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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I loved the show.

    Thank you for the Blake Lewis updates, I didn't see him.  I am glad I PVR'd this show.

    Thank you to everyone here for reminding me of all my favourite past contestants.  Was Burnell kicked out really early?  LOL.  I liked him and then I dropped out of watching that season.  Thank you for the Heejun shoutout upthread.    Remember Anoop Desai?


    Blake Lewis and Phillip Phillips are boyfriends of mine.  I love Fantasia.  I could not recognize Ace for the life of me, I had to Google him.


    Out of everyone that's worked for Idol, I mostly like everyone and I STILL HATE KARA.  What a fucking awful performer with her facial expressions!  Her face was so robotic, that creepy robotic smile that seemed inappropriate for the song.  J.Lo was hilarious but I'd rather watch J.Lo than fucking Kara.  I can't believe how much I still hate Kara.


    Praise Jessica Sanchez!  I've loved her more and more since her season finished.  And Joshua Ledet, LOL!!!  


    I'm sad about my favoured contestants that didn't get a good enough part.  It was hard for me to recognize Melinda; I was hoping she'd get a better part than be part of a duet.    I always preferred Melinda and Blake over Jordin.


    I was really sad about the show ending, but Trent winning reminded me of why this show went in the toilet.


    I was the most starstruck about Simon, whom I really love.

    • Love 1
  2. I love Ken.  I love Ken's sunglasses.  I love that Ken stayed, I love that he wasn't kicked out for his outfit, I love that he left the studio so as not to punch the other designers.  I love that he is constantly in Kini's corner, whether they're right, or wrong, or petty as hell (they are the third one.)  It is hilarious and fun to watch and I like it.  I don't even mind the way he makes up his own language - Gorment, Fustrated, Estettiks.  I. Love.  All. Of. It.  Bring him back for another season or two.  I love how he said he didn't know anything about sports, because that outfit was exactly a basketball to me.  Not only just a basketball outfit, but it looked like a basketball and it looked like basketball.  Pretty good for a guy who doesn't know sports.

    Dom's voice and inflection annoys the shit out of me.  It's always 5 octaves higher than normal.  I kept analysing her early family life.  I think that her family doesn't let her speak, and she's constantly overcompensating by either speaking really fast (Kenit'scrazyhowfastyoujustdidthat) or constantly praising herself in the high-pitched squeak tones (while waving her arms) "I made three pieces!!!"    Good for her for being so successful at what she does, and amazing with prints, and very cute, and generally cool.  But that voice.  I think if she could surround herself by people who let her speak her voice and opinions at all times maybe this situation could improve.  (I read an article about how children who are raised in families where they are constantly interrupted -- like the youngest of a family -- constantly speak too fast to try to get their words in.)


    I loved Kristin Cavallari as a judge, constantly shutting Isaac's nonsense down, being very strong with her opinion, and having her own voice.  Never much cared to learn who she was before, but I admired the way she handled herself.  

    • Love 15
  3. When they did that same pole-balancing challenge in Cook Islands, not one person fell (that I can remember). However, they had 8 people on each team: 6 to hold the poles and two to balance across (yes, they had to do it twice!). The 8 people made the end "get everyone on the same platform at once" much harder. (They also had to assemble the poles.) There was an awesome moment where Aitu all lifted their feet at the same time.


    My description of that challenge:



    • Love 1
  4. I don't think Lorelai is an enigma in that regard. Plenty of people make white blanket statements such as " I dislike Chinese/Indian/Italian/Mexican food."As another poster said,if they've tried a few dishes and didn't care for them, they're likely to conclude that the cuisine just isn't for them. It might not be 100% fair, but it's human nature IMO.


    That is giving a lot of benefit of the doubt.


    Lorelai and Emily called Thai and Indian food "ethnic" and in the same breath referred to Italian food as NOT being ethnic which is plain ignorance.

    Also Lorelai likes Chinese and Italian food and NOT Thai and Indian.

    This is not a coincidence. Chinese and Italian food have been so popular in America for DECADES before Gilmore Girls even started, so of course ASP will acquiesce with those cuisines.  But Thai and Indian is a bridge too far.  My opinion.


    I personally wouldn't try a few dishes and make a generalization about a culture, either.  Having a few Americanized Indian dishes in Stars Hollow does not an expert on Indian food make.  Lorelai's attitude towards music and food bugs me hence my "nitpicks".

    • Love 1
  5. I don't MIND a sprinkle of a celebrity here or there in Regular Survivor.  I get such a huge kick of Taj from SWV being in the Tocantins season.  I saw it years after it actually aired and I was so tickled by that.  I was such a huge fan of SWV in the mid to late 1990s, so it's like a niche thing that felt like a personal shoutout.  


    Celebrity Survivor is an interesting idea.  I was going to type that maybe it would help eliminate the sympathy stories or the "He/She doesn't need the money!" arguments, but then I realized, it totally wouldn't.  Instead that would all be amped up x100.

    • Love 1
  6. Saying you've never HAD Chinese food is one thing.  Saying you blanket statement HATE or DO NOT LIKE all Thai and Indian food is quite another, IMO, and that's what gets my goat.  I get being ignorant of something - we are all ignorant of things.  I've never had Ethiopian food.  But if someone wanted to take me out for Ethiopian food my response would not be "No, I don't like it."  


    I don't see Rory and Lorelai as snobs, in this manner.  I see Lorelai as straight up ignorant.  I.e. I don't care to learn about popular things; putting it down instead is funny to me.  To ignore actually good music because it's popular is not snobby, it's just dumb.  Isn't it?  A snobby person would talk about the great things she likes instead and what does Lorelai even like that's so superior to the stuff she puts down?  A snob wouldn't ignore huge cultures of food, instead, a snob would say there's a great Indian place around the corner that is so "authentic" and only I know about it.  I guess I'm an idealist, or I've been living in the 2010s too long.  Lorelai is a rube to me, LOL, unsophisticated in a cultural sense and proud of it.

    • Love 2
  7. Hmmm, I had NO IDEA The Wackness was set in the 1990s.  I guess I have to see it now.  I just kind of hate those tales glorifying white people enjoying black culture (with no black people cast in the thing.)

  8. The girl was Julia, and she understood.  I'm pretty sure we heard her say "I can't wait.  I know, I know."  She got off the platform pole thing and went to the bench to sit right before Jeff got the food.  I think her arms actually could not take it/ could not support her body anymore.

    • Love 7
  9. When Cyndey was questioning the three guys they looked SO scared. It was hilarious! Scot in particular looked sacred shitless. While Nick and Jason were arrogantly trying to pretend like Cydeny was totally wrong, Scot said nothing and actually pointed to the other two as if to say, 'They did it!" I was literally loling.


    To me, the funniest part of this episode was when Cydney confronted The Three Stooges all fierce and direct, and they started bumbling and stumbling around trying to figure out how to reply.  The looks on their faces and hand gestures.  I LOLed.



    • Love 18
  10. Nick in Entertainment Weekly, Why Tai voted for Jason:


    On Tai’s mystery vote for Jason at Tribal Council:

    “So this is where Tai melted down, and hopefully he bounces back at the next vote. The thing was, Julia and Michele, they wanted to vote out Jason. So they go to the Brains and they go to Cydney and say ‘Let’s vote out Jason instead of Nick.” And sure enough, they’re open to it. Aubry’s okay with voting out Jason, and Debbie says, ‘No, we can’t vote out Jason because Joe is already locked in on Nick. Joe won’t remember who to vote for so we cant do that now.’ So Tai was in on that talk, thinking they were going to vote for Jason and he just didn’t hear that ‘No, we’re sticking with Nick.’ So he thought the group was voting for Jason, yet it was me in the end.”


    I am loving this season, and you guys are making me love it even more.  While Nick's face at Tribal was funny, we've seen the smile wiped off the confident person many times before.  What I especially loved this time was seeing Michele, Julia, Cyndey (Who's face read: Whatever), and then Debbie's face.  When Nick was voted off, Debbie had a huge smile and then let an invisible hand wipe it off immediately.  The editing for this tribal was so good.


    With all the talk of Greek gods (just from Debbie and myself) this episode was really like a Greek tragedy.  No way did Scot or Jason in a million years think Cydney would figure out she's been bumped for Nick and POSSIBLY Tai also -- Cydney is a Useless Female according to them, and therefore whatever.  So Cydney decided to bump off Nick.  YES, Nick is more likeable than Scot/Jason (IMO) but I think this is the best and funniest way this could go down right now.  Survivor loves that pride before a fall thing.  Nick was sacrificed, but watching Scot and Jason being embarrassed is better than everything.  It was so incredibly beautiful to see Jason and Scot's oh So Brilliant "Split the votes and do what I say" plan go up in flames.


    Lamima, enjoyed your entire post.  All those posters who are seeing Tai as manipulating everyone are thinking several levels above me.  I don't know what to think, but I am really enjoying the speculation.  


    I really like that RC.


    I have always loved it too, starting from Cook.  Seeing everyone on that platform is always such an amazing triumph and an incredible visual.  Total goosebumps.

    • Love 7
  11. The recent show The People Vs OJ Simpson in an odd way made me nostalgic for the mid-90s(when I graduated high school). There isn't a movie I know that makes me feel the same way.


    Best show of 2016 so far, I recommend it to everyone.  It's just so fucking good.  (I was also obsessed with the shortlived "Hindsight" on VH1, which was basically a rip-off of the Canadian Being Erica.  But yeah, television is definitely getting there first.  Fresh off the Boat is another great 1990s nostalgia series, especially if you like hip-hop.  They do a few shout-outs to grunge, but Hindsight was better for the grunge era stuff.)


    Speaking of Margot Robbie, she will be portraying Tonya Harding in a new 1990s nostalgia flick.  http://www.people.com/article/margot-robbie-tonya-harding-cast-i-tonya


    Lots of dream casting talk going on, like people preferring someone like Amy Schumer or Amy Adams (who really does show a resemblance to Tonya) for the role.  Then there's choices like Hilary Swank or Anne Hathaway for Nancy Kerrigan!

    • Love 1
  12. (Like many women) I've had my share of unwanted sexual attention, and personally how I gauge things is from people's reactions.  Not that I would ever put the onus on people who are experiencing stuff they don't like to "ACT OUT", but so far I don't really see people uncomfortable with Tai's affection.  YES, Caleb made that extremely weirded out face when Tai went in for the kiss.  That's my only "I'm bothered by this" evidence I've seen so far.


    Meanwhile, the looks on Nick's face have ranged from "Wow, I'm a bit weirded out" to "I am extremely uncomfortable" when Debbie would come on to him.  (I wondered if she even ENJOYED knocking him off balance.)   THAT made me uncomfortable, because to me, Nick's negative reaction to Debbie's behaviour was plain on Nick's face.  I've had people harass me and then others pull me aside and say, I could see how uncomfortable you were when that happened.  Meanwhile, a close friend of mine performing the same actions towards me might NOT make me uncomfortable at all, because we might laugh and play fight with each other and it's reciprocal.


    This is a long way to say, I don't get the uproar over Tai's actions when I haven't seen contestants act in an uproar over his behaviour myself.  I find it interesting that I've seen so many "Tai is CREEPY" posts yet also, "I hope that Debbie gets to trap Nick alone on a deserted island, because that would be HILARIOUS" posts.

    • Love 14
  13. WOW at this episode, and at that #Blindside.  



    OMG at Scot trying to be funny at the beginning of the show.  Mama no!

    I hate Scot.

    Ugh and Scott makes the fucking mistake every single person has ever made at Tribal ever.  How fucking goddamn boring and predictable and stupid.  What a Bro.  (I typed this out before I knew the vote.)
    The editors really showed all of the ways he is hateable today.  And he cannot win, (IMO)



    If Nick looks like a Greek god, then Cydney is no short of a goddess.  "Irritated Cydney" is her alternate personality, you know, like Sasha Fierce.   AND I QUOTE: "You haven't met Irritated Cydney". The Queen looked regal today with her Rattan hat.  It was Irritated Cydney who was on that pole today, battling against Tai.  It was Irritated Cydney who created the Nick vote and got him booted.   Cydney's constant "Psssssh" face in that pole challenge.  I had a boyfriend who gave me that look so many times.



    I am finally seeing why The Beauty Tribe is beautiful.  It's actually starting to coalesce for me.  Nick's head is so small sometimes.  Also, Nick's gigantic smile reminds me of a celebrity, but who?  Michele ALSO reminds me of a celebrity, like a Tobey Maguire or something.  Her feminine looks and her masculine energy are turning me on.


    Tai:  Tai HUGGED JEFF BEFORE receiving the Immunity Necklace!  LOOOOOOOOOL!  He loves Jeff SO MUCH you guys!  And Cydney said she was Just Peachy..... LOLL.... Shoutout!



    - LOL, I was trying to think *SO* hard who was that first jury member and forgot that Neal Nothingburger (™ fishcakes) existed

    - If Debbie makes it to the end, does the Jury find her so irritating that they don't vote for her?  (But we haven't seen a bitter jury in a very long time, right?)

    - Cochran's Dream Girl - Oh.  Man.  I will BEGRUDGINGLY ADMIT that Aubry was 100x more likeable, and even attractive tonight.

    - Debbie voted against her Dream Man Nick!  (Also -- what was her quote? Thank you)

    • Love 14
  14. Sorry guys you won't be able to get rid of me for awhile, since I'm in Rewatch Mode.  Seasons 3 and 4, Lorelai answers the phone "Helleh" instead of Hello.  Pet peeve of mine.


    Also, they did so many things with Lauren Graham's beautiful curly hair after Season 1.  Straightened it in Season 2, and then a whole bunch of other crap to it after that.  (Whiny voice) why couldn't it just be her natural hair?!

    • Love 1
  15. This stuff is so complicated.  A slide has to have 4 qualifications to be a good slide!


    I'm all for the rule for safety's sake.  I.e. I TOTALLY get that a runner should not run outside of the baseline, or slide way past the bag because he's trying to interfere with the thrower.


    But the thing that's tough is these "Did this slide break the rule?" decisions seem to be up to umpire / reviewer interpretation.  Apparently the interpretation on Bautista's slide was mixed, which meant that it had to go to the "It's interference" ruling.  Also, it's tough to lose a game that way.  Bautista will have to change his actions.


    Trust me, a lot of Torontonians were upset.  I actually like the rule.  I don't know how I feel about last night and the interpretation but I do like the rule.  You say it's been this way forever, but it was reported in the media that he was called out because of the new Chase Utley rule?


    Edited, I think I found the "Old" rule he broke!



  16. Wow Zulu, as a Canadian (who loves The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and has so many friends who worship The Roots, LOL!)  I didn't even know people thought Philadelphia was worthy of mockery.....  That's gross.  ASP pisses me off with every new revelation.  Also, The Office is one of my favourite shows; I know it's not literally set in Philadelphia, but they definitely took an admirable, "big city" tone towards it.  Also cream cheese..... LOL

  17. On top of ASP constantly putting down (good, in my opinion) mainstream music, from great eras like the 1990s for Christ's sake!!!!!!!, we also have ASP putting down all types of non-white or non-American food.


    When Digger wants to take Lorelai out for dinner, both Lorelai and Emily make it clear that they hate BOTH INDIAN AND THAI FOOD (ASP literally called this "Ethnic" , while of course Italian was NOT ethnic, LOL!  Oh, and they like Italian.)  You hate all Indian and Thai food?  Seriously?  India, a country of literally 1 billion people, and you hate all food from that country.  OMG .  I'm sure you know so much about all of the different cultures too.  Now, I already anticipate some posters chiming in that their stomachs can't handle curry or what have you, but I'm just so sick of Lorelai's proud ignorance.  It's one thing to say you don't know much about a particular cuisine, but to blanket not like anything from a country at age 30+, I find hard to fathom.


    Then Lorelai says she likes Chinese and her father pipes up "As long as it's authentic."  Authentic?!  LOL, right, I doubt that is a concern of Lorelai's.  I'm sensitive about this because my background has a particular cuisine attached to it and people (who don't know anything about it) are always crowing that this restaurant or that is authentic, and it's really not.  It's just something people say to sound knowledgeable, in my opinion.  


    THEN!  Lorelai goes for Mexican takeout with Digger and he says "I'm not a fan of Mexican food" and Lorelai says "Oh this doesn't resemble Mexican food."  So basically putting down Mexican food, too, wow!  


    I know that this sounds angry, but I'm sensitive about this stuff, and Lorelai makes approximately 25 culturally insensitive remakrs off the top of  my head in this series (I'm not even going to touch the REALLY bad ones, because smoke will come out of my ears) and it's annoying.

    • Love 3
  18.  What is WITH Lorelai and the football game?  What happens is that Lorelai's parents and Rory are going to a big Yale football game with a bunch of Lorelai's parents' friends.  Lorelai insists on going to the game, and so then her parents include her.  Then Lorelai knowingly sits through her parents trying to figure out who they will DIS-invite in favour of her.  Then guess what?  She goes home pouts and whines all night about having to go to a football game to Rory!  I totally get maybe not liking not being invited in the first place, and feeling excluded, but what the hell?   (By the way, I didn't finish the episode yet, LOL!  Going back later.)


    So finishing the episode (and still not yet  finished -- I am enjoying baseball and American Crime Story).  Lorelai kind of wins me back at the football game, in that she is very hilarious.  Like yes, she goes to the game, and is pretty polite, but she's her usual wisecracking self making little comments here and there.  And she's making me laugh.


    BUT THEN!!!!!   She leaves the game (after Emily makes her feel unwelcome) and asks Digger if he still wants to catch that date.  And then Digger takes her to the Chinese restaurant and has a private room reserved.  Lorelai hates the situation so much that they have to leave, and then Lorelai gets Mexican takeout, and Digger doesn't like Mexican food so he has to starve.  Man, she is really controlling.  I mean, for a first date, I would just personally be polite.  I've gone through some bad first dates that way, but Digger DID go through a lot of trouble to get her something that he THOUGHT she would like.  And he didn't know her THAT well, so what would she expect?  


    I guess it's just the writers setting the table for Luke being her soulmate, the guy who owns the diner that she likes, who will just serve her endless amounts of coffee and stew quietly behind the counter - the perfect relationship for EVERYBODY CATER TO ME Lorelai.

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