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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. 6 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

    Adam cried about his mother. She has stage 4 cancer.

    No, the guy who found the idol, is the one I am speaking of. I believe he cried about wanting to be a provider for his family.  Jay.

    • Love 2
  2. Ssooooooooo.  Apparently I'm psycho in love with Ken?  Out of nowhere?  Because my reaction when he was on the chopping block tonight was EXTREMELY embarrassing.  All these women cut from the show.  Oh dear.  I was cheering for Ken's LIFE tonight - usually I want the woman saved but not today ladies, I really apologize.  I think I'm in love.  I'm such a weirdo. 

    This episode was so good.  Michaela is the Queen of Everything and my Everything.  I CRIED when Brett said "There's nothing you can't do."  God, I love her.  And she was so cute when she grabbed the cookies.  That Immunity challenge was awesome.  I loved it, and I barely care about the challenges or can follow them.

    I think I'm in love with most of the Millennials.  Either way tonight, we were going to lose someone very good-looking.  I might even like Taylor.   I might even like Jay.  The guy who cried about his mother.  Who's the sad sack guy?  Will?  (Sorry about all the names.  Sincerely.)  I'm very very happy right now.

    I continue to be a huge fan of Zeke, I'm still a fan of Adam, and now, begrudgingly, I have to admit that Michelle is just so sick at this game.  (I resisted the Cool Kids for so long.  Everyone's appeal is going to really go up without Figs around I think.)

    What was Michaela's quote?  "Yeah, but there's 3 of them.  If they can't get along, then they deserve to go home."  Something like that LOL


    • Love 12
  3. I think Milo is sooooooooooo hot but I was such a fan of Jess on Gilmore Girls and Sterling was sooooo adorable as Chris Darden it kind of hurts.

    But to me Justin Hartley has that conventional look that a lot of my friends would go for, LOL.  I certainly see that he's good-looking but I like something a bit off-kilter or imperfect.  I think he does have that classic look, personally, but this stuff is so subjective.  Mandy Moore is classically good-looking also, she looks like a shiny apple or something and I mean that in a good way.  She's so pretty and easy to look at.

    I guess I don't mind Jack pushing the issue about kids because I found a couple fighting in a bar when emotions were running high pretty realistic.  And I think Jack is that spontaneous, passionate guy who doesn't plan or think things through.  I mean it's Milo so I wonder if I see it through that hot lens....  I hope I'm not being a hypocrite by not being turned off by his 'pushiness'... 

  4. 3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

     I actually like that Kevin's so socially awkward and Toby's extremely confident with a side of jerk to him. I think actors are perceived to be confident and all that, but I've heard of several who are awkward in real life. We don't know when or why Kevin got into acting, but acting is being able to be a different person. Plus, it gives Kevin a lot more layers to work with. He can be more relatable, which is good. They are giving Kevin more time to be fleshed out and his journey will definitely annoy some because of how long it might take and how subtle it is, but I'm in for now. At least, I think his story is more subtle than Kate's or Randall's.

    I rewatched and if you listen to the dialogue during that scene, it's Kevin talking about the future, "years from now" and death, so it definitely is telling the audience that this is a flashforward. I didn't pick that up on the first watch. 

    I rarely find that confidence matches up with looks in real life, so I'm with you on this point for sure.  Kevin being more outwardly insecure and Toby being psycho , I find realistic enough.  I don't find Toby confident I find him kind of psycho.  No offense meant.  I'm all about my boundaries.

    Some of the most beautiful people I've ever met are very insecure whereas I am often attracted to people who are not conventional Brad Pitt handsome but exude a certain air, charm, or confidence.  I'm sure I'm not alone.  Confidence can come from experience rather than outward appearance.  Some people have been beautiful their whole lives; others have never been; others have turned from beautiful to average and the reverse.  It happens.  Through these experiences confidence may either dwindle or never go away or never be found, or be found later in life.

    I'm a crazy baseball fan and I watch games hours late sometimes too, sometimes the next morning.  And I avoid social media and gossips who I know will try to tell me the score before I can view it.  I love the pause and rewind buttons.  I pause things all the time, I'm that crazy that I don't want to miss a second while in the bathroom.   To each his/her own.  I think some of us just found Toby rude and dismissive of Kate's major passion in a few different ways.

    • Love 3
  5. 4 hours ago, deaja said:

    I assumed Jack was dead, but still felt gut punched. I do wonder if Miguel and his wife divorced or if she's dead too.

    Oh no.  What if Jack and Miguel's wife were in a horrible accident together.  

  6. 14 hours ago, AuntieL said:

    When Toby paused the game I was all "Dude!  Have you never met a football fan before?" 

    It's not just football.   It reminded me of watching the final season of Friends surrounded by inconsiderate college roommates.

    This is obvious and will probably make me sound silly, but Kevin's painting was also a metaphor for the show and how the show presents itself, sees itself and its characters: "This is Us".

    • Love 5
  7. 15 hours ago, SimoneS said:

    I am in the camp where like Kate, Toby is an imperfect character who make mistakes and can be liked anyway. 

    For me they're not mistakes but his whole personality.

    I have just not ever been a fan of Toby's.  I can't believe it's the same actor who played Benny in Stranger Things because I really liked him as Benny and was even attracted to him, which is so hard to believe against how I see Toby.  Pretty good acting.

    • Love 6
  8. If Adam is the one who made fun of Taylor and Figgy to the camera, which I think he is, then I am a fan of his.  I like Adam and I like David and I also mix them up.  It's weird.

    I have nothing against Taylor and Figgy.  As a viewer, especially.  I think they are both pretty, inoffensive people (just personal opinion).  However, I think if I was on the island I would find them annoying because I tend to think certain things are magnified x1000 and way more boring or annoying or WHATEVER on that island all day than what we see on screen.

    When Adam gave that confessional, I laughed out loud.  It was just so real.

    Adam seems like a sarcastic nerd or something.  David seems like.... a different kind of nerd.  I feel like I'm watching an adventure show when I watch him (which I realize, I am.)  He's the out of the elements guy.  It's pretty cool.  Michaela is the tough as nails Survivor and David is the out of element Survivor.  There's a lot of good personalities, I think, like Zeke and Ken.  Ken is just so earnestly himself, so serious.  I just think Taylor and Figgy have seemed boring on camera so far so not sure what to think.  The camera seemed to concentrate a lot on Hannah early but I don't hear from her anymore.

    • Love 6
  9. Gibbons is already signed for 2017

    I think Gibbons is great for the regular season - first place team in 2015, wild card winning team in 2016.

    But post-season he's at a loss.  He has no idea how to be creative against a small-ball scrappy team like Cleveland or Kansas.  This is where Gibby's huge weakness is.  No attempts to bunt, steal, put pinch runners in.  I think Carrera should have bunted Saunders and Russell over.  Navarro comes in and does his single against Miller as expected and he should be replaced by Pompey to pinch run.  Carrera can bunt for SINGLES.  He's basically perfect at it.   It's extremely frustrating.  2015 postseason ended the exact same.  Gibby relies on the Big Boys to deliver home runs but when they can't figure out a pitcher like Miller or that young guy they are up shit's creek without a paddle.  Gibby needs to manufacture runs in the postseason.  Period.

    He cannot simply count on Bautista to do the batflip or Donaldson to have the big hit or EE to have the walk off HR every time.  They are human beings.  They will do it about half the time, but not all the time.  It's too much pressure and they're human, not perfect.  The last half of the lineup minus Carrera did NOTHING.  And even worse, idiot fans blame those 3, 3 of the best baseball players in the league, when things go wrong.  EE the AL postseason leader in RBIs and HRs.  Donaldson, the 2015 AL MVP.  This is a really sore point with me.  Gibby has to be creative when the Big boys aren't getting it done.  He needs to be able to get men on base against a tough pitcher.  It's almost like he refuses.  It's as stubborn as Showalter refusing to use Zach Britton in the 10th let alone the 11th inning!

    • Love 1
  10. Who cares what the reason is?!  Zeke was on the bottom.  You grasp at any reason to ally with someone.  It was great Survivor play.  To me.  He just sat there and someone wanted to ally with him so he was like OK.  LOL.  Smart move to me.

    Anyways, besides Michaela, I found this episode really, really boring.  I could barely pay attention.  I didn't know David (?) found a second (?) idol (?)  that's great.  Good for him!  Maybe I should rewatch it tomorrow.  I don't know, I really wasn't feeling this episode.  A bunch of people flailing in the water.  Ho-hum.

    • Love 10
  11. Re:  People running onto the field

    They're definitely not going to encourage or advertise that behaviour when they fear those drunken people who run on the field could potentially hinder or injure their million dollar athletes.  

    TBS had to show Bauer's drone idiocy because they had almost never seen anything like it before ;)  I tease.

    I was really sad when Edwin Encarnacion got his hat trick in 2015 and the cameras wouldn't show all the hats raining down upon him.  That had to be one of the most magical things to happen at the Rogers Centre.  The way the commentators and people who were there described it, it sounded incredible.  I would have been crying for sure.   Obviously the hats were a sign of goodwill and happiness for Edwin and could not hurt him.

    • Love 2
  12. Well that's that.

    Aside from Bauer I think the Cleveland team seems very classy and I like the players so good for them.  Congratulations to Rajai, we remember him so fondly and he is very dangerous.  I'm always surprised when he's not used more.

    • Love 2
  13. 32 minutes ago, jennifer6973 said:

    Saved By the Bell the New Class was where I remember her most from.  Her name is Lyndsey Fonseca

    The show is right, but I believe the actor is Natalia Cigliuti as other posters have helped me see.   http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0162233/ 

    20 minutes ago, romantic idiot said:

    I'm 35 with skin that looks 25, and I only tan not burn so I do think I am good for now but I will keep an eye out.

    I don't think it's the burning that scares people.  It's the possibility of skin cancer.  I only tanned "never burned" for like the first 16 or so years of my life, then I started burning.  That scares me.  I wear sunscreen now.

    For the poster that likened Kevin's situation to Middle Child Syndrome.  As a middle child who loves to read about Birth order and even took a college course on it, I appreciate the comparison.  Obviously every family is so nuanced, complex, and different but in mine, older brother was the rebel and youngest brother was the baby.  Parents will say things to me like "We never had to worry about you" when it comes to certain things and I find that strange.  It's all made up in their heads.  

    • Love 6
  14. This is a strange comparison, but was anyone reminded of Joey Tribbiani working in that play with Kate on Friends?  The Kevin storyline MIGHT have reminded me of something else too, but I definitely thought of Joey.  I swear, if it goes that exact route, LOL.  

    7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Man, Toby is harsh. I get that he feels like Kate's invading on his personal life too much by stalking his ex wife, but I do think he overreacted. I'm really bothered by Toby. I know he cares for Kate, but every episode has him overreacting or saying something that makes me wonder about him as a character. How was Kate supposed to know about Toby's relationship with his ex wife? Of course she should have asked, and that's definitely on her. I just didn't find his reaction as sympathetic as I wanted it to be. 

    Same.  Also their energies are just so different.  Kate to me reads so light and Toby reads so dark.  

    The actress playing Toby's ex looked alarmingly like Kristin Davis.  I've probably seen that actress in something before.

    Sorry to do this, but what was the conclusion of Jack's story about the shirt?  He saved some guy from others attacking him and what did the guy say?  

    • Love 2
  15. 1 hour ago, stonehaven said:

    So...what was the big twist?

    I about died laughing as the Dad was asking Kate not to go to Daytona Beach....

    I thought the twist was they have a younger sibling somewhere, as Jack mentioned wanting a fourth kid. LOL.

    God Milo is so fucking fine.  Finally in this episode they showed it.  Thank you showrunners.

    I love this show.  My favourite of the Fall season.  And I've watched dozens!

    • Love 14
  16. On 10/17/2016 at 8:36 PM, Crs97 said:

    So Trevor Bauer leaves with blood gushing from his finger and the Toronto fans cheer?!?  Stay classy, guys.  I assume beer cans are being lined up now.

    It's not like Bauer got hurt on the field, and then Blue Jays fans cheered or something.  My perspective is:

    1)   I find it disgusting that Bauer was allowed to openly gush blood near "my" beloved players.  It went on far longer than it should have.  So unhygenic and downright nasty.

    2)  I assume he's paid millions to do his job and couldn't show up to work when expected - IN THE POSTSEASON - because he hurt himself playing with a toy.

    The epitome of class that Canada could learn from, I guess.
    I don't like Bauer, and I am far from alone, because on Canada Day, he tweeted out a bunch of American flags and fire emojis to taunt Canadians.  It was unneeded.
    Since then he has spent his "free time" tweeting at and trolling Canadians.  Did you know that?
    He likes it almost as much as playing with drones.  We originally thought he had hurt his finger tweeting too much.  Maybe he did.

    For example I like players like Lindor, Coco Crisp, ex-Blue Jay Rajai, Kipnis, almost the whole team, actually.  But not Trevor Bauer.  Sorry.  I don't think he's the best counterexample to the class of my country.

    • Love 4
  17. Here's my dumb questions because I'm finding this season so boring I can't pay attention.

    1.  Patrick is just Eric's brother?  Is that the only story so far?  What was going on with the mom- he was too young to know her before her accident?

    2.  Why did the father want to hide the ID fraud?  What happened there?

    Thanks guys,

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