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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. If you're a fan of Laura Dern's you should watch "Enlightened" if you haven't already.  It was a very unique show, very smart I thought.

    I forgot to mention Ziggy screaming "Tell me his name, for Chr*st's sake!"  That really made me laugh. (I don't mean to offend anyone's religious beliefs).

    I also kind of wonder why Nathan and Madeleine have to live in the same city, but I guess, it's actually good for Abigail.  And I feel that even though Nathan is a "twerp" (LOL!!!! @stillshimpy) I'm finding the actor pretty hot.

    Guess Adam Scott is good at playing a love interest to strong, blonde women as he did with Leslie Knope!

    Laura Dern, not pretty?  Why I oughta...... ; )


    • Love 12
  2. "Bootylicious" by Destiny's Child also introduced a new generation to "Edge of Seventeen" by Stevie Nicks :)  Same with "School of Rock" one of my favourite movies.

    • Love 3
  3. 1 hour ago, scrb said:

    Seems like those mothers, if they're around the same age of the actresses playing them, would be too young to be into Fleetwood Mac.  Except maybe for Celeste.

    "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac is a classic.  I'm 34 and I love the song very much.  This will sound silly but shows like American Idol and Glee reintroduce my generation and younger to classic artists regularly.  With iTunes, Spotify, and downloading there really isn't "old music" anymore.  I listen to my parents' music and my mom asked me to download Rihanna for her.  That was one of my favourite things that ever happened.

    Bonnie is a mother!  People are talking like she isn't.  Bonnie and Jane are mothers, they're just very young.  

    Maddie is not over Nathan because he's flaunting being a Super Dad with Bonnie when with Madeleine/Abigail he wasn't a good father at all.  (The book makes this a lot more crystal clear).  I get why she's constantly hurt.  Out of sight would be out of mind.

    To be clear, I love Reese as Madeleine here for the most part but sometimes her dialogue - like whenever she's in the kitchen with the whole family - sounds really hacky and unreal.  Hard for me to explain.  It's so like, "I'm putting on a show right now!" But then again, she does work in theatre.

    I hate the Greek chorus.  All the stuff they're saying is such nonsense.  A real cop wouldn't be listening to this stupid gossip (Ok - I'm hoping).  I'm much more of a show, don't tell kind of viewer.  I hate narration too.

    Laura Dern might look a little 'hard' these days but remember Jurassic Park in 1993?  I remember thinking she was so..... pretty and vulnerable and sweet-looking.  Bonnie's outfit for a child's birthday was kind of risque, or maybe it's that her body is so yoga-tight.  No wonder the men were ogling.

    Madeleine is insecure with the full-time working mothers and Renata is insecure with the mothers who don't work full-time..... 

    • Love 8
  4. So, I decided to Google it.  In 2015 Womens Health Mag said that 45 percent of women surveyed had their first orgasm between the age of 18 to 24 - not before.  I think some of you are being kind of ignorant of a huge percentage of women's reality, kind of like how people who have always had money seem to think money comes really easily to people.

    • Love 2
  5. Quote

     Perhaps I missed something, but I can't recall anyone blaming Raven for not being able to have an orgasm.

     @PhysNerd.  In my screenshot below I have 4 examples just from just Page 1.  Is that enough or would you like me to keep going?  

    Do you really find it impossible that young women have tried to talk to men about their inability to orgasm and that some men's insecurity makes them not receptive, or angry, or avoiding the topic, etc.?  You don't see that as a real issue in relationships?  Raven's, what, 26?  Do you really think men 26 and under are that great at understanding these things? 


    • Love 5
  6. I'll blame Raven for talking about her inability to orgasm on TV but I feel uncomfortable that so many of you blame  women for not being able to have one. If you think there's so much information out there for women to learn or understand their bodies, you're wrong - at least, there was not when I was growing up.  Raven is still young.  I really strongly empathize with her situation.  I feel like I've seen a million television or movie scenes or male standups discuss male masturbations or orgasms but it's very rare that this is depicted on television for women.  Women are also not really taught to be super assertive about their sexuality.

    Maybe I should even be happy that Raven brought it up.  I think a lot of people / pop culture really don't give a shit about the female orgasm... it should be discussed way more.

    • Love 6
  7. 3 hours ago, Eyes High said:

    Research has shown us that children with unusual first names are more prone to behavioural and other problems. Children with unusual first names or unconventional spellings of normal first names are more likely to be perceived as less intelligent by their teachers than their more conventionally-named peers, regardless of ability. People with unusual names are less likely to be perceived as attractive, successful, or kind than otherwise. Girls with very feminine names (like Amabella) are less likely to study math and science after the age of 16. First names really do matter. 

    I think generations become more open-minded and tolerant with time.  Yes, it has been proven if you have an "ethnic-sounding" name in Ontario, Canada for instance and you try to apply for a job, you get less chances for an interview because racism exists, but I am not pro-people erasing their culture under any circumstance.  I guess I am an idealist.  I'm sure thin, pretty people also get better chances in life than fat, ugly ones but I also have an idealized view of the world where I hope people will become more tolerant of difference, in all circumstances.  To bring this back to weird names.  Not everyone is pro-conformity.  Everyone in society having similar names because we're so scared of difference--that idea makes me pretty sad.  Barack Obama did pretty well with his.

    • Love 13
  8. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    It's also hard for me to grasp why people think seven hours is an insufficient amount of time to translate a book to a television show.  Movies do it all the time in about two hours or less.

    There is a reason why people often crow the book is better.  I'd be happy with a 15 or 20 episode season to tell this book's story, personally.  On Goodreads this is listed as 460 pages.  That's a rate of 65 pages an episode...... 

    • Love 2
  9. 4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    As for the way Renata pronounces Madeline's name, that might be Renata trying to be pretentious or passive aggressively bitchy (both very realistic possibilities) but it may also be that she knew another Madeline who pronounced her name with a long I. My sister had a friend named Genevieve who she had known since elementary school and she pronounced it Zhan-vee-ev so that's how we all pronounced it. Years later, I had a work meeting scheduled with someone named Genevieve. The meeting was set up online so I didn't actually speak with her until the actual meeting. When she arrived, I greeted her using the pronunciation I was familiar with but it turned out that she pronounced her name Jen-uh-veev. Whoops. I apologized profusely. 

    Ugh,  I've done that. It's so embarrassing (for me).  The exact same unique name, spelled the same, pronounced differently by 2 different people; usually one is using the 'real' pronunciation and the other is using a 'Canadianized' pronunciation to dumb it down for us.   

    3 hours ago, eelpout said:

    I actually applaud this. Don't stretch it out just because it's what American productions tend to do. It's why I enjoy a lot of BBC television.

    And I am the opposite.  Give me 50 episodes a season, I don't care, which is why I lamented the shorter season length.  I've enjoyed BBC television but I'm always good with more production.  I don't care for short books, either.


    Having an unusual name can really give a kid a complex, speaking from experience.

    On the other hand of the spectrum, I had a very popular name growing up which was kind of annoying and made me feel boring.  Now as an adult, I quite like it.  But I personally like unusual names -- probably because I haven't had to deal with one.  I always feel sad when people "Canadianize" their originally given names (sorry non-Canadians, you know what I mean); I wish they wouldn't, but it is often to their benefit when they do so, so I understand.  I don't mind Amabella at all.  Or even Persephone.

    Jimmy Kimmel made himself look very ignorant at the Oscars.  I don't care to dumb things down for people like that, personally.

  10. Coryanne is beautiful with a great look but she needs to figure out how to put life in her eyes.  If you Google Image Sasha Pivovarova, to me she is the best at this.  

    India made a great point when she said that last week Cody had no energy in her picture.  When you see how somebody like Sasha models, it's like she's acting an extreme emotion in every single picture.  Coryanne is the opposite of that.  But I get why the judges are bowled over by her.  I think she'd be good on the runway because your expression really doesn't matter as much.

    To me Coryanne looks like a model, especially a 90's model, what was popular in the 90s (i.e. her mother, or Chrystele Saint Louis, Nicole Ari Parker, etc.).  Tatiana looks like a TV personality.  Tatiana bears a striking resemblance to singer Ashanti.  

    • Love 2
  11. 15 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

    Cheryl walking down the isle to her brother's wake in white was probably the greatest thing I have ever seen.  

    The moment was completely lost on me.  I kept rewinding it, looking for something in her hands that everyone was going nuts over?  It was just that she was wearing white?  LOL.  

    I was happy that Reggie wasn't an asshole this episode.  He was cool.  I don't know why the DRAMATIC character switch, but ok.

    Just in love with Cole Sprouse more each ep.  Ugh I'm a cougar

    Who gives the Captain position to a first year player?

    You leave that fine-ass Coach alone!  (LOL I am TOTALLY kidding)

    • Love 4
  12. MJ is 40 years old, that's ridiculous.  LOL.  

    MJ definitely didn't invite Lee.  The show made it very clear several times using the word "surprise" as in MJ saying "I detest surprises."

    I wonder if everyone was frantically Googling what 22 cm was in inches, like I was.

    • Love 4
  13. 1 minute ago, ShadowFacts said:

    I think it could have been either.  If he was closer to Jack's age, could be WWII, or closer to Rebecca's, then Korean.  I thought maybe the father wasn't in the afterlife scene because William didn't know him. 

    I took it as Oprah's studio (and television) audience was largely white women. 

    I honestly thought it was because he was getting drunk and loud.  LOL.  Now I'm not totally sure

  14. 11 hours ago, Mldh598 said:

    Okay, this one really got me. Went from giggling at drunk Randall ("You get a cousin and you get a cousin...sorry, I was raised by white people") to an ugly cry 45 seconds later. I don't know how the writers do it - such a range of emotions in one episode. #emotionallyexhausted

    But isn't that an Oprah phrase?  LOL

    • Love 3
  15. 1 hour ago, MaryWebGirl said:

    That drove me bananas too. Is it it in the book? Because it just struck me as a silly little dramatic tic, not something a real person would do.

    Nope, the detectives do not have personalities in the book

    • Love 1
  16. Kaitlyn was Canadian.  What's the big deal?  There's a lot I don't like about Vanessa, but her being Canadian is not one of them.  Geez.  Kaitlyn and Shawn have really made it work so far so I don't think her being from Vancouver was this disastrous thing.

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