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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Thank you LexieLily.  I remember that being a good idea.... at THAT time.


    I thought Thomas was going to sing the theme song from Toy Story (was there a theme song?) when he came out dressed as Woody.


    Sure.  "You've Got a Friend in Me" by Randy Newman.


    There's gotta be other Constantine fans besides me around.  Isn't it weird how much he looks like Chris D'Elia?


    Didn't Screamin' Jay Hawkins do that song first? Or was there somebody before him?


    Yes!  He wrote it!  He was first.  Nina Simone's version is also famous.  Much more famous than  (??? Who did they say?  Annie Lennox?  Seriously?  I thought I was younger than this!)

  2. Gianna was really good.


    Can a Kris Allen fan confirm if he ever sang "Love Lockdown" by Kanye West during his season?  Why do I feel like he did?  


    The blonde country girl sounded awful.  The off the grid girl on the harp was surprisingly not bad.


    I think Sonika sounded really nice but there is something so boring about her.  For example, I have no idea what song she sang and I don't care to look it up.


    Poor Stephany, she's so beautiful and cool but will be lost in the shuffle.

  3. After reading your comments I am so glad I missed the pigs. That would have freaked me out.   Confused about why Ben had to mention AGAIN in his blog how "hard" he tried with Jubilee and Jen.  Faithful watcher friend said he all but begged someone last night to tell him what was wrong, but didn't he criticize Jubilee for not "telling him what the issues were."  


    I clearly remember Ben saying something like "Caila is all smiles all the time, which is fine, but I want her to get DEEP and PERSONAL" or some such nonsense.  And I remember it pissing me off because Ben kicked Jubilee to the curb for being too complicated.  So Caila smiles too much for Ben but Jubilee frowns too much for Ben, just fuck off Ben.  But of course this is the premise of the show he has to come up with a flaw for all these women instead of just admitting he's most attracted to Lauren B.

    • Love 10
  4. The "Janet" Episode:


    1.  "If" - from the 1993 album "janet"


    2.  "Escapade" - from the 1989 album "Rhythm Nation 1814" - Eddie's friend sadly sings this 'happy' song as a way to feel better when they lose the tickets to Janet's concert.


    3.  "Dammn Baby" - from Janet's new album "Unbreakable"

  5. Actually, that didn't bother me since it was the tag and it looked to me like an outtake of the actors goofing around, not the characters.


    It didn't bother me.  I'm well aware that it was an outtake.  And I was kidding.  "Cheating"?  I didn't mean it literally, there's no actual game to win here.  What I meant was that I was trying so hard to think what 1995 era song that could be, but then it struck me that it's a song that I've recently heard off of her new album.  So it was a tad ironic I guess.  And most probably a promotion for Janet's new album.  Though I guess I can't really blame the show for that.  Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis appeared on the show, and in turn the show promotes Janet's new album, which Wikipedia confirms that they worked on.

  6. The Plan:


    Amy:  We feed the dog chocolate -- it dies -- while everyone celebrates --

    Terry:  Okay Amy's too close to this. 


    It's funny that when she imitated Ellen reading online recipes "Who has the time?" it's actually sounds closer to Stephanie Beatriz real voice!


    Yes.  This made me laugh way too hard.  I work with the same person I think


    I know people love Terry, but he's just not all that funny or interesting to me, and his habit of referring to himself in the third person is a major pet peeve of mine!


    I feel like it's a strangulation of Terry Crews.  He mostly just stands there, and once in awhile freaks out and says something strange.  Terry Crews is enormously talented (and enormous) yet I feel like the character is so limiting.  So much so that it makes me a bit uncomfortable.  It's just not enough for the star power of the actor, I think.  But the cast is so large so I guess it has to happen.  I just feel like Terry is a movie star, I guess.  I think I picture him with the career of a Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.


    And yes, I agree that Jake totally trusting Boyle's story of what happened with Damon Wayans' character (Stephen? Shills?) is yet another example of why this show is smarter than others.  I noticed that immediately.

  7. The song from the closing credits when the kids are dancing seems to be "Dammn Baby" by Janet from her NEW album, Unbreakable!  That's cheating!


    There was definite "If" and "Escapade" by Janet playing beforehand.  "If" has got to be my all time favourite Janet song <3 

  8.  I swear poor JoJo was fighting off a whole family of pigs who wanted to draw and quarter her. 


    Jojo's body is really hot.


    Leighton Meester is extremely beautiful so I will respect and understand the comparison but I cannot agree with it.  Lauren B. is more plain and average to me with every episode.


    Teen Mom and Leftover Twin have zero chance here.  I don't get what the twin is being kept around for.


    I love how Caila makes it clear that she doesn't like anyone around her but not in the asshole way that Olivia did.  Olivia got more horrifying (personality wise and therefore looks wise) to me with every episode.  I tried to find the redeemable parts of this woman but there were none and by the end I could not even look at her face.  I just see a lizard.


    Ben's eyes are so beady and close together.  I looked up the past Bachelors and 90% of them are so ugly so I get why Ben looks good in comparison.  That Bob Guiney guy?  Good lord I will have nightmares.


    I know this post seems shallow and awful but I think Jojo is scorchingly hot and Caila is very pretty.  If Jojo is Bachelorette I am good with it but the problem with Caila is obviously that nobody can follow her trail of thoughts.  Sometimes she's all smiles and then sometimes she's stonefaced.  The way she uses emotion is confusing, let alone the way she speaks.  


    I love how everyone before me has pointed out Ben smiling and saying, "The women are having a blast" and then you see poor Jojo in the background running for her life from the hungry pigs.  Also Ben accosting every single woman in the water and pleading, why aren't you paying more attention to me?  Is extremely hilarious.  The women were all being polite, I thought.  And trying to (literally) survive the pig horniness.  Which was horrifying -- as so much else in this episode was.

    • Love 5
  9. I get that she's gone but I HAVE TO complain about this.  Olivia's manipulative personality making it seem like every single problem the other contestants have with her is their fault and not hers.


    "Well, they like talking about like, painting their nails, and things.  I like .. thinking."  OMG

    "They are all intimidated by me, because I'm so confident."  OMG


    She managed to use every sentence to put down all the other women and put her up, and say it in that slithery, manipulative, Oh my god I'm just so innocent voice, and everyone hates me because they're just so jealous of me!  She is the typical Lacey Chabert in Mean Girls!  And then she puts down Emily for being too young -- which, okay, yeah -- but Olivia claims to be only 23.... is that not young?



    • Love 9
  10. I'm watching TOW Joey Loses His Insurance right now and dying at Joey's audition. Hey Timmy... I've got... a... *groooan* surprise... for you


    (Dog food commercial)


    Joey:  "Purina One.  Pick up a bag today."  (Stands still.)

    Woman:  No.  The line is "Pick up" a bag today.  So you pick up the bag.

    Joey:  Exactly.

    Woman:  (Stares)

    Joey:  How about this?  How about "Blah blah blah Purina One.  Point to a bag today."

    • Love 2
  11. It seems that nobody has mentioned Bobby Moynihan playing Jeff Green/Jeff Garlin in the Curb Your Enthusiasm sketch.


    His, "Bernie, what's this I hear about --" was a very accurate impression.  Snapped me awake, made me think of Jeff.

  12. It's too bad to hear that about iZombie.  My brother asked me to watch a couple of episodes and I love how the main cast includes a black man (the cop), an east Indian man (the forensic guy) and had a bunch of east Asian guys in a storyline of the episode that I watched.  It seems very racially diverse. But I just didn't like the show enough to continue.

  13. I like that Larry is becoming a Friend of the Show (the seeds of which were planted during that SNL 40th anniversary special, I think). When you have that kind of alumni talent, you should to exploit the hell out of it. I'm a little surprised he mentioned only his audition in the monologue and not his writing work there. Wasn't his quitting and then coming back to work as if nothing had happened the inspiration for his Seinfeld episode where George did the same, or did I imagine that? On the other hand, why joke about that anymore when he's already written the perfect joke on that in the form of that Seinfeld episode.


    Yes, that's right.  I think Larry worked at SNL for one season and only had one of his written sketches make it to air.


    David then became a writer for and cast member of ABC's Fridays from 1980 to 1982, and a writer for NBC's Saturday Night Live (SNL) from 1984 to 1985.[12] During his time at SNL, he was able to get only one sketch on the show, which aired at 12:50 AM, the last time slot on the show.[13]


    David quit his writing job at SNL on the first episode, only to show up to work a few days later acting as though nothing had happened. That event inspired a second-season episode of Seinfeld entitled "The Revenge".[14] David met his future Seinfeld stars during that early stage of his career: he worked with Michael Richards (Kramer) on Fridays[12] and with Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Elaine)[13] on SNL.[15][16] He can be heard heckling Michael McKean when McKean hosted SNL in 1984, and he can be seen in the sketch "The Run, Throw, and Catch Like a Girl Olympics" when Howard Cosell hosted the season finale in 1985.[17][18]

    • Love 2
  14. I thought I would be annoyed by the Zoolander cameo because they've been promoting the movie almost as much as Jerry Seinfeld promoted Bee Movie but then I really enjoyed the jokes.  


    Hansel:  (Referencing everything in the 1990s being remade) And I don't know if you heard the news but O.J. killed again.


    And then Derek referencing Jerry Maguire as an insult to Ted/Tom Cruz/Cruise.


    I can't be objective about Larry David, so let's just say I loved it.  I love his energy and demeanor, I love how he shared so much with Bernie Sanders.  I'm happy.  I love how he did stand-up for his monologue.  And it was funny.  Very happy.  (Also, I'll mention that I've liked every episode and host this year - Adam Driver, Ronda Rousey, and now this -- one of my absolute heroes).


    I never wanted to be one of those people who acts old and grumpy about the musical guest.  So this is a real milestone for me because this is one of my first times.  How is The 1975 any different from any pop hit you heard on the radio in the 1980s?   I'll take my answer off the air.  Thanks.

    • Love 3
  15. LeBron was pretty good when he hosted back in 2007 - I found him surprisingly funny.  That was also when Kanye had a sense of humor about himself, and he was hilarious in the sketch he was in.


    I really did like that episode.


    And I wouldn't just want to see her because she's a great actress and hilarious, but also because my stepmom has a friend that works in Hollywood, and she's said many times that Sandra Bullock is one of the nicest people she's ever worked with and has told me a bunch of really sweet stories about her. So there would probably be a good vibe generated backstage that could make its way onscreen.


    Not surprised.  This sealed my opinion of her - (Didn't even know until now that she's done this multiple times after 2004:)


    Bullock has been a public supporter of the American Red Cross, having donated $1 million to the organization at least four times. Her first public donation of that amount was to the Red Cross's Liberty Disaster Relief Fund. Three years later, she sent money in response to the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunamis.[119] In 2010, she donated $1 million to relief efforts in Haiti following the Haiti earthquake, and again donated the same amount following the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.[120] - Wikipedia
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