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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. PhD-Purgatory15, Really enjoyed and agreed with so much of your post.  Didn't understand a lot of the cutting and keeping decisions.  BOO to the woman who couldn't sing a tiny verse of Staying Alive.  It's one verse.  How are you going to do when it's Top 20?  bluepiano, agree with you too.


    That woman in Sonika's group -- the one who looks like a Latina pageant queen.  (Stephany?)  She's so beautiful.  How is she that beautiful?  I can't believe someone is that beautiful.  I have to hope it's plastic surgery so I can sleep at night.  JK but also not really.


    I think I'm becoming a La Porsha fan.  Her kid is adorable even though she schleps her around too much.  

    • Love 1
  2. Guys, this is our last Hollywood Week Group Rounds.


    I want to reminisce about my favourite one of all time.  It's called Heejun Han versus Cowboy.  I was so in love with Heejun and Phillip Phillips this season.  Poor PP had kidney stones.  


    • Love 7
  3. So last season I was on the side of, of COURSE Sutton/Liza could be 26.


    This year, I'm finding it a lot less believable.  I was going to say it's something around the eyes, but someone upthread has pointed it out.  Yeah.  I don't know anymore.  I have a friend who is like 37 that people could easily believe is 26.  She's petite and kind of doll-like with amazing skin.. I think I've mentioned her before.  Anyways, the idea for the show is still really cool, I just think I don't know if Sutton passes anymore, for me.  Maybe I just know the actor too well, or something.

    • Love 1
  4. Aw, that movie gets a lot of flak.  But I love Emily Giffin and her books, and that movie was a pretty damn faithful adaptation.  So I actually like that movie.  But yeah.... Dex is no great love interest.  I'll give you that.  Nobody in that movie or book comes off looking good.


    The opposite of that for me is Time Traveler's Wife.  One of my favourite books of all time but that movie was total crap (IMO).

    • Love 1
  5. Why so much negativity about Kristen Stewart's acting career?  What is that based on?


    She won the Rising Star BAFTA Award in 2010, and became the first American actress to win a Cesar Award, when she won Best Supporting Actress in 2015 for her role opposite Juliette Binoche in Clouds of Sils Maria (2014).


    This is no small feat.  4 movies listed for 2016, including a Woody Allen film.  She's won 8 acting awards (so far) for Clouds of Sils Maria.  That's pretty insane.  It seems to me she's making perfect choices for the type of actor she is.  Obviously the Snow White debacle was a misstep but whatever.  People are not holding it against her.  Maybe Twihards are, I don't know.  The business doesn't seem to be.

  6. I say this about every show so I don't really know what's wrong with me, but it's just not as good as the first season.


    Was Charles supposed to be Idris Elba with the "boom mic" that I still refuse to even believe it was?  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)

  7. I went searching around for Caila's ethnicity to answer a question here.  I inadvertently ran into major spoilers so I don't recommend it.  I think she is half Filipina and half German.

    • Love 1
  8. Thanks for confirming, because I think I'm a bit tone-deaf myself.


    I'll always love Brenda Starr though, because she's partly responsible for Mariah Carey's career and MC has brought me like, 20 years of happiness...... So Brenda Starr is good in my books.

    • Love 1
  9. I like her buddy, the spiky haired vocal coach.  I think he will be top 20!  


    He's like a cute blonde baby Billie Joe Armstrong.  I don't know if you know Jacob Hoggard.  He went kind of far in Canadian Idol now fronts a pretty successful Canadian band.  He sings kinda like that.


    I'm sad that the woman who sang "Rise Up" in her audition (and made Keith and I cry - looked it up, Melanie Tierce as mentioned above) kinda crashed and burned.  I didn't think she sang badly - just maybe she didn't stand out?  That was really too bad because I thought she had a lot of potential.


    The sleazy guy who liked J.Lo - I remember being so impressed with his D'angelo in his audition. This time he did Bruno Mars and it was kind of strange.  


    Po was singing like a drunk or high person, and then all the crying after did not help the cause.  I wonder how grating or tolerable she will be.

    • Love 2
  10. I already made a joke about this show being the Bizarro Brooklyn 99 -- the protagonist is a hot, likeable Latino/Latina (Okay I don't even get if Jake Peralta is supposed to be Latino - I think I was told his last name is Spanish) who in real life is a singer... Ha!  And the Chief has a love/hate relationship with the protagonist whom they are mentoring.  And now it's revealed that both Chiefs are gay!!!   Let the parallels continue.


    I think Wozniak is gay, not bisexual.  Why was he so grossed out by J.Lo's amazing body?  LOL !! Is it that he sees her as a daughter?


    J.Lo's body , face, and hair are amazing in this show.  She is not doing a bad job.  And the ADA she is putting it on is hot.  When it came to Drea's subplot I almost wanted to turn it off forever.  I only follow about half of the proceedings.  But then the last 15 minutes were good.  FBI guy is disgusting.


    Yet, she's getting it on with the lumbersexual ADA. Which I'm fine with!  I don't recall where I've seen Gino Anthony Pesi before, but he can hang around as long as he likes.


    I guess "lumbersexual" is one of my types; have you seen Ron Swanson?  Hello!

    • Love 1
  11. Early on, the woman with the green hair (Jackie) who sang "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy?  That sounded like horrible, screaming to me.  What did everyone else think?


    I thought that the Puerto Rican guy who sang "Can't Feel my Face" by The Weeknd was great.


    Other than that, I'm sad to see the one guy I was quite intrigued by, the older emo guy with the green eyes, cut.  

    • Love 1
  12. Are you sure it's a joke when it's reported in how many publications and it's listed as post-production on IMDB?


    Edited:  Oh, I understand now.  You thought kili was quoting your joke.... no.  Kili was quoting the actual news story.


    Edited to use the right person's username!


    Elizabeth, Michael and Marlon (TV Movie) (post-production)

    Michael Jackson

  13. Who is the "soccer mom" contestant that people keep referring to?  Is this the person who said that Jubilee would not fit into the soccer mom type, and if so, who said this?  --- Googled this now, it seems like that comment was made by Lauren H.?  A.k.a. whom I have been calling Unattractive Lauren.


    The person who is a literal mom is Amanda, she of the Baby Voice.  I actually like her though.  She's blonde and petite and looks sort of fragile.


    Jojo is a Brunette and wore a handkerchief for a top on the romantic helicopter date.


    There's also Attractive Lauren, with the huge forehead but I think she has a really cute face.  And then Unattractive Lauren, no offense to anyone, I think she dressed like a chicken.  She's really unattractive to me, again no offense.


    I agree that Becca seems oddly attractive but to me it looks like she's had work done.  If you look at her past photos she always looks completely different, lots of makeup and hair changes and maybe even more.

  14. [Olivia] DOES have a talent -- broadcasting. Why didn't she do a pretend weather newscast, or even do a news segment about the show? She could have gone out into the audience and interviewed people about the show, or whether they like roses, or where they were from. Done and done.


    The first thing that occurred to me when watching.  Another reason why it was obvious to me that it was super fake.


    I could also hear canned laughter being dubbed in.  There's no way the sounds of those crowd reactions were real or natural -- there was no footage of people outside of the Bachelor contestants laughing.  The women mostly looked horrified or confused; it's not like they were guffawing out loud.

  15. I was enthralled by the first episode, the one that the critics hated, and for this episode I was super grossed-out and scared; not an enjoyable experience.  It brought back all of the memories of me not being able to watch the show as a kid.  So things don't really change.  I'm just not an X-Filer!  Or whatever you guys call yourselves.  


    I'll continue to watch though.  6 episodes is so low commitment.  I enjoy seeing all of our questions answered here and everyone geeking out about Mulder and Scully.

  16. I am under the impression that Olivia is doing all of this on purpose to get Ben's sympathy -  make a complete fool of herself on purpose, gain sympathy from Ben, then go to Ben crying afterwards, hoping that Ben has pity for her which turns into protectiveness and love.  I've seen other woman do this to more success but their game was much more committed and stronger.  I don't think Ben's that kind of guy though since she always gets the last rose and he can barely tolerate her.


    There's no way this Olivia behaviour can be real so I can only conclude it's what I said above or the producers are feeding her a character and lines.

    • Love 6
  17. Fred Armisen is Asian, Latino, and white, but I get your point.  Also, to add, so far, they haven't done yellowface this year, but it was definitely a regular thing in past recent years.

  18. (Speaking as someone who never really got into the original show) I loved it.  I was compelled and didn't have my eyes wander to social media throughout (well for the most part) so that was a victory.


    Television critics are already TRASHING it on Twitter, though.  Alan Sepinwall.  Indiewire.  

    • Love 9
  19. In my opinion it would absolutely not be professional suicide for Chris Rock, one of the best and most intelligent comedians that I know of, to bow out of hosting the Oscars.  Professional suicide is putting it very dramatically.  Ask Anne Hathaway?  What would we be asking her?  After hosting the Oscars in 2010 she starred in Les Miserables in 2012 and won a bunch of awards for doing so, including the Best Supporting Actress Oscar.  She also co-starred in The Intern this year which made $194 million on a $35 million dollar budget.  In my opinion her career is bigger now than before the so-called hosting "debacle".

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