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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. It's the second to last episode, so I'm going to kind of throw away the 'rules' and I apologize up front for that.

    1)  Why did Josh Charles want to leave the show after 5 years?
    2)  What is Cary's job now?
    3)  I'm sorry, but I've NEVER been a fan of Peter and Alicia's chemistry!  I loved Willicia's though.  I think it might be Noth, then again it might also be Marguiles.  I'm a big fan of SATC and Noth rarely did anything for me there, either.
    4)  I like to see differing opinions on the Diane/Kurt relationship.  To be honest, I don't know if I still really love them as a couple.  I think I'm just such a big fan of Gary Cole and Christine Baranski's acting around him.  He's a weak and weird character though - not sure if I get it or am supposed to like it.  I have to admit it's very interesting how Diane manipulates him and uses him for her own purposes.  It wasn't the first time and it won't be the last, LOL.

    This show used to be very good.  I remember when I devoured the first season.  And Kalinda and Eli were such revelations, so exciting and interesting and cool.   I'll miss you guys when it is over, but I won't miss Alicia.

    • Love 1
  2. On 4/30/2016 at 3:56 PM, cleo said:

    Ms Blue Jay, don't worry, the Jays are still my number one, I just think I need a backup. I was glad they won last night. I was watching the Sox and the Orioles, but I saw bits and pieces of the Jays game toward the end. I love Osuna, I don't know why. The way he kept his cool in the playoffs last year really impressed me. 

    There are a multitude of reasons to love Osuna - the kid is a superstar.

    • Love 1
  3. The thing with Michelle's edit is that it's barely there, so there's almost no negativity with her edit. I think it makes it easy to like her and assign all of these positive qualities to her, which is maybe what Stephen is doing.  We see a LOT of Aubry, so we see her as human, as imperfect, but as someone to root for and to overcome the tough parts of her journey.

    Now I just can't wait to read the snarking parody of this post in the next joke post about Mark's edit.  I just caaaaaaaaaaaan't wait.


    I'd like to go back and watch previous seasons, which one is best? I know everyone will not agree, just looking for a consensus

    Everyone has very differing opinions on this, but my favourites are Borneo (1), Cook (13), Fiji (14), Samoa (19), and Cagayan (28).  Last season, Second Chances, was quite amazing too.  I feel like the most popular season listed here is "Heroes vs Villains" (20) but to see that you will get spoiled on a bunch of older seasons - same with Second Chances.

    My advice is to avoid Wikipedia like the plague.  Spoilers abound. I don't blame you for not wanting to check the old forums to avoid spoilers.

    • Love 2
  4. Who ya gonna call? Why Ghostbusters is leading the charge for female buddy movies


    The Ghostbusters Trailer Backlash Shows Men Believe in the Power of Representation (But Only When It Applies to Them)


    The Handmaid's Tale is coming to Hulu – with a white man at the helm

    It’s great news that the feminist dystopian novel will be adapted into a TV series. But why tell progressive stories onscreen if we can’t learn from them?


    • Love 1
  5. Cleo, my 2nd favourite team has to be the White Sox with Navarro and the other ex BJs.  They had a great series against us.  We (Kind of?) crushed Tampa Bay last night so I am excited for today.  Come back to us!

    I also enjoy the Mets because I love Cespedes so much.

    You guys are doing a lot of inside baseball posts that I don't understand.  Literally.

  6. I have too many unread emails.
    My child's not learning enough Mandarin.
    Why is it cold in November?
    = The therapist's normal patient's complaints, LOL

    List of songs used in this episode below.  I really really like the soundtrack this season.  I really like that song "Sister Christian" but I thought it was called "Motoring".


    Taylor Swift has never been good at taking criticism.

    • Love 1
  7. 5 hours ago, needschocolate said:

    The Brawn Tribe lost the most challenges.  Michelle and Julia, former Beauty Tribe members, were the only ones who got the animals right on the first try.  Aubry, former Brain Tribe member, has amazing social skills.  So much for stereotypes! Wonder if the producers will decide they shouldn't label people.  

    I didn't mean to laugh at the bolded part, and yet, I did!

    Am I the only one who loves the simplistic stereotypes of B/B/B simply BECAUSE they get demolished by this show?  I think that's the fun of it.

    However, I shouldn't speak so soon, because that Collars season was a total nightmare.

    • Love 6
  8. 1 hour ago, ProfCrash said:

    Woo never made an attempt to play the game. He wanted ot do well in challenges but he had no clue about strategy or the backbone to stab anyone in the back. I can see Joe being far more comfortable stabbing an ally in the back at the right time but he is never going to be in that position.

    Can't agree at all.  Woo won ICs.  Woo also stole Spencer's idol clue - how is that not strategy or stabbing someone.  Let's see if Joe ever wins an IC.


    There must be a rule that they're not allowed to say "Shut up, Jeff," because surely it happens at least once in awhile. Surely. Or maybe they always edit it out when someone does.  

    Jonathan Penner did that.

    Jeff:  Penner, getting frustrated by this challenge.

    Penner:  Oh please Jeff

    Jeff:  Penner, getting frustrated by ME!

    Don't know why this has to be double spaced but ok.  I'm getting frustrated by the formatting

    • Love 6
  9. 2 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

    Another episode, another example of Tai needing someone to tell him how to play the game. Aubry is sitting pretty with the two useless men she has attached to each hip. 

    Surprised anyone thinks Tai was being genuine in that moment.  Come on.  Tai is not an idiot in my opinion.  If he didn't feel safe he would have played that idol - no doubt in my mind.  He'd never put that decision on Aubrey literally.  That was just a nice thing for him to say to her and a nice thing for her to say back.  None of that really means anything.

    fishcakes, that was some damn beautiful writing.  Enjoyed the hell out of that story.  I definitely bought into the editing and was immensely relieved when Tai was safe instead of Julia.

    Like maybe one or two other posters, I'm happy and impressed Tai didn't use his idol either.  He's playing a good game and people hate him for it.  Very few people on that jury know about him dousing the fire, IIRC.  Tai is a chameleon who blends into whomever he's aligned with that week.  It's not much deeper than that.  Think of how Brad Pitt always becomes the woman he's dating.  (This part is a joke.)

    I don't mind Joe giving up on immunity.  Good for him not to go the Caleb route.  Your health is more important than the game.  He'll end up with a nice payout for it.


    I don't understand why people who knew they didn't have the right animals and numbers didn't just move the wheel randomly, untie a key, and try the box then go right back out. That way they could remove one option and get back to the massive wheel more quickly. At least use the brain fart or exhaustion to your benefit and maybe get lucky or remove one option.

    I personally don't think this could possibly be allowed, but I'm guessing on that.

    • Love 13
  10. Right now I just want to say that I really enjoyed Michelle being so touchy with Jeff after winning Immunity.  And that she was a beautiful crier.

    As for Debbie Wanner all cleaned up on the jury - Does anyone know Daria Werbowy's campaigns for Celine?  I think she reminds me of that.


    • Love 4
  11. It's okay, the Jays always lose in the same way !  Gain a big lead, remove starter, bullpen shits the bed!


    Congratulations White Sox!  A team with 3 former Blue Jays is a team that I like!  Except for you Matt Albers.  Never ever you.

  12. Haha, I'm a big fan of Curb Your Enthusiasm and there is an episode where Larry David shows up at ("real life") Ted Danson's birthday party with a chauffeur. Larry lets the chauffer into Ted's house and then the chauffeur proceeds to get very drunk.  There's a cute Becker reference here.  Watch from 0:30 if you don't want to watch too much.


    • Love 1
  13. Joining the pro-Aubry faction.  I went from really disliking this person (whenever it was Aubry & Joe versus Peter) to really, really liking this person.  That's the editors painting a really nice story and maybe Aubry finding her balls a bit, I don't know.  It's been a very interesting arc.  I also don't dislike Joe which is huge; I think it's just his affiliation with Aubry and him being so inoffensive compared to others (Jason).  I just want to feel something for Michelle now; I'm ready Editors!  Paint me your next picture.

    • Love 1
  14. Personally, I would love to get acres on Mars. What a cool gift! If she's not the kind of person who appreciates a quirky gift like that (and doesn't know him well enough to understand why he would give it), maybe they're not as compatible as they thought.


    I thought the gift was cool and quirky too, but do you find it in character for Jason?  I'm earnestly asking, I don't know the answer.  I never really thought of him as a quirky character, and this action seemed to come out of nowhere.  He doesn't act particularly smitten with Alicia, but I don't really blame the actor so much as the writing/directing.  It just seemed to come out of nowhere, feel a bit unearned.

    • Love 3
  15. And, what's the big deal with the joke of the acres on the moon?  The fact that she didn't get it immediately is - again - weird.  Yeah, not the moment to hand it over but so what?  


    And, Jackie is never going to see the mother of her grandchildren again?


    I think it might have been Mars.


    And yes, to your second point.  That's what I immediately thought of too.  Just so incredibly stupid.

  16. I wanted to see Zack return, and then he did, and he was given the worst plot ever.  The annoying girlfriend.  This show used to do this allllllll the time with Will.  They must have a Rolodex of ideas to return to, as old as the Rolodex itself.


    Every week an episode airs, and everyone kind of shits on it, but I'm like "Hmm I actually enjoyed this one."  This one was awful, boring, a waste, and who cares.  I didn't like it.  I felt envious of GoT fans.

    • Love 8
  17. Speaking strictly as a female with personal viewing preferences, I have zero interest in full frontal male nudity on my shows. None. Are there people who are dying to see this?


    I'll put a hand up on the pro side of male nudity, or at least a lot less female nudity please.  I just hate the stereotype that only women's bodies are considered beautiful.  Men always bring up this argument with me and act like the female body is objectively beautiful and the male body is objectively not.  I know that's not what you're saying.  But it just feels like a really shitty excuse to perpetuate the status quo.  I know there's straight women who aren't dying for male nudity, but I'd just like to go on record that there's a lot of us that enjoy the male form and there's even groups of us who like it better than the female.  We exist.

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