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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. That actor who plays April is just fantastic.  I also loved the show "Switched at Birth" although I never kept up with it.   The fact that the actor could do what she did at that age stuns me.


    Though if they wanted to show Luke being a father, the great character of Jess already existed.  I guess Milo had to leave the show for whatever reason?  I know they were planning that spinoff; I guess that kind of screwed the plans.

    • Love 2
  2. I think the nickname is pretty cute, myself.  A guy picking a nickname based on a woman's profession/dream career (rather than something typical like honey, baby, sweetie, or rather than about her looks, etc.)  That's cool.

    • Love 8
  3. Found another over-used phrase.


    When especially Lorelai, or Paris, act crazy, Rory responds, "Oh, boy."  Mostly quietly and mostly to herself.


    The first few times, I found it pretty funny.  On my first rewatch I've noticed it three times already in just several episodes...  Yes.. my own fault for only binge-watching this show.

  4. It's not that I disliked Logan per se.  I disliked the Rory that I saw around Logan.  I'm a Jess girl, and a Rory/Jess girl, so that's my bias.  But I don't even see Rory as a real person around Logan.  It's hard to explain, but I'll rewatch those seasons soon.  Logan is fine on his own and I think with a better actor for Matt to play against or a more independent, challenging character for him to date maybe I'd like such a coupling.


    Rory would say all the reasons she liked Logan.  But I didn't really see it.  Whereas Logan seemed really in love with Rory all the time.  Maybe Alexis didn't feel much chemistry with Matt and didn't know how to show it.

    • Love 2
  5. Richard does the Economics school project with Rory and he discovers that he doesn't want to be retired anymore.


    Emily:  Are you thinking about asking for your job back?

    Richard (horrified):  Oh God no.  No no nononono.


    Richard:  Maybe I should teach.

    Lorelai:  What.

    Richard:  Well you don't have to say it like that.

    Lorelai:  Sorry.  (Fake jovially:)  What?  

    • Love 4
  6. Jess was explaining what people do at night in their apartments and said something like "And immigrants eat noodles together and dance to records"  I'm not sure why but that made me laugh and laugh.  I really liked the episode.


    I know the councilwoman as the therapist from Step Brothers and one of the main friends from Whitney.

  7. I'm watching a Season 2 episode and Lorelai dates this young blonde guy.


    The blonde guy comes to the diner and after, Rory and Luke are mock Lorelai for being a cradle robber.


    Luke to some little boys sitting beside Lorelai:  "Would you please move down a couple of seats; it would make me a lot more comfortable" (the boys oblige) hahahahahahahahaha

    • Love 4
  8. What I meant was that Monica was unknowing that the party across the hall was a lot more fun and that Phoebe was sneaking people out to go there.... that's what sneaking means.... that the host doesn't know about people leaving.  Until afterwards.

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  9. Jake also called all his coworkers racist homophobe Golf Cops. Hahhahahaha.


    The first thing I thought of when Jake came up with the idea of two separate parties, one wild and one tame, was the Blackadder episode where Edmund's puritan aunt and uncle are coming for dinner, the same night he's staging a raucous drinking party with his friends. So this episode had a lot to live up to. It went a different way completely, but was still funny. They must have had so much fun coming up with lines for Andre Braugher in those little cutscenes.


    I guess it's a popular sitcom trope.  Friends did their own version with Neurotic Monica unknowingly across the hall from a looser, funner party. Phoebe was sneaking people out of Monica's 3 at a time so they could have more fun. 

  10. You guys have ruined me.


    This will seem callous now because of Edward Hermann's terrible recent passing (R.I.P.) but in the episode where Richard is in the hospital for angina, all I could think rewatching it was -- holy shit, Lorelai's JEANS!!!  I can see everything!  They are sooooooo tight!  The first time I watched GG all the way through I just thought about how amazing Lauren Graham's body is (and it is amazing) but this time around I'm really focusing on the clothes.  And I don't really see myself as a prude at all, but those jeans in the hospital episode.  Seriously.  I can see her horoscope and read her mind....

    • Love 4
  11. But that's what the scene is literally all about.  Max demands that Lorelai talk about his involvement.  And she clarifies that it's basically almost none.  And I like that.   Max seemed really hurt by her opinion/decision though.  I find that weird.  Why would he care?  It was like he was just waiting for this opportunity to control a 16 year old girl in the way he wanted.


    I kind of hypothetically thought about them being married, and then I kind of understood the conundrum more.  I just really didn't like his personal parenting ideas and his questions, or the way he was all butthurt that he couldn't admonish or control Rory in these weird ways.  Like, he mentioned getting upset if Rory was kissing Dean.  Jeez!  Red flag I think.


    Going to another side of the coin, I just watched how Lorelai dumped Max and she handled it so awfully and immaturely.  Really shamefully.  But I'm sure that opinion will be much less controversial.

    • Love 2
  12. Sorry to completely change the subject.


    Max Medina creeps me out so much in the episode where Lorelai and Max are hanging out, and so are Rory and Dean.  And Max keeps bringing up what Rory is doing with Dean, and Lorelai just kind of shrugs it off.  I feel like Max is so creepy about wanting so badly to have a say in what Rory does, and control her.  I think Lorelai is totally in the right to respond like, I'm the one who raises her, and I've raised her.  And it's even weirder that Max is insulted by this.  It's like he felt hurt or emasculated by Lorelai saying, you don't need to be involved in raising my teenager and what she does has zero to do with you (all true things).  I already don't see the appeal in Scott Cohen or Max Medina at all, and this just makes it all the worse.  Not saying Lorelai is some perfect parent or anything trust me.  But I'm totally on her side about this; I'd just me way more creeped out and turned off than she was.   I swear, this is probably why people hate step-parents..... I wouldn't know... maybe it's a very realistic depiction !(?)

    • Love 4
  13. I feel like Logan never gets to be this funny after this point that he's introduced, which is too bad.  I mostly see him as a super serious or Debbie Downer type character.


    But when he first meets Rory in that newsroom and totally mocks her for being a reporter, and he fakes typing away on a computer with the  goofiest grin on his face -- I think that is absolutely hysterical.


    It's the Norman Mailer episode.  It's at 1:45 in this video:





    RORY: Then I think I’ll go with the downloading story.


    DOYLE: Good. Go with your gut. And get to work. (He turns to leave. Logan puts on an old “press” hat.)


    LOGAN: (1920’s reporter voice, on the phone.) Hello, city desk? Smitty here, take this down. I got a hot scoop on a tall blonde and I gotta put it to bed on the double! (He hangs up, laughs at Doyle, winks at Rory, then puts his feet back on the desk and leans back for a nap with the hat over his face.)


    What a card ;)

    • Love 6
  14. From the episode where Will's friend from high school Claire visits from France.  


    JACK: Oh, my god. Claire Danes?!!! That's huge.

    WILL (Sarcastically): Yes, Jack, Claire Danes. Did I not mention that 19-year-old Claire Danes is my best friend from high school?

    JACK:  Ha, ha, ha.  You're bloated.


    For me this might be the funniest thing in the entire series.

    • Love 4
  15. There would be a backlash if Elba played Bond... I'd love to see it though because the people who would be most irate are people who should get their feathers ruffled


    I'm so with you.  I can't even think of a more trivial thing to get upset about.


    I read Limbaugh's rant saying that Idris can't play Bond because Bond is supposed to be white and Scottish?


    Was Daniel playing him as white and Scottish?  Was Brosnan?  I never picked up on that ever.


    Also Bond never struck me as a Scottish name.  If you look up the character on Wikipedia Ian Fleming got the name Bond from an American man.


    Digging deeper, Ian Fleming himself is English.  There is no mention of birthplace and ethnicity in the entry for James Bond.  So I think Rush himself is mixing up James Bond and Sean Connery.  Wikipedia says Fleming only 'made' Bond Scottish after Connery's portrayal.


    The name James Bond came from that of the American ornithologist James Bond
    Fleming decided that Bond should resemble both American singer Hoagy Carmichael and himself...........

    It was not until the penultimate novel, You Only Live Twice, that Fleming gave Bond a sense of family background. The book was the first to be written after the release of Dr. No in cinemas and Sean Connery's depiction of Bond affected Fleming's interpretation of the character, to give Bond both a sense of humour and Scottish antecedents that were not present in the previous stories

    • Love 2
  16. People lost their minds over a blond Bond,


    People got over it.  Craig was great in the role.  He was supposedly too blonde, too short, not conventionally attractive.  He did fine.  I think the passage of time is all the more argument for Idris, not against him.   It's just James Bond for goodness sake.   To use the most obvious argument of all, the President is black.  This is just popular art.  

  17. That reminds me of a more general gripe… why do all these far future movies and shows feature so many white people?


    The advertising for Interstellar was a huge turn off.  To me the movie just looked like "In the Future, White People Save the Earth" (that's not a spoiler or anything, that's how all the advertising looked to me.)  Then when I actually saw the movie, a lot more white people than I even thought, and one black dude.  Of course the advertising was made to look like a few white American NASA people would do Great White Things.


    TV is better than the movies.  A lot of network TV is pretty diverse; of course, a lot of diverse shows I've liked have been cancelled or constantly hover near cancellation.


    I also don't think it should become a sweeping statement that only non-white actors/actresses should be considered for a certain type of movie.


    I think it's totally fine that only POC be considered for a certain type of role or movie.  


    Idris is 42.  I think he can skew even a bit younger than that.  But, even still, how young do we really want James Bond to be?  Daniel's age seems perfect for the role.  So in a few years, I would think Idris would be perfect too.  I see no reason or excuse for why Idris should not do it.  He's a much more capable actor than Pierce Brosnan, and I see him as more conventionally attractive than Daniel Craig (not that that's hard).  I have no doubt that he's the kind of actor that can keep very fit until age 50.  Daniel is 46 and he's super taut.


    When you look at all the Hollywood actors today, I think Idris seems more like a real life James Bond than anyone else.

    • Love 2
  18. I have just watched all 7 seasons, for the first time, in order, very quickly, so now you can see my point of view, in that it happened without any outside media/opinions.  I just watched it myself without discussing it with anyone.  


    For me Season 4 is brutal.  It's torture.  It's dreadful.


    I skipped full episodes in Season 4.  I could barely get through some episodes, and I'd stop them and start something else.  I'd read episode descriptions before I'd even delve in for fear it would be awful.


    My bias is that I really, really, really liked Jess and Rory with Jess, and I knew that Matt Czuchry would make his appearance in Season 5 (I watch The Good Wife).  So, yes, it's partly my fault in that I approached Season 4 as the meat in a kind of Jess and and Logan sandwich (I didn't even end up caring for Logan but at least the arc was interesting).  Season 4 was just a bunch of crap I really couldn't even bring myself to care about.  It was post-Chilton, Rory starts Yale, and I don't even know if anything is even going ON with Lorelai.  It's just so boring.


    After being so high on this show after devouring the first three seasons -- I especially remembering loving those first two -- Season 4 was such a low.  It's a wonder I even marched on.


    My defence for liking all of the other seasons, no matter how crazy I can admit objectively to seeing them as?  (April Appears Suddenly, Lorelai Marries Chris, Rory Becomes an Asshole and/or Logan Crazy, etc. etc. etc.)?  At least they're interesting!!!!

    • Love 1
  19. I tore through all 7 seasons in a matter of weeks.  Now I can contribute.


    You seriously would not believe how many times Lorelai (or I guess Rory seen below) uses the word "Shanghai" as a verb or noun.  It's once or twice a season.  Very easy to notice if you watch all 7 seasons quickly in a row.  Seriously.  It's ridiculous.  Very overused, especially because I never hear anyone use this in real life.  



    Here comes the Son:  "Plus, Paris will immediately shanghai me and give me a million things to do"

    But I'm a Gilmore:  "The Huntzberger family Shanghai is over."


    Anyway there's more.. trust me... 

    • Love 2
  20. I felt pity when Jeremy said that Keith wasn't made for Survivor.  Does he really not realize how stupidly that comes off as?  In the end Keith was a far far better player than Jeremy, so he was made for Survivor and Jeremy well, wasn't.  All that matters is the result.


    As a Russell fan I actually hate admitting this, because he's never won yet I prefer him as a player to the people that beat him.  But I have to grudgingly admit the people who bested Russell were made for Survivor more than he was.


    I don't mind it either. These things always seem a little hokey at first, but I thought the Beauty-Brains-Brawn season was one of the more exciting ones we've had in recent years.


    In my opinion it was easily the most exciting in the past 7 or 8 seasons.  All I could think during this year's finale was that I remember the emotional moment of Spencer falling to the ground after winning an Immunity challenge towards the end of Cagayan.  Even though I loved Natalie and all of her gameplay I doubt anything in this season (added all up together) even came close to the emotion I felt for Spencer's win in that moment and I don't even like Spencer.

    • Love 1
  21. The funniest moment of the entire series is when the girls are all going on a bachelorette party prior to Max & Lorelai's wedding and Babette is sad that she can't attend.


    Babette:  Make sure to put your hands down some guy's pants, will ya?

    Lorelai:  I hope you're talking about a stripper.

    Babette: (shrugs apathetically):  Whatever.


    I rewound this part probably 20 times and cackled gleefully upon each.  What a delivery!


    There's also the entire dialogue, in Season 7, when Rory encounters Tasmanian Devil Child Gigi.  


    RORY: Oh! My antlers! I love my antlers!

    GIGI: Oh, neat! Let me try!

    RORY: Wow, okay.

    GIGI: [running off to the kitchen] On vixen! On blisters!…

    RORY: Kid took my antlers, she took my antlers and galloped away.


    Alexis's delivery here is quite adorable.  


    Also, Lorelai's "Show them the horoscope!" at the town meeting when L & L announce their coupleship is probably more sweet than anything, but it's hilarious too.  Her face is so full of pride and love.


    When Lorelei & Emily are in the Mother Daughter fashion show...Emily looks like she's having such a fun time! The way she shakes her butt and sways around, with that big grin on her face, it always makes me laugh. She's so cute there.


    One of the greatest things I've ever seen!  There's a hilarious GIF of that floating around.  Follow any Gilmore Girls Pinterest :)


    As does her desperately trying to pantomime that her old friend thought they were going out on a real date while Lorelai was on the phone.  And then shouting I'M A WHORE! as guests were walking by.  >.<


    Sookie's whole "whore on a date" scenario is great.  I love it.  Melissa is such a charming actor.

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