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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. 33 minutes ago, rose711 said:

    Sorry was this relevant to the episode? It seems like it comes up every week with someone commenting about her headscarf or religion. Did I miss her mentioning her religion or how that affected her designs somewhere?

    It's a fashion show about teenage artists.  And yet some viewers have a problem with the personal style of the designers.  It's interesting, isn't it.  These kids don't even dress that weird.

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  2. On 1/5/2017 at 9:34 PM, mauras said:

    I hope people don't see Hawwaa as the villain in this episode, because she wasn't wrong, even if she could have been a little gentler about expressing her frustration. A'kai does take way too long on the skirt, he did have construction issues (as did Hawwaa, to be fair), and he didn't really communicate. He seems like a very sweet and sensitive kid, but he also seems kind of out of his depth. I knew as soon as he had his talk with Tim that he'd be sent home and that Tim would use his save, but I agree with the designers that it's way too early to save anyone.

    But it happens every team challenge on PR.  Somebody (Person A) who thinks their skill is better than it is is paired with someone for whatever arbitrary reason they don't 'respect' (Person B).  Person A immediately becomes angry, defensive, scared, and micromanages the hell out of Person B.  Person B is confused, sad, becomes way more insecure than before, and screws up.  Person A only becomes more convinced of the bias she already held.  Often a recipe for disaster.

    The challenge was interesting because we've seen it on 15 seasons of Adult PR and now it was on Juniors in the exact same fashion.  Pretty funny.

    Different people could handle a mishmash pairing in a better way and collaborate, and bring out the best in each other, which is the supposed lesson this show tries to push.  That scenario often happens too.

    The best partnerships don't always bring out the best designs and vice versa, but sometimes they do.  


    I don't blame Hawaa - she is young and assertive.

    I've only read one book on how to be assertive, but that's not what I understand assertive to be.

    On 1/5/2017 at 10:03 PM, DHDancer said:

    I was quite angry (before it turned to disillusionment) hearing A'kai talking about  "throwing under the bus".  Maybe I'm too old-fashioned but kids should be kids IMO: even KNOWING the term at that age is just so wrong on many levels. And count me in with those who think A'kai is still not long for this competition: he just doesn't have the skills.

    Part and parcel with being on a reality show.  I don't think children of this age should be on one.  Knowing the term just means they have access to television and reality shows at that age, and that part I'm fine with.


    Hard to believe he's the same age as Maya was last year.

    Well females mature a lot faster than males, yes?

    On 1/6/2017 at 6:23 AM, candall said:

    Ha, I guess I've confirmed that Junior versions really aren't for me.

    I'm with you; I only enjoy this version about 30% as much I do of the original, but I have extremely strong feelings on young people being on television/movies.  I'll watch it, but I'm just waiting for All Stars or something.

    • Love 2
  3. 8 hours ago, mstar1125 said:

    I found Chidi's indecisiveness to be really annoying (I guess I'm with Michael there) and I didn't care for seeing how he died. I would have been okay with seeing the AC falling, and then cutting away from the scene before it hit him. We still would have gotten the point, and it wouldn't have looked so fake. 

    If it had looked more real, I think my heart would have broken.

    • Love 5
  4. On 1/5/2017 at 9:59 PM, scarynikki12 said:

    Jason and Janet dancing to *NSYNC's Digital Get Down had me in stitches. That pairing is genius. 

    I was triggered by that song like some kind of robot who was only programmed to know one beat.  I was like (Robot Voice) "I know this song.  This is a song that I know."

    But the "human" part of me had no recollection of what the song was actually called; I just had the faintest memory.  I love how you guys actually know the name of it.

    At least I knew At Last by Etta James.  What a great, romantic episode.  I love this show.  LOL.  I like Chidi even more now and I already was a Jason stan, so yeah I'm good.

    Bombajohn?  What's his deal?  I know nothing about what he does or who he is?  Someone fill me in?

    23 hours ago, DrScottie said:

    Obviously, Tahani is a fan of Notting Hill. Not surprisingly. 

    LOL, well if true, I think it would be incredibly surprising.  She doesn't know of or like anything mainstream.  And she thought Ariana Grande was a relative of Jason's.  I mean, that BBC show? 

    The show is so smart.  And I can't believe it addressed REAL, ACTUAL earlier concerns we had, like 1) Is Eleanor in love with Chidi?  2) Would she actually confront him about it?   3) Is Tahani Chidi's soulmate?  and 4) Are Jason and  Janet in love?  It's ridiculous. 

    The whole soulmate theme on the show makes me look at love in a different, less shallow way.  If I was placed somewhere and somebody provided me with my supposed soulmate, the show implies you'd pretty much fall in love with that person and looks become irrelevant.  It's kind of beautiful.  Once Tahani thought that Chidi was her soulmate she became possessive of him.  And Chidi is the kind of person Fake Eleanor would have never befriended in real life, but she fell for him anyway. It's interesting.

    • Love 2
  5. There were so many things I didn't understand about the gas breathing plan either.

    When Prairie and Rachel suck in all the smoke that Homer is supposed to get, they pass out.

    When Hap comes to get Homer, he will see Prairie and Rachel passed out.  So what came to mind was, wouldn't Hap get angry and suspicious at this?

    But then, as they 'perfected' the plan, they did it with blankets, so that they'd pass out with blankets, which looked more like sleeping.  So I guess that was less weird. But the very first time they did it, I thought it looked so comically obvious.

    16 hours ago, krankydoodle said:

    And, wow, I just realized that the actor who plays Homer was also Leo in the tv show Smash where he gave one of the worst performances I think I've ever seen. But he's doing a great job here.

    This particular aspect of the show is one of its most fascinating, LOL.

    And Rachel is played by singer Sharon Van Etten.

    • Love 2
  6. We just want to see ourselves on screen.  We count as much as anyone else.  It's that simple.  I agree, @angora.

    "Political correctness" "Forcing diversity"  "Quotas" "You must hate white people."  Or my personal favourite: "Merit (hahahahahahhaha!) over Diversity." Why the knee jerk reactions.  Why the defensiveness.  Just take it like we want to be considered as human as everyone else.  

    I'd love to hear Tilda Swinton's opinion on why she should have played Chirrut Îmwe, though.  JK

    • Love 13
  7. I have every confidence Edwin will have like, at least 3 good years in him.  I'm willing to admit if I'm wrong down the line, but.  As you can see, I'm a big Edwin pusher.  The guy didn't take a day off last year....  You might see him regularly slump in April, maybe even May, and then everyone says when he's "on", he's just on for the rest of the year.  He clicks on sometime in May like setting a watch.

    For those who don't know, he was sued for millions last year for allegedly giving a woman STDs.  It's a story that really shook me up.  I won't get into it here, you can Google it.  Changed the picture of my fandom which until then had been so pristine.  My feelings have been complicated since, but as a baseball player I will always give him his due.

  8. Hmm.  I never call the perp right away, so when I can do it, the writers made it far too obvious.  As soon as this ex-cop was introduced, the "scary music" set in.  Or the dramatic music, or whatever you want to call it.  The cues were all there.  Hmmph.  I'm surprised to see not many responses.  The show's been gone so long I don't even think people know it's back.

    Stalking is such a serious fucking thing so I was kind of 'hoping' it would have been the stalker to bring more real attention to this very real phenomenon that so many women have to deal with.  The storyline was so convoluted with all these suspects to narrow down who the perp was.  This woman had a stalker, a 'temporary' stalker from work, a guy she was sort of seeing, and the ex-cop who thought he was saving her.  Why was the guy from work stalking her?  He couldn't believe she wasn't single?  FFS.

    I have to say though, I guess I was liking this episode until the end which got too violent for me, but I have low standards for this show now.

    You know, it's been years and years, so I figure, I'm never going to understand Kelli Giddish's acting.  Contrast Rollins with Finn where they're sussing out the cop.  Finn is natural and Rollins is so super awkward and so very obviously lying.  Is this intentional?

    If you haven't, please read "The Gift of Fear", especially women.  I tell all women to read this book; it's such a good tool for everyone.

    • Love 9
  9. My brother read The Martian and said that it was a very funny book.  He was dumbfounded by the casting of Matt Damon and how the movie actually played out - I think he was expecting a Ryan Reynolds or young Vince Vaughn type or somebody who'd be wry and quippy and sarcastic.  Yeah, they didn't exactly make a comedy did they.

  10. Jimmy Kimmel forced Jennifer Aniston to pick the final top 4 long before this aired just based on picture and job description and funnily enough she picked:

    Corinne, Liz, Rachel, and Danielle M.

    I like the way Danielle M. speaks.  It's so quiet , so it forces the listener to really lean in and pay attention, but she seemed confident in her attitude.  I guess I missed the way she was supposedly shaky or something?  I don't know, I liked her demeanor so far.

    • Love 1
  11. 2 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    I'm sure they were hoping for more pettiness and cattiness from the women about it but for the most part, aside from some mild irritation (Rachel seemed the most irritated), everyone got over it.

    I think Jasmine B. had the most issues dealing with the nature of the show, she was pacing around talking to herself, and really going nuts, poor girl.

    And then Kristina, the one who kept having these deadly serious confessionals in the rose ceremony towards the end.

    I guess instead of cattiness this episode, it was more like (I think) the women kind of just going nuts hoping Nick would like them.  There was also that blonde who was crying "prematurely" right before she got the rose.

    • Love 1
  12. It was funny when that Alaskan girl tossed her fur coat at Nick like she was Miranda Priestly.

    And then Nick doesn't remember sleeping with Liz, like he's Joey Tribbiani.

    Yes, people on social media are already addressing Corrine as Tiffany Trump, lol.  Her lips looked fake to me!  Adult nanny, I missed that intro, that's so funny.  Jack had one on Will and Grace once, played by Demi Moore.

    I agree, the back of the glittery dress of the woman who was eliminated was just stunning.  One of the few in a non-red dress and it was a great one.

    • Love 8
  13. I find Nick more attractive than Ben and Sean.  Chris seems so dumb.  It looks like the producers knew the potential they had in Nick and it seems like these women really are into him.  There were a couple of women seriously melting down this episode already.

    • Love 10
  14. Nick pleased me with who he picked for first impression rose.

    I liked the episode.  I hope this season goes better than Jojo's which was a massive disappointment to me.


    I noticed there were several African American women....usually there is only one or 2.  If I recall correctly.  Just an observation.  And one got the first impression rose.

    The episode seemed pretty multicultural, yes.

    That was "Dolphinately" a shark costume, and the woman inside it seemed plastered.  I think it's incredible she didn't pass out from the alcohol, heat, and possible stupidity.

    • Love 15
  15. On 12/30/2016 at 5:21 PM, maraleia said:

    Is anyone else having as hard of a time coming to grips with Carrie Fisher's death as I am? I may never get over it for as long as I live.

    I understand.  Everyone has different personal connections to different celebrities for various reasons.

    Somebody on Twitter asked, what celebrity death hit you the hardest?  The answers were really varied, like Robin Williams, Alan Rickman, Kurt Cobain, etc.

    Mine is Aaliyah.  Considering it happened in 2001 and I am still not over it, I don't think I'll ever get over it.

    Looking at the original tweet I kind of misphrased it.  Warning, the 1400 replies might be too sad for some of you to wade through.

    • Love 3
  16. 8 hours ago, Jack Shaftoe said:

    Homeland says hi.

    And I am yet another viewer tired of critics and ordinary viewers confusing edginess with quality. 

    Pilot of Homeland.  Another one I'm talking about.  Just think of all the most horrifying "pretend edgy" things you could watch in a pilot and I saw it.  That's not for me.

  17. On 12/14/2016 at 11:40 AM, AshleyN said:

    SAG always seems to be good for at least one out there nomination, I guess Emily Blunt fills that spot this year. I haven't seen the movie and I don't doubt that she's good (she usually is), but pretty surprising to see her make it over Annette Bening, Ruth Negga, or (considering her film was nominated in ensemble) Taraji P. Henson.

    It's nice to get this validation when my idea was laughed at on page 1.  I haven't seen Annette, Ruth, or Taraji's movies but I really did love Emily's performance.  Nice surprise.

    • Love 2
  18. 53 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

    Other shows: Atlanta, Insecure, Outlander, Crazy Ex-girlfriend, and Search Party.

    I tried to watch the pilot of Search Party.

    sex scene where one person is not enjoying it at all.
    masturbation scene
    person urinating on toilet scene.

    It filled almost my entire usual checklist.  It's exactly the kind of bad writing I'm talking about.  I thought it was just awful.  

    (Atlanta and Crazy-Exgirlfriend are wonderful.  I think Atlanta is just fantastic.  I also love Jessica Jones.  For my money these are 3 of the best new shows I have seen.  And correct - none of them have a straight white man as the protagonist.)

    • Love 1
  19. Single people who are age 40 exist.  They even live in cities.  Why would it bother you if Reese played a single gal in a big city?  To be honest, it wouldn't bother me.  Gabrielle Union is 42 and stars in Being Mary Jane which is about being a single woman in Atlanta.  I'm a fan of the show.  The Sex and the City women were supposed to be around 28-45 (ranging from Carrie to Samantha, Seasons 1-6), and they were mostly single throughout.

    Matthew McConaughey is rarely married in his movies and he's 47.  Does Tom Cruise have wives in his movies?  Denzel plays single sometimes, like in Flight.

    Stacey Dash and Rachel McAdams famously played high school students at age 28 and 26.  No one had a problem with it.  (To be honest, I remember Rachel being announced as being 29 at the time... but.... I guess......I'll take the internet's word on it.)

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