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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I agree that the designers seem very talented this season.  Obviously Brik has some issues but everyone has noticed.

    And I don't understand Laurence's back pockets - AT ALL - But I guess that's part of the 'cool design' aesthetic.  Nobody would EVER be able to reach back there?!?!

    Typical PR challenge where the challenge pretends to be about "all women of all body types" but is really more, "show me how cool and edgy of a designer you are, bonus points if Nina pretends she would wear any of it"

    I couldn't and wouldn't personally wear anything Brik is dreaming up in that head, but I love when he takes his hair down and looks like the cover of a romance novel, or a pirate, or something.

    • Love 6
  2. The quote boxes basically want me to hurt somebody so here:

    quote:  "The episode began and I was just telling my husband how much I liked that last week was mostly free of the usual producer shenanigans, when, about 30 seconds into tonight's episode they start with the "Cornelius is throwing shade at..." blah, blah, blah garbage.

    Jeez, PR, you seriously need an intervention.  Repeat after me: you do not need this crap.  It's played out, we've seen the same variations 8000 billion times now, and your own PR:Juniors shows how good the show can be when it's not all "ohmigod, designer x is saying nasty things about designer y."  

    I kind of like several things about this season so far, so please, please, PR, do not ruin this, okay?"  /quote

    It's the 15th season and it's always been like this.  I don't even know why some people watch the show when they hate the formula.  All I have been thinking this season is that it's a wonderful, positive group of people with 1 guy who's a little bitchy I guess.  So what?  It's practically Kumbaya compared to most seasons.  I think the designers' personalities are collectively very likeable.

    I should listen to my own advice.  I love PR so much and then I come here and it's just a lot of shit throwing at the show.

    • Love 5
  3. 13 hours ago, avecsans said:

    What was the point in bringing out the droves of women at the beginning?  I thought the designers would have to choose their models from the crowd and that it would be a "real woman " challenge.

    Nina and Zak exasperate me.  I was not a fan of Brik's outfit either, but they talked about it as if it were the worst thing they had ever seen.  Then they praise that neoprene nightmare as if Coco Chanel herself had designed it.  Who would wear that, and on what occasion could it be worn?  At least it didn't win.  I hate jumpsuits as a rule but I thought Laurence's would be cute on certain young, skinny people.  And I liked the black outfit with the bow (can't remember the designer's name) but it desperately needed a pop of color.

    In general, I think this is a pretty good group of designers.  I'm looking forward to learning all their names.

    I agree with everything you wrote.  Though I'm starting to get Erin a bit more.  She's a very designery designer.  Not realistic at all but designers like her.  

  4. 5 hours ago, random chance said:

    It's not the kind of show I cry over either. While I was watching the Manny have a fit on the set I thought of that scene in Bojack Horseman where the girl tells him (paraphrasing) so what if it's not high art - you get to make a living doing what you love, not many people can say that. The adopted guy: he was way better off. The fat sister: losing weight is hard but at least there's a solution to your problem, unlike someone who discovers something like they have Huntington's. (I am possibly too cynical for shows like this but I'll probably watch it anyway.)

    I would not go so far as to equate being obese or overweight with Huntington's, but man, this is so much easier said than done.  If it was easy, everyone would be able to do it.  There are people who never have to think about their weight, and then there are people like me who pretty much think about it every minute.

    Also, being adopted. I have no idea what that's like, but I am thinking a lot of adopted people would rather have been raised by their own parents; you never know.  There's a reason Randall's character was screaming at his father.  There's some anger and issues there.  And I can understand the feeling of wishing you were not born into THAT situation in the first place - why couldn't he have been born to a parent who could care for him, etc.?

    I wouldn't say you're being cynical, I'd say you're making some hard and fast judgements about very complex situations.



    Honestly?  I think that was in the original script, and maybe was what was even shot, since his mouth seemed a bit off.  And then someone else watched it, and said, "whoa, we can't have a sympathetic main character in 2016 call his athletic daughter a 'bull dyke'!"  And so they dubbed it.

    That phrase was used in The Life Aquatic and it really bothered me.  I don't understand why people like that movie.  Good idea removing it.

    • Love 7
  5. I'm really enjoying everyone's comments.  3 pages on an entirely new show - I think that's the mark of a popular show here.

    For those who didn't get into Gilmore Girls, Milo V. (The Father with Mandy Moore) was, in my opinion, one of the best things about it.  Definitely my favourite actor and character, I think.  He was a big attraction for a lot of us here.

    Also, Sterling (Randall).  I was SCREAMING in my apartment when he won the Emmy for portraying Chris Darden.  SCREAMING.  I have been "campaigning" (Tweeting to my little band of a few hundred followers) for him to win that Emmy and I can't believe he actually won it.  One of those times when the right actor won.  He is just heartbreaking as all get out in People vs. OJ Simpson, a show that I'd recommend to everyone.  

    Anyways now that I've gotten that out of the way.  I found myself surprised that I was most wrapped up in the Manny's story - "Kevin".   I do love actors and everything about acting so I found myself torn between -  Hey, just pay your dues, you'll make it, look at people like Rachel McAdams and Margot Robbie, etc. etc.!  Versus, I have definitely quit jobs because I couldn't handle being forced to do something I didn't believe in, also.  I found that fascinating.

    I am also in my 30s and trying to lose weight so the Kate story was a bit TOO real for me.  In a good way I think.

    I liked it.  I loved the last 5-10 minutes.

    Randall's kids were soooooo cute.  The pan away from Milo to the guy in the red outfit was extremely dopey I thought.  They pan to this random guy at a vending machine, and what?  He just has a weird 70's outfit?  (Did I miss something? It was so strange.) The cigarette sold it much better.

    I think I like the parents storyline best, and wanted the story to keep going back to them.  I will have to give it a few more episodes and see how it goes.  But I do think I will just DVR it so I can forward through commercials.

    Just record every show and start them around 7 minutes into it.  Then you can FF through all commercials like you said :)


    • Love 11
  6. On 9/16/2016 at 0:22 AM, Albino said:

     Nathalia appears determined to be this season's resident scold.  I am seriously praying for a fur/leather challenge.

    Ha!  Hahahahahahah!!!!!!



    I don't like Chi-what'shisname from Philadelphia. I guess he was ok otherwise, but snatching the flowers from that other guy's hands left a bad impression.

    Mah-Jing Wong.  No "Chi" in the name.

    For the below quote, I must ask why a lifelong fan has not watched his show?  Out of curiosity?  No snark intended.  It might give you some insight as to why so many of us have become disillusioned with the man.  It's nice to hear he is good to his fans.  My mother is a big TG fan too so I get it.



    I didn't watch Under the Gunn, so I can't speak to his actions on that show, but based on my personal experience and interaction with him, I have nothing but respect and admiration for the man and am a lifelong fan. 

     Edited Friday at 10:12 AM by SailorGirl.


  7. I usually see 1981 in most places as the marker of the oldest Millennial year (although I've seen 1980, sure.).  

    Regardless of that, whether Jules was born in 1980 or 1981 or 1982 or 1989.  Or even 1979.  Jules is of a different generation than Carole. Sorry Carole!

    • Love 9
  8. 5 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

    LOL right?  Talk about damning somebody with faint praise.  Geeze louise.  I mean, certainly Sonja has her issues, but damn, so do ALL of them. And for Drunkie Dory to be talking about somebody else's problems with booze is really the martini glass calling the vodka clear.   

    I love Dorinda, (and to drink), but calling her Drunkie Dory?  I am really laughing here at work!!

    Forget me trying to write under the quote box because that will never be allowed to happen.

    We went over the generational stuff a lot last week but I appreciate this below.  Carole saying that Jules is only 17 years younger so they're of the same generation?  That's not how it works.  My older brother is only 3 years older than me.  He's Gen X and I'm a Millennial.  Carole is part of my parents' generation and I am part of Jules.  So yeah, the denial bothers me.  I love generational stuff.  This is all factual.  Can be found on Wikipedia at a moment's glance.... public knowledge.  Not still being decided.  



    Haven't watched part 3 and still don't think I want to.  The whole generation thing can't simply be put down to "old enough to be someone's mother". 

    Baby Boomer Generation: 1945-1964 

    Carole born 1963

    Generation X: 1965-1980

    This is my group and I suspect where all the other women, aside from Jules and Carole, fall.

    Millenials: 1981-2000

    Jules (1981?) and definitely Adam.  


    • Love 10
  9. On 9/10/2016 at 3:04 AM, burner said:

    The weirdest thing to me was that when the bachelors were eliminated we didn't get any post interview or soundbytes. "He made the wrong choice" or "I wasn't into him anyways" kind of stuff.

    I saw them.

    I didn't like how Robert asked Charlie, "So, how are you getting along with the other guys?" and Charlie answered, and then Robert punished him to hell for it.  It's kind of hard to sidestep that question and realize that the question was almost a manipulative trap.  I guess the right answer for Robert would have been "Yes" no matter how Charlie actually felt?

    Or, Robert could have just not been attracted to Charlie and was grasping for an excuse, but then he DID go out of his way to compliment Robert's eyes.  So.  I found that whole thing weird.

    I loved the show and I will definitely be watching.

    My favourite lines

    (On Robert)  He looks like a walking Photoshop.

    Just to let you know: “It’s gonna be me!”

    Everyone is thirstier than Tara Reid in Rehab, honey.

    • Love 2
  10. 1 hour ago, King of Birds said:

    Red Sox vs Jays - top of 7th as I type- Sox have used 5 pitchers, Jays have used 7. It's ridiculous. ETA for the bolded part.  IT'S THE 7TH!  12 PITCHERS!

    It's been a very bad week and a half or so of baseball for me.

    • Love 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, queenjen said:

    Ms BlueJay what season was that? You just gave me glee because I've definitely not caught that one, I'm working through All Stars from the beginning. 

    QueenJen, Hi!  Doing some research.

    It looks to be Project Runway Season 12.  REGULAR Season.  I was wrong about that sorry.  July 18 – October 17, 2013.

    Warning you -- this is NOT a fun season.  But that was a great moment.  I tried to find video but not seeing any yet.

    By the way, I adore Dorinda also.  I have a crush on her that's a bit out of control.  Well, now that Jules has gained weight I can't take my eyes off of her either.  I hate making reference to her weight but I don't know how else to put it.  To me they are both so attractive.  In personality and in looks.

    Luann looks so much 'harder' at the reunion this year.  Too much Makeup? "Being so in Loooooooooooooooove with your Soulmate"?  The stress of Sonja 5 Times Morgan?  Or the all important Bethateme Factor? I don't know.  I always think Luann is quite attractive in a distinguished way, I just really really don't like the styling for her at the reunion.  

    • Love 5
  12. 4 hours ago, QuinnM said:

    Carole, Ramona and Sonja have no story line because the Countess hijacked the season and is now hijacking the reunion.  But they have to keep someone around to do the 'I told you so' dance. 

    Will & Grace reference?


    A well-executed "What is wrong with you?" is a thing of beauty.

    If any of you are Project Runway fans (I think it was an All Stars season) there was a famous season where there was a horrible, bully person - Helen - who would torture a quiet, keep to her own business woman - Alexandria.   There was a great moment in the reunion where Helen was badgering the witness like usual, screaming at Alexandria, nonsensically and tyrannical, and then Helen finished it off finally by saying something like, "I don't know!  I mean, is it me?  Am I crazy?"  

    And in a COMPLETELY unexpected, NOT cliche moment of reality television, Alexandria stared at her with wild eyes for a beat and then said very steadily, "Yeah. Maybe."


    Another one of my favourites is on Gossip Girl when a crazy model named Agnes starts burning designer Jenny's hand-sewn clothes, and Jenny screams: AGNES, YOU ARE *OUT OF YOUR MIND*!  But that story wasn't as good or relatable here.  

    • Love 5
  13. 4 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

    See ya'll next week.  Maybe.

    I want someone to gather all of your posts into a bound book and put it up for sale on Amazon.  You're an artiste 

    And thanks to @ISLANDGAL140 because I never knew the word 'biennial' before.  

    • Love 5
  14. 7 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

    And Bethenny's treatment of Jules was text book bullying.  She belittled Jule's short husband (at their 1st meeting) by suggesting he dress as R2-D2 for Halloween.  Then through the rest of the season, she disparaged Jule's marriage, her home, her parenting, her intelligence, her eating disorder and her religious practices all on camera.  Bethenny will do whatever it takes to remain Alpha dog (wolf?) of her TV pack. Ramona, Carole & Sonja have all tucked their tails under and follow their leader. Dorinda has been mostly spared because that woman can bare her fangs enough to make B. think twice about getting into it with her.  Apparently Jules didn't get the memo to act as submissive as possible around B.  Bethenny took Jule's lack of kowtowing as a challenge to her dominance and went in for the kill.  Congrats, Bethenny.  You managed to chase another human being out of your life.

    For me this was the most powerful post because it helped me remember (I have a bad memory, like Sonja and Tom I guess) and conjure up all of the feelings I had when Bethenny first met Jules on this show. She was an unrepentant asshole towards Jules in these first few episodes.  She. was. an. asshole. There's no sugar coating it.  She had such fucking disdain for Jules.  Talked about Jules two feet away from her through the whole damn season, saying the most belittling, asshole things.  Why?  I don't want to know why.  She's evil, psycho.



    I know that we have made fun of Jules constant reference to being both Jewish and Asian. But I think most of that has been in good fun and not mean spirited and dismissive in the manner of Frankelstein. It just seems to me that Jules is happy, sloppy and confused in her religious practices in the same manner that she is in her child rearing, communicating and family life. I don't think she has a mean bone in her body
    Good point.  I grew up with two races and religions in my house, also.  From all of the 'confusion' I eventually declared myself Atheist.  Everyone is going to find their own way, their own way.  Sometimes I say "Oh my god", I guess I'm a horrible Atheist and not a good representative 

    Let us never forget, Dorinda doing math so Carole's stupid tiny goddamn bird brain can understand.  "Well Jules is what, 33?  And you're 51. So it's 18 years."  
    We should all be standing and singing, to the tune of Kanye West's Golddigger - "Eighteen years, eighteen years, She got you, bitch, got you for eighteen years"

    Sorry, I'm sensitive about my age too. Trust me I hate ageism.  But dammit Carole is just such an asshole.  And it's not ageism to point out FACTS they are of different generations FACT
    • Love 21
  15. 13 hours ago, breezy424 said:

    Loving the posts.

    Winner of the night:  It's a tie between Jules and Dorinda.

    Best lines:  Lu saying to Carole when Carole interrupts her - what are you blabbering about?  Jules to Beth - what is wrong with you?  Sonja in response to Andy's question about how many times she had sex with Tom in ten years - five.

    Most stupid and desperate attempt at a put down - Beth saying that Jules isn't representing Jews.  Did Jules say she was?

    Worst crying attempt:  phone video of Beth going back to her old apartment.

    Best zinger:  Dorinda saying to Carole she's old enough to be Jules' mother.

    Most stupid revelation of 'evidence':  Ro pulling out the picture and some article.  Beth still wins overall for calling her boyfriend's daughter.

    If I wasn't at work I'd be rolling on the floor laughing.  I'm going to print this out and post it on my wall or something. I don't know.  I just love it.  I would purchase it.  

    A month or so back I was defending Sonja and I still will.  Because I don't want anyone to tell me how to feel about past f* buddies or their potential future marriages.  I was thinking something like 10-20 times over 10 years.  That's kiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda what I thought what Sonja meant when she went on and on.

    But you know what, instead of backtracking on defending Sonja, I just now kinda feel bad for her.  I mean she's that sensitive and fragile of a woman that she only apparently had sex with Tom 5 times and this whole thing hurt her so much.  Now instead of putting my fists up and defending her all, YAS, EMPOWERED QUEEN, I just feel sad!  No shade to Sonja.  I still say she should do hers..... 

    1 time, 5 times, 50 times, whatever, that's Sonja's life experience and she can have whatever feelings she has.

    I'm younger than Jules and I could have a teenager by now.  I know this because I can do math and I have peers who have teens for children.  This is reality.  I face that.  Carole embarrassed herself.  

    • Love 10
  16. 13 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

    And Carole you can shut the fuck about Adam!  That was last year.  Glad Luann wasn't about to give her the time of day to bring up her and boytoy.

    Lu:  What are you babbling about over there?
    Carole:  Excuse me?  Could you not be so disrespectful?
    Lu:  Well, you were babbling. You were babbling, talking over me

    haha :)  #facts

    • Love 12
  17. Before I read everyone's comments which I for sure will love I must say two things.

    1) Carole being so goddamn sensitive about her age and insisting that JULES AND HER ARE OF THE SAME GENERATION?!!?!?!??!?!

    Jules is an old Millennial or an extremely young Gen X.
    Carole is a Baby Boomer.  A young Baby Boomer, but still.  

    Read a book, Author.

    2)  A million times this episode the same thing happened and it disgusted me. And Andy is the fucking biggest Bethenny kiss ass on the planet. Laughing at all of her DUMB, CRUEL jokes.

    Other women:  You said incredibly mean things about X, Y, and Z on these days.
    Bethenny:  What?  What did I say?  No I didn't. When?
    Other women:  (Give plenty of clear-cut examples.)
    Bethenny:  WELL BLAH BLAH BLAH (Totally not denying it, not accepting it, not apologizing for lying or for being wrong or for what she said, just JUSTIFYING IT.)

    She lies as much as Trump.

    • Love 24
  18. I'm only on page 3 so far but Bethanny has really sliced her nose down to practically non-existent. I could barely look away.  I was transfixed.  That was my main thought from this reunion.

    I'm all for high fashion, I just think Carole missed the mark here.

    Jules looked absolutely beautiful.

    • Love 4
  19. 16 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

     I just squealed and woke up my dog.

    NICK!! I wish I'd auditioned for this season. I sincerely, genuinely want him to find love. I'm too invested. I hope he gets a bevy of beautiful, intelligent, and age-appropriate women to choose from. 

    Sweet Jesus, you heard my prayers. Best, most complete redemption arc ever. Thank you, Fleiss and Harrison. I'm all in for January.

    You still can!!  According to Elan!

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