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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. On 10/14/2016 at 10:41 AM, AbsoluteShower said:

    I like the show a lot, especially Ted Danson and Kristen Bell, but is anyone else getting a "Samantha Who?" vibe? Essentially it seems the premise is very similar -loathsome human being undergoes life-changing experience (amnesia-causing accident/death) and gets chance for redemption by doing good.

    I likened it to Pushing Daisies.
    A friend likened it to Drop Dead Diva.  Yet another said Dead Like Me.
    There have been quite a few lighthearted fluffy comedies about the afterlife :)

    I know about the rent controlled apartment thing, and I've won a Friends trivia contest before, but I still like when people criticize Friends for how much of a fantasy life it projected.  It's still funny to me.  The rent control thing seemed very much like a copout.  It's a joke about the show.  Just like Carrie Bradshaw and her ridiculous shopping and designer habit on a writer's salary.  I still think it's interesting to dissect and point out.

    • Love 3
  2. I totally get your point, but it wasn't until the "Jianyu Reveal" that I was hooked on the show.  Now I can say I'm definitively a fan.  I understand your desire for a good Buddhist monk character on American TV - sure, why wouldn't I?  But Jianyu was portrayed as a silent , assumed to be totally good, Asian character and that didn't give me any interest.  No complexity or dimension. When he turned out to be a Filipino guy who was just somewhat moronic, a DJ, (but very unintentionally funny in my opinion) and as we've all said again and again, "just happened to be Filipino", THAT'S when I got excited about the show.  He was a fully developed, fully realized, three dimensional Filipino character on an American network television show and that's what got me excited about the show in the first place.  Unfortunately it took 4 episodes to get there.  I love the actor who plays Jason. I find him so believable as that idiot. Chidi is also a fantastic character played by a great actor.  

    It's exciting of course because for so many decades you'd just see Asian people as background characters fitting some type of stereotype and of course they'd always have an accent.  

    • Love 6
  3. I really liked it.  I thought Emily did a really great job and the "Sorry" video using the Trump women was fantastic. "Sorry" by Beyonce is one of my favourite songs and videos of the year so I thought that was great.  I only got bored towards the last two sketches of the night.

    The monologue was fine and I was already laughing at Emily and Leslie being the two escorts -- Leslie calling the show THE Family Guy and imitating Stewie Griffin.  LOL!

    • Love 6
  4. On 10/1/2016 at 9:55 AM, La Traviata said:

    The above poster's last sentence is one that particularly bothers me.  Hoping to live in a fantasy world where women could possibly be okay with how they look is, to me, just sad.  Really sad. 

    It was me who said that.  What's sad about it?  Maybe I'm misunderstanding you again.

    Am I sad for wishing for that?  Do you think a lot of women feel good about how they look?  Do you know any?  I DO wish to live in a world where women were allowed to feel more okay about how they look.  (Are you saying that you do not?  Because trust me, you don't currently live in one.)  And I will reiterate what I said which is I hope that in a couple of decades things will be better than they are now.  I'm sure you notice how women in the media are judged for their looks in ways that men in the media are not.  That's just one part of the problem.  In my experience unless a woman looks 'perfect' in the eyes of society she is treated pretty poorly, and the women who look 'perfect' in the eyes of society are treated poorly in other ways.  The main point is this: women are judged on how they look, and how women look is considered far, far too important right now.  Way disproportionately to how important it SHOULD be in my opinion.

    None of this is to say that being 400 lbs is great or anything.  Not at all.  Just that I wish it was more okay in society to be an imperfect looking woman.  For example, I think it's a lot more okay to be an imperfect looking man, and I think men's looks are ignored a lot of the time, unless they are crazily extraordinary in some way.

    • Love 18
  5. Agree; I have two brothers, I could see myself doing a job like that.  When you've worked for a million assholes the corporate/job world gets really tiring and pointless.  And I don't think intelligence or lack thereof has much to do with it.  When you're done with the corporate world, intelligent or not, you're just done.  A couple family members of mine made it goals for themselves to never work for another person again and they accomplished that.  There are members of family I'd prefer to work for than almost anyone else.

    • Love 4
  6. I never had strong feelings one way or another on the Toby/Kate storyline but here's my thoughts on it since I'm bored at work and I like reading everyone's contributions.

    1.  There's Toby's (A) personality and character, and there's Toby's (B) actions towards Kate.  (Some might say they are all wrapped up in one.)  (A.)  SOMETIMES Toby is funny, but the actor playing Toby plays him as if there is deep, disturbing STUFF underneath all the surface 'fun'.  This might just be my reaction to it.  I just feel like something weird is going to come out later.  He kind of plays him like a "creep" so I understand what some posters mean when they say this.  People like me might see 'red flags' in his demeanor and words. There's some underlying resentment, or anger, or control issues, or something.   ("The Gift of Fear" anyone?  haha.)

    (B.)  Then there's Toby's actions.  I totally understand that there is an alpha and a beta in relationships - at least, I think there is?  And one aggressor might have to push one that is passive.  But being aggressive is not necessarily good.  It's not necessarily any better than being passive is.   After reading a book on communication (LOL) which kind of changed my life, for the better I think, I think being assertive is almost always the way to go.  I think the post that rang the most true to me was the one where the poster said if Toby inserts himself into Kate's life in this aggressive manner, there is actually no improvement for Kate's well-being because he simply takes Kevin's place.  As her "leader" (LOL) or her alpha so to speak.  It would be great if Kate became more assertive in life - it would probably help EVERYTHING.  But Toby may not be the best teacher or discoverer of that.  Also he assumes to know what's best for her,  and what she wants, without asking.

    2.  Then there's the issue of Kate and Kevin.  Kevin fired Kate, so it seemed to solve the problem in a major way.  But Kate had no say in anything.  In Toby's actions or Kevin's.  Kate was once again passive.  That's fine, for now, but it would be great if she could figure out what she wants in life, on her own.  For her career, for her personal romantic life, and for her family life.  I like that she put Kevin "first" but it's a confusion of job and family.  Are you putting your job first, or your family, or both?  It's nice to see somebody put their family first.  I have a brother who puts his family last, after 1 million other things.  Girlfriend first, friends, sports, 1000 other things, then family which includes me.  And it sucks.  (Some people do this because they know their family will always be there.  Take them for granted.  I am not a bad family member IMO so that's my theory.)

    Just typing out loud.  Indulgently. This show is very interesting and sparks a lot of great discussion and thinking and emotion. 

    Oh and to jump in on the current topic, I think the writers are leaving it ambiguous.  I don't think they are necessarily portraying Toby as 100% romantic and good.  The actor is very ambiguous to me.  The character has a weight problem so he is not perfect (so do I.  I am not judging.)  There's something there.

    • Love 6
  7. Thanks, I will correct it.

    Why is his name Blip?  And who is Ginny's brother?  LOL.  I'm so lost.  I will go check Wikipedia.

    And thank you very much for the good luck wishes :D :D :D :D

  8. 1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

     Then the flashback, and I'm like "oh SNAP, you've been dating Eddie Winslow for decades, you trollop!" 

    This sentence is so fucking funny.

    I don't pay 100% attention, my own fault.  But I didn't think Blip was being an ass.  Maybe I missed something.  He should go to the All Star game.  LOL.  I'm a huge baseball fan.  Who cares about Disneyworld, can't you go after the game, there is still a day or two break in there.  What's the big deal.  I kind of hate when wives/girlfriends/women are portrayed in television or movies being like "I want this irrationally NOW, or NEVER, and if you say no for a reasonable reason I won't understand!"

    It seems like nobody mentioned the girl who played Young Ginny.  She is adorable and she is from Mistresses, and she is fantastic.

    If any baseball fans know of the bearded catcher Russell Martin I always joke that this show is basically his life.  Mark Paul Gosselaar is styled to look soooo much like him.  It's so funny.  And then he's always icing his knees which I heard Russ does all the time too.  Haha.  Also interesting is that Mark and Russell are both half white; Mark is half-Indonesian and Russell is half-black.


    • Love 6
  9. TBH I used to associate the name Michaela with white girls too....  It seems like just yesterday when everyone was naming babies that, and I never really knew any adults who had that name.

    Meanwhile I have zero association with the name Meggie because I've never heard that one before.  Just realizing it comes from Meg, I guess?

    Given Name MICHAELA. GENDER: Feminine. USAGE: German, Swedish, English, Czech, Slovak. 

  10. 11 hours ago, Dee said:

    Wes is totally under that sheet.

    The only reason besides Nate that I watch anymore : /

    I'm going to make a terrible confession to you guys.  Because it's the HTGAWM board.  I consider myself (very very) feminist but I have a problem where I scream "Slut" or likewise at female characters who hit on or sleep with men who are dating my favourite female protagonists.   So in this case, the ADA.   Something wrong with me.  

    • Love 3
  11. 2 minutes ago, Big Mother said:

    8. Ummmm why did Rebecca go LOOKING for William to tell him that he couldn't see his son ever again? That is pointless and stupid. In that day and age, adoptions were closed, so that part makes sense. But he doesnt have Rebecca's address. So why does she have to go look for him?

    I thought that Rebecca was desperate into some insight on how to bond with "Kyle".  She needed to know Kyle's story, where he came from.  She needed to make the whole situation more real to herself.  She said Kyle felt like a stranger to her up until that point.

    • Love 12
  12. 3 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    As for Kevin and Kate being closer to each other than to Randall, I don't think it's fair to put it all on them. Randall married young, has children, a house he fixed up himself, and a business he has built. Kevin and Kate are single and work together, and they moved across the country for Kevin's career, so it's natural that they spend more time together.

      Reveal hidden contents

    In the preview, Kevin is visiting Randall and his family, so he obviously does make an effort.

    You just made it click for me that my family and the family in This is Us is very, very, very similar.  Also, the "Randall" in my family is kind of bitter, which I do not judge him for, and he definitely made a new separate life for himself...  and instead of rejecting Randall in childhood the way Kevin did on the show, I totally worshipped my brother and thought he was mad cool...  

    • Love 3
  13. 2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    He's also way too excited to point out whenever someone's top falls off. If he had more maturity than a 14 year old he'd immediately call a time-out and let the poor woman retrieve her top. Letting the competition continue while drawing everyone's attention to the fact strikes me as willfully gratuitous; but then, I firmly believe these kinds of challenges are purposely designed to be that very thing.

    I don't know.  I thought it was cool that Michaela barely had any screentime sans top because some producer or errand person had obviously snatched it right quick and a few minutes later the camera cut to her cheering on the beach with it on again.  It was like the show was very dignified that way.  Michaela didn't seem at all ashamed of being topless.  I thought she purposely took it off (LOL) but then in her commentary she said it was ripped off.  Whoops.  

    • Love 5
  14. 13 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

    I'm weirded out by the Purple Lucy edit, maybe she didn't give them any "BOSSY DRAGON LADY" stuff in the first week, and heaven forbid we have any nuance.  It really does suck to lose all 3 Asian women right away but I honestly don't know what could be done about it except casting more minorities in general, and I kind of feel like this season is not the worst for that?  They should probably just cast Cook Islands/Fiji style every time.

    Ken voice:  Yeah.

    I would love it if it they Cook Islands/Fiji every time.  That would be my ideal.  TBH I don't even think this is one of the most diverse casts they've had at all.  There seems to be a lot more diversity when they do Returnees seasons, like Second Chance, I guess.  I felt like last season was so diverse but maybe it was my imagination because Cydney and Tai made it so far and I don't even remember half the cast.  I think it's more the impressions I get from each season -- the impression for this one won't be great, because so many minorities have been knocked out so early.  Sometimes people's differences make them stick out in a good way (Tai), sometimes in a bad way (Lucy).  Sometimes people get caught in the crossfire (Mari, I guess.)

    I'm not a fan of this cast.  I was a fan of the past two but this?  Maybe there's too many people who seem too alike.  There's so many nerdlingers (nothing wrong with that, I loved Spencer and Aubry) but so many characters seem ALIKE.  I didn't realize Adam was an entirely different person from David.  I get that now.  I can't tell Taylor apart from Other Taylor.  The editing hasn't really shown me much.  I don't know the difference between the mean Gen X-ers guys.  Maybe I go through this every season until the cast really dwindles down.  But the funny thing is, I'm enjoying the SHOW!  

    I already touched on this but Ken kind of looks like a Hollywood star.  He could be like a Guy Pearce type of actor.  It reminds me of LJ of the Beauty tribe.  There's so many people who look Beauty tribe ish.  Beauty versus Brain versus Brawn all over again.

    I think I like David, Michaela, and that guy who wears the Hawaiian shirts and round glasses, Zeke.  And I guess, Ken and Michelle.

    • Love 2
  15. 19 minutes ago, possibilities said:

    Maybe the ratings are so low because of the lopsided promotion. Couldn't hurt to try a different approach. [snip]. The assumption that whitewashed promotion helps a show is not borne out by the results in this case, and we honestly can't know if it's the best way to get viewers if they don't try anything else.

    Completely agree.

    When people speak with such authority on people of colour being used in advertisements I do wonder what the assumptions are based upon.  

    I *think* the show New Girl changed its original marketing of being about a cute quirky girl (the show's name, the promotion mostly just showing Zooey's face, IIRC) to later being focused on 4-5 main cast members.  And I *think* that that new strategy has worked for them as the show is somehow in its 6th season, now.

    • Love 4
  16. 21 hours ago, Amethyst said:

    Aww, I didn't know they were married.  Then again, I know SKB from Army Wives and nothing else.  Didn't see him in the OJ Simpson film.

    The People vs OJ Simpson is a 10 episode miniseries and it is so worth the watch.  I fell in love with Sterling K. Brown on this show and I think a lot of other people did too.  I was pulling so hard for him to win the Emmy.  I can't believe he actually did.  The Emmys were fantastic this year.  A lot of rightful winners (in my opinion.)

    • Love 13
  17. I'm a minority who likes to see other visible minorities represented onscreen.  I like to see people like myself represented onscreen just like anybody else would.  Just like white people might.  Just like women might want to watch television shows that have women on them. It's a very simple concept that I think is missed when people defend the status quo.  

    The issue is that South Asian viewers would want to see Priyanka Chopra, but those same viewers would be disinterested in The Good Place's Jameela Jamil, who is Indian?  I don't agree.  And again I don't agree the issue is about who is known versus unknown.  There are shows that had no problem advertising themselves using unknown actors front and centre before the shows even aired - Jane the Virgin, The Office, LOST, Fresh off the Boat, you will find more.

    Modern Family is another show like LOST, The Office, The Good Place in that it starred somebody who had already been a major player of another television show.  But MF had no problem sticking a bunch of unknown actors in all of its promotion to join him.

    • Love 3
  18. Quote

    But that doesn't mean EVERY case of white faces in an ad is racist. You can't take the general and apply it to every specific, as if it automatically applies.

    Nobody is saying that or did say that.  You can't take someone's observation, and then take it to the point of senseless exaggeration, as if that invalidates it.



    Matthew Fox was not enough of a name to sell all of Lost on, so he wasn't especially dominating in the ads. It's as simple as that.

    Not as simple as that IMO.  Matthew Fox had enough name recognition from Party of 5 but the people behind the ads were very comfortable to use a full, multiracial cast of people, some unknown, to advertise the show.  Steve Carell had enough name recognition from 40 Year Old Virgin and Bruce Almighty but the people behind the ads were comfortable using white people, some unknown, to advertise the show.  We see things differently.

    • Love 7
  19. The episode was good.  The tribal was good.  David did a good job of making that TC really good television.

    I'm very sad about all 3 Asian women being voted out.  It sucks. 

    Michelle (?) is very good-looking.

    Ken is VERY good-looking.

    I took pictures of Jeff screaming as the wave hit him and I laughed and I laughed and laughed.  That was so funny man oh my god.  And everything he said and did as he tried to recover.  Oh man that was good.  He reacted so perfectly.  He didn't try to play it off like it wasn't a big thing. He was incredibly flummoxed and caught off guard and he showed it.  LOL

    I almost forgot.  Michaela is like the new #icon.  I think she's awesome.

    • Love 17
  20. I think it's the chicken and the egg conversation.  I feel like they barely had non-whites speak much dialogue in Season 1 -- remember when Kelly was only used for the Diversity episode?  And her whole character was about being Indian, and slapping Michael for being racist.  So yes, I say that The Office was not much interested in real diversity early on, and then eventually became more interested in it.  The character of Kelly for example, was able to become much more of a real character (outside of just being "Indian", or a Reactor to Racism,) later on.  If the show offers such contracts to 5 white actors, I am not sure why someone would argue that doesn't say anything about the show's feelings towards diversity.  It takes a person to negotiate a contract sure, but it also takes another person to accept it.

    Some had a similar discussion about David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson being paid different salaries on The X-Files.  Some said oh well David negotiated a better contract, ho-hum, sexism doesn't exist.  Others thought it was interesting to think about why he was able to command the salary he did.

    • Love 7
  21. I'm pointing out television shows that only put white faces front and centre of its advertising.  It's a pattern that is noticeable to me.  So I brought it up.  Thanks for all of your explanations of why you felt that it was necessary for this show and that progress can't be rushed.

    I gave you the example of The Office that for 5 out of 9 seasons refused to put any non-white actor on the DVD cover.  I disagree, my comparisons are fine.  How is the comparison to LOST unfair.  LOST sold itself to people that didn't know it yet.  When LOST was unknown to us, LOST advertised itself using the ENTIRE cast which we didn't know yet.  When we didn't know The Good Place, it only used 2 faces to sell the show.  It is the same situation with different choices being made.   Matthew Fox was from Party of 5, Kristen and Ted have had their own shows too.  And yet LOST Season 1 advertising featured a lot more faces than just Matthew's.

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