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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. That's too bad.  Giovanni Ribisi is also a Scientologist, and he's so talented and I really like him.  


    I understood Laura Prepon and the Masterson brothers to be Scientologists, and Laura has OINTB now and Danny has that Netflix series.  Then again, they will never have the careers of Mila/Ashton, though there are other reasons for that besides Scientology.


    Tom Cruise has a great career for a Scientologist ;)  Travolta's is pretty good for someone who's face is so messed up.

  2. Don't apologize because unfortunately it's true. Women more than men turn on each other more, especially in Survivor




    I would love to know what male alliance has ever worked in this game.  I've watched almost every season, and recently.  Would love to hear it.  Some of the most unshakeable alliances I remember are ones like the Foa Foa Four and the Aitu Four, and there are always women involved.  

    • Love 4
  3. There are always factions to posting about Survivor here; there is a faction that is concerned about good gameplay; there is a faction that is concerned about their favourite players (or "characters") getting to the end/getting more enjoyable airtime (Me - to explain things better, it's like how I watch any other show); there is a faction concerned about the good guys winning and the bad guys losing.  No judgement whatsoever, it's just a comment.  It is interesting.

    I liked the episode, and I like the season.  I am able to watch and fully, fully hate Scot and Jason and am able to enjoy the season.  I don't know exactly why.  Survivor is one of my all time favourite shows, but I don't like every season.  I don't care for the Blood vs Water seasons.  I didn't care for the Collars season, but everyone except Jeff would agree on that. I do like this one, but I liked the last B/B/B season too.  Some people pointed out Debbie's fascination with Julia, even implying that Julia's beauty blinds Debbie to her potential untrustworthiness/a potential reality.  I think there is truth to that.  I think that's one reason the B/B/B stuff is fascinating.  (Not claiming that the show's ideals about beauty are objective - FAR from that.)


    I love Cydney.  She is just so beautiful (so you can say that I am the Debbie to her Julia).  When they were talking to Julia early on in the episode, and Cydney narrowed her eyes upon Julia and the camerapeople kept focusing on it -- I loved it.   When Scot and Jason put on their rehearsed play about the Super Idols and Cydney rolled her eyes -- I loved it.   I cannot believe that those guys wrote a script for those fucking Tribal shenanigans.


    In the Julia versus Aubry thing I sided with Aubry.  I didn't "get" Aubry early on believe you me, but I enjoy her now.  I love the Aubry/Cydney alliance.  Aubry doesn't trust Julia because Julia is playing a good game right now, a threatening one, so I get Aubry being threatened by her.  Honestly, Debbie being so blind to it was odd and Joe being so unshakeable is a little odd.  It was a great perspective that someone posted, that he didn't want to vote out Debbie to keep the numbers up, and I like that clever, positive spin on it (Do I believe it?  Not sure).  But I will still call Joe Stubborn Joe like Cydney calls herself Irritated Cydney.


    I think I get the rationale of what Aubry and Cydney were doing.  They were signing a blood oath with each other, laying down an unshakeable partnership.  Aubry has Joe (???) and Cyndey "has" Michelle (and Julia for 1 vote) but those partnerships are shaky.  They knew that they couldn't count on Debbie's "brain" if you will and they didn't know how to fight the Super Idols.  (Honestly, I don't know how either?  If somebody here outlined a How-To then it is above me.)  So they did that.


    I was DYING and did not want to Cydney to be voted out.  Dying.  I thought it was funny that everyone shook their heads "No" at the Debbie votes because they couldn't believe what they were seeing -- Tai, then Joe.  I still like Tai.  Oh, and I find Michelle extremely attractive.  It is weird that we're given so little insight to what she is thinking.  When Cydney told her how to vote , Michelle didn't even agree to it.  She just made some vague statements, like "Wow" and "We exist on this Earth right now."  I had no idea what Michelle/Julia were thinking and what they think this does for them.  I guess they never trusted or counted on Debbie from jump, and I get that.

    • Love 16
  4. 4; People enraged that this movie seems to be pandering to get a female audience to come to the movie. Pandering in general is bad but making it seem like your movie is only done to get one gender to come because otherwise that gender wouldn't go is infuriating to a lot of people. 


    Most movie trailers I see "make it seem like" they only want guys, actually only a certain type of guy, to want to see their movie.  


    Any time I hear this type of argument against this Ghostbusters remake, all I can hear is "This movie wasn't made for me, and I'm upset."  I heard it about the Sex and the City movies.  I heard it about the Twilight movies.  I hear it about the 50 Shades of Grey movies.  


    If movies marketed to women/ about women/ starring women only made 5% of the total American films released in a year, there would still be complaining that it's pandering or way too much.  IMO


    I love a lot of movies personally, and if 20 years from now, they are remade, I will still be able to watch my favourite movies and no one will ever able to take them from me.  That's why I don't get the anger about the remake.  I'm still able to love the John Travolta/Olivia Newton John Grease movie even though it was remade as a live television show with a bunch of High School Musical kids.  

    • Love 3
  5. Daisy Ridley and Keira Knightley to me, hardly have ANY differences in their faces, to the point where it's eerie.  It's extremely, extremely eerie how much they look alike in my opinion.  So yeah, there's resemblance among all three (Portman/Ridley/Knightley) , I'd say.  Carrie Fisher, however, I don't know. 



  6.  (I once stayed in one of the hotel rooms overlooking center field, and I gotta say, that was fun. Room service and watching the game in my jammies!)


    *Canadian gasp*  You must be a KING!  That is a dream many of us hold...... 


    I love all the nice things said about the SkyDome!  I personally love it, but I know of nothing else.  

    • Love 1
  7. Re-started Season 5, it is already so much more spirited than Season 4 (sorry guys).


    When Paris calls Rory to tell her that Asher passed away, Rory has the nerve to ask if Asher died during sex with Paris.


    Paris:  No, Rory, this great man was not brought down by my vagina.


    I always liked this part, when Luke and Lorelai are about to go on their first date:


    LORELAI: What are we gonna do?

    LUKE: I've got some thoughts.

    LORELAI: Alright, but no taking me to an art museum after hours and then to an empty Hollywood bowl where you give me a pair of diamond earrings that you bought with your college money when all the time you're really in love with your best friend, the drummer, who's posing as our driver for the evening.

    LUKE: [pause] Okay, I'll think of something else.

    • Love 1
  8. Lake Bell and Allison Williams need to play sisters; no joke, one of them has a long-lost sister, and it's the other. 


    Don't you think Amanda Peet goes with them, too?


    Brad Pitt and Benicio del Toro as brothers. They could even play twins. One more beat up by life than the other.


    To add to this, I think Nick Zano is even the less roughed up version of Brad.  I always joke that he's like the Benjamin Button movie in real life.

  9. I have read the entire thread now!  Very enjoyable.


    Wayne's World 2 came on television the other night and my brother and I were hysterical.  The movie is from 1993 yet it still holds up and it still makes us laugh, and it is still one of our top 10 favourite, if not top 5 favourite movies of all time.


    First is Kevin Pollack as the Partial Ocular Albino.

    The entire sequence is so funny, especially Mike's expressions as Wayne - "Huh?"

    And Kevin's character stubbornly insisting, "I'm fine with it" and, "I have 20/20 vision in BOTH eyes."



    Second is Wayne attempting to break up with Cassandra.  Wayne's speech... "BECAUUUUUUUUUSE.... because... there comes a time, when people must go their separate ways.  I mean, I have Waynestock, and you have your career.... and your producer (meaningful look)" and Cassandra saying "You DID spy on me" and Wayne smugly saying, "Yes, I did." 


    Also, thank you to the poster who mentioned Office Space.  It's my all time favourite movie, but for me, the funniest scene is when Peter (BELIEVES) he finds out that his girlfriend Joanna had slept with his boss in the past.   Both of the car scenes, with Joanna not understanding Peter's money scheme, and then later after the party when Peter finds out, and he goes insane, are great.  


    Peter (referencing her restaurant job):  You know, the Nazis had pieces of flair, that they made the Jews wear.

    Joanna:  WHAT?!


    JOANNA:  Oh, what if you get caught? Oh, I just don't know if this is such a good idea.

    PETER:  Yeah?  Well maybe it wasn't such a good idea for you to sleep with Lumbergh.


    JOANNA Listen to you! Who do you think you are? How dare you judge me! Do you think you're an angel or something? No! You're this petty, stealing, wannabe criminal...man!

    PETER Well, that may be. But at least I never slept with Lumbergh.

    JOANNA Ok. That's it. I'm done. I want to get out of the car. Stop. I wanna get -  (she gets out of the car)

    PETER  Say hello to Lumbergh for me!!!


    And the fight upsets Joanna so much that when she goes into work, she takes out her anger on her OWN hated boss and quits flipping everyone in the restaurant off.  LOL


    Also the Jump to Conclusions mat.

    • Love 3
  10. Still watching Season 4.  I am KIND OF enjoying it.  I'm enjoying it much more than I thought I would be!  And now we're coming up to Liz's wedding, and god help me, I know I'm going to love that, because Lorelai and Luke cuteness.  Was Jess simply brought back in these episodes because his spin-off failed?  Because he's brought back in just the worst ways, sulking everywhere and given very bad writing.  It's so sad.  And of course, Rory never wants to interact with him, so it's like he's half-invisible.


    I don't understand this part at all.  "Incredible Sinking Lorelais" - Episode description from Wikipedia:



    Lane runs into her mother and receives a frosty reception;



    [Lane is walking down the street with a full grocery bag when she sees her mother approaching. They both hesitate before continuing to walk toward each other.]

    MRS. KIM: Hello, Lane.

    LANE: Hello, Mrs. Kim. [Mrs Kim stars to walk away] I'm staying at Lorelai's.

    MRS. KIM: Wear socks. [walks on]

    LANE: Okay.


    Why did Lane greet her by calling her "Mrs. Kim"?  Is this an error?  Can someone enlighten me if this was intentional?  

  11. Sex and the City started out pretty revolutionary in that 3 out of 4 of the women were unabashedly single and cynical about romance and love being dead and just wanted to have sex like men.  I would say as the show went on , it became a much more traditional / conventional romantic comedy with all of the heroines meeting their princes and all that crap, and Carrie progressively got worse as a character.  I love the show very strongly so there's a lot of nuance there for me, but yes, a lot of outsiders seem to hate the show and Carrie.  I personally loved Carrie once upon a time and then grew to hate the character.  Lots of writing changes there making an impact in my opinion.

    • Love 5
  12. I never watched Person of Interest, but this Sleepy Hollow stuff reminds me of Taraji P. Henson on that show.  A lot of people complained she wasn't treated well there, then went onto Empire and her career has skyrocketed and she's won awards for it; her character of Cookie Lyon is seen by some as an icon, etc.  




    In 2011, Henson was cast in the CBS crime-suspense series Person of Interest.[21][22] In the Person of Interest November 20, 2013 episode "The Crossing", after co-starring for two and a half years,

    Henson's character Carter was killed as part of the series' new storyline direction



    Then after her success on Empire, she was brought back on Person of Interest twice, and people said that POI were obviously trying to capitalize on the fame she got by leaving POI in the first place.

    • Love 1
  13. topanga, it is my favourite show of the year so far.  Will be interesting to see if anything will beat it.  The first 3 episodes annoyed me with the Kim Kardashian stuff, but if you push through it, you will be very much rewarded.  I anticipate that it's going to be very much talked about during award season.  Reviews have been good, and a lot of people talking about the show in general, in positive terms.  So far the only complaints I see are a couple of casting decisions -- a lot of people don't like Cuba as OJ, but it seems kinda split.  


    And if anyone enjoys ships, the Marcia Clark/Chris Darden stuff is sooooooo shippalicious.  LOL

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