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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. The seasons are way too short, and Sue was finally able to show some personality this season, and then it gets snatched away from us.


    Poor Richard, he had nothing to do this episode.


    I loved seeing Gary crying on the couch, and I knew everything would spiral into Mike holding those pop cans.  

  2. A lot of people keep spelling heroin as heroine or variations thereof.  Amusing.


    This was the first episode of the three of this season that I found interesting and compelling.


    I agreed with that assessment of the Daya actor being incredibly emotionless and non-compelling.  Sorry but I don't buy the explanation that it's on purpose.  She does nothing for me at all.  Contrast this to Matt McGorry who does a million things with one facial expression.  I completely understand him being on two hit shows.


    This show kind of ruins Caputo with the Beer Can thing.  It's all I can think about when I look at the actor.  It's like Bobby Cannavale.  I can not NOT think of funky spunk when I look at him.  The imagery just sticks with me.


    The people who don't feel empathy for Nicky -- that's exactly me and Lorna.  I never feel an ounce of anything when it comes to that character.  It's my personal feelings towards stalking and delusion I guess.

    • Love 2
  3. Did anyone else think that Rachel wanted that private material leaked?  She had the money in hand, and was only a few minutes late...  it seemed a bit ridiculous.


    Very cool little brother but they could have picked a more capable actor because I don't think the intention was to have the character show absolutely zero emotion at his father dying suddenly.

    • Love 2
  4. Juan Pablo, Bob Guiney, Charlie O'Connell, Ben Flajnik....I guess it's a matter of taste.


    Like I said I have never watched The Bachelor so no it's not a matter of taste, it's a matter of me not understanding why such a bland guy would be chosen.  If you think all four men above are bland also (I wouldn't know to have an opinion) then again, it shows I don't really understand the success behind these shows.

  5. Amy's dress was so bad, when Jonah pointed it out I was so happy.


    I thought she looked adorable.  She was dressed kind of Amish.  It's just last week, I think, where I made the comment about how she always looks so severe and should change her style up.  The fact that I liked her with pastel makeup and this Amish dress makes me seriously question if I have weirdly strict notions about gender going on in my brain.  It also shows that Amy knows exactly how severe she comes off, and is probably very happy with it.


    It also makes me think that the show very purposely keeps Anna Chlumsky in this look because she has a childish, adorable face and was a child star, so we'll always kind of see her like that.


    I don't care whom they sacrifice as long as Kevin Dunn stays.


    That's interesting. First, I wouldn't want to lose Dan, Sue, probably Richard, and definitely not Ken.  And probably not Amy either.  Just because it'd be too weird.  Oh my god, and Mike!   Who might even be my favourite.  I think what I'm realizing is Kevin Dunn is like 7th down my list.  

  6. Seriously? I'm also in my 30s (34). If you were a kid watching daytime TV in the late '80s, you'd see all those old shows: The Brady Bunch, Gilligan's Island, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, etc. That's just what was on.


    I'm deadly serious.  I'm from this weird land called Canada, and I've never seen one episode of any of these shows.  


    My point was it's not a much hipper reference than Jared referencing Dumb and Dumber, and I think JenE4 gets where I'm coming from now.


    I wasn't particularly impressed with that, it's easy to be the "better person" when you're the winner.


    I saw Kaitlyn fans Twittering or Tumblring that Britt proved to be such an awful person in that scene.  Lol, how, right?  Was she supposed to ask if Kaitlyn was okay too?!  That would make zero sense.... 

    • Love 4
  7. I had no highlights of Jared's date. He's terrible. His poem was worse. Was that an Austin Powers line at the end? ("I like you A LOT.") I think it was from some movie--but like WAY outdated in pop culture as if in 2015 you're going to answer your phone with a "Whaaaaaaazzzuuuuuuup?" Or use a Borat pick up line


    No.  It's from Dumb and Dumber.  And seeing as how Kaitlynn and Jared seem to be around my age, I can safely conclude that like I do, they think that Dumb and Dumber is a masterpiece of its time.  


    I also think, like Cupcake Dentist, being around my age and thinking that Aladdin was incredible is very normal too.  It really was the hugest thing at that time, and we were kids, so I think it makes a lot of sense.


    Pop culture may move on, but if something was created in 1994, I do think it's the greatest thing ever.  That's just being in my early 30s.  I'm sure other people can relate.


    I mean, you're referencing Peter Brady.  I've never even seen The Brady Bunch - has that even been on television since I was born?  That guy really, really does look like Peter Brady now that I've Google Image'd him.


    I did feel really bad for the guy with the 1993 haircut though.  That is all I could think about, and then Ryan Gosling or somebody actually used it for the rap.  Hey I still like The Rachel but I know enough not to wear my hair like that anymore.

    • Love 2
  8. Jonah:  She is playing you... like a cheap....

    Amy:  Careful.

    Richard:  Like an X-Box.


    Richard:  I also, uh, saw it.  I can't stop thinking about it.  It's like a bell... that can't be un-rung.

    Bennett:  Where did it happen?

    Richard:  Around the spheres?

    Bennett:  I meant where, in the workplace.

    Richard:  Oh yes I'm sorry.  Uh, it uh, in a hallway, same time as Dan.  

  9. How many times did Constance Zimmer scream "CRAP" in this pilot.....  Quinn is such an obnoxious character.  I think that she is way too much of a turn-off.  It was just obnoxious cliche after cliche.


    What the hell kind of doctor is allowed to break the confidentiality of all of her patients to the people who run the show?  Am I to understand all of these contestants signed some kind of waiver saying that the therapist can reveal all of their secrets to the producers?  The ethics behind this are disgusting.


    Also the Bachelor guy

    1) wasn't very good-looking (I'm sure he's fine to look at meaning pleasant, and not horrible -- but in no way did I find him memorable)

    2)  Was not charming


    I admit I haven't watched The Bachelor but I would think/hope the candidate would have at least 1 out of 2?

  10. I thought she just didn't know Bibimpap, which could be understandable. I'm 30 years old and I've gone to TONS of Korean BBQ with friends, but it took me awhile to know what Bibimpap is.


    Sure, but a lack of knowledge about Korean food has nothing to do with age.  In my opinion.


    I thought that was supposed to be more of a "Liza is a bland suburban housewife" thing than an age thing.


    I guess..... where is she from, Jersey?  I admit I don't know anything about what kind of food is there.

    • Love 1
  11. I have to say, that preview clip of Kaitlyn gasping "It's Niiiiiiick" is hilarious.  I love it.  It's so incredibly dramatic.  Either she's an incredibly good actor or she really is that excited about it.  I have no idea who Nick even is or why it's supposedly a big deal.  But that preview is hilarious.

  12. So now Liza is too old to understand what Korean food is.  Give me a break.


    I used to think Peter Hermann was handsome, but not anymore.  Maybe Mariska introduced him to Botox, I'm sorry if that's mean.

  13. I like Fake Ryan Gosling/Sean/Shawn?  He's mad sexy... 


    I feel mean saying this but I'm from Canada and I've never seen a face like Kaitlyn's.  Those lips can't be real, right?  They're always pursed and sticking out sooooo far.


    I really like how Ben Z. was so scared of the snakes and completely admitted it.  That was cool.


    I am so not a Kaitlyn chick, I was thinking of all the dates I'd set up.  I'd SOOOOOOO pick the zoo like the Sensitive Guy.  The zoo, the movies, any museum, anything where we can be lazy and cuddle.... sleeping.....  doesn't make much sense but I'd want to do it... sleepovers, basically.  No one has to move around at all.  Or show their ass, or hit each other.  And no traumatizing children!    More like cooing at babies in the Newborn wing of the hospital or playing with toddlers at a daycare.

    • Love 6
  14. Joker and Penguin.  Hahahahahhaha.  Thanks for this recap ElectricBoogaloo.


    [to Bill] I don't care if you're a 1950s radio broadcaster. [to Mike] You're a Fozzie Bear that's been ripped up and used to smuggle heroin. [to Kent] And Nazi doctor. [to Gary] I don't even know what the fuck you are.


    Re-Quoted for Excellence.


    Dan, to Gary:  You know at least three of these kids are probably mine.


    Amy, to Dan:  You shouldn't call people bitches. You shouldn't say that anymore.  Unless it's like, "Biiiiiiiiiiitch" (waves finger), something like that.

    • Love 2
  15. I think most people in Canada are very well-informed about the Ivy League universities.  Our pop culture is like 80% American or at least that's how I felt growing up.  So if you've seen Frasier, Gilmore Girls, whatever, so have millions of Canadians.  And you know how often television shows and movies would mention the Ivy League.


    I always just refer to that time of my life as "college" too (even though Canadians refer to some colleges as universities) as a way of sounding less pretentious.  In casual conversation no one needs to know where I went.


    Can anyone help explain to me where/how the "Cupcake" nickname came about?

    • Love 1
  16. Hopefully Ian will get a kiss this season. I think he's the one who went to Princeton. Maybe you've heard of it lol.


    It's like Frasier Crane always mentioning Harvard, or Andy Bernard always mentioning Cornell. 

    • Love 3
  17. I agree that Britt is exceptionally stunning.  It's so rare that a non-white contestant has a chance to be the lead on this show and unfortunately I missed out seeing that.  She is Cherokee Indian, Swedish, and Hungarian.    She got me interested in my first ever experience with the show.


    In my opinion, the entire thing with Kupa is that he had ZERO. INTEREST. in Kaitlynn from the start.  He wanted Britt (?) (I forget) or he wanted neither of them.  Once Britt left and he found out that he might be stuck with this he got uncomfortable.  He spoke to Kaitlynn directly and said a bunch of passive aggressive bullshit to basically bully her into admitting she doesn't like him.


    Now, I actually believe Kaitlynn and find her genuine (didn't see last season) so I believed her when she said she was shocked by this.  Then when Kaitlynn directly called him out for all of this attitude, Kupa was shocked things weren't going as planned and tried to backtrack and basically, again bully her the other way.  He has a lot of pride.  I.e. , no there's no way I'm letting you push me off this show, that's going to be MY choice.


    That's my interpretation.


    Speaking of Kupah, has a black guy or woman ever gotten any kissing action in the history of this franchise?


    Well it seems like Kaitlynn is connecting with Ian and I assumed he was half-black?  Maybe I'm totally wrong.


    I saw an interview by Amy Schumer with the beautiful half-Chinese opera singer.  Did she ever kiss Juan Pablo or did she just diss him?  LOL.

  18. What I like about Kaitlynn is that she is so assertive.  She completely goes after and asks for what she wants and the way she handled Kupa was really cool.  Saying "NO" when she doesn't want something, and laying it all out even though it was tough :  "Can I talk to you right now?"  "I'm going to have to let you go.  I'm sorry."  And she didn't let him talk her into anything she didn't want to do.   I appreciate all of that.   Some women like me find that hard.


    Kaitlyn wants 4 kids? Isn't she 29? Umm, better get on that then, party girl. At least if you don't want to spend the next half of your life taking care of Sloth from The Goonies, or whatever horrific thing happens when you have kids after the age of 35.


    Wow.  I know so many people who were born from mothers over the age of 40, including my father, and old boyfriend, and a very close friend.  All incredibly wonderful intelligent people.  I'm quite sure there are millions of them walking around.

    • Love 11
  19. I think for a lot of TV lovers out there, unfortunately for Peter Hermann he's more famous for being Mariska's husband than for being an actor.  Mariska has been a star in the prime-time network television world for 16 years.   Peter's also been an infrequent guest star on that show with her.


    It was mentioned because that is what Peter is primarily known for.  Much like Hilary Duff is primarily known for being a child actor and singer, Sutton is a known Broadway star, and Debi Mazar is a 90's actor/Madonna's friend.

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