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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Is it really what Zeke said?  That Adam desperately wants to play with the Cool Kids?  Is it really all that simple in the end?  The whole thing was so convoluted and strange to me.  

    • Love 4
  2. It takes me a long time to notice some people, and tonight is the night that I notice that Jay is beautiful I guess.  Taylor is too, but his looks are not really my thang.  It's so..... "obvious".  LOL.  It reminds me of a funny Seinfeld line or something:  (Sarcastically:)  "Yeah.... I like to work really HARD to see beauty."

    I liked Adam before this point but now I don't know, I don't get it.  I loved Zeke's confessionals about him.  He looked pretty "all over the place" as Zeke said.  Hannah was calming him down of all people.  (Sorry, meant to type ADAM here, not Jay.)

    Taylor seems dumb, but Jay seems smart.  It was weird how The Cool Kids had zero plan.  They assumed Jay didn't have an idol and Will just went along and dumbly agreed.  I'm very disappointed the "nerdy seeming" Will is actually not a nerd at all but might even be more simple-minded than Taylor.  I guess that's why he's just a parasite swimming along the Cool Kids' shark and not with the nerds.  

    Taylor's plan:  I want revenge, so I'll vote Adam.  Will:  I want revenge, so I'll vote Adam.  Adam: I will do 3 separate things, none of which makes the least bit of sense.  Who came up with the Michelle plan?  Was it Zeke?  That turned out to be a good plan.  Almost Edgardo-like.

    Has there ever been a season like this, gender wise?  The only comparison that comes to mind is the one with Ami, Survivor: Vanuatu, where all of the men but one were knocked out.  Maybe a woman wins this season somehow.

    Re: Playing versus not playing the idol

    I think with some few exceptions (James in China, etc.) the person who is 'supposed' to play their idol knows very very well where the votes are.  Things get 'leaked' somehow; legally I guess.  That's why you rarely see someone play their idol unless they absolutely have to.  The James in China scenario, or the reverse (playing when there's no need) I feel like this very rarely happens now.

    • Love 7
  3. I was into it for the first year.  Maybe part of the second.  I love Lucy Liu.  But for me it was a very muted, slow show.  A lot of those procedurals are the same - I'm sure many have noticed.  Sherlock-type grumpy man who has some kind of unique skill that nobody else seems to have - the crazy genius, and the woman that 'manages' him.  The woman is always strait-laced and sensible.  And of course not a genius.  (I've never watched House but I'll go ahead and assume.  The Mentalist is the same show.  Castle?  etc.)  The formula just kind of wore thin for me I guess.

    • Love 3
  4. It's so interesting to compare the CBS lineup to that of like, Fox or ABC.  And Survivor (CBS) is one of my favourite shows, but I always wish it was more diverse.  Some seasons it seems like there's a quota of majority white contestants with the 'diverse contestants' sprinkled in.  I won't get into this season because I hate spoiling a current season for people.  I compared it to a show like Project Runway which is also an American reality show but always is an incredibly diverse show with different cultures, sexual orientations, races represented - and contestants are often not even from America!  Some of them barely use English as a second/third language.  Obviously PR is on Lifetime which must have a different kind of freedom or people in charge. I  would never notice a glaring lack of non-whites on a show like PR because it seemingly never happens.

    • Love 2
  5. Growing up I always thought 2nd movie, 1st movie, then 3rd movie in that order.  To be honest I never liked the third and never watched it. My brother enjoys it though.  Now that I'm older (and it's actually 2016) I guess I should try watching it again with an open heart.

    About 5 or so years ago, I took my brother to a big theatre in Toronto see BTTF 1 on the big screen.  It was SUCH a treat.  The people who attended were all true BTTF nerds who were extremely well behaved and laughed at all the great jokes.  And everyone cheered and clapped when George punched Biff.  What stood out the most to me, I think, was that Crispin was so genius as George and pretty much everything George and Biff did made me laugh.

    I realized how amazing and wonderful BTTF 1 is.  On a television screen, you really don't notice as much.  Blowing the movie back up to that size made me notice all the fine detail and made me really appreciate the film for what a great classic it is.  I wonder how I'd feel with BTTF 2 also shown on the big screen, but now I realize that BTTF 1 might be better.  Oh , if only there wasn't that conflict and they kept Crispin for the second movie I think it'd be a vast improvement.

    • Love 4
  6. Bruce Willis was originally to play Steve Carell's part, which I find kind of interesting.  I don't know what I thought of Steve in that part, but then again, I thought Bruce was really atrocious on Friends so who knows if he would be an improvement.  Kristen was the standout of the film.

  7. Yes, a false memory.  Rachel had convinced herself that when she drinks, she blacks out, and can be violent - because her ex-husband had convinced her of that.

    So when Megan went missing, I think she had convinced herself she had gone to Megan's house and been violent with her, and that she herself was the culprit in Megan's disappearance.

    I think it was Megan in that false memory, not Anna.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

    • Love 1
  8. While we're doing our reviews

    I love Fresh off the Boat personally, but never bothered to get into Black-ish.  I don't think I ever will what with Anthony Anderson's checkered history.
    I just started watching Girlfriends though, and it's really cute.

    Pitch:  I'm a baseball freak, and I love the show.  Kylie is super gorgeous and I love Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Ali Larter so it's been a no-brainer for me so far.  
    Empire:  You're not missing much.  Season 1 was fantastic, and I stayed with the show much longer than I should have, but I feel like the teeth that made Cookie one of the best characters on television have been completely filed down.  Meh.
    Atlanta:  It is really slow paced and almost dream-like at first, but halfway through the season I decided that the show is brilliant.  Grade A.  Would recommend to anyone!
    Insecure:  I don't think I can stick with this one.  When I'm bored, I think I'll go back, but I have no urgency to see the show from week to week.  It's slow and not a lot happens plot-wise.  I think it's more observational with vignettes.  Maybe I'll feel differently later on.
    Luke Cage:  I'm such a HUGE fan of Jessica Jones Season 1, and I love Mike Colter!  So I really wanted to get into this.  But that first episode was so violent.  I don't think I can stay on past that.
    This is Us:   I think I already sung the praises of This is Us but it's hard to stop.  My favourite show of the Fall 2016 season.  I love it, and everyone I know loves it.  Hard for me to remember a recent show that was as unanimously loved or even known among my circle of friends and family.

    I haven't gotten into The Get Down or Queen Sugar yet.

    • Love 6
  9. Lots of people that I follow on Twitter are declaring Moonlight to be 1) a fantastic movie 2) best movie of 2016 3) some have even said the best movie THEY'VE EVER SEEN.  Unfortunately, there's always going to be people like Kyle Smith: (Brit Bennett's great response at the bottom has already gone viral.)

    • Love 13
  10. Just got through the 2 paintball episodes.  They were pretty good.  Although it mostly seemed to be one huge showcase for Annie's body which probably explains why it was hard for me to get through at first.  I get that they were doing a Western and some of it was cool it was perhaps too light on the comedy for me.

    • Love 1
  11. I'm glad the show is on Netflix.  I'm getting back into it now.  I suddenly dropped off in Season 3, but the episodes are good and I'm enjoying them.  There are some real classics in S2 and S3 I've been watching.  I've been looking up a bunch of top 10 lists and just kind of going around the dial randomly.  

    I find Pierce to be completely useless, and (Shirley?) annoying but I'm trying to just enjoy the show as a whole for what it is.  I think I appreciate Annie more this time around.  And Jeff.  (I used to only really like Troy and Abed and the Dean, John Oliver/Prof Duncan, and Chang.)  I really just gotta try to accept the whole.  It's funny because Pierce is always randomly in a wheelchair or something - that's the only odd thing about watching the episodes out of order.

    My favourite episode was always The Clips Episode / Paradigms of Human Memory and I still think it's just so brilliant.  Such a great send up of the typical sitcom clip episodes, but instead of clips of old episodes everyone's already seen as an easy/lazy device to give the show's important stars a vacation week or whatever, it's clips of the group's history that nobody's ever seen before.  And I love the send-up of the shipper videos between Annie and Jeff.  I'm keeping an open mind to see if other episodes match that calibre.  So far, I loved Modern Warfare almost as much, and Remedial Chaos Theory obviously is great.  So far these are my top 3.  The bottle episode isn't as enjoyable for me and I have yet to get through the Western episodes/Paintball even though I am a huge fan of Josh Holloway.  The documentary episode and the Law and Order episode were cute so far.

    • Love 2
  12. 9 hours ago, helenamonster said:

    Should we do an informal poll? Cuz from where I'm sitting Beck is the obvious choice in this scenario.

    But I thought that was the humour of Aidy saying that.  Because Beck is a lot more conventionally attractive than Kyle.  (I personally would pick Kyle too.)

    2 hours ago, Ottis said:

    Poor Aidy on the Grammie skit. What a sport. The Cubs really went for it - loved that!

    No.  Not Poor Aidy.  There's a lot of women who were sharing how jealous we are of her on social media

    The Beck and Benedict game show was great.  And I loved Leslie in the monologue.  And I never like the monologues -- that one made me happy.

    • Love 2
  13. Calling someone a person of colour is not based on someone's subjective reading of their looks.

    "You don't have a background in math" that's a new one for my bingo card.  I have never heard that one before.

    • Love 1
  14. I like how the judges completely called Erin and Dexter for boxing out Cornelius because I feel like I rarely see that.  Yes, I remember, the example last year with Ashley, I know.  But I thought this was really good and upfront.  Heidi and Zac completely called out the situation and I think it was valid.  However, I do think that Cornelius is a mediocre designer.  But I think that those are 2 separate issues.  Unfortunately Tim doesn't seem to care and related the two.

    Laurence's pants and entire aesthetic, Roberi's entire outfit - I LOVED THE SWEATER - and Erin's coat.  Like all three of those looks.  To be honest I didn't get the big deal about Rik.  The shift dress underneath and the plaid coat?  To me it's all either Junior and/or cheap.  I don't get it.

    But fuck yeah would I love to wear Roberi's sweater atop of Laurence's pants.  Even though you'd be almost totally covered it'd be such a sexy chic look.  

    I can't even look at the neutral collection.  Using 3 different colours for 3 different teams puts an inherent bias in the competition. Some people viscerally love some colours over others, or neutrals are seen as classic whereas the harsh primary colours came off as kind of 90s in comparison - especially fire engine red.  Who wears fire engine red head to toe since the 1990s?  There's a built in bias there..... it kind of fixes the competition a bit and in my opinion confuses the judges' feelings or impression of the collection.

    I love blue - but the Blue team as a whole kind of came off too cheap and simple.  Kind of like Forever 21 or something.  I like the store, but not for the purposes of this show.  I guess I think the plaid print cheapened the collection.  It was too broad and not classy.


    My favorite line in the show was Roberi's "sexy is NOT the solution to every design problem!"

    And I loved Laurence saying, "You don't like sexy?  What do I say to that?"  The whole conflict was adorable.

    • Love 1
  15. 20 hours ago, nosleepforme said:

    Thank God, Brandon is too flawless and way too good for him. Though it's awfully judgmental and bitchy of me to say that, since I would probably be more boring and bland than Robert if I was on a dating show.

    I agree.  Brandon is flawless.  

    By the way I absolutely loved the show.  I was excited every week for it and kind of devastated that one week it wasn't on.

    • Love 1
  16. 1 hour ago, PerfidiousAmber said:

    Yes, of course there might have been some behind the scenes maneuvering that we didn't see, but I would have thought that the editors would have included something like that. (On the other hand, you never know how they prioritize what they think is worthy of inclusion.) 

    Apparently fucking body functions.  Ugh.  I needed that scene zero percent

    • Love 6
  17. I liked Michaela a lot but I find analyses like the one @Knuckles just posted very interesting - making me see what things might have 'cost' her with the other players.  Not that I'd personally want her to change who she is, because I like it, but posts like this are interesting without being caustic towards Michaela at all.

    Michaela mentioned Steve Jobs and Michael Jordan.  

    Japanese proverb: 'The nail that sticks out shall be hammered down'

    • Love 4
  18. 41 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Also, plenty of people used words like threatening and violent and misogyny last season when Scott and Jason were being vile assholes and they were both white men. 

    Your analogy only works here if you think Michaela was acting like Scott and Jason which I do not think she was.  If you do not think that then the analogy doesn't really work.

    Also, you seem to think I'm only speaking to you and replying to your post.  I was speaking in general because I've seen a lot of dismissiveness about any racism or sexism existing on Survivor.

    I personally don't agree with the statement 'Survivor is a racist show'. I  think Survivor reveals interesting biases of the viewing public and the contestants that can be based on race, gender, class, sexual orientation that are also reflected in society at large.  I won't necessarily go so far as to say Survivor loves women though.  Jeff has been vocal about his love for strong alpha males - and I think he liked Michaela, personally - and probably beautiful young women - he even fucking dated at least one of them.  So that's another bias the show has.  He's a producer so I wonder if he's involved in casting.  Regarding casting, there could always stand to be more older contestants, more older women, more visible minorities, (even a whole cast of 18 of them, why the heck not?), people who aren't conventionally attractive, etc.  There was a whole slew of seasons where I was convinced that they'd only cast women with breast implants but I think that kind of fell out of style after a few seasons.  

    • Love 8
  19. It's not like Jeremy was specifically rewarded because he was black, either.  In my opinion (and I think it was a common one) Jeremy played a good 'hiding himself' / 'nearly invisible' game where Spencer himself - I believe - admitted he didn't think about the possibility of Jeremy beating him - correct me if I'm wrong.  It's too simplistic for me to say, there has been a black winner on Survivor therefore racism does not exist on this show.

    We've all seen the reactions here when a black woman is somewhat herself and says what's on her mind. I don't think Michaela did anything "cruel" or "threatening" yet you'll find those words peppered here.  I think Jeremy was incredibly careful about what he said and his body language.  Which is probably why so many observed that Michaela better reign herself back in.  I feel like if Figgy stared at the people who voted her out, said "You made a big mistake" or "Now you'll look like an asshole" and then swiped at a tree, people would not express fear.  

    It's the 7th episode, yet we still haven't seen a boot this season where somebody thought to themselves, I'm going to take this powerful male threat out of the competition.  I have nearly zero recollection of (Paul?) so somebody correct me if I'm wrong.  So there perhaps has been 1 out of 7 boots that was an example of this.  Yet, Jay focused like a laser on Michaela being a threat to him. I think this is more of a female thing.  Females can be booted because they're seen as less useful, or direct competition, or "threatening".  Or naggy. Or bossy.  To be honest, I think people pick the bootee first and come up with a lazy justification after, i.e. "Lucy was BOSSY." To claim 6 out of 7 boots being female is a mere coincidence -- no offence but I cannot understand that.  There's an inherent bias that everyone has.  I have it too.  People see males in a different way than they see females and this show is a great highlight of that.  Things are even more sped up and apparent on a show like this where we focus on a tiny population who are forced to get rid of "perceived threats" very quickly.  It's almost like with this particular cast, men get to slide through the game nearly invisibly, unless they're somebody like Paul (?).  Who ironically was  invisible to me, I guess.

    • Love 10
  20. I rewound the part when Michaela said "Asher?" and raised her eyebrows and licked her lips like 7 times.

    Wes is alive?  I didn't even get that.  Good.  He's the only reason I'm watching.  It's certainly not because I can comprehend the plot.

    I think in Season 1 I used to LOVE the law cases and now they are just the doldrums.

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