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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I watch a lot of 1990s sitcoms (among almost all other TV) so I've seen the boys in some other smaller roles!  


    Will & Grace  


    (Quoting myself from the Lorelai and Christopher episode thread.)  There is a great episode of Will and Grace, Season 1, Episode 17, "Secrets and Lays" where David Sutcliffe appears as a high-school love of Grace's that she randomly runs into at a Vermont cabin (so romantic!).  I really recommend it.  Debra Messing and David are quite adorable together.  (I found the full episode on Youtube but it's NBC copyright material so the voices have been slowed way down).


    Funnily enough, I only recently remembered that Scott Patterson ALSO plays a love interest of Grace's!  Season 2, Episode 3: "Das Boob".  Lucky Debra Messing, she had some GREAT interests on the show -- Woody Harrelson, Matt Damon, Gregory Hines, etc.!  Unfortunately, I think it's a really stupid episode and if you only see this one, please don't let it colour your perception of the series at large!  Scott plays the hottest guy that went to Grace's high school, that suddenly shows up in Manhattan after Grace is featured as a hot designer in a newspaper article.  They meet up, and things do not go as well as they did for David Sutcliffe and Grace!  He also really doesn't appear in it much.  David was much more charming in his appearance.




    Of course, Scott Patterson was also in a very, very famous Seinfeld episode (though of course, so many of them are) as Elaine's love interest when Elaine realizes that stores are discontinuing her favourite method of birth control and has to decide whether the guy she's currently seeing is worthy of using her birth control on, or "Sponge-worthy".  Now, HERE, Scott is very sexy, funny, and charming.  He's so great in this part, and good for him!  It's an iconic episode for sure.


    A great article by Mark Harris, about Hollywood disrepecting Melissa McCarthy when they shouldn't be:



    • Love 2
  2. I fricking love Cliff Curtis, but I personally wouldn't say he's A-List.


    Daniel Dae Kim (I almost wrote Lewis, seriously) has a pretty good profile but I wouldn't say A-List.

    Randall Park had a great profile after The Interview.

    I'd say Freida Pinto and Dev Patel come kind of close.  Freida's worked with Woody Allen, and Dev worked with Aaron Sorkin (LOL) for The Newsroom.

    Aziz Ansari?  Mindy Kaling?

    Jackie Chan and Jet Li at different points of their career?

    Zhang Ziyi was a big deal when Crouching Tiger came out.

    The most famous Japanese actress in America is Rinko Kikuchi I'd say (I could totally be blanking on someone):  Pacific Rim, The Brothers Bloom, Babel and she models for Chanel a lot.


    Reading Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Wikipedia profile now -- I am ashamed that I didn't know all of this background.   He's even considered Canadian as well as American, his father being Black Nova Scotian.  I assumed he was a visible minority, I just didn't know what his background was at all.  I assumed half black and white or Latino or something; never thought too deep about it.   His background seems ultra interesting. 


    Did not know that about Ben Kingsley at all.  Assumed he was British/white.  I'm getting really educated here.

    • Love 1
  3. Nice point under that EW article by somebody:


    A virtually unknown Indian-American actor was cast in the lead of The Jungle Book and that movie is doing well. So saying that an A-list actor is the only way for Ghost In A Shell to do well in theaters doesn't hold water for me.


    People will always come in and say "There are already built in fanbases for The Jungle Book/ Star Wars so it's totally different scenarios."   I guess the GITS fanbase is not big enough.   There will always be detractors who make up a bunch of BS bullshit reasons to justify Scarlett getting cast.  If you couldn't get the film greenlit without Scarlett being cast, then why do you need to make that movie?  I think, and hope, that it will bomb anyway.


    Article, How "Nina" (as in Simone) became a Disaster Movie"



    • Love 4
  4. Welp, you knew that the defense of the casting by the movie's director was coming sooner or later :)




    His defense is that only a handful of actors can get movies made, and they're all white.

    But isn't he, an uber-privileged son of a famous director who gets everything handed to him, the perfect person to change that?


    Whatever... according to other people in this biz the guy is a wank anyway.

    • Love 1
  5. Debi Mazar has a really big part on the show Younger, and that show is still on, so that's probably the best credit for her right now.  It's a cute show and Patricia Field styles for it.   Honestly, if any of you are fans of Debi you would love her on the show.  She plays the lead's BFF.  Great clothes on the show too.

    • Love 1
  6. When a POV threatens somebody, they may fight it with a black or white shut-down or hyperbolic argument.  It's all or nothing - no nuance.  But you're right -- these issues have nuances.    The arguments you see on social media like "Didn't you ever think that maybe Scarlett is the best actor for the role?"  Or "Did you ever think that there are no good Japanese actors?"  or "So we have to cast minorities even if they're bad for the role?" are such dumbing down of the issue.  Same thing happened with #OscarsSoWhite.


    I saw a great tweet today.  So good that I screencapped it:



  7. Cher's Dad Mel in Clueless.  Yes.


    CHER (laughing):  Yeah. Daddy, did you ever have a problem that you couldn't argue your way out of?

    MEL Tell me the problem, and we'll figure out how to argue it.

    CHER I like this boy.

    MEL Yes?

    CHER  And he likes someone else.

    MEL  How could that be?

    CHER  I don't know, but I feel wretched.

    MEL  Well, obviously this boy is a complete moron. You are the most beautiful girl in Beverly Hills. And to tell you the truth, I'm not sure I want you with a stupid fella like that.


    Mel and Cher shared some very sweet touching moments.  Amy Heckerling wrote such a good father character here.


    MEL:  What's with you kid? You think the death of Sammy Davis left an opening in the Rat Pack?


    MEL  Hey, you?!  Anything happens to my daughter, I got a .45 and shovel.  I doubt anybody would miss you.


    Also telling Tai to get the hell out of his seat at the dinner table.  Haha, I could go on and on.

    • Love 9
  8. I don't remember, but i seem to remember that i have thought of him as a hypocrite before.


    When Tai was digging up planted trees to find an idol, a bunch of people freaked out that he was a hypocrite that suddenly doesn't like nature.  But I thought it was confirmed that those were recently planted trees that could easily be put back without harm?

  9. Isn't she so beautiful here?  Reminds me of an old Hollywood star or something.

    Episode:  "Women of Questionable Morals"



    • Love 2
  10. Another thing that I find odd -- in my rewatch, so far Season 1 and 5 are standing out to me as my most enjoyable, even though Jess is my favourite character!  Jess is a Seasons 2-4 character, and yet I didn't enjoy those seasons as strongly.  And I hate Max :)  And don't really care for Dean at all, and they're both allllllll over Season 1.  Very strange indeed.  Season 1 and 5, their cohesion and themes, maybe because there's a lot of lightness and excitement and happiness - so far - are really enjoyable to me I find.

    • Love 1
  11. I didn't mean I found the breakup unexpected.  There was a lot of build-up over the course of Season 5 of Dean and Rory not having time for each other and leading separate lives.  


    But this is a very long-term couple that has been through so much, including infidelity and Dean's divorce.  They've been through breakups and they've reunited.  Rory lost her virginity to Dean.  They knew each other's families.  They practically grew up together.


    And yet the show chose to handle the breakup in like a 3 minute scene where Dean says something that isn't really earned in my opinion, and then walks away.  I find the scene and the handling of the break up strange.


    Something interesting - they didn't go to the same high school, so it's not like they were used to attending school together and then suddenly weren't.  But I do understand why the breakup happened.  That part is very clear to me.  It's just the scene that I found weird.

    • Love 5
  12. Hey guys!  I am already at Season 5 in my personal rewatch.  Soon will be sweet, sweet release. Just kidding.


    I am having fun -- I like Season 5 -- the colours seem so much brighter here after the dismal 4.  I really enjoy seeing Luke and Lorelai actually dating and being happy together.  It always makes me notice Lorelai's sparky blue eyes.  Also, the shot of Luke in the doorway, wearing just sweats as pajamas, when Lorelai is figuring it out that he needs to sleep really early to run the diner?  Humina Humina Humina.  OMG


    Anyways, brace yourselves because I have an announcement.


    I HATE the Life and Death Brigade.  I hate them. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate them.  I hope I never have to hear fuckin' In Omnia Paratus for the rest of my doggone life.


    Thank you.  I feel better.  I do realize that it might PARTLY be jealousy in that I'd love to be a rich drunk kid at Yale, and they're obviously incredibly privileged and having the time of their lives.  So YES.  I am JEALOUS.  But even if you put that aside I just hate hate hate hate hate hate them and that club.  It kind of makes sense that Rory would join it since I'm not her biggest fan either.  (Hey -- if anyone wants to spin me a tale to have me see the value of it, I will definitely read it!)    All of Rory's talk about how "Beautiful" Logan is - sigh.  Ok.  The guy has a cute squinty smile I GUESS but he has a very dorky hairstyle and cut -- it looks grey, and it's all piled up the top.  Whatever.


    My observations from the VERY first episode of Season 5:

    - Emily never hugged Lorelai when she left for Europe.

    - God, Dean is such an unrepentant asshole to Lindsay. 


    Speaking of, rewatching the Rory-Dean final breakup, what the hell was that?  (Is it totally over at this point?  I forget, and I don't care if you spoil me).  It was so abrupt and underwritten.  She's dressed like a princess with her grandparents and laughing with the L&DB and Dean shows up and says he doesn't belong and leaves?  Did I miss anything!


    Thanks for putting up with my essays.

    • Love 7
  13. I, like some other posters, did not mind Alyssa's hair.   I didn't go nuts for it but I was okay with it.  If they were doing a disco or super-glam challenge for the 70's show "Vinyl" or for the Bride of Frankenstein or something I might be yelling "Yas Queen" at it; who knows?   The posts about it did make me laugh though, so here:



    • Love 6
  14. I also was going to say that the type of sleeves Dom used makes any outfit look extremely dated (but I had rambled on forever already at that point).  Yes, I agree.


    I work in a major business district and every woman wears the same pair of black ballet looking flats, for Christ's sake.  Or old sneakers.  Hey!  Maybe that will be the new trend that Sam "starts" that will make Isaac jizz in his pants.


    Seriously, this show is making me post in ways I should be ashamed of

    • Love 6
  15. I know there is a lot of talk/hope about Tai being some secret strategic genius, but I honestly have not seen it. He seems to be fairly straight forward, and he is either naive or simply unwilling to be cutthroat. 


    I don't think it's so black and white between Tai is a strategic genius or straightforward.  I think there's more nuance there, but with the editing of this show it is hard to read Tai, in my opinion.  Hardest to read Michelle, sort of hard to read the others, and it goes from there all the way until you get to Joe.


    I'm going to go out on a biased-towards-limb here and say that Tai is dealing with some kind of Stockholm Syndrome that is unique to this game.  The game is for a million dollars and it would be great if someone could stand up and say "Hey, you assholes are bullies, and I can't stand for this!"  But honestly, in this game, I think Tai is (not sure what the word is - scrappy, cutthroat) enough that he has thrown his pride out the window.  


    I don't know.. in the context of the game I get what he's doing.  I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to do it myself, which is why I maybe not would be successful at this game. It's also too bad that casting on this show seems to prioritize misogynistic bullying assholes over just  anything else.  I just think, given Tai's life history, he's been through much worse than watching some men throw tantrums and water.


    Speaking of, shout out to the poster that noted Michelle's blase reaction to Scot putting out the fire.  Reminded me of Cydney practically yawning at Scot and Jason's tribal shenanigans.   I know so little of Michelle, but what I do I find fascinating.  The kind of woman that can be strong and not give a hulking bully asshole the reaction that he so desperately wants from her -- just wow.   Although, honestly, if pushed enough, Scot seems totally fucking deranged, so I can understand people cowtowing to him.  Hence, my Stockholm Syndrome thing.  


    Julia aligning with these guys and Tai putting out the fire -- these are almost impossible for me to reconcile.  I don't know what to say.  "Gameplay" and blah blah blah, but still.  There are things that I won't do for a million dollars.  But I know that Scot/Jason are the worst and I'll be waiting until I tarnish others with the same brush.

    • Love 13
  16. PR All Stars challenge this week -- and I will NOT be exaggerating, I'm going to use quotes from the show:


    - Make an outfit for a sophisticated, badass woman.  (Challenge)

    - With an edge.  (Zanna)


    - For summer.   (Challenge)


    What the fuck????????????????  It needed to be sophisticated, badass, with an edge, light and airy, upbeat, and summer-appropriate~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Are you kidding me!


    Now that I've calmed down, my normal notes from this episode.


    I liked Dom's quote this episode:   "Seersucker = badass?  Come on.  I'm done."  

    But then she lost me by once again complimenting her dress out loud to the other designers during the runway show.


    Why does Emily always resort to culottes/shorts?  Can somebody make the lambs stop screaming?  I'm  happy that it brought her success this time, not lying.  But no.  If you're not a 6 foot model, I don't see any woman wearing that, can we all be real?


    Sam's babysling dress.  And Isaac loves Sam's insane outfit overalls  thing that literally no one would wear unless they were breastfeeding.  Who could have predicted that bullshit.  I like Debi as a person but she was an idiot judge and useless.  Patricia Field who actually styles the clothes for Younger should have been a judge, not Debi.  Not sorry.  She liked the flats.  As if that comment wasn't paid for.  Now that you have all revealed to me what a fucking sellout moron Isaac is I can't unsee it.  


    I love Zac unapologetically and forever, and always.  He is my favourite all time PR judge, above MK and Nina Garcia.  


    I'm really sorry if I sound so hostile.  Unlike the majority, this was the first episode where I actually questioned why I'm watching. 


    Add it to the Kentionary.  When Ken said "I think Asha is a sollen threat" I had to ruminate on it until I realized he meant "silent".

    • Love 11
  17. I feel like every week Sam ignores the challenge, makes either a jump suit or a simple dress, and the judges just say "well, he missed the mark completely but I like it, therefore TOP THREE"


    Genius quote - thank you.  I will be back for more praise to rain


    Come on...at this point, it's very clear that the flats are Sam's signal to Isaac: "This is my garment, score it high!" It was tacky, it was odd, it was not edgy or sophisticated or cool in any way, yet it was in the top?!


    Genius quote - thank you.  Oh dear.  At this rate I will be quoting everyone.  Just assume I love you all.


    Will be back for more

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