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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. In this case "All-Star" just means, has been on the franchise before.  Or even the bastard version of the franchise that most people pretend never happened and thought we'd never have to hear of again.


    I actually remember REALLY liking a contestant named "Shan" from Under the Gunn.  His aesthetic was so different, cool, modern... Plus his name is "Shan" which is so cute and his personality was subdued and great. Yet of course they bring back Sam and Asha!

    • Love 4
  2. They're funny but so much fun!  I hate arguing in general, it makes me miserable and ruins my day, but I love arguing about Survivor, because a) it means nothing, there are no stakes at all, it's completely irrelevant to anything (unlike politics or whatever) and b) I am always right!  It's just a fun intellectual puzzle to ponder.  (Jeremy won, yes, and unanimously...but I still think it would have been better to not save Fishbach!)


    And I love reading them even though a lot of the "speculation/good move/bad move talk" goes over my head.  If you released a book on Survivor I would buy it.

    • Love 2
  3. Foley and Cupcake didn't get their testosterone levels up with Rodney or Scot; they intentionally targeted the least intimidating and most isolated individuals on their tribes.  I believe they deserve every bit of abuse they get for being terrible people. 


    I brought my brother and his male friend onto a baseball team run by a bunch of other males (I'm female.)


    Those "other males" told me that were shocked to see how "huge" my brother and his friend were when they arrived on Day 1.


    Sometimes my brother and his friend would show up to the games a bit late, and guess who the other guys screamed at about it while they were waiting?  Me.  And when my brother and his friend would show up, they were incredibly silent.  Or, slapping their backs and acting like good time buddies.  


    I didn't get it immediately but I certainly did after.  They attacked me because to them I'm just a woman, therefore small and weak.  You could place a million dollar bet that they would never bring up the punctuality issue with the big, tall men who actually had it.  It was horrifying and fascinating.

    • Love 6
  4. But that's adding an R, not removing it but keeping other Rs.  And I'm talking about one word only.  I never said that I found regional accents offensive.  I am just extremely glad that I am not the only one who doesn't understand why she says Foeward, and why year after year of seeing it on camera no one has corrected this.


    Alyssa Milano grew up in Brooklyn in the early 1970's.  

  5. Caretaker to None was the funniest thing to brag about that I had ever heard of.  I was like, this is gonna be a good season.

    • Love 3
  6.   For example:  Kelly Clarkson -- Yay!  Carrie Underwood -- Nay.  Fantasia -- Yay!  Candice Glover -- Nay.  David Cook -- Yay!  Lee DeWyze -- Nay.  Jennifer Hudson -- Yay!  Diana DeGarmo -- Nay.  


    I can appreciate La'Porsha's talent, but it doesn't give me chills or goosies or whatever it is supposed to give me.  It might just be personal taste.


    I agree with you on all of these, except I like La'Porsha.  I'm also a "Yay" on Phillip Phillips, Ruben Studdard, Crystal Bowersox, and Blake Lewis.  Although, I don't remember Candice so I don't remember my feeling either way.  

    • Love 1
  7. Dammit.  Every single episode I forget to pay attention to the captions/descriptors under her name.  I don't even think I've seen ONE yet.

    • Love 2
  8. If the girls are really that against Tai, though, he's got a difficult battle ahead of him!  No Beauties except maybe Nick (who does not seem like much of an asset to me), Scot who likes him but likes his idol more...I don't like his chances.  I like Tai, but alienating his tribe to such an extent sounds like pretty terrible Survivor to me.


    Do you need to be manipulative on DWTS??  OK maybe this is off-topic but OMG, learning Shannon Elizabeth plays poker for real now is amazing because once long ago I saw her on Celebrity Poker Showdown--[snip]


    I think Scot really likes Tai!  And Scot doesn't even have an idol!  (Jason does.)  (Oh wait.  You meant TAI's idol, didn't you?)  (Still...)


    Someone who fancies himself a "great" poker player (who I've beat every time I've played him) always says:  A novice like me can win a game because I don't play how expert poker players play so no one can anticipate my moves or understand any of it.   But over time, I will continue to lose, because I don't really know what I'm doing... 


    These discussions of "That was a good move" versus "That was a bad move" are always so funny to me. (Though I do enjoy it.)   Do the people who make these predictions end up being right?  I can't think far ahead so I can only think whether a move was good in terms of the current episode and I always just think "Now let's just see what happens (after)."  I can't determine whether Tai made a bad move because I don't know the future, so I'm going to say it was a good one (for the episode.)   It always seems like Survivor has so many unpredictable elements that can change things!  


    Let's think back.  Jeremy saving Fishbach was seen as Bad Survivor, right?  Yet he won the game..... and that's what ultimately matters, yeah?  

    • Love 6
  9. Now everyone's jumping on hating Alyssa for saying "foe-ward".  I brought that up last year, because it drives me batty also, and someone here corrected me by saying something like "No, that's actually her accent."  Or something.  Um... OK?  I don't know what American-born accent is that removes Rs, but okay.  Unless you're a toddler.  Or have a speech impediment.  Someone explain.  Because she seems to say Rs in any other situation that calls for them.  Like the "Ward" part of Forward.  It's just straight-up incorrect pronunciation.


    It pissed me off when Zanna said that Emily's looked like Halle Berry's dress at the Oscars (which it did) but then when Emily said "Oh.... Cool" Joanna was all bitchily like "Well, I don't know if it's COOL."    Oh, okay, did you not know that "Oh, cool" is just another way of people saying "Cool, now fuck off"?  Did you literally meant that Emily thought it was cool?  And even if she did, are you the authority on cool, because then I guess everyone should wear platinum-dyed straw hair with black roots and raccoon eyes?  Is that what's hot in the streets?  Halle Berry's dress is known as one of the best Oscar looks ever, and is Elie Saab, so it's not like Elie Saab is the King of Cool but it's a lot cooler than Zanna...... I don't know why it pissed me off, I'm not really making sense.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elie_Saab_net_dress_of_Halle_Berry


    Baroque, smaroque...it's another episode in the can for TPTB.


    LOL.  This blase attitude fits this franchise just so perfectly.

    • Love 1
  10. Ken was amazing this episode.  He was the star of the show.  I know he was awful in his original season but so far he's the likeable one.  It's very strange and out of body.  And when he was telling Emily he wanted to win a challenge one day, he was actually vulnerable. Mother help me.


    Ken:  Zanna just came in and ripped everyone a new asshole.


    Ken:  Sam are you going to make a jumpsuit?  Sam has made 8 jumpsuits.

    Sam:  8 jumpsuits in 5 challenges?  I'm impressive.

    Mitchell:  Well Kini made one of them.

    Ken:  OOoh!  The shade was real.


    Mitchell:  It looks like tree bark.

    Ken:  TREE BARK?  Oh, that's shade bitch.  (LOL!  Literally!)

    Mitchell:    No it's not!

    Ken:  Yes, that's shade.  Well it's expensive ...
    Mitchell:  Expensive tree bark.
    Ken:  From Marie Antoinette's garden.
    Mitchell:  Exactly.


    Of course Dom would once again befriend the biggest bitch in the workroom.  LOL.  And I know it was manipulative editing, but that shot of her looking furious was HILARIOUS.   (I wonder if she was just thinking furiously about her design.)


    Kini and Alexander with their meaningful stares towards each other in the Corner of Judgement were making me laugh.

    • Love 10
  11. Again, I think Julia kind of torpedoed Anna and Tai with her comments... I don't really blame her.  I think she didn't know how to answer Jeff in the heat of the moment.


    Magic Julia returning from IEI was seen as some huge benefit to the Beauty Tribe because the losing tribe would immediately gain another Beauty.  And it is a benefit.  So the Brains looked at the Beauties as targets.  They can look as Scot as a non-target because (for the moment) he has no one and no power and can do nothing.  However the unique thing is that Scot looked at Tai as somebody he likes and trusts immediately - that was not expected.


    Funnily enough I think Tai's exact words might have been -- I don't trust Peter.  He might even have said both I don't like AND I don't trust Peter.  But more than not liking him, he doesn't trust him.  I think that you can trust people you don't like.  There are unlikeable people who are also bad liars :)  And you can even like someone you don't trust!  Untrustworthy people are often charming.  But Tai doesn't like or trust Peter (for this episode at least.)  I loved the scene of Peter piping up before Tribal and Tai immediately turning to him with that look in his eyes, and the voiceover about Tai not trusting The Good Doctor.  The editing was REALLY funny.  


    Still the merge is around the corner and the "giant" will be a huge competitor in IICs. Why later and not now?


    Hmm, I don't know if I assume Scot will be an Immunity King.  However, I bet there will be a basketball challenge because I joked about there being one in Cliff's season and lo and behold there was.  :)


    Numbers always win.


    Numbers do not always win.  Sometimes Idols win.


    Can someone remind me what the SuperIdol (two Idols together) does, please?

    • Love 7
  12. If I count as "anyone", he's not wrong.  Not because she's eye candy (I don't like fake boobs either, and she's actually got kind of a plain face), but I liked her personality.  But then I play poker and I always like the poker players (and they've had a number of them over the years--someone in the PTB must be into poker themselves), whereas it seems few other fans tend to.


    I love poker too!  I'm not an expert or anything, but I love it.  She is like nobody I know who plays poker, LOL.  She's so completely expressive and obvious about everything.  The only thing I was confused about was when I thought she was being "fake" when she was happy about Tai's idol, she actually WAS happy about it.  So when I thought she was lying, she wasn't.  All the other times I thought she was easy to read.  For example when she started talking all that smack about Tai to the other players.  I'm going to go ahead and assume FBI Joe was the one who believed her because that guy seems to believe everything at face value and he immediately wanted to kick Tai out of the tribe after speaking to her.  It's not exactly like Anna was lying about Tai, but she was being an Actor and being very transparent about her real intentions.  


    Meanwhile, Tai seems to really hate or distrust Peter and I'm going to go ahead and assume Peter knows zero about that.  None of the Brains know about Tai's idol; they're not that smart.  You should be assuming Idols, not assuming No Idols.


    Maybe Anna is really good at poker though.  I do wonder.  I think she's kind of proved bad at this game.


    My gut is that Julia won't hold the Anna vote against Tai.  We shall see.


    I am loving all of the Cyborg jokes about Nick.  It's very hard for me to remember his name, so this is helping.  

    • Love 2
  13. Okay, I love La'Porsha, so much.  I might as well give into The Frenzy.  I fucking Love this woman.  Dalton sounded really bad.  If I ever liked him it's such an old memory now.  Like I don't get it.  I'm so glad Sonika was saved.  For those who don't know, Tristan was voted out and Sonika was saved.  No more saves after this point (and no more drama).



    - Wild World by Cat Stevens -- Oh Damn.  THIS is that song my parents adore.  LOL.  Was this Twitter choices or judges choices?  Can someone clarify?

    - Billie Jean by Michael Jackson -- famously done by David Cook.  Actually, I thought it wasn't bad?  But that's one of my all time favourite songs and I had trouble recognizing it at first.



    - Numb by Linkin Park -- I love LP, but what the fuck was that?

    - Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel -- um, ditto?



    - Let it Go from "Frozen" -- She was good, but I kind of always like her.

    - (.... a song named Gravity or something?  Help me.) -- This was more "Frantic".  I don't think I agree so much with the judges that she needs to let go so much ;)



    -  Counting Stars (sorry I don't know this)  -- I didn't understand this performance at all.

    - A Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd, where both J.Lo and Trent started crying



    - Ready for Love by India.Arie -- I loved, loved, loved, loved, loved this.

    - No More Drama by Mary J. Blige -- loved it.  I think this song samples the Young and the Restless opening theme


    Tristan sang "Independence Day" by Martina McBride and got cut.


    Sorry, I like Sonika, and she's only going to get cut next week because she's a female.  I prefer her over Mackenzie and she's DEFINITELY better than Dalton.  (Well, I liked Jessica Sanchez and still do.)

    • Love 4
  14. I think I read up to page 6, 7 of this thread.  I was out of the country for a few weeks, so I am really really trying to catch up on the whole discussion.  Okay so I have to ask this question, I have to!  I'm sorry if it was addressed already.  There was a huge Kardashian discussion early on.


    Now, seriously I'm not being facetious here I really want the answer!  If you commit a crime, and someone helps you, can you actually HIRE one of those accomplices to be your lawyer so that that person can't be called as a witness in the court case, and also is not compelled by law to tell any police officer about your crime because of attorney-client privilege?  It sounds so insane to me, yet I am (thinking?) that was what was being implied early on here, so I'd really like clarification, thank you!

  15. Tom Cruise also stood next to a couple I know that are both 6 feet (!) tall and didn't look that short in the picture, so I don't get what the hell is happening re: lifts or not with that guy either.  He looked the same height as my 6 foot tall female friend, but she claimed she was crouching a bit so as not to be rude.

    • Love 1
  16. It mus be the Asian half of her genes. To me Caila is very pretty, but I'm used to that kind of pretty growing up in the Philippines. When my hubby saw Caila in the first episode, he told me "I bet that girl is Filipino" and I told him, no way. She may be Asian, but not Filipino. Turns out he was right.


    No. Filipino people are extremely common where I am from.   I still think she's unconventionally pretty (it's just my opinion.)  (And I like how she looks.)

    • Love 3
  17. I'm a big NO on Idris Elba playing the role.  I love Idris, I worship Idris, but he's all WRONG for it, in my opinion.  It's not because he doesn't have the skill for it, because he does.  It's not because he can't do an American accent, because he can.  But he's just wrong, wrong, wrong!  His face, his looks, his demeanor, his acting style, I just can't reconcile it.


    Billy Brown from HTGAWM is my secret lover BTW.....


    I'm liking a lot of these suggestions for OJ.  Morris, Keith, Harry Lennix, all interesting.


    Obviously Sarah Paulson is doing a great job, but you know who I think who could seriously embody Marcia Clark, is Laurie Metcalf.  She is not young enough for the part though unfortunately.  In real life they are very similar in age!  Marcia also kind of looks like Susan Surandon.  


    How about Harry Simmons?  Too beautiful?  http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005431/

    How about Jesse L. Martin?  Too smiley.  LOL!  http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0552509/?ref_=nv_sr_1  But the hairline is perfect!


    I feel bad that everyone is talking like Cuba is ugly or something.  I find Cuba way more attractive than O.J., but there is no way I can see O.J. as handsome only ever knowing him as a murderer.

    • Love 3
  18. Yes, Cuba passed on both Amistad and Ali.  Such a damn shame.  Here's a great recent interview with him about his career, and the show.  http://www.vulture.com/2016/02/cuba-gooding-jr-in-conversation.html


    I maintain that he was fucking fantastic in Jerry Maguire.  I just rewatched it for probably the 5th, 6th time. 


    Cuba doesn't really bother me here, at all.  Though I completely and totally get the complaints that viewers see Cuba, and not O.J.


    Now I seem to be in the minority where I really can't with Travolta in this role.  I thought this was a mainstream opinion because Fallon was also mocking his portrayal.  Please know that I remember nothing of Shapiro and don't know his affectations.  So maybe Travolta really is doing a good job in acting as Shapiro himself, but I can't with the actual acting.  I find it so forced and cheesy.  He's also always walking around with this certain posture -- as if you can see him always consciously telling himself, okay -- stand straighter, chin up.  I think it IS a deliberate acting choice, but was Shapiro like that at all?


    Schwimmer(?sp, not a Friends fan here) was also stellar with "I keep going over it over and over again...there is just no other answer..."


    I had to copy this quote, I found it so cute.  You said it so plainly without judgement, it's hilarious.  I AM a huge Friends fan and usually when people mention the show, they ALSO feel the need to tell you what a shitty show they think it is, so thank you.


    Anyway, yes, David Schwimmer.  I admit that the character of Ross is so deep in my consciousness (and I hated all the gratuitous Kim stuff - MY OPINION) that for the first few episodes it was really hard for me to dive in.  But this episode was so great for Schwimmer and Kardashian is getting more and more compelling as time goes on.  


    For me, Travolta is the weak link.  Cuba is just kind of there, but I'm fine with it.  I honestly really like Cuba as an actor (how could I not - after Rod Tidwell, after that Oscar speech)  and want him to do well in life and his career.  I want to blame casting instead.

    • Love 7
  19. I do take Joe's words about not believing in idols at face value.  Not because I normally take people's words at face value (although hmm -- maybe I do) but because of the LOOK on Joe's face.  If he was acting, that is some masterful acting.  I really believed him. So, who knows.  I will keep a tiny slice of my mind open that he could be tricking me, but most of my mind is made up that Nah, he's not.


    I don't know.  Speaking about waiting to see people's comeuppance, I suddenly want Joe and Aubrey's for some reason.  Aubrey annoys me more than Peter, because Peter has actually no power and nobody else's respect.


    I agree that Tai needed to be a lot less scared of them  (much like super huge Scot) and try to find the fractions within the Brains, but those perfect game players are so few and far between.  


    Am I the only one who severely cringed when Julia said what she said when she was Exiled?  


    Jeff:  How do you feel?

    Julia:  I guess I'll be the Odd Man Out coming back..... but it all depends on.... (pause, realizing that she shouldn't be saying this) whether a Beauty is voted out at Tribal.


    Ouch.  That totally made Tai and Anna kind of nuts and act accordingly when their tribe lost immunity.

    • Love 3
  20. I personally think Caila is very pretty but I had no idea she was seen as "conventionally" attractive.   


    To me, Lauren is conventional (not my type), Jojo is very easy on the eyes (literally -- she's easy to look at -- everything is symmetrical, small, and perfectly placed.  It's her sexiness that gives her an extra quality, and that perfect body does not hurt), and Caila is a bit unconventional looking in the face (huge mouth, apple cheeks, overly expressive eyes -- but with perfect hair and teeth.)  I enjoy these shallow debates.


    Something about Caila's personality makes me worry about her or want to protect her.  I couldn't see her as The Bachelorette and others' posts have helped me clarify the issue.  She's too childlike or something.  I'd be afraid of her emotions and I'd be afraid of social media's reactions to her.  Meanwhile I think Jojo can more than handle herself, although I constantly have to remind myself that Jojo and Ben are young people (in my eyes).  Jojo is really good on camera, a natural.


    Alison, agreed.  Jojo made me feel things that other women normally don't.

    • Love 2
  21. I'm clearly in the minority here, but I am enjoying this season for the most part.  I think/hope Peter and Nick are being given the Drew edit, and we will see some beautiful downfalls in the upcoming weeks.  I don't necessarily like a lot of the players but I'm not getting a visceral "make it go AWAY" reaction like I was with Dan and Will from any of them.  And for me, almost any Survivor is better than no Survivor.


    Very much feel like you.  And I'm really enjoying this season, far better than That One with Dan, and That One with the Amazing Race Twins (nothing against those twins; I like them, but god, what an awful season.)


    While I still kind of like a lot of people left in the game...Debbie doesn't bother me, Neal doesn't bother me, most of beauty except Nick seems nice, etc...there isn't anyone in the game who I like as much as I liked Jeremy last year.


    Ha!!  Forget just Jeremy, there isn't anyone I like more than Jeremy, Spencer, and Woo!  Although I think I prefer Tai over Joe.   Maybe even Peih-Gee too.  But they are all close.  But yeah, I also don't mind most of the cast.  If I'm REALLY being honest, I don't mind any of the cast except Kyle Jason, and how Scot is when he's around Kyle Jason.  (Is it Jason Kyle?)   (I don't care.)


    Had no idea Cydney went to UPenn. She must be smart then, but doesn't seem particularly socially smart.


    I never held the impression that Ivy Leaguers were seen as socially smart anyway.

    • Love 6
  22. I think Anna was too shocked to react; also, for the more shrewd ones who care about how they're remembered, maybe they don't want to look bitter.  I wouldn't, because I really wouldn't give a F about the outcome of the game after I leave it.


    I believe that Scot likes Tai.  He could have done the easy, simple thing and align with the Brainiacs and not give a F who leaves the game.  He clearly did.  Also, Dr. Peter likes Tai.  Good thing Tai didn't write down his name.  Though no idea what happens next week.  Tai will re-align with Julia, I hope... 

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