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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. 6 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

    Kind of hate when adult siblings can't deal with childhood issues. One of 8 children and we hashtag birthday notices with siblings with #momlovedyoumost as a joke. Kevin is still so immature, deal with it buddy. You're a TV star with a show that was a hit for years. Love the teenage castings,  super job.

    I know exactly what you mean.  I could go on for hours, but I love this statement.  When parents treat some (innocent, well-meaning) kids badly and other kids well (unfortunately it happens, I've seen it) it is really not the other kids' fault, unless they buy into their own false hype that they're somehow more special than their siblings and take that shit into adulthood.

    • Love 5
  2. 8 hours ago, Bretley said:

     Tonight both Toby and Kate binge out on junk food, cementing the misconception that obesity is simply a result of a lack of self-control and that all fat folks just sit around making endless terrible choices. 

    It's so hard for me to watch television's portrayal of obesity.  I am obese by BMI standards.  I never eat like that.  For the rest of my life even if I never touch junk food I am pretty convinced I would continue to gain 10 lbs a year until death.  (I'm very confident I have the kind of body that needs to work out every day to stay the same.)  There are obese people like me who have motivational issues that prevent us from being super fit - instead of people who eat ice cream every day.  I haven't touched pop or fast food in a decade or more.  I try to never even eat bread, for instance. I don't eat ice cream because I'm lactose intolerant.  It's so fucking either/or on television, with no room for middle ground.

    • Love 12
  3. 16 minutes ago, mtlchick said:

    "Hey Seth Meyers" didn't see that coming.  Their pent up rage led to a fight that only made them realize everyone was watching so they ran off. HA!

    I think it was the police sirens.

    15 minutes ago, Jx223 said:

    I thought that the scenes between Kevin and Randall tonight were interesting. Kevin really was lousy to Randall when they were younger.  All Randall wanted was to bond with him and for Kevin not to resent him but Kevin kept pushing away due to his jealously.

    It is so surreal, when people make observations on this show, and I am stunned to recognize my own family in these posts.  This show is crazy!  It's like therapy.  It's so deep.

    • Love 13
  4. The P word is not inappropriate on a television show that airs on 11:30 PM on a Saturday night when the President has been reported saying the P word on the 6 PM news ad nauseum.

    Do you really think children are up at that time watching SNL?  And if they heard it - so what?  All rhetorical questions.  These are just my opinions on it.

    • Love 20
  5. I think Fallon is another person who never took Trump seriously.  (Sorry was going to write more then I realize it's off topic).

    I'm a Chappelle stan so I loved the show.  I'm so glad he did it.  It's kind of like a dream realized for me now.

    Now I'd love to see Chris Rock host, because he's a lot more..... edgier than Chappelle.  He's angrier, he's more real.  I don't know how to put it intelligently but it would cut a lot harder than Chappelle's reaction to this.

    • Love 2
  6. 18 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    Does David Chappelle often wear clothing with his own name on it? (Monologue, Kids Talk Politics, closing.)

    Also, it appears that he is still a smoker - Inside SNL, the bumper, the closing.

    I've seen Chappelle do stand up twice in Toronto.

    People often report he smokes through the entire set.  Toronto has/had different laws than the American cities he's worked in I guess, because he talked about how he had a meeting with the Mayor (Rob Ford the first time, known crack smoker) and tried to discuss it but was not given the go ahead.  The second time he showed up all built up like crazy and I thought smoking wasn't so much of an issue, but he obviously needed his cigarettes last night :)

  7. Thanks @jhlipton.  I was specifically trying so hard to find this information.  I guess that's better than the worst news it could be.  Mark Paul Gosselaar has somehow gotten a lot of shows so I assume he's good to work with.  Franklin and Bash somehow lasted 4 seasons.

  8. On 11/9/2016 at 4:00 PM, Shannon L. said:

    I saw a second trailer for La-La-Land and I still have no idea what it's about other than aspiring young actors.  I assume there's more to the story than that?

    Thank you.  That's why it kind of makes me want to barf when I see so many people on social media declare that they're so excited for the movie and love it so much already.  Based on these trailers.  It sticks in my craw.

    • Love 5
  9. I'm incredibly sad about the drop off in quality from Season 1 to Season 2.

    Season 2 has all of the ingredients of a show I SHOULD love.  I love love love love AnnaLynne McCord.  I worship this woman.  She was a revelation on 90210.  She is so talented.  I am also a fan of Michael Ealy and Terry O'Quinn.  

    But man do I dramatically not care as opposed to how much I cared last year.  Last year I was addicted.  The story is not being told well.  It just isn't.  

    On 11/7/2016 at 2:13 PM, AManfred said:

    I am a big AnnaLynne McCord fan, so I was happy to see her in this episode. I agree, I think it's the assistant. 

    Not only is she a great actor but she's a strong person and an activist.  I admire her a lot.

    • Love 3
  10. On 10/11/2016 at 4:14 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    It feels like this television season is way better than other recent ones.  I tend to watch a LOT of pilots.  

    Finding Prince Charming - 5.  I'm obsessed.
    This is Us - 4.5.  Very likeable and fresh.
    Pitch - 4.  Very likeable.  Zach Morris is an angry catcher.  I'm hooked.  I also really like Ali Larter and basically everyone in the cast.
    The Good Place - 4.5.  When the show introduced the Filipino dude, THEN I became hooked.  At first I was really on the fence.  I'm excited to see where this show goes, now.  It's quirky and weird and original. I can only compare it possibly to "Pushing Daisies".
    Atlanta - 4.  I always forget about this one.  I think because it's so dreamy and subtle.  There is nothing on television like this show.  The plot doesn't "Urge" me to see what's next, kind of how I felt about Stranger Things (no offense intended.)


    My top 5 shows are still my top 5 shows.  I like all of them even better than I did before, although Finding Prince Charming kind of fell off towards the end, but it's a reality show so that's to be expected.  

    I'll go ahead and declare This is Us as the best show of the new season.  I haven't experienced a phenomenon like this in years.  My friends and family all unanimously like it, even those from other countries.  It's quite something.

    Change:  I like Divorce a lot better now, and I will be sticking with it.  

    I abandoned:  Bull.  Notorious.  Conviction.  Empire (this one took me a long time!).  

    I want to abandon Secrets and Lies, but I won't.  Same with HTGAWM.  The Night Of was pretty damn good.  

    The pilot of Westworld was soooooo violent for me.  But there's so much hype surrounding the show I know I'll at least try Episode 2.

  11. 25 minutes ago, Tetraneutron said:

    Also, the batflip thing. Baseball needs to get over that sanctity of the game nonsense. Read up on the Gashouse Gang. Players in the good old says didn't treat baseball like church so I don't know why baseball culture insists on pretending we do.

    I agree it's the battle between those traditionalists or guys who think they're "old school" versus the guys who are "new school" or just young guys like Bryce Harper.  And some believe there are strong racial implications a.k.a. white players who think they own the sport versus players who come in from Dominican, Cuba, etc. and really don't get their feelings hurt over celebrations.  Celebrations are fine in hockey and basketball for some reason.  I don't know anything about football but I know you can get referee punishments for them right.

    • Love 2
  12. 6 hours ago, Password said:

    I loved the episode but I'm somewhat puzzled about Mike's story with his dad. Was Mike and his mother previous to his marriage? Why didn't the dad try to get Mike to stay, was his wife an issue? And Mike's mother, she used her kid to get money from his dad, when she should've gotten it anyway. I hope we get some clarity on this in future episodes.

    My guesses based on the implications is that Mike's Bio Dad had his own family going, and Mike's Bio Mom had an extramarital affair with him that produced Mike.  But you're right it was presented so confusingly.  ( @cynic - Jinx.)  

    I kept thinking the story would be that Mike's mother took him to some ballpark and signed Mike up for baseball and then just left him there.  LOL.  

    • Love 6
  13. 8 hours ago, cynic said:

    In the shallow end of the pool, all the partially clothed shots of Mike make the show very pleasant viewing for me. In a show about a female breaking barriers, I guess it's appropriate that the guy is the one that seems to get objectified all the time.

    As a straight female fan of baseball, I feel like this show is my good karma.  I hope it's somewhat successful and dammit I hope it lasts.  Also as a fan of diversity on television.  This show is so fucking great at it, and it has Zack Morris to boot.  It's like my dream show, I can forgive any of its flaws.

    • Love 24
  14. 8 hours ago, cynic said:

    I know zip about baseball, so I appreciate the explanations. Even with them, I feel like I miss some stuff, like why would it matter if she's never pitched relief? How is it different? I do think I would prefer if they didn't use Ginny as the audience surrogate though.

    A starter like Ginny starts the game, and is expected to 'go deep', meaning pitch for 5-7 innings.  You've got to have a variety of pitches to keep the batters guessing.  There's more allowance for mistakes, because there's time to make up for it, and your team can hit the opposing pitcher enough to make up for it.  You will face the same batter 2-3 times, and by the third time, the batter might figure you out.  You are expected to pitch almost 100 pitches a game.  You need a repertoire or you need to be very good at delivering your 3-4 pitches.  

    A relief pitcher is a different thing.  I don't think they need such a variety of pitches.  They can come in for 1 inning, throw pure strikes or anything over 95 MPH and be unhittable.  When a starter is asked to pitch relief without practice it's often a disaster (R.A. Dickey, Ubaldo Jiminez, etc.).  Same when a relief pitcher is asked to throw 2 or more innings, it can get very sketchy because that's not what they're built for or prepare for.  It's a specific talent that is honed over time.  A relief pitcher "seems" to the fans or opposing players to be more dangerous than a starter because they're completely unknown to the batter and can seem unhittable.  (Opposing batters rarely ever see them or know their "stuff").  A starter is almost always hittable at some point, but they have enough experience and finesse to get through tough situations. 

    • Love 15
  15. 9 hours ago, Moose135 said:

    As to Duarte (that's the name of the new Cuban catcher, right?) he's cruising for a bruising as we used to say.  Hot new rookie or not, his own teammates are going to kick his ass if he keeps acting the way he is - I loved Mike jumping in and "translating" Duarte's remarks for the reporters.  When he hit the home run, the announcers said it was the top of the 6th, but it was his first major league at bat. If he started the game - which he did - his first at bat would have come in the first three innings.  Jose Bautista can get away with flipping his bat after hitting a big home run in a key playoff game, but a rookie, in his first AB with his team down by a bunch? There's no way he hits a second HR in that game - he's going to be eating dirt getting out of the way of pitches every at bat after that.

    But there are players like that.  There are players who batflip a walk, a hit by pitch even.  Anything.  Maybe not rookies, but there are certain players who batflip every single thing.  Somebody on Cleveland did it against the Blue Jays I think.  I forget who, because I honestly don't even care.  It doesn't bother me.  It's funny at the time, because it's so silly, but whatever.  Only certain players think that's worthy of "a bruising".  The old school players.  There's a lot of new school players, there's a lot of Dominican players, etc. Look at Yasiel Puig.  He batflipped a triple because he thought it was a home run and I thought it was the funniest thing I've ever seen.  Also Jose cannot really "get away with it".  People fucking hate him for it.  Not in Canada, but elsewhere.  Roughned Odor obviously thought it was worthy of a punch to the face in the middle of a game. And that was after convicted felon Matt Bush threw pitches at Jose's head.  I guess I'm saying contradictory things but there's a lot of nuance there.  I think it's very realistic that there could be somebody like Duarte.

    12 hours ago, In2You said:

    That stupid nude photo storyline was a waste of time. By the way those tame photos  for the Body Issue would in no way overshadow leaked nudes. And during the Fappening stars with more a of younger fanbase than Ginny had nudes leaked and they were just fine. Storyline just felt so dated. 

    And I'm so beyond tired of flashbacks on this show. Like they cant simply tell a story in the present. Or explain people's past through their present actions.

    No, some female actors were majorly upset and traumatized and even felt sexually assaulted by it, and made that vocal.

    • Love 5
  16. Oh my god, @Milaxx thank you!  And congrats on getting RTd by the great Viola!

    (Okay looking it up on Wikipedia it says the son's name is Charles Mahoney.)

    Did Charles do that murder of his GF?  Did we ever find out?  (Sorry guys, I find the show so convoluted and I'm obviously not good at remembering from half a year ago.)

    • Love 1
  17. Oh my god.  @MKL122788 you're amazing, I love you!  You are really bringing things back and I'm so much closer to getting it all now.  Thank you!

    So is Charles' son completely innocent of wrongdoing? I forget.  He must have done something right?  If not, then doesn't Annalise feel guilty about this..... or is this just her revenge against the dead Charles?  Who did the actual car accident, physically?  It wasn't Frank was it?  Frank just did the bug.

    (Is the blond guy Charles's son?  See how confused I am??!!?!?)  If so that would mean Wes and him are brothers, yeah?

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