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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. If we skipped school or were absent before age 18, our high school would call our parents/homes and leave automated messages about it.  (We had to go to high school in Grade 13 here, sigh, so by then a lot of us were 18.)  Anyways, just something interesting.  Luke obviously seemed to have no idea but I don't really blame him because he simply made the assumption Jess would go.  One would think he'd want to see his GF in class..... I even had classes with my high school BF and it was a lot easier to make out at school with no parents nosing around!

    • Love 1
  2. Edna Krabappel?  ; )


    Oh, come on CBS, please make these visible to Canadians this time!  Such a bummer that we miss out on these. :(


    Anytime someone is kicked off of Survivor, just go to Youtube and type "(Person's Name) Ponderosa".  It will be there.  


    • Love 2
  3. I love the collective movie experience thing.  I understand how some people might not appreciate it, but I love being in a crowd that's not only into a movie, but participating in it. 


    2 funniest movie experiences of 2015:


    Magic Mike XXL.

    I have never been to a strip club, but I swear, this movie experience seemed like it would be crazier than one.  I went with 3 other women.  Just imagine CONSTANT SCREAMING from the beginning to the end.  My favourite movie of 2015, and one of my favourite movie-going experiences of all time.  The ENTIRE theatre was just so damn into it, I am surprised that money wasn't tossed at the screen.  I was so sad when it was over.


    The Perfect Guy.

    Not a great movie by any means - a perfectly average one - but again, a whole bunch of women just having a great time, screaming nearly the entire time, but for obviously different reasons!  (It's about Michael Ealy being romantic interest who seems great at first, then progressively crazy/stalkery).


    I managed at a movie theatre for a few years, so I've seen it all.  You can always complain to an usher or manager if someone is disrupting your filmgoing experience.   We give them a talking-to, and if it keeps going, we ask them to leave.


    I'm not sure if you guys know this, but in Canada, theatres make 90% of their money from concessions, not movie tickets.  So that explains your prices.  And in my opinion, the last people you should be complaining about it to is the people who sell it who make minimum wage.  Rather you'd ask for the manager, and yell at us, who also have nothing to do with it, but at least are getting paid more to listen.

    • Love 2
  4. You're quoting me, why?  I said that cheerleading is sexist.


    There are two elements in the movie here, that Amy's character "changes" with respect to:  

    - There's "cleaning up your act" and 'growing up' in the sense that you don't do hard drinking and partying anymore.

    - Then there's the sense of equalling maturing with getting into a long term, committed, monogamous relationship.


    Point 1:   I do hate when people find it distasteful when women party, drink, and have fun.  

    Point 2:   I could totally see that the movie didn't have to end with Amy's character having to be in a relationship to show how she turned her life around.  So, so, so many, nearly all romantic comedies starring a woman end up with the woman being Happily Ever After With Some Dude, so yes, it would be way more subversive to do something different here.


    In the end, the movie just became very traditional .  There is nothing so wrong with that, but the point of these boards is to analyze the movie.  It started out as SEEMING subversive, in that Amy's character slept around without remorse and saw relationships with the opposite sex as casual, and didn't wait by the phone for a guy to contact her -- instead, when a guy tried to contact her, she assumed he was 'psycho' because in 2016 this is seen as rare.

  5. The Jays seemed to do so well today that it actually worried me.  Don't want to start off so strong and then taper off!   The weather here is so awful, BTW.  

  6. Time Travel Movies


    Hot Tub Time Machine goes from present day (2010) to the 1980s.  Before this movie came out, I always wanted people to start making movies or television shows about the 1980s and 1990s, and it's a lot more present now that my age group is out there writing.  (TV shows like Being Erica, Hindsight, Fresh off the Boat, The Goldbergs.)


    Austin Powers was made in 1990s.  At first it is set in the 1960s "flower power/free sex" era and then Austin is sent to the 1990s where he doesn't understand the culture.


    Is there a difference between Nostalgia in Movies versus Period/Costume/Historial/Biopic Movies?


    Forrest Gump was made in the 1990s and tried to recapture real things that happened between the 40s and the 80s (also based on a 1980s-written book).
    Maybe Nostalgia is more "recent times that the writers would actually remember" versus Period which is "writing about a real event during a period of time the writers may or may not have real life experience with"?


    Dick was made in the 1990s about Watergate in the 1970s.


    A League of their Own was made in the 1990s about World War II era - 1940s.


    The Great Gatsby was made in 2013 about the Roaring 20s (obviously based on a book).


    The Social Network was made in 2010, about an 'era' only 7 years prior ;)  I really enjoyed watching this because I was years out of college, but felt transported right back when I watched it.  It was exactly about MY college years, which was crazy to see.  I really felt like I was watching myself, a 'documentary' about my college.


    True Grit was also released in 2010 -- does anyone know what time period that book is actually set in?


    A nice sister topic to this would be movies made about the imagined future.

  7. Big Jess fan here , but Jess had a tantrum unrelated to Rory and then took it out on her by trying to get into her pants at a party even though Rory said "Wait -- Jess, wait" several times.  FInally he stopped, and then kind of yelled at her.  She left the party very upset.  He was kind of a jerk to her THERE.  That's when somebody -- DEAN -- said Jess treats you like dirt, and then Rory denied it but then accepted it to Lorelai's face later.  (I just watched that episode.  It is the one before the backdoor pilot.)

    • Love 4
  8. I love the idea for this topic!  I love nostalgia!  I love it in television shows, as well.  The more, the better!  (getting older)


    One of my favourite movies is Grease, which was made in the 70s to re-create the 1950s.  My mother introduced it to us when we were very young, and I'm sure we had no idea that it wasn't made of its time back then.  I have no idea how accurate it was.  My Mom loves any 1970s culture.  


    I'll be back to read and write more!

  9. Thanks for pointing out these two.


    Rolliins is hella hotter than Enos (and interesting that a man was first cast for her role).  Too bad black women can't lead a show!


    I personally think that Mireille Enos is devastatingly beautiful.  Also, I'm sure the entire show was based around her low-key 'star power' because she headed The Killing.  Meanwhile, the MALE lead of the show certainly could have been a person of colour.  Instead, the show replaced Damon Dayoub with Peter Krause.  Could have been a tale of a woman dating a younger, ethnic looking man, and is now re-cast with fricking Ken doll Peter Krause.  I was disappointed.  So far, though, Rose Rollins does seem so hot and talented that I could see her leading her own show eventually.  Everyone on The Catch threads seems to really like her.


    I really love The Carmichael Show, by the way.  That is an all-black show.


    I have sung my praises for Brooklyn Nine Nine before - incredibly multiracial show that constantly pairs up people of different races in romantic situations without blinking or thinking twice.  Out of the 7 main cast members, only 2 are white, and they are NOT the leads who I'd say are Andy Samberg (Jewish) and Andre Braugher (black).  And they have another 2 middle aged white guys who are the background characters.  What other show has the balls to do that!


    We had a great discussion about this in the Master of None threads.  That is a Netflix show, and I'd say the 3rd "lead" in that show is a black female.  Lead is Indian male.  Speaking of Netflix, Orange is the New Black always has a lot of black women in the main cast, but I wouldn't say they are 'leads'.


    Say what you will about Shonda, but she breaks ground like it's nothing.  There's also Mindy Kaling.  Who I've bitched many times does nothing for MEN of colour, but there you go.... ; )   Jess's friend on New Girl is a woman of colour, Hannah Simone, and she's been given a lot more to do on the show lately, she's one of an ensemble of 5.

    • Love 1
  10. I hated him specifically when they were trying out that Eric/Donna/Hyde quasi-triangle. Donna was never torn between them, it was established right from the pilot that Eric likes Donna and Donna likes Eric, which Hyde knew. So when he kept on after her it made him look really sleazy and a bad friend to Eric. I was glad they dropped that storyline fairly quickly.


    It's all part of their "Donna Pinciotti is irresistible to everyone and can do no wrong" BULLSHIT.  Somebody at that show had a really weird thing for Laura.

    • Love 5
  11. Anyone know what the recidivism rate for rape is as compared to murder?  


    I took Criminology and from what I understand when you get released from prison for murder you don't murder again.   I just Google'd "Murder recidivism America" and this was the first result.  (I also learned other things, like the statistics for murder go way up for 29 and 30 year old males, and then your potential to murder goes way down, to basically zero, over the rest of your life.  There are a lot of statistics and patterns for crime, and crime happens for reasons -- it's not random, or stranger danger.)




    Mullane said she was able to determine that 988 convicted murderers were released from prisons in California over a 20 year period. Out of those 988, she said 1 percent were arrested for new crimes, and 10 percent were arrested for violating parole. She found none of the 988 were rearrested for murder, and none went back to prison over the 20 year period she examined.

    "That's the lowest recidivism rate. That's unheard of," Mullane said. "In 20 years, the chance of you being returned on another murder was zero."



    When you Google recidivism rape America the rates are higher, but not super high.  This article mentions how our perceptions of rapists are affected by SVU.



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  12. As soon as I saw the commercials for the new Rush Hour show, I knew with certainty that the person that they cast to play the Jackie Chan role was half-Asian, not full.  Obviously I think it's great when visible minorities / mixed actors get lead roles in American television shows, but I have to admit I find that a little weird.  It'd be similar if they cast somebody like Jesse Williams in the Chris Tucker role.  


    Anyway, just saw the headline for this article on Twitter:


    Yahoo TV ‏@YahooTV  16m16 minutes ago
    We watched so you don't have to: The 13 most offensive things about CBS' #RushHour pilot: http://yhoo.it/1X49N42



  13. One of those shows where I only 'woke' up during Weekend Update.  Really happy about Jost and Che.  They are doing well.  


    I used to be such a fan of Gwen's back in the 90s.  Even though it's been such a long progression to what she is now, it's alarming to me all the same.  Her music is so........... whatever now.  Even in 2004, "What You Waiting For?" was such an incredible song.   Maybe all credit should go to Linda Perry.  The only positive I can say is that at least she doesn't have the Japanese slaves anymore.


    Also loved Taram pretending to be a floating dead body and Kate and Aidy pretending to be Danish muggers.


    Thanks all for reminding me about the Honeymoon sketch.  Yes, that was quite funny.


    And Kate and Aidy being the Danish muggers is probably the high point.  It's partly my fault as I was barely paying attention.


    Man:  Well, it was MEN who robbed us.

    Woman:  And they didn't keep mentioning that they're Danish.

    (Kate as robber):  Wait a minute, let me answer my Danish phone.

    • Love 3
  14. Making fun of Debbie is hilarious, but I don't know, I don't like people being uncomfortable around people who are sexually aggro towards them.  Even just that weird fake smile he gave when Debbie drunk-horned in on him at the merge feast gave me chills.  Maybe we found the reason he turned sociopathic.

    • Love 2
  15. Now I am watching Jess and Rory in Season 3.


    They have the pinnacle moment where Jess researches where Yale is so that he knows how close in proximity he'll be to Rory in the following year, and Alexis actually being genuinely cute (not annoyingly cute) with the "You looked it up" refrain.  Um, and Milo is just staggeringly handsome in the entire sequence.  "Do you Yahoo?"  "I was bored.. I had nothing to do."   Gar.


    And then all of this gets ruined when he acts pissy at a house party with her and basically tries to pull off Rory's pants in a bedroom upstairs even though she clearly isn't into it.  I guess they had to torpedo the character of Jess with Rory to make room for that spinoff that didn't come to pass.

    • Love 3
  16. What a cathartic thread.


    Rory Gilmore

    This character is the pinnacle of being the most annoying, irritating character in a show that I really, actually enjoy.  I don't "hate" Rory but I really and truly find her the most annoying thing on television.  And it's weird, I don't MIND that aspect of watching the show.  I will blame a lot of it on the writing.  And her dialogue is so goddamn cutesy that it makes me kind of want to die.  Her way of speaking with guys she's interested in is like fingernails on a chalkboard.  So needlessly verbose in times when you could or should just be quiet.  But then there's also the 'acting choices' and by this I mean what is probably Alexis's natural voice and inflection when she was a teenager.  (I really enjoyed Alexis in the Sisterhood Travelling Pants movies so I don't know what that is.)  The babyvoice thing, the I'm so cute thing.  Rory and Dean flirting in Season 1 and just generally being awful together.  Worst couple of all time.


    Donna Pinciotti on That 70's Show

    The most propped up character that didn't deserve it.  Eric Forman's OWN STUPID PARENTS thought Donna was too good for their OWN FLESH AND BLOOD son and that he should be thankful he had her, and no matter how shittily she treated him he should thank God that she even deigned to look his way and constantly go grovelling back to her.  You couple that with Laura Prepon who was an ATROCIOUS , ATROCIOUS actor on the show (she has now found her right role on Orange is the New Black and I guess, matured somehow.)  Laura had no sense of humour, no comedic timing, no way to emotionally react to anything.  SAD.


    I totally understand the Phoebe Buffay hate.  I had Phoebe Buffay and George Costanza hate in the 90s, but now I've watched the shows so many times and become an adult and see the shows on different levels, and now can accept Phoebe and George and feel affection towards them, but I TOTALLY get it.


    I can't even talk about Andy Dwyer because he went from an interesting character in Season 1 to basically Homer Simpson without any of the subtextual writing or adorability, and then gained a whole bunch of popularity, and it makes me so upset to even think about it.   I don't think it's funny to watch brain damage on screen.  Do you know that this character actually once said "I can 'member stuff"  (As in "Remember"?  A writer actually WROTE that?)


    Steve from Sex and the City - UGH!  Don't eeeeeeeeeeeven get me started ; )  But I would read novels about other people hating on Steve because yes, thank you.  I've done it in the SATC thread I'm sure.


    My NEW contributions to this thread


    Juliet from LOST.  The actor in a portrayal makes a huge difference for me whether I like or dislike a character, but god, I don't know what is supposed to be redeemable about this asshole.  I hate Juliet from jump and I hate her until the end.  I hate hate hate Juliet and I hate the actor's simpering fucking delivery.  Her way of tilting her head up, making zero expression in her eyes, and then pursing her lips to say something obnoxious.  AH!


    Will Truman in Season 1 of Will and Grace is such an incredible fucking asshole sometimes.  The way he treats Grace when she wants to purchase the unit that her design studio is in?  If you want to hate a character, please watch Will in this episode.  He was a total asshole.  I watched the show for Jack and Karen and now can somewhat tolerate Will and Grace, but for many years they were just "there" - flies I would swat away until the good stuff would happen.

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  17. I am not a fan of Sam's personality but I actually really liked Sam's outfit.  Blue and green makes me kind of crazy.  I thought Georgina would throw him right to the top again.  I liked the futuristic tones too.


    You guys are making me feel like I need to go back to school.  Your analysis of the metaphors and subtexts of fairy tales really impresses me.  There is no way I could put together what Dom's outfit had to do with Tinkerbell.


    I was really bored this episode and that's not normal for me.


    I still like Valerie's orange jumpsuit from last week and I still think that was a crock.  She was the winner of challenge 1 and they just have been tearing her down from there.


    I realized this episode that I really don't like Dom's personality.  There's nothing "bad" about her but her whole thing is complimenting herself and patting herself on the back in that very weird high pitched voice and then raising her arms while doing it.  


    I live in Canada and I'm trying so hard to access mylifetime.com to see the outfits, but it keeps redirecting me to the useless Canadian site.  Does anyone know how I can get around this?

    • Love 1
  18. ^^ That is so funny! How did you do that. I wonder if he's been practicing? 


    I Google Image'd Nick Maiorano and I Google Image'd Aladdin.  Found the pictures that matched up and cut and paste using Photoshop.  I guess the comparisons are more apt than I imagined.  It was surprisingly easy. 


    The second picture I used of him is very handsome.


    Someone pointed out something weird - how his teeth at the front of his mouth are smaller than the ones behind it?  Sometimes he DOES kind of look Greek God-like but sometimes he looks really goofy.  Just like Aladdin. 

    • Love 4
  19. Somebody said on an episode thread he looks like a cartoon villain out of Aladdin - and now I can only see him in big balloon pants, brandishing a cutlass, and showing his teeth. He sort of does all that anyway. Strikes me as a very unlikely winner, also.


    Why do you make me act this way?   ; )



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  20. Watching Season 3.  Pretty sure that Sephora is mentioned once an episode.  Seriously just saw 3 or 4 episodes that mentioned it.  

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  21. Well that reminds me.  Two of my favourite songs of all time are U2's "Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me" and Seal's "Kiss From a Rose".  Two amazing, amazing, amazing mid-90s songs.  Which you can find on the Batman Forever (with Val Kilmer) soundtrack!

    • Love 2
  22. At this point I'd probably dole out money to you guys to not hear about Neal's knee pus anymore.  


    If you have time, watch Neal's Ponderosa video ... several days after he was medivac'd.  He's toying with the idol and saying that, even when he's 80 years old, he'll still remember his time on Survivor as a high point in his life.  


    Then I understand Neal keeping the idol, this is just reason like #5 of why I understand why.  I don't think he's selfish.  Why NOT keep the idol as a souvenir.  He's the one who found it for goodness sakes.  He doesn't owe Aubry anything.  What connects him to Aubry. They have more impressive jobs than the other contestants and were put on the same Brain tribe together.  They weren't literally family!  


    LOL at fishcakes clarifying that you hate Neal (the "nothingburger").

    • Love 10
  23. It was really heartbreaking when Mack was like, "I'll do it.  I'll do it."  and LaPorsha was like "Stop, stop, stop."  And I am really glad Mack was 4th, but still, wow he broke my heart with that reaction.   And LaPorsha too, so gracious.  And Ryan was so gracious about it when he saw Mack's weird reaction.


    La'Porsha saying Fuck You to Scott.  She is so amazing, I have gained a whole new respect for her.


    [Grassy Knoll] so they cooed all over LaPorsha's admittedly BEAUTIFUL child and gave her like the MOST popular song of all time.  They gave Dalton a 1980s song that I personally love but that the youth of today probably DON'T.  I doubt they watched the Dennis fucking Miller show.  Then they shit alllllll over his performance.  


    No matter what happens, I never remember that Trent is there.  Dalton versus La'Porsha please.  Trent winning is the most anti-climactic idea of all time.   I don't understand how someone could stay Trent is a star and La'Porsha is not.  Week after week, I never remember that Trent exists.  


    I for one, thought La'Porsha KILLED that song she didn't want to sing.  

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