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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Why what?  Aren't you and I saying the same thing, that we both "would not have expected Ken to be good at the game"?  Ken is innocent.  He's not manipulative.  He doesn't hide his strong feelings when he's feeling them.  He's earnest.  He's the most earnest who's ever earnested.  Was Fabio earnest?  There's Ken's path to a win then.  He'll have to play like Fabio.

    • Love 4
  2. I know everyone's raging about Ken right now but I think Will is so, so, so stupid.  It's hard for me to watch.  I GUESS it's funny?  It's really weird.  Like imagine you're playing Jeopardy and a person just stomps all over the place yelling "I want to play the game! I want to be really good at this game and I want to win!" but that person has no idea how to do it, instead he just says that over and over again.  It's so weird.  It's like Will was brought onto the show on a Take your Kid to Work Day.  And everyone else has to be nice to him and show him around.  But fuck, I actually have to watch it!  I don't think it's even really age for him, is it?  Like I think I would dislike him even if he were 10 years older.  

    I think something about Ken's personality and demeanor, I don't expect him to be good at the game so I'm not disappointed.  He did what I would expect him to.  But I stereotyped Will to be some kind of nerd/prodigy on first sights and he's so the opposite and I'm really let down and confused.  I judged a book by its cover, and it's just... a pamphlet.  

    Ken is harmless.  He's a soulful artist type.  He just wants to chop coconuts.  He'll vote for whoever he's told to. But Will could end up doing something really stupid.  Although, what is even stupid at this point?  I guess I fear for one of my favourites prematurely leaving the game....  

    Getting rid of Zeke was a good, bold move for the Other Side.  "Good for Will".  LOL.  Every time I think a great move was made there's always someone who is like, Well I, would have done this.  Okay, great I guess.  Zeke had people he was leading around by the nose.  He had his final 3 all locked up.  Even if David's site hated Zeke, they probably would have granted Zeke a win over fucking Bret and Sunday.  So I like the move.

    • Love 23
  3. 7 hours ago, candall said:

    Wow, I thought Rebecca was AWFUL for keeping her "lonely secret."  [snip]

    I'll be needing longer than Thanksgiving-to-Christmas to get past all that, and I'm just a viewer!

    @candall, I loved your post.

    To borrow from @DearEvette earlier, You read Rebecca for filth, and I am here for it.

    • Love 2
  4. 5 hours ago, Boilergal said:

    Maybe it's just me, but it seems like David cries in EVERY episode about one thing or another.  I think emotional manipulators are bullies in their own way - cry to make others feel guilty and get what you want.   Whether it's sympathy, attention, or getting others to back off calling you out on your cruddy behavior.  It's just my opinion, but I feel that David uses this tactic quite frequently, and that is why Zeke said what he did.

    Haha.  I'm sorry, but this reminds me of, "I abuse you, because you cry!" type talk.

    I'm not denying that people have fake-cried before.  Some have.  Obviously I've seen toddlers do it.  But I've NEVER seen David do anything remotely like that.  Please point to such a scene.  The only time I've ever seen David cry is when Jeff brings up a super-emotional topic for him, and then after a few minutes of trying not to, he cries.  How is this David bullying the tribe?  I'd love more evidence.

    3 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

    I don't know. Maybe it was a good season while I watched it but I just Googled the cast of that season and the only people I really remember are Ozzy and Yul. That was also that awkward season where they divided everyone by race, right? Can't say I count that season as one of my favourites.

    I guess it depends whether you find castmates like Parvati, Johnathan Penner, and Cao Boi memorable.  

    It is definitely in my top 5 seasons of all time.  Of the top of my head I'll call it my second favourite after Borneo. 

    • Love 7
  5. Models and actors made for one of the greatest seasons, Cook Islands, I don't really think that's what matters, personally.  Casting non-models and non-actors has sometimes led to dreadful seasons (for me) in the past.  Sometimes there's a good cast and sometimes there's a bad.  This one was interesting to me.... I still don't think it's "great" though.  I'd say middle of the pack for me.


     Whilst is true that some people who claim to be Christians hold views that would be offensive to members of the LGBT  community however it pales in comparison to how gays are viewed and treated in the vast majority of Muslim countries (i.e in some Muslim countries homosexuals are still executed)

    GLAAD finds the term homosexual outdated, if you're interested.  http://www.glaad.org/reference/offensive

    I don't think someone can just objectively state Jessica going to rocks is rational and smart gameplay.  For me it's still a subjective opinion.  Personally I'd be more inclined to do the 3 more days thing.  The game can change at any point - the game is certainly 'irrational' with merges, team splits, people randomly going home through illness or quitting the game, etc.  Also, if your goal is to make as much money as possible in the game, then yes, I think it's stupid to leave the game earlier than later.  Personally I'd hold on as long as I could.  I don't think we can declare who can be a winner versus not so early in the game.  

    • Love 2
  6. 26 minutes ago, Jx223 said:

    I had noticed that the younger William put the picture of Randall and letter inside of a book titled "Poems for my Son". It looked like he had typed up/put the book together himself. I hope he gives Randall those poems before he dies.

    Oh for goodness sakes don't make me cry again.

    It's funny how Rebecca calls William a drug addict - and it's technically true, like being an alcoholic? - but the truth is that he was clean for at least 5 years?  Was he just permanently clean after that?  I wonder.  Was William a drug addict when Randall was born and then a few years later he permanently cleaned up?

    I guess the point (again I wonder) is that we're supposed to be clear that Rebecca does not keep William away for his personal failings, but rather simply because "the kid is mine now, I'm not risking losing him - no matter who it is I could lose him to."  And I guess that's why we hear Rebecca say "What if they're GREAT?!" meaning Randall's bio parents.

    • Love 5
  7. I think because we're supposed to understand Rebecca and Jack as very different people.  Jack was maybe more able to act like he was surviving the loss of Kyle whereas all Rebecca could fear was going through it again?

    • Love 12
  8. 5 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

    Kevin read Olivia for filth!  And I was here for it. 


    I cried like 3 or 4 times this episode.  Oh the fourth time was just reading Milo V.'s livetweets of the damn thing.  Take me away!!!  (I'm speaking to the show.  It takes me away every week.  I actually turn off social media except for Milo through the whole thing.)

    I cried at everything Young William did.  Oh my god he killed me dead.


    I want Jack to be my dad.

    And I want Milo to be my Daddy!!!

    Kevin was really beautifully lit this episode, I begrudgingly admit.  He's getting a lot more likeable.  I already liked Kate so liking her even more is an easy transition.  No Miguel today!

    • Love 14
  9. 1 hour ago, SlackerInc said:

    That must have been quite a long time ago, since violent crime is less than half of what it was 25 years ago, and it's been fifty years since it was significantly lower than it is now.

    One of the major things I learned about in Criminology is that the news is always sensationalizing crime so that most people who watch the news and don't question it believe crime is always at the worst point it's ever been.  When you actually look at statistics and facts, it's not true.  And people think smaller towns have less crime than big cities.  Not per capita.  For example, in Canada, the more sparse the population in a place, the higher the crime rate per person in that space.  I really do know people who believe crime is constantly getting worse and the only way you can escape it is to move to a small, picturesque-looking town.  

    • Love 4
  10. 1 hour ago, SlackerInc said:

    Good friends, and a good brother.  :)  [ETA: You inspired me to Google the Seinfeld "pop in", and was tickled to find that the scene in question features a young Catherine Keener!]

    LOL, why is my brother good?  I'm the one who's being considerate.  But I guess, maybe you thought I was a male?  LOL.

  11. 6 hours ago, SlackerInc said:

    Maybe I'm an oddball on this (I'd be curious to hear what other people think), but I hate when anyone stops by without calling first.  In fact, just hearing an unexpected doorbell or knock makes my heart race!  And I'm pretty sure I've never done it to anyone else.  I don't know about other people, but I don't spend evenings at home with my clothing and hair presentable for anyone but my wife and kids (who are used to me hanging out with my wild bedhead hair in holey shirts and boxers).

    If there is such a thing as the cult of Seinfeld, and I think there is, there's a whole bunch of us out there who relate to the show and despise the "pop in".  People around my age all joke about this.  I live next door to my brother, and I've never stopped by without major notice.  And I'm next door!  And it's my brother!

    My friends joke around that I need 2 hours notice.  Joke all you want.  Because I'm glad that they give me that!

    I hate hate hate the unexpected knock. I  had a traumatizing experience when I used to work nights and a man who lived below me tried to break into my apartment after he made ONE noise complaint about me.  (I wasn't trying to be inconsiderate; I really did work nights and never did anymore than watch TV. I didn't realize what was going on until I got the police involved.)  So yeah, if I'm not expecting you, my heart will RACE when you come by.

    Also, I grew up in a house where my mother had a business in our house.  There were people ringing the doorbell and visiting all the damn day.  That's fine -- that's her business, literally - but Lord was it annoying when she tried to introduce me to clients and I hadn't even brushed my teeth yet.

    • Love 3
  12. On 11/25/2016 at 7:28 PM, rho said:

    Ugh yes! It looked like the break room of someone else's office. And no windowss? I would die! 

    A CEO that walks around typing on someone's computer while they're using it and then doodling something meaningless on somebody's notepad?  Was this supposed to be satire?  It could not have been more outrageously stupid.

    14 hours ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

    That was actually one of the more realistic situations ever on this show.

    My first few sessions with my first therapist were completely silent. She did ask questions, but I'd either not answer or I would give a very curt answer that she could do absolutely nothing with.

    Those are bad therapists in my opinion.  I've had good ones.  The bad ones waste time (and your money) with silence.  Fuck that, IMO

  13. I love Failure to Launch , but that age stuff is very noticeable to me.  The whole point of the movie is that Matthew's character refuses to grow up and is far too old to be behaving as he does (living with his parents for no financial reason!!!!!) but Sarah's character is just as strange.  SJP was 41 in FTL -- I guess that's not an insane age to have a roommate, I don't know.  I assume FTL takes place in LA....  I wouldn't know the situation there.  In Toronto, real estate is notoriously overpriced but I would still think it strange for a 41 year old to have a roommate.  Zooey Deschanel was 26 at the time of FTL.  

    Hey, something great about FTL is that Sarah Jessica Parker is actually 4 year older than her male love interest, Matthew McConaughey!!

    • Love 2
  14. Hahaha.  Yes, China.  I was such a fan of James in that season.  I have poor memory when it comes to specifics though, so thanks to everyone for all these reminders.  Like I said, Yul is a GREAT example of telling someone about the idol (Becky) being a very good/successful idea (he won) but back in those days, the idol meant you could play it AFTER the votes were read, LOL.  And if people knew about Yul's idol they were probably too scared to vote for him because they didn't really understand what it meant yet.

    Russell told everyone about his idols -- I can very clearly remember that weird Texan accent saying, "I got the eye-dull."  And he always made it to the final tribal councils, so I don't think telling anyone about his idols hurt him.  His personality and people better than him at the game hurt him.

    I'm not ready to say that telling people about the idols always hurts your game, but you have to be SMART about who you tell.  Jeremy is a great example of not telling people and it being successful.  Jeremy played a beautiful game.  (Did Kim have idols?  She seems like the type who wouldn't tell anyone.)

    Again I must reiterate that the editors made Adam so invisible this double episode.  Very weird.  For all of the criticism of his game I read, I think his "craziness" is somehow helping him.  Also, he does not tell people about his idol, he doesn't talk about his family problems to get sympathy (read: JEREMY), and he somehow is able to lay really low these past 6 days (like Jeremy).  He's the one I'm lowkey rooting for, but I really did forget his existence several times this week.

    Something that I really don't like about even the seasons I've really loved lately, is the editing around certain players.  The editing made Spencer and Aubrey seem like winners or major players, and yet Spencer received no votes and Michelle ended up winning.  These are the biggest headscratchers ever.  There's bound to be something like that repeating this year.  

    Someone said David could be the first beta male to win on his first try.  Majorly disagree.  I'm not sure I see Todd as an alpha male, for instance, and I am 50% on Yul.  Earl and Aras were NOT alpha males.  Something interesting about this season is I at first saw Adam, Zeke, and David as very similar type of people and had a lot of trouble telling Adam and David apart early on.  Maybe the editors feel the same which is why Adam was so nothing this week. It will be interesting to see how they fall once the season ends.

    Still liking David. I'm hoping he becomes the first beta male to win the game on his first try. Sorry, Cochrane.

    • Love 5
  15. 2 hours ago, mojoween said:

    However...I am incredibly shallow.  I never turned on Burton even when he was an ass.  If I hitch my wagon to the hot guy, I am staying with it come hell or high water.  I will root for him to win every challenge and get nervous at every TC.  

    One of the craziest seasons for me was Panama.  Why?  Because the hot guy I had been rooting for throughout the game actually won - Aras.  Never would I have ever guessed that would have happened.  I even stopped watching before it got to the end and was really upset with myself afterwards.  (I was rooting for Ozzy during Yul's season.)

    • Love 4
  16. Telling about idol versus not.  Are there past contestants who didn't tell anyone?  I always think back to how Yul telling Becky about his idol definitely helped him, but his was the First Idol, right, so it doesn't really count?  Because the way the idol worked back then in the Dark Ages was completely different and the producers had to change it.

    What I'm wondering is, if there has NEVER been a player who had an idol and kept it a secret, I wonder if they are forced by producers to reveal it to another castmate so that they can film it.  But this obviously seems very shady and against some kind of law and rule so hopefully not.

    Okay so reading back, apparently Adam has one and didn't tell anyone.  That's cool. 

    Being good at puzzles.  I think I'm good at puzzles.  But on the island, with all that pressure, and lack of nutrition, I don't know.  LOL.  I'd be so worried I'd look stupid.  

    • Love 4
  17. If your parent marries someone, do you really owe that person anything?  To be honest I don't get it.  I get that the Big 3 are all adults but I don't begrudge them any of their feelings.  It's personal to them.  We don't know exactly how old the Big 3 were when their mother married Miguel, but if Miguel didn't actually parent them until 18 then I guess they can feel however they please.  They are not outright rude.  They're just whatever.  It's absolutely not rude how Kevin treated Miguel.  He calmly explained how their practically lifelong tradition works.  And Randall opened his house to Miguel.  That's fine to me.

    • Love 15
  18. 24 minutes ago, Lingo said:

    It seems many of us have different definitions of goat. I'm not sure how to define it. But to me, a goat is a person who can't win because they are so disliked, so if you win, you are by definition not a goat. Tai was more of a goat than Michelle last season. For the same reason, I can't call Brett and Sunday goats because I see no evidence that anyone dislikes them, though after Brett's outbursts that may change.

    I agree, everyone defines it differently.  I totally respect this opinion but I admit I'm biased towards the other way.  My definition of goat is somebody edited to seem like they're doing nothing, i.e. Michelle in Aubrey's season, Natalie in Russell's season, Cassandra in Earl's (and yes, that's how I see the seasons, and I know some posters will hate this.).  It's just the way I am.  I don't see Tai as a goat because he's a hard player, and the same with Russell Hantz.  I admit, my personal preferences toward certain personalities makes me feel this way, and same with my personal aversion to players who are edited to seem like they're boring and do nothing all season, like Michelle.

    Sunday kind of annoys me, and sometimes I think she's stupid, but I have to admit she's playing well.  To me, definitively, I think Sunday and Hannah are playing well because they're still there.  It sucks that everyone - because of editing - points out JESSICA making the mistake of going to rocks.  No, to me, 8 separate people ALL collectively made what I think is a mistake to go to rocks.  It's just that the editing focused on Jessica, and Jessica ended up being eliminated for it.  She just happened to be the Star of this particular story.  But she was just as dumb as the other 7 and the other 7 were just as dumb as she was.  No one was smarter than another in my opinion. But besides the rock idiocy, Brett and Sunday have played a good game so far.   I think other viewers see Brett and Sunday playing a bad game, because they don't LIKE them.  They don't like their personalities, therefore, they are playing a bad game.  It's the same with Hannah.  

    I'm not nuts, I can see that Tai and Russell - and Spencer in Jeremy's season, for a great example - ALIENATED a lot of the jury.  But I guess I prefer players like that to others, and I kind of hate that a jury not liking you ends up factoring so much in a win.  My personal opinion.  I wish people who played harder got rewarded with a win more than people who simply didn't offend anyone.  (And YES, I understand that's not the game as it stands.)

    In opposition to Hannah, Brett, and Sunday --- Will does bother me, though.  I just think he never has any true idea what's going on and seems to always get forgotten and carried.  He never seems to be orchestrating a vote or being part of one that matters.  This year, he is my goat.

    • Love 8
  19. 2 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

    Nope.  He's openly gay.  He made a point of discussing that in a pre-show interview.  It was just news to the tribemates (and to probably many viewers) because he doesn't the normal Survivor gay stereotype of a prissy queen.

    I don't know why you keep mentioning prissy queens.  I don't remember any such stereotype on this show.  Zeke is not prissy.  Todd wasn't like that.  Anyways, it's not like I really want to get into it anyway, I don't think about people's sexual orientation when I watch the show, and I don't think Survivor is at all like that.  There were a lot of castmates that announced that they were gay on this show, and I hadn't given it any thought either way until they mentioned it.  Another guy on Cook Island - actually two guys, JP and Brad, although I don't know if JP ever announced it.  Not prissy.

    • Love 6
  20. 4 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

    Man, I wish just once a reality show could include a Bostonian that people actually liked.

    Boston Rob is not enough for you?  He's been on like 5 seasons of Survivor and Amazing Race too, right?  I like him and I don't even WANT to like him. I hate how much I like him.  Anyways, he's like the prototypical reality show personality that people like, and yeah I think he's from Boston.

    3 hours ago, SlackerInc said:

    What did Jay say in response to Jeff's comment "it was pretty to watch" when putting on his immunity necklace?

    My guess:  "It's because I'm wearing pink, Jeff"  ?

    3 hours ago, SlackerInc said:

    People are too afraid of going to rocks. Everyone keeps saying Nate Silver was "wrong" because he gave Trump a 35% chance of winning, but taking a 17% chance of drawing a black rock is certain doom?

    That's funny, for me, people are not afraid enough.  This is way too dumb of a mistake for these contestants to make in the 33rd season.

    The funniest posts here are all about Ken.  It's really funny, it's comedy gold.  Like how hot he is and how everyone reacts to it.  For me, I thought it was so funny how every single time Ken was on screen he was (cooking?)  He's like the househusband for the entire tribe.  He was always sitting and cooking.  I never saw him do anything else this episode.  

    I was surprised that Zeke didn't care that Chris was ousted?  And then I was surprised that Bret didn't care either?  There was a lot I didn't understand this episode.

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