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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Wells is hot, hot, hot.  I don't care how skinny he looks.  And it's funny, I was never one of those people who were attracted to skinny guys.  But to me he looks like Dan Humphrey or Orlando Bloom and I think I'm more attracted to Wells.  I'm more attracted to Wells than anybody on the show.  Now that Grant the firefighter is gone :(  And honestly the Canadian was weird but I thought he was very attractive and his exit speech was HILARIOUS.

    (Whining)  "So apparently Jojo only wants to pick guys based on personality?  It's definitely not looks, because if so I would still be here.  It's definitely not bodies, because Wells is still here."  HAHAHAHAHAHA.  I've never heard that before.  A person who thinks they're goodlooking whining that people choose their mate based on personality.  HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.

    I HATE Alex.  But I disliked him from when he started fixating on Chad and now I just full on hate him.

    Evan looked so DEPRESSED all the time and he still wanted money for a new shirt.  Buddy, how does the ED gig not pay you enough?

    Robby is kind of like Will Arnett and I was so attracted to him, until he went completely crazy and declared his love for Jojo and jumped off a cliff.  Boy has major issues.  I won't speculate further because I don't want to be rude.

    I thought Jojo would be this wild and sexy Bachelorette and we were all so excited. But instead, it's really lame.  She's just obsessed with the guy who wears women's jeans.  Boring. Boring Boring.

    Chase and Vinny looked like each other.  I called Vinny "Italian Chase".  And Jordan and Robby kind of look like each other, they both have the whip cream dollop of hair.  So all four of them caused a lot of confusion for people.  I get it.   And Alex is the miniature version of Derek!

    The previews made it seem like Grant went so far in the show.  Unless he returns, those previews liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiied and she kicked out the only man of colour and the only Italian guy to my knowledge.  And even the only foreigner, the Canadian, who brought me the hilarity.  Wow!  When Wells is gone, it's just gonna be a fucking factory that makes the exact same fucking guy.

    • Love 12
  2. Charlie Bartlett is a great movie and Anton was so charming and adorable in it.  Others have recommended "Like Crazy" (2011) strongly - I haven't seen that one.

    When just a teenager, he played this magician kid who stayed over at Larry's house in Curb Your Enthusiasm (there are clips on Youtube.)  So funny and talented even then.

    Cute, talented, loooooooooads of potential.  I was a fan of his for sure.

    Felt so sick yesterday when I heard about this.

    • Love 3
  3. On 6/18/2016 at 9:04 PM, AmandaPanda said:

    I was so excited to see Nicky again, but I'll be devastated if we don't see her again. I hope they didn't get Natasha Leggero back for just a cameo. 

    It's Natasha Lyonne.

    Sorry, but I REALLY don't like Natasha Leggero.  She fucking sucks.

    • Love 6
  4. Veep was renewed for Season 6.  Buster... Uh.... Gary.... uhhh... Tony Hale, recently confirmed this on The Tonight Show.

    Imagine a show just about Richard?  I think that a lot of people would watch it.  I feel like just watching him would make me a happier person in life and I'm not joking.  It's ironic to find a character like that in this crazy cynical show but there you have it..  They could call it the Rose that grew from Concrete or Diamond in the rough or similar analogy.

    • Love 7
  5. I still think that way too many people give her credit for how she looks - or talk about her looks in general - when really, she doesn't need every straight male to approve how "good" she looks.

    And I still do not think that this phenomenon happens with any other male actor her age.

    Helen is 70 btw, and yes, I see a looooooooot of press about her looks and her bikini body.

    • Love 2
  6. Sweet Christ on the crapper, need I remind everyone that in the early 2000s, John C. Reilly was cast as Stanley Kowalksi in a production of A Streetcar Named Desire?! Not as schlubby mama's boy Mitch (which he would have been ideal for), but Stanley, one of the sexiest*, most dangerous characters in fiction! A character played by the likes of Marlon Brando**, Alec Baldwin, Blair Underwood, and Aidan Quinn!

    Dear, dear God.

    • Love 6
  7. I don't think the treatment men get in Hollywood is even remotely comparable to the treatment of women.

    Sure, Mickey Rourke has ruined his looks or whatever but then was given the starring role in The Wrestler which was a big Oscar movie.

    Men can look like shit/ ugly /botoxed/ ruin their looks/ look like Sean Penn and it straight up DOES NOT MATTER in terms of career prospects.  People might discuss their looks a tiny bit but the main conversation will be about their talent.

    With women, the main conversation about them is their looks - whether young, old , beautiful, ugly, fat, thin,  botoxed, surgeried, what have you.  "Character actor" or not.  And I'm sure the market for "Weird/ugly character actor" is far, far, far huger for males (John C. Reilly , Steve Buscemi, etc.) than it is for women (....  ..... Patricia Clarkson?  She's quite goodlooking.)

    The only person who seems to get around this is somebody whose talent is unmatched or has been a chameleon in dozens of movies for forever like a Meryl Streep or a Glenn Close.  Whenever people talk about Helen Mirren it is always about her goddamn bikini body or sexual attractiveness or whatever.  People don't bring that up with Jack Nicholson or Morgan Freeman or Ian McKellen.  They are allowed to be human beings with other traits and facets of their humanness.

    Also, (this is just my experience and opinion) but women treat Hollywood men in a vastly different manner than men treat Hollywood women.  Old, ugly men in Hollywood will always have people who find them attractive and like their looks because that is very acceptable in the culture.  I have a friend who always makes it clear how attracted she is to John C. Reilly or Steve Buscemi.  That's great, but that only adds to this conversation.  I don't think it's equal in terms of men seeking out the weirder looking women in Hollywood to be their crush.  I assume it's women like Emily Ratajkowski. who was in  Gone Girl, the Entourage movie, and the Blurred Lines video (who even male celebrities tweet about and praise) or like, Jennifer Lawrence.  I am just ready now for somebody to say "But Steve Buscemi IS really attractive!!!!!" because I always get a bunch of retorts like that when I discuss this topic, but I think that attitude only proves my point.  

    Men can look like whatever, and it doesn't matter.  People will still consider them actors and personalities first, fully realized humans who can be discussed as such. Women can look 'perfect', but they will never look good enough not to get comments about it.  Unless like I said, you look like Emily Ratajkowski, which almost nobody does.

    tl;dr, I really agree with Wiendish Fitch.

    • Love 19
  8. On 6/13/2016 at 0:40 AM, maraleia said:

    I loved Amy's old fashioned nightgown too. BTW this episode was written and directed by women- Rachel Axler and Becky Martin respectively.

    When she was staring dreamily at the NRA poster, and Dan said "It's a Christmas miracle".  Anna looked so young and sweet there, like the Anna Chlumsky of our childhoods.


    Jonah shoots himself, Richard gives one of his usual upbeat sounding responses

    Richard is like a motivational e-gram in person, or something.


    I never know what to make of Minna. I can't tell when she's being straightforward and when she's just fucking with Selina. I was cracking up when she immediately noticed that Selina had her eyes done and then later when she asked if she had a narrow vagina.

    I really admire that actor's performance in this so I looked her up.  She played Sharon/Shazzer from Bridget Jones' Diary.  I've seen that movie so many times but never made the connection.


    I love Minna.  I loved how she told Selina how the Chinese delegation didn't like her outfit, she looked like a prisoner or a pirate.

    And then I heard "Exercise book" or "exercise bike" neither of which make sense to me, but I'm not a great "hear-er".  Anyone?


    I also loved the little dig at the NRA. All this little old lady said was "guns are dangerous" and the NRA was all over it, branding her as someone who wants to take away all your guns.

    Did she say something like, "When Jonah was little he shot himself in the eye with a rubber band....." So up until the NRA poster I thought that was Jonah's mom. Again, I am hard of understanding or hearing so can somebody clear up that quote?


    Love the way the Chinese translator said, "Thank you for this rock."

    Brings back memories of Parks and Recreation when Fred Armisen as the Venezuelan PM who receives a local bag of nipples (?) and syrup (?) from Pawnee and says "Thank you for this.... bag of garbage."

    Yes, but I, the viewer, knew Selena had given the robe to Marjorie, so again I wasn't sure what the shock was. At first I thought the Chinese were upset that someone was actually wearing the robe. I guess I never think Marjorie looks like Selena.

    The group from China likely don't even know about Marjorie's existence, right, so how could they assume it was anyone BUT Selina.

  9. Quote

    I don't twitter, so I had no idea there was a black twitter....INTERESTING!


    I hope this will not sound trite/insensitive as I am part of minority groups myself, and I don't want to make groups sound monolithic, but there is Feminist Twitter, basketball Twitter, etc. etc. twitters for a lot of groups!  It's kind of amazing and I have learned so much about activism (and things like basketball, etc. LOL) from Twitter.  There are some great communities - obviously some negatives out there too, but that's life I guess.


    I love Quinn and her lines will never get old for me.

    This is funny, because I was turned off from them since the pilot.  Just feels like hacky writing to me, as if nobody would ever speak like that, or I guess the kind of person that would is a turn off or unrealistic to me.

    • Love 3
  10. On 5/26/2016 at 9:57 PM, spaceytraci1208 said:

    I've always had a thing for Benicio Del Toro...except for in The Usual Suspects, when they gave him Joan Crawford eyebrows lol

    If you haven't already, watch "Excess Baggage" with Benicio and Alicia Silverstone.  It's a lot of Benicio 

  11. Quote

    I would say hell no just because I think DiCaprio is a lousy actor.  But Persian is an ethnicity, not a race, and many Persians consider themselves to be white.  Now, Rumi may have been considerably darker than DiCaprio or he may not have been; photography wasn't around to give us an answer on that one.  I myself would probably try casting someone more racially ambiguous, but this isn't exactly the most glaring example of bad casting because of skin color.

    How can one argue that this it not about skin colour?  DiCaprio and Downey Jr. are both white - they want to cast the movie with white leads.  How much more clear can it be?  And DiCaprio's a "lousy actor"?  For all the reasons to disagree with the casting, you pick his acting ability, which has been nominated for dozens of awards over a span of decades?  This thread is about race and ethnicity in the movies, so in my opinion this is a willful dismissal of the topic.

    • Love 3
  12. It's funny how you guys all seem to know who "Chase" is but Robby is just the GQ Pretty Boy.  I am the opposite, I think Robby is the most beautiful and seriously have zero idea who Chase is.  

    I agree that Ali and Alex were very beautiful.  It's too bad I hated Alex's personality because he was so obsessed with Chad it was a bit psychotic (and yes I see that Chad is also psychotic.)  Alex is like the typical Nice Guy Saviour.   Just physically - as soon as I saw Chad's body and veins I could never be attracted to that.

    I was into Christian but I wondered why he got ZERO screentime and then Jojo unceremoniously gave him the boot.  Ugh!!  He had the most interesting introduction segment.

    Derek is just boring.  I get that he looks like John K. and that's cute, but then you see how boring he is. 

    So funny how another poster saw it as The Blair Witch Project - so did I.  I've never seen Deliverance but maybe that too

    • Love 1
  13. Yes, Chad is hot, but crazy and dumb, or crazy dumb.  His head seems so empty.

    There are a LOT of hot guys on this show.


    Alex is beautiful, but short.
    Ali is beautiful, but maybe too introverted for this show.
    Robby is BEAUTIFUL.  He gets no airtime.
    Grant is a hot firefighter, but has a weird eye.
    Christian is hot, but kind of weird exhibitionist - I have no problem with it so far
    Wells is like Dan Humphrey or Seth from O.C. in real life - hot hot hot!


    Derek seems like a sweetheart and looks like Jim Halpert
    Canadian Daniel is cute, just seems unhinged (and I'm Canadian) - I DO love how he made friends with the outcast though - because he was outcast on Week 1 probably
    Luke - army veteran, very good looking but so serious I guess.

    The rest are still okay looking, the only bad looking one is Erectile Dysfunction.

    Jordan is more girlier than any girl, I'm sorry, I just can't.  I can't take his weird hips and legs and hair I just can't do it

    • Love 5
  14. I met Paul Rudd at a showing of I Love You Man in 2009 and the guy acted SO humble.  We got to shake hands and take pictures with Paul Rudd and Jason Segel and I told Paul, "I'm such a big fan of everything you do"  and he genuinely said "Oh, thank you so much" and just seemed very flattered.

    On the other hand, Jason Segel invited all the women in the audience back to his hotel room. Hahhaha!!!

    • Love 7
  15. A lot of people like Stephen A. Smith and Evan Fournier were totally comfortable telling everyone Raptors have no chance of WINNING ONE GAME in the series against the Cavs.

    Now, they're apologizing, (one guy on Twitter said he'd fry his cellphone with rice if the Raptors won 1 game -- then he literally live-tweeted doing so) , but Stephen A. Smith was such an asshole while doing so.


    I mean, this is what Canada has to contend with.  This constant outright disrespect.  It's one thing from so-called sports commentators or even sports stars themselves, but the officials too.  When even ESPN - AMERICAN ESPN - is saying the officials are bowing down to LeBron and refusing to call his fouls and bending over backwards to call any foul on the Raptors when they're near him - I mean, Damn!


    Stephen A Smith ‏@stephenasmith  May 24

    My apologies to Canadians everywhere. No way in hell did I believe @Raptors would tie this series 2-2. I'm totally disgusted, but props 2 u

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