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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I admit I don't really have place to talk on this front, but the actor who plays Gerald has the hugest bags under his eyes.  I kept waiting for a plot reveal about his serious fatigue and lack of his sleep.  Edie is not exactly a newborn and he gets a lot of childcare help.  Am I being too mean or judgemental?  I have to admit I find it distracting.


    I still think that John Stamos is so great on this show, and I'm a big Regina Hall fan.

  2. Nicole is finally free of Ilana! Loved the Sister Act dream sequence at the end. The 90s outfits were just the icing on the cake.


    I was totally hysterical!  It will be hard for a 2016 sitcom to beat this.


    Work humour is my totally favourite thing, so I am very sad to see Ilana leave this job, too!


    (Vanessa Williams walks into the room)


  3. Ha, I watch the show.  People are either totally Team Jubilee or NOT, I find.  I would take what Jami and Amber say with a grain of salt because in one episode Jubilee seemed to kind of be a front runner and Amber tried to verbally attack her in front of The Bachelor, almost begging Jubilee to have some kind of conflict with her.  Jubilee and The Bachelor were not having it.  


    Anyway, to me, Jubilee is an amazing woman (an orphan from Haiti and currently a Sergeant in the military) and I'd love it if she was picked for The Bachelorette next season but I have no hope.  There's a chance it could be a woman named Caila who is half white and half Asian so people are excited about the possible diversity.  I guess it's good that this season was SOMEWHAT, sort of, a tiny bit diverse...  But the last two women standing this season are of course white women.


    Also, if you've heard of the show UnReal -- it is a fictional show about the behind the scenes working of a show just like The Bachelor - very thinly disguised reference to it.  It's a great soapy show and very addictive.  This coming Season 2 will feature a black Bachelor!  Something the real Bachelor/Bachelorette have never done in their 20-30 seasons?

    • Love 4
  4. Racism, unfortunately, goes all ways and a lot of times is due to ignorance.  Mixed-race people get it from all sides (as do some of the parents of those children) and it shouldn't be discounted.


    I've never seen any one discounting what Amber and Jami say based on their race.  It's their behaviour that makes me question what they're saying.   They're obsessed with Jubilee on an unhealthy level IMO.  They were plain nasty.  It's hard for me to believe something was said when there's no video of it, and when I subjectively think that Jubilee meant no harm or hardly paid them such mind as fellow contestants.   Jami and Amber seem to desperately want some kind of acknowledgement from Jubilee -- Jubilee never felt like she fit in from jump and was just focusing on Ben.  It's like Olivia's journey or Caila's.  They, as the cliche goes, "weren't there to make friends."  And it's not even like any of the three of them "pulled a Leah" (or for fuck's sake, "an Amber"!) and tried to throw a frontrunner under the bus.  They were all simply hoping that Ben would like THEM as individuals and that's all they focused on!  


    I respect all levels of diversity, but I am curious that since Calia is now the diverse representative of  this franchise, will they cast equally diverse prospective suitors?


    That would be my ideal, and I would love that.  Someone cynically told me to hold out no hope, but I would love that.   Maybe the show will feel somewhat shamed that UnReal is having a black Bachelor on the show while they refuse to do anything of the sort?

    • Love 4
  5. it's this week's truffle butter (aka a salacious urban legend some embittered MRA virgin posted to Urban Dictionary like it was A Thing).


    Asking very earnestly, did you know about the Nicki Minaj song?

  6. Up-and-comer implied that she's about to be a lot more famous soon.  I stand by that.  I don't know anything about her career before SNL but yes, I assume that a lot of comedians who make it on SNL had careers as stand-up comedians or likewise before that.  That is usually the case.  I'm sorry if you took offense to that term.  I also said she was a comedian at the top of her game, not some kind of newbie.  I meant strictly in the public eye or fame arena.  


    VCRTracking, I am not sure why any of those people listed would be good authorities on whether Emma Stone playing a half-Asian person would be a good idea.  Alas it's not really on the topic.  I continue to feel the same about Emma taking that part.  She's almost 30.  Not a child or stupid.

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  7. As for the movie as a whole, did the world really need a remake of Ghostbusters? Granted, "need" is a relative word when it comes to movies, but my question is, Isn't this sort of an attempt to cash in on the nostalgia of the franchise? 


    Do you know that they're remaking Spider-Man yet again?


    With the constant (to me) remakes of Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, The Hulk, and The Fantastic Four that mostly seem to me both way-too-soon and unnecessary, and I have no interest in so many them... to me this criticism of a franchise that started thirty-two years ago as being unnecessary seems so silly to me in comparison.  


    Plus, it's being re-boot with women instead of men which makes the movie seem so fresh and different to me.  The James Bonds with Daniel Craig seemed so exciting to me as it was such a different flavour/type of movie than the James Bonds with Pierce Brosnan and it would inject life into the franchise once again if they did a female or black Bond a la Idris Elba.... I would be alllllll over that.


    Many current projects coming out right now are attempts to cash in on the nostalgia of the franchise.  I'm top of Generation Y and right now every single thing is being catered directly to me -- X-Files, Fuller House, Bad Boys reboot, Cruel Intentions Reboot, Gilmore Girls revival, etc. etc. etc. I couldn't be happier about it.


    Would another group of women have fared better at putting this project together?


    These are 4 female comedians at the top of their game.  Melissa McCarthy heads blockbuster movies nearly by herself, Kristen Wiig was at the head of the Bridesmaids blockbuster which shocked everybody, I think Kate McKinnon is a certifiable genius from her work on SNL (I often compare her to Bill Hader), and Leslie Jones is an up-and-coming comedian also making a name for herself on the same show.  This cast put together is more famous than the cast of the original Ghostbusters when it came out in 1984, is it not?


    I've seen other names thrown out based on personal preference, but I don't know who would be better.  I like Elisha Cuthbert from Happy Endings, I guess, but maybe she's too traditionally hot for this role.  Someone like Anne Hathaway might be too big of a star at this point to be put in an ensemble like this.  These 4 women who were cast are traditionally known for comedy.  Bill Murray picked Emma Stone, which, ugh.  I've been so soured by her ever since Aloha, but I grudgingly admit she'd probably be good.

  8. The very phrase, "half black and half white," is offensive to me. What does that even mean? It's like old people predicting doom and gloom to interracial couples because their children, "wont be black or white." Come on! It's just pigment in a person with a hundred other genetic traits. This is America, very few people in this country don't have a drop of at least two races whether it be, Black, Cherokee, Asian, White, or Hispanic. Do we need to do an ancestral search and measure out the percentages on everyone we meet? Jubilee herself is not as dark as natives of Africa so I expect she might have a white ancestor in her Haitian family tree.


    When you're of an ambiguous racial makeup to some people you spend a lot of your life telling people what your race is.  Some people are demanding, almost aggressively demanding, asking exactly where your parents come from and what racial makeup you are. There are questions after questions for some of us.  Some people don't have the privilege of being able to use a one or two word shut-down answer. So you learn to identify yourself accordingly in a way to satisfy those people.  You develop a satisfactory short hand.  You come up with a simple and/or mathematical equation that will shut these people up.    It is really not meant to offend you.  

    • Love 8
  9. What I liked:

    Lucca - Everything. But mostly her clothes


    Lucca always has an exciting dress on; one of the good parts of the show.





  10. I can see how the "full black" comment could be sensitive within the AA community for biracial people. And frankly I think Jubilee could too. That's why she immediately denied having saying it but only later admitted it. She was initially adamant that she would never say that.


    Because Jubilee was being attacked by Amber, Jami, and SHUSHANNA (WHO?  Didn't she only speak Russian during her two episode tenure on the show?  And now suddenly she has so much to say?) ON NATIONAL TELEVISION until she would "admit" it.


    That doesn't make me believe that she said anything of the sort, or if she DID say anything, she probably stated a fact that cannot be denied like "I am the only fully black contestant here" and it was not  meant to be offensive.   I get that Amber and Jami are incredibly insecure women but to me they are the exception, and not the rule.  I still don't even get what these women have against her.  Just let her be because she's always let them be.  (If Jubilee has displayed any 'asshole' behaviour I have still never seen it.)


    Olivia is one that I can't feel sorry for; she knows exactly the type of person she is and is fully happy about being so.  She doesn't care what I or anyone else has to say about her, only somebody like Ben.  She's a man's woman.  That's fine; that's her prerogative.  I agree that she was really sad, because Ben rejecting her was repeated on the broadcast.  She's sad about that.  She doesn't care one fig what another woman has to say about her.  Fine by me but I don't like her and I feel no sympathy.  And yeah, way too much eye makeup.  She would be more attractive without it.


    Jubilee on the other hand was broken down by the three idiots I mention above.  I think Jubilee is an incredibly genuine person.  I also don't get comments by people being offended that Jubilee calls herself complex.  So what?  I don't want to be anymore complex than I am.  I don't envy that issue.  It's not humble-bragging or bragging in my eyes.  Again, it's her stating her subjective truth.  I think she uses the "Complex" label as a way to differentiate herself from the other contestants and also as a reason/excuse for why Ben dropped her like a hot potato.  True or not, it helps her in life and I'm fine with it.  Jubilee stating that she is both 1) full black and 2) complex are her own truths and are not meant for others to take personally.  


    I agree that Caila's face seemed a lot fuller and for once she was showing her genuine emotion which seemed to be shell-shocked sadness about Ben.  She was so quiet during the show I kept forgetting she was there.  Colour me surprised.  I wonder if she simply looked so different because she wasn't smiling , yet on the show she constantly was?    The twins are complete children and nobody needs to pay them any mind.  Amanda was calm and I often find myself liking her.  I don't know what it is.

    • Love 4
  11. Was the comment on Luca's name meant to clumsily address her race(s)?


    I thought it was common knowledge that Luca is an Italian name (now I'm reading it's also from other European countries -- okay ; didn't know that) so was that guy clumsily hitting on her by saying "How did you get that name" supposed to be a comment on her race?  Like, "You are not European looking to me, why is your name European?"


    Or was it simply, That's a weird name, how did you get it?


    It's a really weird/stupid question in a courtroom either way.

  12. I am surprised that people can tell the movie will be poor quality based off this very short trailer.  I'm really not seeing it.  The cast doesn't seem to gel?  Really?  I am really not seeing that.


    There have only been a few times where I've had such visceral reactions to a movie trailer.  Usually I feel pretty neutral or at worst, bored.  I'm pro-this movie in theory and I will see it, but I'm a bit surprised that people can tell the movie will be poor quality already.


    Now if someone really genuinely thinks Ghostbusters the original is sacred and doesn't want someone to remake it, sure, that I get, I guess.  That would be different.  


    The sexist backlash stuff is pretty obvious - "Women ruin everything" - there's no nuance there.  It's straightforward.  I remember when the Sex and the City movie came out and God forbid certain groups of women were overly excited about something.  Lots of men were writing things like "Shut up about this damn movie" and other generally bad reactions on social media.  It was like the simple existence of a female-driven movie upset them or disgusted them.....  

    • Love 9
  13. I really feel like the show was severely punishing me for watching it.  Undateable did the same to me by ruining important aspects of Star Wars and Making a Murderer.  Can you even believe that a show would be so vicious to its audience?  I never watched it again.  I have always been on the fence about this show and it's seriously like Darren Star is trying very, very hard to push me over.  When you have 25 or so shows CURRENTLY vying for my attention, why would you even do that?  Seriously, it felt like abuse.  I'm sorry to be dramatic but also not sorry.  I was "Like"-ing everyone's comments here so hard that my browser wanted very badly to crash.


    Matthew Morrison was so handsome in this role I honestly at first forgot who the actor was, I'd say that's a very good thing.  Liza and Shepherd had good chemistry and it felt like an age appropriate relationship (not that I mind inappropriate ones at all) and I thought Liza could be real with him with regards to her age, life experience, etc. and then THAT happened.  So fucking stupid.  If I were Matthew Morrison I would say No.  Isn't he some big Broadway star?  Did he need this?  I can't be the only one who still thinks of bad-smelling sperm whenever I see Bobby Cannavale, or someone who wants to urinate on women when I see the guy from Mad Men, and that seems like very small potatoes now.


    There was something on this show worse than Lauren.  Hard to believe.


    Also, looking at it from another angle, it made Liza look extremely stupid/naive for some reason.  She gets so swept up in a new person and everything about the character's "literature" was so corny and Blake Lively Preserve.  I guess it was supposed to be?  Liza is supposed to be so 'life-experienced' or whatever, and she was so charmed by this wool guy, I don't know.  Was a lesson supposed to be taught here?  God only knows.


    I'm actually traumatized a little bit, to be honest.




    Now, a very earnest question, what was going on with Thad?  Was he saying that if he were to announce his engagement on Facebook it would send shockwaves through his Facebook community?  Seriously?  Like he had so many casual flings waiting around hoping to hook up with or marry him that the announcement would be too traumatic for them?  Did he never have "In a relationship" as his status to prepare everyone?  

  14. Dom was my winner, but I'm glad to see that everyone here feels the same.  Alex did not deserve to be in the bottom.  It was like a Herve Leger dress.  These fucking judges.  When they called Dom and Mitchell to step forward it was clear -- Dom is the top, Mitchell is the bottom.  Then they have the nerve to put them in the SAME CATEGORY AS SAFE.  Well at least they gave the designers enough time to do the challenge for once (rolls eyes).


    I'm not mad at Kini for constantly stewing about Sam.  Kini does no wrong in my eyes.


    Does Emily always have laryngitis?


    Asha, close your mouth.


    I was already at my Stella limit last episode when she screamed at Valerie for having the nerve to use non-leather.


    Stella's sketch was HILARIOUS this episode.   Why did the editors feel the need to highlight this?






    Alex's sketch:



    • Love 12
  15. I don't understand why Stella and Valerie got into such a flap because they're such opposite designers.  It's an opposites challenge, where's your problem?  You'd think it would be an ideal match.


    It's because Stella absolutely cannot adapt to anything.  She is the definition of mentally immature.  Anyone who is not exactly like her deserves vocal disdain.  


    I just think that Daniel would be really really hot with a better personality.  He's so damn spacey it feels almost gross to be attracted to him.


    I love Kini, but I'm glad Zanna called his design 90's.  Every fucking celebrity in the world has worn the mermaid skirt like 1000 times to award shows.  It is the most done, of it's been done.  It's enough.

    • Love 1
  16. Olivia Munn:  On the left is when she was cute and I was a fan (Perfect Couples and The Newsroom.)  On the right is her at the recent Oscars, now that she has dumped Joel Kinnaman (for not being a successful enough Robocop IMO) for Aaron Rodgers:




    Here's the article where she claims she's just been eating potatoes or whatever the fuck:




    Courteney Cox, that's an especially sad one.  She was so fucking beautiful.  Like watch Ace Ventura, or the first half of Friends, or the Springsteen video.  We were watching the 1990s SNL episode where she parodied that.  She was a goddess. 

  17. ETA: Also, Alex Proyas has been throwing a temper tantrum on facebook over the whitewashing accusations for Gods of Egypt. 


    I was EXTREMELY interested in this so I went to rubberneck.


    After all of this, will I ever get to the end of the rainbow where it explains why casting all white actors in Gods of Egypt was necessary?


    Anyone have the decoder ring?  (Bolding is mine.)  Hmm.  I wonder what those reasons are?  (That he mentions at the very bottom.)


    Alex Proyas

    1 March at 22:44 ·


    And some people are going back for another screening - in the US, and particularly across Asia and Europe. Thanks for the amazing support for the movie so far - to all those who already love it and have given it a chance (though the sad SJWs and constipated critics have been doing their best to kill it): please keep it up guys. This movie needs you. Thank you for confirming this is a fun adventure and a good time at the movies in all your messages. I really appreciate it. After all, that is exactly why I made this movie: to be enjoyed by people like you.




    Alex Proyas

    28 February at 22:30 ·


    Than reading reviews of my own movies. I usually try to avoid the experience - but this one takes the cake. Often, to my great amusement, a critic will mention my past films in glowing terms, when at the time those same films were savaged, as if to highlight the critic's flawed belief of my descent into mediocrity. You see, my dear fellow FBookers, I have rarely gotten great reviews… on any of my movies, apart from those by reviewers who think for themselves and make up their own opinions. Sadly those type of reviewers are nearly all dead. Good reviews often come many years after the movie has opened. I guess I have the knack of rubbing reviewers the wrong way - always have. This time of course they have bigger axes to grind - they can rip into my movie while trying to make their mainly pale asses look so politically correct by screaming "white-wash!!!” like the deranged idiots they all are. They fail to understand, or chose to pretend to not understand what this movie is, so as to serve some bizarre consensus of opinion which has nothing to do with the movie at all. That’s ok, this modern age of texting will probably make them go the way of the dinosaur or the newspaper shortly - don't movie-goers text their friends with what they thought of a movie? Seems most critics spend their time trying to work out what most people will want to hear. How do you do that? Why these days it is so easy... just surf the net to read other reviews or what bloggers are saying - no matter how misguided an opinion of a movie might be before it actually comes out. Lock a critic in a room with a movie no one has even seen and they will not know what to make of it. Because contrary to what a critic should probably be they have no personal taste or opinion, because they are basing their views on the status quo. None of them are brave enough to say “well I like it” if it goes against consensus. Therefore they are less than worthless. Now that anyone can post their opinion about anything from a movie to a pair of shoes to a hamburger, what value do they have - nothing. Roger Ebert wasn’t bad. He was a true film lover at least, a failed film-maker, which gave him a great deal of insight. His passion for film was contagious and he shared this with his fans. He loved films and his contribution to cinema as a result was positive. Now we have a pack of diseased vultures pecking at the bones of a dying carcass. Trying to peck to the rhythm of the consensus. I applaud any film-goer who values their own opinion enough to not base it on what the pack-mentality say is good or bad.



    Alex Proyas

    29 February at 12:40 ·


    Not real. But maybe it should be. Most are white and male, are they not? So as an Egyptian guy, being called a racist by some of these people makes me feel a little queasy.

    You know it must be hard to be a movie critic these days. I mean you are subjected to movie after movie to review for a “cynical” public - several every week sometimes - it must really take its toll on one’s nerves. And then there are some movies which come along with bloggers already bitching about them so doesn’t it make things a little easier if you are struggling for something to say? Well why not just say what those bloggers are saying, even if they haven’t seen the movie like you have. That will result in a review that will be received well. Won’t it? Only the film-makers will be annoyed with you. Who cares about them.

    This way of thinking is human nature I suppose - it does not surprise me in the least as the web and the Rotten Tomatoes school of criticism supports this idea of reducing someone’s work to a series of stars awarded. I for one do not care about stars. Nor is this my vendetta against all critics. I know there are ones out there who are brave enough to express their own opinions about movies - and I want to encourage them in any way I can to stick to their guns, even if I have to criticise the critics, which for an artist means you will be instantly labelled as “crazy”.

    People think I am angry because my film was not reviewed favourably. But you see I do not care if the reviews are positive or negative. I usually don't read them either way. And yes I generally take a fan’s opinion above a critic's. My fans are quite honest with me and tell me if they like something or not. I respect that. And most importantly I can trust their opinion as it is coming from a real place. Nor do I mind the bloggers who criticise for whatever reason - even over the racial controversy. As I have already stated I have sympathy for them, though I do not believe I could have done more in this regards for reasons I have stated elsewhere.

    What I'm angry about is consensus reviewing - and how it damages movie making universally. I question the motives behind many critics response to my movie in this case. Some reviews so perfectly reflect the opinions of "hate" bloggers before the movie opened. Wonder why? Bloggers shape critics opinions - there is no denying that - more and more so. And the first professional reviews of a movie can poison the well - so that people are frightened to drink from it. I have seen that happen to many of my friends films recently and particularly to many original fantasy movies released in the past few years. So studios will probably stop making big budget original fantasy movies altogether. As a fan of the genre I think that would be a real shame. And... funny how the people who love to be so negative about films are the ones who have the hardest time being criticised.

    (New improved "Paragraphs" courtesy of Angelo Mike)

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