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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. On 1/23/2017 at 8:51 AM, PugLoaf said:

    Dirty Talk drove me nuts because Ansari was constantly looking past her in a determined way, like he was reading a cue card or teleprompter. Particularly the last bit with the long pause before he said "okay..." and launched into whatever the next set up was. 

    I think what happens in these cases is that it's a last minute switch or a last minute sketch that the actor hasn't prepared for.  You notice for every other sketch, Aziz was NOT looking at the cue cards and did a great job.

    • Love 1
  2. 1 hour ago, catrice2 said:

    Did Corinne really invoke the name of Michael Jordan in her rant?

    I actually think Raven and Taylor are just as unprepared for someone like Nick as Corrine, but in different ways.  

    "Michael Jordan took naps!  Abraham Lincoln took naps!  So why am I in trouble for taking a fucking nap!"  LOL.

    "Unprepared" for Corinne.  Exquisite point. Vanessa and Taylor to me are the ones that are unprepared.  Taylor especially.  Vanessa handles it just fine, but Taylor is obsessed.  That leads nowhere good.

    • Love 2
  3. Whatever I think of Corinne, and honestly I just think she's kind of sad, but honestly, no hate, I agree with her observations on Taylor, just like I agreed with her observations on Danielle L. last week, who is so extremely empty-headed, moreso than Corinne (fake Danielle L. giggle: "Ha-HA!")

    Raven was sweet and nice.  Nick couldn't take Corinne on that date - or could he? - because she wouldn't pay attention to Bella and would just be all over Nick, but he'd probably just like it.

    Nick's ex.  (I get that it was staged.  She had a mic pack. I get it.)  How many of them are there around the globe?  The guy gets around like a carousel.  

    I have to say, I loved the end tag between Nick and Alexis Dolphin Shark.  It was just so naturally funny.  He's extremely sexy in that type of setting.  He was relaxed, and he couldn't help but laugh at Alexis and was egging her on (but I didn't find it MEAN -- it just felt like good TV.)  More of that would be great, but it's so natural and doesn't seem that staged, so it probably won't happen.

    • Love 8
  4. 7 hours ago, Tardislass said:

    I also enjoyed the La La Land sketch if only because I was the only one not wowed by it.

    Have you ever checked Twitter?  You are far from being the only one.

    Also, @Negritude, the reviews from both fans and critics of San Junipero have been so extremely glowing I had to check out the episode.  I thought it was great.  I don't mean to sound like the sketch.  I haven't checked out Shut up and Dance yet.

    • Love 1
  5. Aziz was fantastic.  Fantastic.  His monologue was great; he exceeded my expectations.  I forgot what a great comic actor he is, but out of like a million comedians on Parks and Recreation, I maintain he was the one who had the best and funniest delivery.

    The Friendzone skit was sexist bullshit, and Che trying to 'comment' on feminism was so meandering and pointless (???) but the rest was great.  Good for Aziz, I'm happy for him, and I thank him for putting on such a great show.

    The La La Land sketch was so smart.

    • Love 10
  6. On 1/20/2017 at 1:00 PM, After7Only said:

    Confused me too.  But that's basically how I understood it.  What I wasn't quite sure of is how much Rhonda already knew about what was going on.    Also the "young hot guy" looks familiar to me.  But I can't place what else I've seen him in.

    Will be interesting to see where/when the MJ/NY and family storylines will converge.  MJ will definitely give Niecy the smackdown when she finds out she's wasted her settlement money.  

    Interesting that MJ had an issue with the British dude for having kids.  She wanted to make it work with her ex, even after he had a baby with someone else.  

    Thanks for your response!

    Young hot guy is.... Travis Winfrey


    I continue to be so attracted to Kara.  That woman always looks so damn good!

    • Love 1
  7. Sure, if you're going to be logical about it, but I don't watch a television show like Spock.  I watch the show with my own feelings and emotions.  I don't like Toby, and I love Jack, and I don't really care about the 'double standard' it supposedly holds.  They're different characters who are different, and they're fictional people.  I don't really care about Miguel but as I said before I don't "hate" him I think Present Miguel looks like bad Photoshop.  But Rebecca is part of the main family of the story, part of the 'heroes', and Jack is the ultimate hero of the show (to me, to some), so yes I understand people hating Miguel.  I'm neutral on Rebecca and I'm neutral on Miguel with some slight negativity.  Everyone's going to have their own feelings and reactions to characters and it's subjective based on life experience and disposition.  

    There's a lot we don't know yet which is
    1) How does Jack die
    2) What were Miguel's feelings for Rebecca WHILE Jack was still married to her
    3) How did Rebecca and Miguel get together

    So the situation is very ambiguous and leads to the audience to have their own feelings and ideas on it.  I'd say 2 is the most suspicious part.  If we were watching a soap opera, a crime show, or a movie, then Miguel would be a suspect in Jack's death!

    • Love 4
  8. It's fine to love something for what it is, but you can't make money doing nothing.  You have to find a way to live.  My older brother used to make money making art and eventually he switched to being a realtor, I don't find that villainous.  I don't know.  I guess I have to Google these interpretations of John Legend's character being the villain because that's very funny to me.

    • Love 4
  9. On 1/17/2017 at 1:33 PM, vavera4ka said:

    Also, it seems that they were chosen more for chemistry and "timeless" looks.

    While I found Emma Stone attractive in the 2007 Superbad era, now she looks about 90 lbs soaking wet.  That is not a timeless look.  That's a very 2016 look that I hope doesn't stick around.  And her closeups did her no favours.  

    The songs were really stuck in my head the 24 hours surrounding when I saw the movie - but a few days later I keep forgetting about it.  The music didn't stick with me like I thought it would.

    On 1/17/2017 at 6:58 PM, BoogieBurns said:

    I like that so much better. My opinions were already somewhat biased before I saw it, so I found a way for it to fit that narrative. Somehow John Legend was the "villain" to plenty of people. But him just being a good friend makes me much happier.

    Someone who gives the hero of the movie a steady job and an opportunity to make a lot of money is the villain!  That's so funny.  

    • Love 1
  10. Asian people are always such assholes on this show : /  As an Asian person I can't help but notice.

    You never, ever reveal your weaknesses to people you don't know or trust yet (MJ's weakness being the Michael Ealy character).  Is it believable that MJ would be that eager to be mentored?  That's kind of sad.  I guess I'm too jaded at this point.  

    Niecy got $150,000 and was like, where is the rest of it.  LOL.  Where is the rest of it?  You just blew 1/3 of it on a car.... oh Lord.

    At first I thought the comic was kind of goofy looking and now I'm like, he's too sexy to be a comic.  So obviously he's confusing me.

    The charity plotline confused me.
    Rhonda works with that young hot guy, who runs her charity for her.
    And Rhonda's husband stole a bunch of money from her charity, to buy a house for his sidepiece, and put the house under the young hot guy's name?
    (If I understand this correctly) that is so incredibly convoluted.

    • Love 3
  11. 1981?  The big 3 just keep getting closer and closer in age to me.  I looked up to them as much older.  I mean, Randall?  Am I supposed to be as together as Randall is by now?  Jesus, lol.  

    • Love 8
  12. 15 hours ago, jade.black said:

    It'd be fun to have just a ridiculously sexy Bachelorette since usually the producers choose more of the cute type. The men would lose it.

    That is exactly what kept saying before Jojo's season, but alas, it didn't turn out that way at all.  I think Jojo is incredibly sexy, but the season was so boring.

    Also, Danielle L. is just way, way way too stupid.  I can barely listen to one sentence of her 'speaking'.

    • Love 2
  13. 18 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

    Back to Corinne for a moment - everything about her screams insecurity. I do think that she's genuinely attracted to Nick

    I don't know, I feel like she hasn't even really looked at him!  When someone acts that psychotically attracted to you without knowing you, it seems shallow, and not even about the person at all.  Maybe that was one of the points Vanessa was trying to bring up.

    • Love 3
  14. 19 hours ago, backformore said:

    It's a look at some recent awards shows -  usually pants, and a blazer with a lacy bra showing. 

    Sue Ellen Mishke on Seinfeld.  Back then it was played for laughs, now it's just a normal look.  LOL.


    • Love 9
  15. 3 hours ago, milner said:

    At the risk of being a crouch I wish the conversation here was more about the show and less about who is or isn't a millennial.

    I'm with you.  I already went through this on the Survivor boards.  It's not up to the individual to decide the label.  You're either part of a generation or you're not, and it's based on year of birth, and it's not an insult, it's just a societal fact.  ( If someone is upset because of their generational label, I think it's because they're assigning a characteristic to a generation that they don't like, and that's pointless, because there's millions of people that are part of it.  Of course they're all going to be different.)  And it's not even remotely on topic - at least with Survivor it kind of was!

    On topic, one complaint I have about this show is that it forces you to wait for the death of (in my case) my favourite character.  That really sucks.  I hate it.   I'm waiting every episode for it.

    • Love 3
  16. 1 hour ago, mtlchick said:

    I may or may not have used the DVR a few times when Jack was disrobing (looks around while whistling.) 

    I took pictures of the pauses....

    I kind of wish that when I logged into an episode thread it wasn't 50 posts of just speculating.  That doesn't really seem appropriate for the episode thread, and it all turns out to be inaccurate or undue outrage anyway.

    People here talk so much about Jack's drinking.  Is this something we EVER see?  If Jack's so called "Drinking" doesn't affect anything I wonder why so much talk surrounds it. 

    I really thought Mandy did a great job with her shock over losing Kyle.  That was so heartbreaking but really well done.  I was impressed.

    The portrayal of Jack being a good father and a good husband does not bother me whatsoever.  


    I have never understood the hate directed at Toby, same with Miguel. The characters are just there.

    Toby is one of the least "characters (who) are just there" characters that I've ever experienced on television, personally.

    Miguel, to me, is just kind of just there, but I totally understand the feelings towards him because of his position as the interloper.

    • Love 15
  17. 22 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    If anyone besides me cares, it looks like Bautista is returning to Toronto.  No jokes about how Baltimore doesn't want him, we have heard them all before from Baltimore front office, LOL.

    He's back!

  18. 19 hours ago, Trini said:

    Asking this here, since there's probably an obvious/famous example that I'm simply forgetting: Has there been a minority TV family that has adopted (or informally "adopted") a white character? Involving lead characters? Like, a white character has a minority family?

    I recently watched the movie Drop Dead Gorgeous, and one of the white girls in the pageant that the movie is about, was an adoptee of a Japanese family who wanted the daughter to help them acclimate to America ; ) 

    It sounded familiar like there's been other examples, but hard to think of now!  On both My Name is Earl and King of the Hill there were both examples where a woman cheated on her husband with someone of a different race, and I think in both cases the white father helped raise the half-white babies that weren't theirs..... 

    • Love 1
  19. 39 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

    Shark Girl's 'Move Bitches' was annoying the first time she said it.  Then again?  No. And I hate the dresses she wears.  Her cleavage, or maybe it's non-cleavage, looks terrible.

    She's just kind of..... crass? for my tastes and yeah she admitted she has implants and I'm not loving having to look at them all the time.  She mostly just talks about bitches this bitches that.

    I felt so bad for Dominique.  She played it so wrongly, but that's why I felt second-hand embarrassment.  She kept doubling down, hoping that 'arguing' with Nick or 'proving him wrong' might make Nick actually like her more or come around or something.  Ouch.

    I've already forgotten Ben's season, but put me in the boat of thinking that Nick is making out with a lot of people.  Seriously it's almost every contestant he comes into contact with.

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