenn, or Mike are good people at all.  No thank you.  How is what they did not "mean" yet Will somehow is?  Does everyone forget how this all started?  At least Rodney gave Will the benefit of the doubt and didn't believe any of it at all.  It didn't seem like Sierra believed it either.   And, Shirin was petty and childish.  But I guess it's okay, because she cries when she's confronted.


    If you'd never seen an episode of this show before, Dan didn't come out too badly.  Mike is looking worse and worse with every episode.  

    • Love 22
  10. Thank you for pointing out that Darren Star recycled the storyline from Sex and the City!  There have to be legions of fans out there like me, who watch the series again and again.  How could we possibly forget?  I really love the show Curb Your Enthusiasm but Larry David recycles bit after bit from Seinfeld.  Gee, do you not realize it's the same fans?


    I need to echo allonsyalice's post because I specifically wanted to post about this.  This episode proved that the love interest is not necessary.  Didn't miss him at all.  Not every goddamn piece of pop culture about a woman needs a love interest for me to be interested.  It was great that the entire episode was just women supporting each other.  It is so rare that you get to see pop culture be purely about women and their friendships and this was a nice slice until the love interest comes back.  

    • Love 3
  11. Gary Cole has been on The Good Wife (very on and off) for years, though, I believe.  Not a bad gig.  He's also got a great movie career going.

  12. Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I remember that Catherine is a miserable sulky person.


    I really like Chelsea Clinton though.  I find her very likeable.  I barely remember Clinton's term though.

    • Love 2
  13. Another reason that Jess is suspicious is that she claimed to not know that Ben was the father of Tom.  Nobody can be that stupid, except for Ben, which I will accept.  (Or did she admit that she always suspected it?)

    • Love 1
  14. Everyone is assuming Abby had to have known about the paternity of Tom to kill Tom , but I thought the original theory was always this:


    Abby knows her parents are fighting over Jess.

    Abby notices that Ben has a close relationship with both Jess and Tom and out of jealousy, hurts Tom.


    I know it's a reach, but it's a theory.  Forget the whole paternity thing and it still works.  One of the original theories was that Abby wanted to drive a wedge between Jess and Ben or at least drive Jess away from her family.


    Scrolling upward, I got this from freshpint's post.

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