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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Can someone tell me what Stringfellow's exgirlfriend story is all about?


    I don't get a Lambert vibe from him, but as someone here stated a few weeks ago, he is a lot like Jacob Hoggard from CA Idol - good voice, irreverent and punk-lite.


    Me!  Thanks

  2. Omg, in the montage they showed that sleazy guy I really liked that only a few of us seemed to!  Constantine or something?  LOL!!!!!!!!!


    Loved that the blonde Green Day guy did N'Sync.  That was too cute for words.  


    I'm fine with the Final 2 decisions.  I absolutely love La'Porsha and the other woman Lindita did not give a great performance, though she is very likeable.  And I really don't like Jordan Sasser or whatever his name is, but former drug addict guy, WTF?  I don't get his style at all.  It was sleazy and weird, and not in the Constantine Mouralis way I like.


    The young boy "Lee" -- I liked his performance tonight.  But it seems like I only like him when he does Ed Sheeran, wonder what else he can bring?


    I love that the one contestant, Avalon, was totally out and proud.


    I can't with Jeneve.


    I've said this before, but James VIII looks exactly like Ethan Embry.


    The Brenda K. Starr's daughter thing is still weird to me.  Was that performance good, or shouty and out of tune?  Doesn't the daughter of someone who helped create Mariah Carey's career already have enough opportunities or what?  Anyway there's no way she can win this, can she?  


    Seemed like lots of good contestants were cut all in the same montage.  The one who sang Up on the Mountain last episode?  Damn.

    • Love 1
  3. I personally don't see any confidence in Olivia.   Not what I would call it.  More like desperation, definitely a lot of delusion.  Those raptor smiles never spelled out confidence to me but rather a sort of mania.  Also the way she addresses the other women is not confidence; she doesn't care about being polite to them but I don't think that comes from a place of confidence.

    • Love 5
  4. I always notice the actor who plays Elliot when I see him in other stuff (I'll google him when I'm caught up) because I think he is so handsome and distinct looking.  He can really look so stoned sometimes, and people always ask me if I'm high, so maybe I see my own qualities in him so I think he's more attractive, haha.  Sometimes the bug eyes can definitely be strange but I think he's hot.


    Read all three pages and was so shocked that this important issue had not yet been touched in.  How beautiful Rami Malek is.  Yes...... Love his face

    • Love 2
  5. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is a huge deal for making an Asian guy the main love interest of the show.  Also, Asian and Latino people just EXIST on that show as normal people and no attention is drawn to their race, they are just human beings.  It's revolutionary this way.  It's not an Asian show or a Latino show (though for me, the more of those shows, the better) it's just a show where all of these people exist together. 


    The Asian love interest's name is Josh, and his group of friends have a friend that they call White Josh to differentiate them.  This is also subtly revolutionary.  Usually white people are treated as the default, so you get people thinking they're clever by saying things like "Wow, you're like a black Angelina Jolie"  or "You're like a black Seinfeld."  This show doesn't make white the default at all; hence this white man named Josh has to be called White Josh so people know you're referencing the Other Josh on the show and not the main one.  It's quite something.  Also the main Josh is in an interracial relationship with a Latina woman (again treated as totally normal).

    • Love 8
  6. I was meh on him at the beginning and I still am. I think he's boring. I just thought that a not-so-nice side was shown on this episode. 


    Yeah, agreed, this is the first season of The Bachelor I've watched so I definitely didn't declare him the best and I've never spelt it "eva".

    • Love 5
  7. Well, unless you believe Melissa just constantly lies to her fans on social media - which, is her right if she wanted to (again I personally give her the benefit of the doubt) - she very publicly on her Twitter said the following:


    Melissa McCarthy ‏@melissamccarthy  14 Dec 2015
    I was shocked and heartbroken when @CBS canceled #MikeAndMolly. I would have shot this show for 50 more years. I'll miss my 2nd family.


  8. Lee Jean - Stitches - His voice is good but there's nothing going on in his eyes. No connection. 


    Yeah, I didn't get this guy.  Harry was all like, "Oh, he's going to be good, this should be good, he's going to be good at this."  Influencing the other judges before the guy even comes out?  Then this happened which I didn't even get anything from? I am missing something here.

    • Love 2
  9. In all of this hoopla I figured out today that Melissa McCarthy is STILL on Mike & Molly.  It's in its last season but it's STILL airing.  With still being on that kind of show, she can't really consider herself too big for this Netflix reunion, so I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt on this one.

  10. Rarely venture to the grassy knoll, but I'd be very intrigued to learn whether there was some producer intervention that allowed Chosen Teen A (Tristan) to get her preferred song. Glad to see Malie survived switching songs and laryngitis too.


    Can someone give me the full details?  I didn't get this.  What did removing her name from that list entail? 


    Felt bad for the singers who had to perform with laryngitis and other issues. Is it just me, or did they really show more of the sick stuff than they have before? I don't recall them showing people coming down with something or getting sick or whatnot as much in the past.


    Personally, no -- I feel like it happens every season!!

    • Love 1
  11. I just watched this and I'm sorry but the "Kris" mentions and the "Kortney" "Khloe" mentions at the funeral really stuck out like a sore thumb and were really egregious.  It really took me out of the "story" that I know pretty well and made me roll my eyes.  It's so obvious that the producers are trying to cash in on the Kardashian fame with those mentions.  I understand Robert Kardashian's role in the actual story and facts but I still hold the opinion that the Kris/Khortney/Khloe stuff was over the top.  I would not have been surprised to hear Kanye West mentioned at some damn point.  (This part is sarcasm).


    The negatives were David Schwimmer's acting (and I'm a big Friends fan), John Travolta's characterization.


    The positives were everything else.  I'm down with Cuba even though I agree that he doesn't look like him - he's such a talented actor and I think he's going to get awarded for this.  Agree that Courtney B. Vance is just killing it.


    Poor Jonathan Taylor Thomas, whom I STILL have a crush on.  ;)

    • Love 12
  12. It's not like I was a big fan of the Liz character at all, honestly, but whoa.  I still think that's "Dry"... sorry can't find a non-slang way of saying this. 


    I don't think fan favouritism or whatever has much to do with the Liz call, it certainly has zero to do with the Sookie call, because Sookie IS a fan favourite, right?  It just seems like ASP is a very intense and weird person.

  13. My friend who I watch every week thinks that Ben and Jubilee had sex on their date.  What do you guys think?  Keep in mind that we were turned on by that date and maybe our imaginations went a little wild.  Not sure.


    Anyways, that imagination adds to why we cannot help sympathize with Jubilee, use of the term "unlovable" or not.


    I have no problem with Ben breaking up with someone "after the fact", just something about that connection seemed really sweet and we're disappointed, and turned off by his demeanor in that "break up" scene. 

    • Love 1
  14. Rory and Lorelai eating large amounts of unhealthy food--although if you're eating 3,000 calories worth of impeccably healthy food as opposed to 3,000 calories worth of burgers and fries, you'll still gain weight, barring Olympic-level athlete training--and remaining tiny is a bit of a bind. On the one hand, it's extremely unrealistic. On the other hand, it's good to see women on TV who enjoy eating and taking pleasure in food without it becoming some kind of snide joke about their sad, emotionally empty existences (as opposed to, say, Liz Lemon on 30 Rock, whose obsession with food is played for laughs). Sookie is another female character who takes pleasure in preparing and eating food without it being some sort of joke at her expense.



    I've always seen this in a different way.  I absolutely hate the phenomenon (Debra Messing when she was thin on Will & Grace, Sandra Bullock in every single movie she does after she became powerful enough to give input on her character, and Gilmore Girls) of thin actresses playing characters who are pigs.  And we're supposed to laugh because it's just oh so hilarious!  It's like the phenomenon of models and actresses who say their diet is burgers and they don't work out at all.  You'll notice that only some actors are extremely honest about their work outs and how strict they are with their diets.  


    It's this disingenuous Hollywood thing that makes Hollywood figures unattainable, like, you'll never get this figure because these women just have it naturally.  These women eat burgers, fries, and pizza, yet have very thin figures naturally.  Forget being like them, they're more special than you because this is the fantasy of Hollywood.  


    Taking pleasure in food is fine.  Being a foodie is fine.  There are some cultures who take way more pleasure in food than others.  But I absolutely can't stand this 'stick-thin female characters who love to eat crap' thing, and it's supposed to be cute and funny.    It's not.  It's not like Lorelai and Rory were having gourmet or light meals or enjoying the pleasure of experimenting with great foods.  They were eating crap upon crap and clearly did not care about being nutritious.  I don't personally celebrate that.


    Anyway that seemed to be more of a "thing" in the 90s/2000s and I think it seems to be going away.  Thanks, (Michelle) Obama.   I am the kind of person who will gain weight extremely easily and I do watch every calorie, so of course someone like Liz Lemon is more relatable for me.


    Edited to Add:  It puts completely unrealistic standards on women.  You should be able to eat like a pig and still look as thin as all the women on TV.  If you don't, there's something wrong with YOU.

    • Love 4
  15. I thought Lauren B. was looking cute last week but this week I found myself finding her plain, wondering, what did I see beforehand?  


    I wasn't the nicest about Lauren H.'s face before but I will grant that is an amazing pair of legs and I agree her body looked just great on the runway.


    Leah to me is plain plain plain.  Apparently Ben and/or the producers feel the same way.  I'll reserve judgement on Jennifer; she's kind of cute but who knows what kind of person she is.


    Sorry, but nothing anyone can make me say will make me pro-Olivia.  (Though sure, I'm pro-Olivia for the drama).  I loved Amanda being the only person that has ever stuck up for herself to Olivia's comments.  I loved Baby Emily running to (I have literally forgotten his name) (Brad)  (Whatever)  (Oh) Ben and crying about how mean Olivia is.  It was HILARIOUS.  

    • Love 3
  16. I liked the episode, but a huge meh on the parents as guest stars; they do nothing for me.  Katey Sagal has an absolute monopoly on these acting parts.  I have this perception that she shows up on every favourite show of mine playing that exact same dour person.


    Holt:  Do you have any experience with puzzles?

    Scully (beaming):  Yes!  I haven't solved any.


    Rosa:  Boyle is completely nude on the video.

    Terry:  WHHYYYYYY?


    I really loved that Holt said "Booya-ka-sha" when they found all 4 keys.


    I really like Hitchcock.  He makes me laugh.

    • Love 1
  17. "We can't afford her" - can someone explain that to me though?  How do you know what Melissa would charge?  Big actors have been known to take way lesser salaries for passion projects.


    I guess one of the speculations is that Netflix and ASP got together and said, here's what we think MM would demand, and she's not the HUGEST most necessary part of GG, so let's forget it?  

    • Love 1
  18. This is all so passive aggressive.


    Does ASP have major ego issues where she cannot ask an actor to return to a series?  If you want something, you ask.  You don't wait until someone says "I am available so write me a cameo", and you don't blame someone for not reading your mind.


    Not that Melissa "needs" this but if she's telling the truth here I'd be very affronted/annoyed if I was her.  Then again, maybe I'm kind of passive aggressive too - I need to be invited to things in order to go.  How weird is it to expect Melissa to call Netflix and demand a part?  I honestly think that's very weird.

    • Love 2
  19. catrice2, I'm really sorry about the quote misattribution and I have fixed it now.  The Quote function on this forum makes me want to cry.  

    • Love 1
  20. The only thing I found "mysterious" and "intriguing" about the pouty Jubilee is how she did 4.5 years in the military and never rose above PFC. She should have been Specialist 1 after two years if she was an average soldier. Methinks her shitty attitude had a lot to do with it.


    There are a lot of assumptions about a person's history that has never been explored on this show being made to find something negative to say about this person.  None of us obviously know what happened with Jubilee's service.

    • Love 17
  21. Lauren H. seems like a great person, but the pulling faces and opening her mouth hugely in surprise is just too much and annoying to watch.  I would be embarrassed for my son's K teacher if she were on the Bachelor!  


    And the fact that every other word of her mouth is "Like"?  What is she teaching those poor children?


    Some of us (me) thought Jubilee was the hottest one there, and the most interesting, and we saw some real depth to the date between Ben and Jubilee.  And then he was just like Bye!  Ouch.  All the interest in the show has been vaccuumed out.  How many times do I need to see Olivia's pupils dilate and uvula?


    To me, it's not a strike against Jubilee that she's complicated and has intrigue and baggage.  She's a complex person and was very guarded.  That's the most "offensive" thing about her which I am not offended by.  She held my interest which is more than what the others brought for me.

    • Love 9
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