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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. People are talking about the creator Nic Pizzolatto being arrogant and pretentious in interviews in the 201 episode thread.


    Can someone link  me to such pieces?  I'd love to experience this.


    I never saw Season 1 so I'm trying to become a new fan.



  2. I agree - who cares?  I think I missed all the federal and municipal laws that prevent consensual sex when you haven't explicitly whispered You're the One right beforehand.


    Kaitlyn owes no explanation to anyone in my mind.  They're not literally her boyfriends.

    • Love 11
  3. I don't think Nick was discreet at all.  I feel like he told the guys he had sex with Kaitlyn in about 45 different ways in like 5 minutes.  I don't care that K had sex with Nick Shawn or whoever.  I just think Nick has no decorum and class and the shit he said to those guys was so unnecessary and tasteless.


    I think I have to start pitying Ian instead of hating him so fiercely. But also I hope he never gets laid again.


    Thanks for the picture of Horrified Camera Girl Alison.

    • Love 9
  4. The spectators did not find Nick's feeble attempts at dancing funny,


    There was a young (or just short) woman holding a camera who had the most horrified expression on her face when Nick was dancing.  It was a hilarious capture by the camera crew.

    • Love 6
  5. My favourite band of all time, the cranberries, sings "Linger" on this episode.


    I feel bad for them.


    Quotes by Ian:


    "I'm so tired of people talking about SEX!!!  ..... (soon after)  I need to have some sex."


    "They didn't teach cheesy movie quotes at Princeton."


    I thought Ian was a complete asshole.  Regardless of what you think about a person, that was just the most awful way to handle himself.  Disgusting.  I think he thought Kaitlyn didn't like him enough or fawn over him so he basically called her dumb, and a whore, and left.  Classless.  I always think women over-rate humour a bit when it comes to searching for a partner, but how the hell has Ian ever attracted women in his past when he straight up admits he doesn't get why women find humour attractive?!  Isn't that like a woman screaming she doesn't get why straight men like breasts?


    I'm not one to say this show has integrity but I will 100% not watch if Ian is the Bachelor, that is gross.  A whole season of a humourless ass who slut-shames everyone who doesn't throw themselves at him, yeah, sign me up!


    Kaitlyn is 100% honest about who she is, she even called herself the Make-Out Bandit.

    • Love 16
  6. Vince as a person is extremely likable, charming, and off-the-cuff hilarious.  Check any of his talk show appearances --- he and Colin had a one-two punch set of episodes on the Tonight Show recently that were great.  But his acting here... um... wow.  In a not-good way.


    Vince, Colin, and Jimmy Fallon played a game where they revealed truths about themselves.  Colin's was that 

    he was a suspect in a murder case that still remains unsolved.

     Vince's commentary on that the next episode was priceless.

    • Love 2
  7. I really felt for Soso throughout so much of this season. In a racially segregated system she wasn't accepted by either side of her heritage - too white for the Asians, too Asian for the whites. So I'm thrilled and a little amused that she's found acceptance from one group that she can't claim ties to at all. And I love her for bringing back that brilliant smile on Poussey's face.


    In my experience it's very relateable for a racial minority to be accepted by other racial minorities regardless of actual race.... that's the "tie" between the group.  

  8. Daya's baby being extricated from a bad situation (though I know we can't be sure foster care will be a step up.)


    Foster care?  I was under the impression that Aleida gave the kid to some relative of theirs.  That's who I heard picked up the baby at the hospital.

  9. For me, Morello's been an asshole from jump.


    Nothing about that character is positive for me.  Her popularity is a fascinating case study for me - how charm or supposed adorability or how she tugs on heartstrings, I guess, takes her so far in some people's eyes.


    For some asshole characters in television or movies it has worked on me too.  But everything about Lorna upsets me to the core.  Perhaps the writers are painting her as mentally unstable or having some kind of disorder?  But I still have no sympathy.  Not sure what 'disorder' it is that leads her to be the racist/wilfully ignorant person she was in earlier seasons either.

    • Love 7
  10. For me, one of the worse things about this season is the major absence of Bennett and Nicky.  Matt McGorry for me is one of the most compelling actors in this cast, and Natasha Lyonne is not far behind.  I assume there are good explanations for it -- Matt's other acting job, and whatever with Natasha? -- but the show is a lot less interesting for it.


    I love giving Chang more backstory and Soso more storyline in general.  I liked Ruby Rose, though I am not sure why she was used in this particular way.  Why would this super interesting, exotic inmate be most attracted to the most boring person in the prison -- Ok, I think I just answered my own question.   Same with Lori Petty -- why was this veteran actor shafted in this way?  Her character was so pathetic, and not enough screentime to get us to care.


    It was great to give Bursette more storyline and Morello less.  These were some great choices for me.  It was great to give Suzanne the Time Hump Chronicles.  I feel like Taystee and Poussey got kind of shafted... Poussey's really deflated.  But it made room for a great Cindy storyline.


    Red got shafted because she got Healy, and that's the worst.  I loved the new Counselor, but she seemed like a perfect person.  It would have been great to see more of her to give her more nuance.


    I liked how Boo became a lot more interesting and sympathetic, but the Penn storylines were far too graphic and disturbing for me.  Then there's Piper.  She's just like the weird court jester in the cast who pops up randomly and does something awful.


    Overall, I think this is the worst of the 3 seasons.  Not sure, I'll have to back and re-watch.  I sound positive about it, but the first 2 episodes were incredibly boring, the middle was okay, and the ending made me really happy.  I loved the finale with the Miracle and the inmates being happy.


    Less Flaca please.  One of the worst actors on the show and I can't stand to look at that face.  Less Meth-heads please: Ditto.  

    • Love 2
  11. There is just a lot of amateur acting in this show, to be honest (and not just from the actual amateurs... I think Laura Prepon is the worst.)


    The funny thing is with Laura Prepon is that it can get way, way, way worse than it is on this show.  Did you ever watch "That 70's Show?"  One of my all time favourite shows, but she was horrible on it.  Showed absolutely zero range, expression, and emotion.  It used to drive me nuts.  On "Orange is the New Black" she's actually shocked me with her acting, how much improved it is.  That's how bad she was on 70's.

    • Love 4
  12. Not pretty in the traditional sense?  I strongly disagree.  


    I don't find her the least bit androgynous; I find her looks extremely traditionally feminine.  She has a supermodel quality -- pouty lips, cheekbones that jut out, and feline eyes.  The only thing that's somewhat androgynous is her haircut.

    • Love 13
  13. Add me to the list of people who like the Boo/Pennsatucky pairing. Didn't quite get whether they raped the guard or not in the end. I know they had a conversation about whether or not he felt bad he raped her, and therefore they should be feeling bad too but I was dozing off at that point. Can anyone fill me in?


    Neither of them could go through with it.  Boo tried to pressure Penn because it would be poetic justice.  Penn said she isn't really angry though; she's just sad.  Plus she doesn't have any experience raping people so she wouldn't even know how to start.  Boo said she didn't either.  Neither of them are bad enough people to go through with it.  They just left him like that and went back.

    • Love 3
  14. Yeah, but have you ever had a problem in the face of a corporation?  It's happened to me more than once, and I've never been imprisoned.  Corporations give no fucks....  I find it very realistic.  I can relate to a lot of the 'issues' going on with the women in this prison compared to my very privileged life, because I have worked for corporations.

    • Love 9
  15. My poor Soso -- I've had women bitch about my hair, call me a "bitch" for having nice hair, laugh at me if I have a misfortune with it, accuse me of wearing a wig -- not kidding -- and it's the easiest/greatest problem to have -- but of course I feel for Soso.


    That girl that Kaputo was dating in the 90's was very beautiful.  I was so distracted by how much she looked like Alicia Silvertone with the colouring of Sherilyn Fenn -- a great 90's combo!


    This episode, I finally noticed how crooked Kaputo's nose is -- it looks bashed in from the side.  Now I can't not concentrate on it.

    • Love 2
  16. This episode was far too disturbing for me.  I'd rather see people get murdered.   Especially the prison guard.


    Okay Morello setting her latest admirer on Christopher was twisted but I laughed my ass off when the last guy to enter the house wiped his feet first.


    I noticed that too.  Would the writers be clever enough to write that in, or was that an actor choice?  It was so funny.  I guess it was written in since the cameras paid careful attention to it.

    • Love 2
  17. I like the new girl, but I don't know if they've ever said her name on camera, either.  She's captivating.  I didn't really like her line delivery at first, but maybe it's growing on me.


    Piper is just an asshole, like I don't really get it.  Was she always this way?  I didn't mind her so much before, did I?  Or did I just forget... because it's LITERALLY a year between shows and I binge watch them in a week.


    I have zero interest in the meth-heads that aren't Pennsatucky; they gross me out way too much and their acting sucks, and I have zero interest in Gina who I find not compelling in the least.  I'm dreading that that's where the next backstories are coming from.


    I feel bad that veteran actor Lori Petty is just relegated to being Alex's stalker.  It would have been cooler if she had a part similar to Vee's or something.  I guess there was such a backlash to the overarching Vee story last season that they made this one super light and boring.  But that's what it is to me... boring.

    • Love 3
  18. I've mentioned this before, but Canadians do know a lot about Ivy League schools, and remember that most of our pop culture is American.  I'm not saying that this charm would or should work on Kaitlyn, but it's not like Canadians are like "Duh, what is that?" when someone mentions Princeton.


    You see a big laugh, I see over-the-top cackling. I'd hate to see a comedy with her.


    You sound like my mom.   She hates my laughter.  She hated our happy camaraderie growing up.  Me, I find someone who can't control their laughter very sexy.  There's something about that loss of control that is adorable, to me.  Also, their confidence in doing something that my mother finds distasteful!

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