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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I love Martin Lawrence but I remember not finding Black Knight funny.  He's a modern day person sent back to Renaissance times, I guess.

    Except I love this ONE part where he's just trying to sit in a chair.  19:42 - 19:60.  

    Same situation with The Ladies Man.  I love Tim Meadows and Karyn Parsons, but I don't remember loving the movie.  However, when Karyn's character takes one of Leon's cassette tapes and wrecks it, and Leon calmly protests, is funny.  2:30 here.  (Youtube is just wonderful!)

    • Love 1
  2. Thanks Athena.  "Dark-skinned".  They could have cast actors that fit the descriptions better but that was obviously not a priority for this film.  I think Emily did a fantastic job, honestly, I just wish she wasn't so damn fit ;)

  3. Hmm, Thanks.  I thought Abdic's ethnicity was never revealed in the book; I did not remember him to be Bosnian.  I tried to Google but couldn't come up with anything.  

  4. On 10/9/2016 at 8:24 PM, thuganomics85 said:

    Overall, I didn't love it, but it was an entertaining enough film to kill for two hours.  I do think it always had an uphill battle, due to the Gone Girl comparisons, but I did think Tate Taylor was probably not the right choice for this.  His directing wasn't horrible, but it felt kind of cold and lacked intensity that more experienced directors would have probably brought (like, well, David Fincher.)

    As a fan of both books, though, I was much more a fan of Tate Taylor's adaptation than David Fincher's.  Watching The Girl on the Train I was just so SATISFIED.  That's exactly how I'd want the movie to be.  Fincher's vision was so, so completely different from mine, as a reader.  I'm no fan of that film.  And I like Fincher usually.  And of course, critics disagree very strongly with me on this, so it's confusing.  Loving both books gives me a strong bias.

    On 10/13/2016 at 0:25 AM, Silver Raven said:

    Why did Edgar Ramirez's character, whose name sounded Arabic, speak to Megan in Spanish?

    Casting stupidity, that's why!!!

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  5. I'm so happy to read all of the positiveness in this thread!  I tried to bring up these points in the Oscar thread and was brutally rebuffed. LOL.  Anyways, I'm excited to read all of your thoughts further.  I loved the movie.  I LOVED the book, 5/5, and loved the movie 4/5.  I agree that Emily Blunt was Oscar-worthy.

    I also thought Haley was great.  I'm very affected by her and Emily's performances. I keep thinking about Haley long after the film.

    Superficial changes from book to movie:

    They cast a Venezuelan actor to play what was obviously a Middle Eastern man, Dr. Kamal Abdic.  Now this really bothered me, because casting people in America treat minorities as interchangeable.  His name was still the same after casting someone Venezuelan.  The Martian did this too by casting a black actor to play someone East Indian, while also keeping the same character name.

    Emily Blunt is obviously very thin - like, "I work out with Tom Cruise" FIT! - but Rachel in the book is a chubby alcoholic.  Obviously this change bothered me.  Hollywood doesn't want to look at chubby women, or Middle Eastern faces, that's how I felt...  My joke is always, when I was drinking a lot, I certainly never looked like Emily fucking Blunt.

    The book was changed setting-wise from England to Manhattan.  Now I'd imagine this might bother some people.  Very funny that they kept Rachel as being British but made everyone else American!  The only British person in the film is a drunk!  LOL, goodness.  This didn't really bother me so much but I'd totally get if others were put off by it.  It was strange.  Good thing they kept Bridget Jones in England!!


    Lisa Kudrow isn't in the book but I get adding her; she's how Rachel figures out Tom's been gaslighting her.

    I also get the addition.  I didn't mind it.  And as a Friends fan I was really tickled by her appearance.  I'm only now just putting together that Justin Theroux's wife = Jennifer Aniston whom I hope is still very friendly with Lisa Kudrow.

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  6. I keep track of this stuff, so I'll go ahead and share my favourites of the past 4 years:

    2013:  Drinking Buddies

    Life Partners
    Sex Tape
    The Other Woman (Cameron Diaz..... I just flat out admit I like her in almost anything.)

    Focus  (Kind of action, drama, romance, comedy all at once?)
    The Duff

    How to be Single
    Mother's Day
    Bridget Jones' Baby

    And there's also quite a few movies that have the same 'tone' as a romantic comedy, but are more accurately classified as comedies, like The Intern, Daddy's Home, The Heat, and Delivery Man.  I enjoyed all of these, personally.

    If you're looking for one that is more reminiscent of those 90s Meg Ryan/Sandra Bullock films, then I don't know, because those are kind of a class on their own, really of their time.  I guess Trainwreck would be the closest.  

    If I listened to reviews, then I'd never watch any movies like this.  I find it's easier to just listen to coworkers and friends.  I've actually only heard POSITIVE buzz about Bridget Jones' Baby, so I rushed to make sure I caught it before I left theatres, and I was happy I did.

    I really liked Cafe Society (2016) this year, which is in my opinion, a pure romance, by Woody Allen.  I didn't much find it funny but I really enjoyed it.  I also loved Blue Jasmine (2013), which has some romance, but is very depressing.

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  7. The paper books versus E-books thing is not necessarily an age thing in my experience.  I'm an old Millennial where some people around my age were extremely insulted when I said a lot of the physical book industry is dying.  Unfortunately it's a fact.

    I don't mean to upset anyone.  Major book chains are closing, period.  The World's Biggest Bookstore here in Canada (I doubt it actually literally was) closed after many years and a manager at a major Canadian book chain (well the only Canadian book chain I know of) told me their brand is now focusing 90% on home decor (that was 5 years ago).

    But sure, a lot of people love physical books. I'm one of those VERY people.  But I'm trying to face reality.  I have an E-reader and I love it but, when I really love a book, or want a coffee table book for the pictures, or want a book as part of a collection, then I'm going to buy the physical book.  But a lot of people out there won't.  Heck, I assume the majority of the population never did.  (I worked at a book chain for a few years and constantly encountered the same tiny population of book-buyers, versus people who wandered in at Christmas and said things like "I want to buy the Blue book."  Meaning a new book they saw advertised, that has a blue cover).  I don't think people have to take this kind of fact as insulting.  There will always be some use for physical books  - at least I think so - I don't think I can declare anything either way for certain.  As someone said upthread, the 'technology' of a physical book never fails.  It's super frustrating when my E-book's battery goes dead!  So I like to bring physical books with me on trips.

    But yeah, I get why people didn't like Bryce as a character.

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  8. On 3/31/2015 at 9:35 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    There was a song in the lesbian bar, but I have no clue what it is.

    "Relevant Now" by Ben Standage.

    On 11/3/2015 at 9:10 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Latest episode, where Louis goes on the morning show and Eddie and his friends have girlfriends.

    3)  I'd love to know the songs that played at the roller skating rink!!!!

    "Only Love Can Do It" by Jim Wolfe.

  9. Season 3

    Episode 1:  "I Wish" by Skee-Lo, classic one hit wonder of the 90s!

    Episode 2:  
    "Zombie, by the cranberries, when Jessica drives the maid home.  Still my favourite band of all time. :)
    "Un-Break my Heart" by Toni Braxton, when Jessica and Louis drive the maid home.  Classic, also recently heard on Brooklyn 99.

    • Love 2
  10. On 9/8/2016 at 11:34 AM, Lady Calypso said:

    So, I started my first Gilmore Girls rewatch (the first watch of the show since it first aired--so a decade ago) and my god, Milo Ventimiglia is a very, very attractive man. I've followed some of his work. I've suffered through almost all of The Whispers because of him, I finally finished season 4 of Heroes after a year and a half of putting it off because of him, and I'm most likely going to watch This Is Us because of him. Plus, his constant enthusiasm for Gilmore Girls really puts bonus points in his court. 

    YOU HAVE TO watch This is Us.  You have to.  Milo's all muscley now and such a man and he's so hot.  And trust me, I found his skinny young ass so hot on Gilmore Girls too.  LOL.  (He's older than me - I can say that.)

    @topanga, I will not rest until you watch Sterling K. Brown on The People vs. OJ.  That's where so many of us fell in love with him.  I don't find him as attractive on This is Us.  He's too "perfect" and straitlaced.  But he's so vulnerable as Chris Darden, LOL!  Obviously!  (Plus, the show is an A or an A+, to me.)

    For @lordonia , who brought up Kristen Bell.  She is so freaking cute on The Good Place.  And I've never really found her attractive before.  Now, I'm sold.

    I actually think Wilmer V. is so so so talented just from That 70's Show alone.  There's probably a reason he's dated women like Mandy Moore and Demi Lovato ;)

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  11. I just want to jump out of my skin.  I HATED NATHALIA'S LOOK!  It was my bottom look.  THE BOTTOM!!!!!  I think I was so distracted by the pants, which looked TERRIBLE and so cheap, and so flat, and so bad.  I'm sorry but no.  If women start dressing like that... Oh dear god no.  I'm sorry.

    I thought Roberi would have been in the top in place of hers.


    I love Brik's personality. I was crying, he seems like such a sweet boy.  He's a great tailor. I thought Cornelius's critique of him was actually quite nice and spot on.  And I don't mind Brik's fabric choices at all, but unfortunately people are too conservative to appreciate it.  Good for him for being who he is.

    Cornelius's was just 90s, but it was just very bad 90s.

    Look how sloppy Nathalia's is, in the middle. Come on people.  The jacket has no shape to it.  I thought she would get ripped apart.  And her styling was horrible.  Wet shower hair with chandelier earrings?  The pants look like muslin.  Very poorly done, like by a child or a student or something.  It makes me think of a country where you're not allowed to wear colour.  I'm so sad looking at it.  The pants have zero shape to them, they don't fit right.  You think I want my thighs to look like that?  Where's the sex appeal?  The pants make no sense!  Oh my god , more angles at the bottom, oh my god it's hideous




    • Love 7
  12. I think I was misinterpreted.  I don't think that's what I meant.  It frustrates me when I see what I think is a near-perfect adaptation of a book that I love, and the critics don't like the film because I think they're understanding the film in a different way that I did.  I personally loved both books: Gone Girl and The Girl on the Train, and I don't think they even need to be compared - that's a marketing ploy that I don't blame marketers for using.  I think it does a disservice to Paula Hawkins to needlessly compare her totally different book to another book that had Girl in the title, of a similar genre.  It happens all too often to female authors.  Pretty dismissive.

    I did NOT love the film Gone Girl because of my bias towards the book, and yet I DID love the film The Girl on the Train because of my bias towards the book.  I just think that - and I don't think this can be disputed - someone who's read the book is going to have a different critique of the film adaptation.  I still think Emily Blunt's performance was "Oscar-worthy".  It made me uncomfortable, in a good way, and reminded me of my reaction towards Angelina Jolie's performance in Girl, Interrupted, although not as dramatic.  And sure, I'm curious what other people who have seen the film, and not read the book, think of Emily's performance. But I am thinking and hoping that it stands on its own if you haven't read the book.  I think I confused the issue by bringing up the whole book thing.  I also thought Haley Bennett did a very good job. 

    As a personal thing, if I assume most critics haven't read either book -- 
    Gone Girl the film has a lot of critical acclaim, and The Girl on the Train does not, and yet I feel oppositely to critics.   I think it would be interesting to have a subset of film criticism that criticizes films based on how well they adapted source material.  A friend of mine who loves The Martian, the book, was really unhappy with the film adaptation and we all know that critics feel differently.

  13. Hey guys, 

    I recently saw The Girl on the Train.  Now, I've read the book, and I loved it.  Unfortunately, critics didn't seem to, and I'm going to assume it's because the majority of them did not read the book.  It seems like when I really like a film adaptation of a book I adored, the critics do not like the film, which annoys and bothers me, because I feel like they are not judging the film correctly.

    I bring this up because I think Emily Blunt's performance was Oscar-worthy.  It's too bad that this is not getting talked about at all.  (This is me making an assumption though, based on me not hearing anything yet.)

    Although maybe I'm wrong?  Rotten Tomatoes has the film at a horrible 44% but:


    Critics Consensus: Emily Blunt's outstanding performance isn't enough to keep The Girl on the Train from sliding sluggishly into exploitative melodrama.

  14. 5 hours ago, nosleepforme said:

    Anyone think the real Eleanor was probably corrupted by the bad place and turned into a horrible person? 

    Adam Scott was good in the role. Though I will always prefer him as Ben. He must be happy to finally play "crazy" after having been the straight man on Parks for so long.

    Very creative point, your first point.  It's a mirror to Our Eleanor becoming Good.

    Adam Scott has played a lot of assholes in the past ;)  He's got great range.

    • Love 1
  15. Sure, there's a difference between bluntness and meanness.  If someone said they didn't like when Michaela is mean then sure I guess I could understand.  But instead, there are so many posts that say "She's too BLUNT for this game!  She's going to lose this game with all that bluntness!"  That's what I'm really interested to see.  This is not a character issue we see all the time on this show.  This is novel and interesting.  Being blunt or direct or even assertive is one thing, something I even appreciate.  But meanness (to me) is something different.  I don't like meanness.  But I'm not seeing it in Michaela yet.  I don't like being told to shut up, but being in a challenge on Survivor is something that a very, very, very unique subset of the population experience.  We don't know how it is.  There's a context there.  I'm far from being turned off from her yet and I really enjoy her so far.

    We're all different and we all value different things in people.  Some people were turned off by Figgy's smugness and others are turned off by Michaela's bluntness and this is one of the many interesting things about the show.

    • Love 5
  16. Lauren is the worst.

    I've always loved Diana's clothes.  I think I like "old lady" style.  I wear Chanel and Givenchy perfume and have since I was a teenager so I've gotten those comments before.  LOL

    I think Hillary Duff was once naturally beautiful but something about her new teeth (?) or fillers (?) and eyes and eye makeup always make her look really off/fake to me.  It's distracting.

    Liza dresses totally fucking ridiculously, but that's vintage Patricia Field.  Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it, but it's always courageous.  Carrie Bradshaw Season 3 was such a nightmare for me, but I'm okay with the other SATC seasons fashion-wise.  Patricia Field is her own woman on her own planet.

    Josh and Liza feel passion-less and romance-less.

    • Love 2
  17. 7 hours ago, fishcakes said:

    I don't know about in terms of Survivor, but Ken would definitely be dangerous in a romantic relationship. When Figgy seemed up for letting Peachy marry her and Taylor and Taylor's response was *blank stare*, Ken's description of what Figgy needed to hear from him was frightening because it was, in some ways, an annoying, mansplaining talk on Here Is What Women Want, but at the same time he was able to sell it because he either is or can successfully fake being empathetic and sensitive and also, well, his face.

    It's just so beautiful.

    No matter the outcome of this game, he's going to go down in history as one of the better looking contestants we've seen I think.  I'm always on the hunt for the eye candy and this guy took six episodes to really pop for me I guess.  

    I noticed Taylor and Figgy this episode, finally.  But Figgy's not my type.  I think Michelle is really good-looking.  Sometimes I forget; maybe she's just good at being able to "hide" herself a la Jeremy on SJDS.

  18. 5 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    One possibility regarding David.  I have severe tinnitus.  When someone is talking to me, I have to look at them and focus on them carefully, because I have to hear them over the dentist drilling sound in my head.  When I'm in a room full of people (restaurant, e.g.), all voices come across as the same volume to me, so it's hard to pick out ONE person and listen to them.  I even wear headphones in the movie theater so if anyone around me is talking during the movie, it doesn't distract me from the dialog on screen.  I am also unable to hear certain ranges of tones.  There are definitely some physical reasons why David couldn't hear.

    (Obviously my case is different than yours, but, this reminded me:)  I am always looking at people's mouths when they speak and I have this idea it helps my hearing and comprehension by like 50%.  Who knows if this is the case.  Whenever somebody speaks to me and covers their mouth somehow, I'm always thinking, show me your mouth!  I think I lipread.  Anyway this is my way of saying I bet you that I would be David in that challenge and it would suck haha.

    • Love 4
  19. 2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

    So I will just state something I just remembered and that was Ken in the blindfolded challenge walking with one arm guarding his umm 'groin' and another reaching about for obstacles. Cracked me up every time I saw it. He's seen this challenge run before methinks.

    Hahaha.  One of the funniest things about this episode that I totally forgot about because the episode on the whole was just so good.

    • Love 3
  20. I love (sarcastically love) how people have already decided that Michaela is too blunt and that will cost her in this game / she sucks at this game even though we've seen zero evidence of it so far.  It will just make me root for her more.  People are so scared of bluntness it's hilarious.

    Michaela reminds me of an old coworker of mine, a 77-year-old woman who told you exactly what she thought. She could be a bit sharp, but she wasn't mean, and I really liked her, possibly because I've dealt with waaay too many passive-aggressive types. You knew where she stood. She wasn't going to pretend to like someone and then talk trash about them behind their back. I think if you give Michaela a few years and some more social experience, that may be how she ends up.

    simplyme, I am simply you.  The passive aggressive types scare me the most.  Give me bluntness any time night or day.  Directness feels less manipulative, less guileful.  Half of my family uses English as a second language and I find them more blunt than the others I think because they don't bother to couch their language in floweryness, or maybe it's a cultural thing.  I love it.  

    I have had one panic attack also, ghoulina.  It was in college.  I won't forget it.

    • Love 6
  21. 11 hours ago, huahaha said:

    If Adam had gone with the Millennials until the end, he'd have been at the bottom. Figgy already said, "Anyone who writes down Figgy is gone," and Adam was one of the two who wrote her name down. 

    She said that?!  Oh my.

    • Love 2
  22. Jeff was TOO in the wedding stuff.  It was almost like poisoning the tribal council against "Fig Tayls".  It was weird.  I don't know.  He went so far with it.  Yes, Figgy was right there, but uh.... I don't know.   Figgy kind of ended up not being good at this game, like at all.  I appreciate her passion but her head got lost in the game I guess.  Now we see what Taylor does.  Please nobody call him Tayls.  LOL.  (What is Figgy's real name?)

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