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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Elementary just played this out on an ep that played last night.  Joan Watson's birth name was Joan Yun.  After her Dad abandoned the family and her Mom remarried, the stepfather adopted the Joan and her brother so they changed their last name to Watson.


    I think that's wonderful that the show did that.  Interesting that it took several seasons, but very cool that they got there.

  2. I guess you haven't heard what bullshit they did with Sleepy Hollow.  So no, racism isn't over and white show runners still have issues with black women with white men; where the show runner would rather kill off a black female character than pair her off with a white man; but no, I guess I'm just being too sensitive and I must be imagining things because there are plenty of other shows where black women are with white men, because when it comes to black women, it has to be something else other than racism. 


    I think you're kind of responding to my post?  I would never deny racism in television exists.  I never indicated you were too sensitive.  I never indicated you were imagining anything.  You could just reply to me directly.   I just wanted to show you that there are many examples of black and east Indian women dating white men on television, and I think that (and any interracial relationship, or any people of colour having visibility on television, but that's just my personal opinion) is a good thing.


    I don't know the Sleepy Hollow drama that well, and I've been purposely avoiding reading too much in case I ever want to start watching the show from the beginning, and I would never deny that there was racism in decision making in the show; that would be nuts, considering I don't know the background.  But other shows and showrunners are doing some impressive things out there when it comes to interracial relationships on television.  That's why I took the time and the care to show examples.  It was in direct response to the blanket statement "there was no way in the world that a TV show on a network would "allow" a brown skinned black woman to have a romance with a good looking white, male characters".  Maybe that's true of Sleepy Hollow - it could be.  But it obviously is not the case for many networks.


    I used to kind of hate when people would Anglicize their names too.  (A lot of Jewish actors like Jon Stewart and Natalie Portman did this, too.)   But studies keep coming out about how when black or Asian people directly Anglicize their names, and then apply for jobs, the responses to their applications go up immensely.  A depressing reality of North America, but a reality.  So then I realized it was my own privilege that allowed me to dislike people Anglicizing their names.  It's an unfortunate necessity sometimes for people to get more opportunities in their careers, for example.  


    I would love it if Lucy Liu on Elementary or Priyanka Chopra on Quantico had names that reflected the actresses' real life heritages.  They don't always have to conveniently have to have a white father that both dilutes their race and Anglicizes their names.  But that's something we're moving towards, we're just not 100% there yet.  Some people like "colour-blind" casting and I get the opportunities it gives people of minority groups and races.  But eventually an ideal would be fully realized characters of colour who are completely 3 dimensional even when it comes to their race/heritage/ethnic/cultural background.  


    I did a Google search for these types of job searching studies, but so many examples came up from Canada to the UK to the US.  Just Google'd "black and Asian people change names to apply for jobs" and so many of these studies came up.

    • Love 2
  3. I will stick with Project Runway until the bitter end, and I wouldn't be mad if that bitter end was when I am 100 years old...   Same with Survivor.  I was actually sad that Idol was cancelled!  That show left me before I ever wanted to leave it.


    Scandal though, that show started out with so much promise.  Whenever the B613 B18 whatever started, I had to go.


    I'm really bad at letting go, so I can foresee myself giving The Catch 1 or 2 more chances.  

  4. So Ms Blue Jay - didja catch the clip for the end of the Astros v Brewers game tonight?   I guess this is gonna really turn into A Thing.


    Our lineup is very predictable - Bautista is #3 and walks, and Edwin is #4 and very, very often comes up with the bases loaded.  The exact same scenario with these two guys (whom I love) comes up at least once a game.


    This time, Bautista purposely slid and then held onto the bag for dear life, which I found hilarious.  Boston screwed up throwing to first somehow, and Edwin was safe at first, and of course Boston tried to challenge Bautista's slide, but this time the umpires ruled it a "good slide"!  Oh dear.  So funny.  A New Class of Sliding 101 has begun....




    I felt bad for Sandoval.  He was simply swinging at a pitch, and his belt came undone.  He then removed it.  Social media was kind of merciless.  Like his season(s) haven't been going badly enough :(    It was the number one "news item" on my Facebook feed.  Somebody in the stands at the Toronto game brought a belt for him today :( I don't condone that.


    I don't know why some people, like my brother, dislike the SkyDome.  I still love it, and we can play all through Toronto "Winter" which has been horrible this year, in that it somehow restarted in late March!  It freaking snowed today!  (No games get cancelled here in Toronto, because they simply keep the dome closed until it's warm.)  Apparently, our stadium isn't as nice as most of the American ones.  Oh well.  I don't know what I haven't experienced!


    I am going to the game on Tuesday; we will be playing the Yankees.  They better keep that M-Fing roof closed or I will get pnemonia!

  5. Just watched the Nick one.  It was depressing, I feel bad for the guy.  But he's such a character.  I smile when he speaks, he's so jovial and funny even when depressed.  (Cue the sociopath jokes).  I could see him in movies.  The camera LOVES him.  He's gorgeous (7:08 and on... I'm getting gushy now.)  I make a lot of fun of the size of his head size, and it is small, but maybe the camera people could work around it.  Or maybe his muscles are just too big.


    I'd love to see him back.  Neal on the other hand, I don't mention him for a reason... 


    Actual quote from Nick:  "I love the sociopathic nature of this game."  (LOL)

    He doesn't know if he's loved before?  My word!  What about his parents?

  6. Seems like Empire is a common pick.  That first season was so good, and Cookie was a revelation.  I don't understand how it all went so wrong.  Watching is like torture for me, so I think I'm done.  I feel like the show deliberately did away with what made it so good at first.  


    The Catch.  Can anyone actually pay attention to this one, let alone follow it?   I had such high hopes.


    Quantico, Pah!  I was done with that awhile ago, I just wish I gave up earlier.  A fantastic, A+ pilot with a whole bunch of unrewarding, convoluted crap afterwards.

  7. Her character's name is Alex Parrish, why should she have an accent?  And what does "cultural markers" mean?


    Her name doesn't have to be Alex Parrish.  Quantico isn't a documentary.  They could give her an Indian last name.  The world wouldn't end.  I didn't read the article but I assume the annoyance is with shows who erase the ethnicity, colour, or background of characters of colour.  They can have last names, cultural practices, parents, accents, even religions that reflect their heritage.  For example, I've seen Rashida Jones (half black and white) in countless projects now where her parents are never shown.  In The Office they claimed she was Italian!  In "I Love You Man" they conveniently made her an orphan so you didn't have to see her father (who could be black like her real life father, for instance) walk her down the aisle!  So stupid.  It's like they didn't want the shock of Paul Rudd marrying a woman of colour.... 


    As for Sleepy Hollow, there was no way in the world that a TV show on a network would "allow" a brown skinned black woman to have a romance with a good looking white, male characters.  It's fine for black men to have romances with white women, but never the other way around.


    - That is what Scandal is about.... the entire show....

    - The Mindy Project was on Fox for 3 years and it is literally about that too.....  She had romances with like 20 different white men.  

    - Speaking of Quantico, the lead character is in an on/off romance with a handsome white guy

    - Regina Hall just dated the very good looking John Stamos on Grandfathered

    - Christian Milian is dating Josh Peck on Grandfathered

    - Hannah Simon is engaged to be married to Max Greenfield on New Girl

    - Mindy Kaling and BJ Novak on The Office, almost a 9 year on and off relationship

    - Annalise Keating and her husband on How to Get Away with Murder

    - Mikayla on How to Get Away with Murder MAY be entering same type of relationship soon - won't spoil too much detail

    - April on ABC's Mistresses dated white guys

    - The family on the show The Neighbors is a black woman married to a white man (2012-2014)

    - Rose on LOST, though she was a smaller character

    - Kalinda and Cush Jumbo's romantic dalliances on The Good Wife, but I'll grant that none of those relationships seemed to go far beyond the  sexual


    There are also shows like Being Mary Jane and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air that have a black woman date a white man, and then explicitly deal with the racial issues that might occur.  Granted, BMJ is a BET show.  Vanessa on Gossip Girl, was on the CW. She dated Dan, Nate, Chuck, 3 of the hottest white guys on television.  These are just from shows I've actually watched!  Who knows, there might be more examples.

    • Love 11
  8. There are a lot of guys out there who blanket statement believe things like women aren't funny, or women don't enjoy sports, or the women who do enjoy sports are pretending, or they just watch sports for the cute guys.  Also, if you try and date, there are some men where if they pick up on the fact that you might like a sport, they'll immediately try to test you on it - yes, seriously.


    So it's funny that they had a comedian on SNL satirizing these type of guys.  He starts out aggressively confident with his bits that women can't enjoy sports and even when Michael tries to correct him he laughs it off and says "good routine".  Then when Michael tires to talk directly TO him and get Bruce to listen, he immediately breaks down and talks about how poor he is and how nobody likes him.  I'm laughing now just thinking about it.


    It's just a low-brow 1980s type bad comedy that was so successful at one point, and now with social media, more political awareness, women and minority races speaking up for themselves, it just kind of falls apart.


    I was on a dating website once where somebody tried to message me and I said, why would you even message me when you have something racist against my own race on your page?  His response was to crumble and tell me that nobody wants to have sex with him.... Ok....   Maybe it's experiences like this that made me laugh so much over Bruce Chandling.

    • Love 5
  9. Going through my Pinterest account I found


    The Notebook.  

    - Movie made in 2004

    - based on a 1996 book

    - Movie is set partly in present day and 1940s   (taken from Wikipedia, I don't know this movie)


    Moulin Rouge - made in 2001, set in 1900.  

    Speaking of Baz Luhrmann, I was wondering if Romeo + Juliet counted, but it seems to be set in the 1990s?


    There is a 2009 Grey Gardens movie made with Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange, who try to dramatize the 1975 documentary.


    The Princes Bride is made in 1987, but is about the Renaissance Era.  There's also all those Robin Hood movies.


    There is a 2004 Alfie film remaking the 60's movie - I never saw it, but I see that it's set in present day 2004 New York - looking through the fashions and the plot, it seems like it goes for a bit of 1960's nostalgia anyway.


    The Aviator in 2004 is based on Howard Hughes's life "between the late 1920s and late 1940s".


    Speaking of Martin Scorsese, he obviously loves Period/Nostalgia movies and television shows.  (I don't know his oeuvre that well because I'm scared of violence.)  There's also  Casino which was made in 1995 but is about the 1970s.  (He's now doing an HBO show Vinyl about rock music in the 70s.  We all know that he loves the 70s!)  

  10. The last observation that I have is that it is kind of weird that Mike O'Brien did another "white guy plays black icon" film. He's done some interesting films, and the Jay-Z original was not bad, but I didn't see it being worth a repeat. The funniest part was Oprah saying that she would be on all magazine covers as far as you could imagine into the future.


    I don't get Mike O'Brien playing Oprah at all.  It's just an idea that you could write on paper, and you'd be like "Oh... ok."  To actually see it played out though, you'd have to put some jokes in there (I agree, being on every cover - that was an actual, good joke).  The sketch didn't make me laugh, I just find it strange. 


    I thought Oprah was a commentary on the insane casting of white people for POC roles, especially the problem of colorism directed toward Black women.


    That's fine and if that was the intention I get that, but it should be entertaining or funny or else it kind of feels like a public service announcement, or a one-note idea...


    As for the show itself, I always question when celebs wait till they're past their prime to do SNL.


    I think a lot of actors see it as a challenge for them they must conquer / it's on their bucket list, and maybe at this point the pressure's off and there will be a lot less eyeballs?  So if they're terrible at it, or screw up, or curse on television or something, it won't be such a huge media thing / less consequences?  I think a lot of dramatic actors want to see or prove whether they are funny.  And dramatic actors or even non-actors are given a lot of comedic opportunities after they 'prove' themselves in an arena like this one.


    But honestly, I thought Russell was really good at this. I enjoyed him at host.  The monologue was pointless though.

  11. I *LOVE* this character. Before I had cable growing up I had to endure so many late night tv shows with brick-wall comedians, so I know this type well - the mullet, the satin baseball jacket, the women-what-are-going-to-do? hack jokes. To imagine this type thinking hard enough to have an existential crisis is just a funny concept. I don't know how the other cast members kept it together when he bleated out, "I'm very poor."


    I was actually thinking this during the sketch.  After the "I'm very poor" moment -- the moment when I lost my mind -- I was actually thinking that if I had to be the Michael Che in that scenario I would be shaking from laughter.  The timing of everything was so good.  Extremely painful in the audience's reaction, but I found the whole thing so funny.


    I liked the Al Sharpton and Kenan thing.  Kenan saying, "Now this person has created an Al-Gore-....Rhythm to figure out black voting patterns" and calling that girl Christ-ee.

    • Love 1
  12. I know that the audience was almost completely silent, but the Bruce Chandling "routine" on Weekend Update had me laughing hysterically.


    Russell was surprisingly good at this.  I think my favourite of his was Dr. Freud on the dating show.

    • Love 1
  13. Debra DOES have nice legs, I agree, but if she knew that she'd run into Cole before his game then she could have put on a pair of shorts or something; I found it a bit creepy.


    Ashton is so damn handsome.  


    It was pleasant enough...

  14. I love how Emily treats Jess in that dinner when he has the black eye.  Inside she is seething but she was so polite.  LOL.  Too bad she had her mind all made up after that that he was a hoodlum and that he belonged in jail. What if the bruise was the result of an innocent accident (which it was) or , much worse, some domestic violence thing?

    • Love 2
  15. I don't get how it's petty at all.  You think that you're 3rd in an alliance and you're worried you've been bumped for 4th or 5th.  You would value not looking petty over possibly improving your game?  Instead of Cydney being 3rd in a Brawn alliance, now Scot and Jason are isolated from everyone else and who knows what will happen next.  Cydney now is able to work with 2 Beauties and 3 Brains (not sure about Tai so I left him out of this).  That looks good for Cydney to me.  She doesn't know about all the idols.  She doesn't know exactly who has what.  She felt threatened that suddenly Nick seemed to have so much power around camp.  So she did this.  


    If Scot and Jason come after Cydney for this, what are they going to say?  "Hey, we decided to make an alliance with Nick over you, and you got rid of him, how could you"?  I would like to see that. 

    • Love 7
  16. Yes, I mentioned that in my original post -- Gorment, Fustrated, and Estettiks.  


    Now we have Fabulus and Rinway.


    In my love letter to Ken I forgot to mention that I loved the sequence of Ken saying "That's a basic bitch dress" and "And then he'll throw on a pair of flats to kiss ass because Isaac loves flats."


    I love that the editors included that!  It's so transparent.


    Also, I didn't like Asha's outfit, but that's a taste thing.  I assume it was made well enough.  I would never wear either of those pieces, even if I had the body for it.  

    • Love 10
  17. Guys, I really wanted to say this, and I wasn't sure where to put it.  (And it's not just because I'm in such a great mood that Melissa McCarthy is returning, LOL).


    I'm really excited for the Revival!  I watch a lot of television, which means I post in a lot of threads here.  I think that the Gilmore Girls community here is GREAT.  SINCERELY.  We disagree on a lot of stuff, but people posting here have always been so appreciative of my posts and welcoming, even though I only got into the show in 2014.  I strongly appreciate that attitude.  The Gilmore Girls board here is something special.


    I'm really excited to watch this revival (eventually!) with all of you guys.  <3  Happy Friday.

    • Love 6
  18. Hey JaggedLilPill, I agree with a lot of your points!


    I actually think you're being incredibly fair to Rory too.  And it hurts way more to be left FOR someone else, rather than simply broken up with and then be given a little bit of time to move on, in my experience.  I get that Rory was young, but that's a lot of deliberate behaviour she pulled in the Jess thing.  She didn't accidentally kiss Jess.

  19. I would've traded 30 seconds of whatever the heck Joshua Ledet was doing (I always thought he was massively overrated) for 30 seconds of Blake's "You Give Love a Bad Name". IMO that was one of the landmark one-off performances of a given season (similar to Siobhan Magnus's HOTRS). Blake's overall body of work in S6 was more good than great.....but for those 90 seconds he transcended Idol.


    They absolutely could have done a Female Rock package. You could've brought back Gina Glocksen for Call Me When Your Sober, Allison for just about anything she did her season, Elise for Whole Lotta Love (as mentioned somewhere upthread), maybe Siobhan, and heck you might have even thrown Sonika in there for Bring Me to Life if you needed a fifth, and Amanda Overmyer wasn't taking AI's call lol. 


    Thank you for reminding me about Amanda Overmyer.


    I was a big Blake fan.  I thought the time he transcended Idol was The Zombies' "Time of the Season", but there were a whole lot of performances that just knocked me out.

    • Love 4
  20. To this day I don't understand why Lorelai is so up Dean's ass.  Apparently Dean reminds Lorelai of Christopher, but why?  Seriously, I still don't get it.



    - Dean is the kind of guy Lorelai would be interested to if she was in HS

    - Dean acts virginal towards Rory

    - Dean helps Lorelai around the house


    I don't understand how to Lorelai's eyes Dean is so much this better, more upstanding, more suitable guy for Rory than Jess, for instance.   I kept waiting to see examples of Dean being overly polite, but he'd always say things like "Hi" or "Yeah", rather than "Yes, Ms. Gilmore" or "Hello" for instance.  He never shook anybody's hands, that I can remember.  (My mother was the kind of mother who only respected kids who called her Mrs. ----).  He was just SOME BOY.


    Rory IS passive aggressive as hell with respect to the Dean/Jess situation, but she's only (what, 16?  I always get this wrong) so I GET IT.  But now that I'm older I see and get that she's an incredibly passive aggressive teenager who runs from any confrontation and conflict and hurt feelings.   I don't blame everything on Dean.  Rory was so overly people-pleasing in a way that actually insults people and treats them badly.

  21. One of my favorite Sookie bits is when she accidentally makes a date with Joe in season 3's, I Solemnly Swear. 


    Lorelai:  (Says something kind and logical about how it must have been an innocent misunderstanding.)

    Sookie:  I'm a whore.

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