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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I could see Florence Welch wearing Stella's dress.


    Right, and that's a very good thing IMO.  I'm also a big Stevie Nicks fan.


    My only contribution here is that I wanted to say that I really enjoyed Stella's look and that any celebrity would be happy to wear that to the Costume MET ball and it was fabulous.  Great for a concert or gala like that.  I was never a fan of Stella's in her season but she was ahead of the class this episode.  That's all I got.

  2.  Maybe his racism, if he was racist (IDK), was ignorance and that went away with exposure/experience (I want to say education but that doesn't fit). IDK, he's a white male so I get suspicious then feel like I am racist/sexist for saying white male. 


    Including the descriptor of "Asian" as being one of several reasons for why Caleb thinks that Tai was misplaced on the Beauty tribe is what strikes me as casually racist.  Not saying that someone is a white male, which is exactly what Caleb is.


    I also don't know much about Mr. Miyagi but the name is clearly Japanese and Tai has made many mentions of the fact that he is Vietnamese.  Yes I would say that Caleb is ignorant and almost proud of it, saying such things on international television without a thought.

    • Love 1
  3. I wrote a long essay in an episode thread about how small heads on big bodies are unattractive.  Spelling out the obvious.  There's a reason why babies are cute (well, to me).  Give me a disproportionately large head on an adult rather than a small one any day.  Sorry Nick buh bye.


    There was also Starla's mention of him possibly being Tyler Durden because he doesn't interact with the rest of the cast - LOL.

    • Love 4
  4. I love how Tai narrates everything, and that all of the elements of Survivor fighting against him to succeed are merely "Jeff".  Like "Jeff is making this very hard for me."  "Jeff is challenging me right now."  Substitute Jeff for God for how religious people speak.  LOL, omg what a character!


    Can someone recap in entirety what the F* "Ice cream pants" means?  I understand that Neal made his own ice cream business, can someone FILL ME IN ON THE PANTS?  Thanks.

    • Love 9
  5. I want to like Cydney and so far I do.  I don't know why she aligns with those creeps but she thinks it's good for her game to go forward I guess.  She never trusted Alecia from jump and simply never will I think - we'll see what happens come swap. Scot looks bad by association because he's so strongly aligned with Jason but Scot alone doesn't seem that bad.  Just too intense or something, too emotional, too trusting, too EVERYTHING for this game.  It doesn't offend me; I just notice it.  


    I loved Russell and loved Tony as well but I hate Jason and I won't compare him to those two..... just can't see it.  Hate his gameplay, hate everything about him.  I don't remember Russell and Tony stealing clues from people and finding idols accordingly.  I remember them finding all the idols their damn selves.  (If we're talking about stealing in those seasons, Woo stole a clue from Spencer and Russell stole Jaison's socks -- and burned them).   I just passionately hate Jason and don't think he can or will hold a candle to those two.


    Interesting to see where Fauxbama goes from here.  It says a lot that I strongly dislike this person.  I'm a big Obama fan and that definitely includes his looks.  This guy.... Buh.  Just smug smug smug -- even walking to Tribal with a big smile on his face.  Who does that?  I loved how the Brains finally going to Tribal ended up this way, with two people who think they're so smart being outsmarted by others.  Brings back memories of Spencer and how he made every Tribal pretty damn interesting.  Much more interesting than dumbass Jason making "go forward" motions with his arms to illustrate to Jen what going forward looks like visually.

    • Love 4
  6. For me, this was a really good episode for Tai.  His tree montage was really great.  Begrudgingly I will say that it was a good episode for Caleb too.  I guess Tai does not creep me out because Caleb was openly vocal about the attention not at all bothering him, and I took those comments as truthful/at face value.


    I'm kind of obsessed with Cydney.  She's really beautiful, face, hair, body etc. and I love her personality (which I admit is very subdued and subtle).  I understand the speculation about there possibly being a split vote in place but both 1) before Tribal and 2) at Tribal she seemed to be very upset that suddenly Jenny was switching The Plan and was telling everyone about The Plan to get rid of the bounty hunter.  I thought before those blow-ups Cydney had been totally on board.  But then Cydney and the BH were making googly eyes at each other at Tribal so who knows what to think.  


    Poor Jenny, her early bug ordeal had made her very endearing to me.   Maybe the bug eventually left because it was starving :( 


    Anywho, that was a very shocking tribal council for me.  I was completely shocked by the outcome and I'd say that's a good thing.  I do really hate the bounty hunter now, though.


    Regarding the Shirin/Debbie comparison.  I get the comparison because they both outcast themselves from their own tribe but I really was bothered by Shirin and I am not at all bothered by Debbie -- I guess it helps that I don't ever have to be around her.  I think Peter's talking heads about her are kind of mean-spirited.  But maybe he really just is that bothered and that's him getting his frustrations out.  Debbie reminds me more of Wanda (is that the person who sang).  I don't know, that type of character on this show just rolls off my back (so far).


    This was beautiful:


    STARLA, ON 25 FEB 2016 - 12:50 PM, SAID:
    Nick is reminding me of Tyler Durden. Have we seen anyone interact with him?
  7. Nick the Looks Giant or whatever he called himself.  I am really unattracted to people with small heads.  It sounds really mean but I am.  And then he's really tall on top of it (right?) which makes it even worse.  It's not proportionate.  I actually like big heads (babies are adorable). Anyways this is all just a roundabout way of getting to my major point which is ew at Nick, and I can't.


    What did Alecia say?  She said "I'm a mental giant (and then a couple of moments pass) I'm not a Puzzle Master."  Or Puzzle Wizard?  God, she sounds dumb.  I guess she was saying "Mental Giant" as a way to say she's mentally tough and will never break down?  I have never in my life heard the words Mental Giant as a euphemism for that type of person.  That would be like Endurance Giant or something. She also called herself a Master Manipulator.  She really likes describing herself in those kind of Adjective Nouns or whatever the right term is.  Like Crazy-Eyed Blondie or ......  Okay I don't have another name like that for someone who spells the name Alicia incorrectly.


    Oh my gosh, her running tally of odd jobs (didn't see say "Caretaker for Nuns"???) is the only thing that makes me hope they keep her around.


    I very honestly thought she said Caretaker of None.  I was like, okay being childless is a decision or lifestyle I respect but since when is that something one needs to brag about in this type of forum.


    After reading about Caleb being a stalker.  Automatic turn off for life.  I don't think anything would make me like him.


    But the minute he was caught looking for an idol it was like they had unmasked a serial killer.


    It's so f***ing annoying, this attitude (of the others besides Tai).  I really hate it.  I would not be good on Survivor, oh no, I would be a whiny bitch who would spit "Who the fuck cares?" and stomp off to stew by myself.  LOL.  I'm so grumpy right now.  These mental un-giants. I hate a mob mentality, "Let's target him with sticks" groupthink and I would try my hardest not to join in on it and that would be my downfall. 


    Is Debbie an actual person or an Andrea Martin character?


    LOL, shut up.  I'm almost crying from laughing.


    34 to me is pretty much middle-aged.


    This was hard for me to read


    Birth control pills are allowed I think, so if they get a 3-month supply they can go the entire time without a period.  This is a question I should ask one of the female survivors... Hmmmm..


    Birth control pills totally eliminated all the pain I felt from periods, which to me was often overwhelming.

  8. After watching the Oscars, I realize Tom Hardy wasn't on my screen nearly enough for my liking.


    He is so freaking delicious in Inception.  That's the first time I saw him, and boy did he make me sit up and pay attention.  I recently rewatched it at a local theatre and all the same feelings came back again.  "Who is this man?  My, my, my...."

    • Love 2
  9. Hi Everyone!  On vacation so I won't get to see the first two episodes until I return but it shows you how much of a fan I am that I'm a bit sad that I'm missing the fun.  I am basically in paradise right now.  Have fun guys.  

    • Love 4
  10. Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.


    I really really wanted to quit this show :(  And then my friend made me watch this one.  It was pretty good.  At least I didn't fall asleep.


    1)  Why did I think Sap had STABBED the FBI man in the kitchen?  What had he done instead?


    2)  Why the hell did Ray Liotta decide Sap was the rat?  What was his reasoning/evidence/decision based on?


    3)  The whole episode I figured Ray Liotta is probably still Harlee's baby daddy, haha I don't know why.  But at the very least it's the guy in jail I assume.


    Thank you all!  J.Lo is super hot!


    I'm beginning to love that black cop that isn't Finding Forrester.  God sorry this makes me sound like such asshole.  Me and names.  I feel bad about this also but Drea and whoever is related to her in storylines are so extraneous.  

  11. Peplum was out like the 3rd day after it was discovered.  Ken has done that outfit like 100 times or at least that's how I see things in my own head.


    Asha is disgusting.  Disgusting as a human being and just overall disgusting.


    I'm surprised and confused that NONE of my favourites (minus Kini) wanted to come back?  Are they really all that busy besides Siriano and Costello?  Maybe they are tired of all the abuse and shenanigans.  Good for them I guess.


    I thought Fade's was really cool and Zanna made herself look extremely stupid when she suggested he change it.


    Was Zanna this terrible last time around?


    Yeah.  It was good when she would try and fight with Dmitry and Dmitry was just Not Having It.  She seems dumb.

    • Love 14
  12. I don't get all the Avalon love. The judges seemed to prefer her duet over Stephany's. I thought ruben and stephany were superior to ruben and avalon. And I'm just gonna say it...i HATED avalon's verion of Love Yourself. To me, her voice on that song was almost like helium-induced.


    I'm already sick of Harry telling me who he thinks it would be fun to hang out with.  


    Top 40 hits would have done the new crop of contestants way more favours, but I guess this episode was basically just to re-promote old Idols of yore and to make it clear that most of the new contestants aren't star material anyway.


    I noticed that when Fantasia duets, as soon as the other person stars singing she turns super serious and stares at the person intently and mouths some lyrics.  LOL I just love her.


    Caleb never opens his eyes?  Did I imagine that?  Then I thought well maybe my queen Fantasia doesn't when she's feeling it either.  Then there's Scotty who just looks out to the frontier or whatever and refuses to have any connection to anything.  I don't blame anyone for their styles, it's just interesting.

    • Love 4
  13. No matter how many times I am shown this Caleb person I don't have recollection of him existing.  It seemed that the crowd was with me too because when Ryan announced him there was a delayed "Uh.... ok?"


    Fantasia is my God.  The way I feel about Fantasia is how a lot of you seem to feel about Lambert.  I was just WEEPING tonight.  Anytime she did ANYTHING.  I still love this woman.  So much.


    I didn't really agree with the judges because 1)  I thought La Porsha paled in comparison to Fantasia in a major way and yet 2) I didn't think Jordan did a bad job at all next to her at all.  Is anything wrong with me?  Please confirm.


    I actually love Stephany as much as others here do.  But --- there's something about her.  She's not confident enough to be a star or something, not yet.  I can't put my finger on it.  Maybe her voice/singing is not unique enough to stand out.  Isn't this what happened with Pia?  Is that her name?  


    But I also will fast forward through every Jeneve performance.


    I'm having real trouble caring about the rest.  Aren't those 2 whispery hipster boys extremely alike?  It's like a weird cloning project.  


    Hey I also like Ruben and hearing him sing was really like time travel.  All of a sudden I was transported back there.  As soon as he starts to sing I feel like I'm on a magic carpet.  It's really weird.   The room starts moving.


    Also that "contestant" (? seriously questioning this) that is apparently named Jenna Renae???  I have NEVER seen her before.  It was like they let Scotty perform with his sister or something.

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