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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Didn't know where to bring this up.


    There is a great episode of Will and Grace, Season 1, Episode 17, "Secrets and Lays" where David Sutcliffe appears as a high-school love of Grace's that she randomly runs into at a Vermont cabin (so romantic!)  I really recommend it.  Debra Messing and David are quite adorable together.  (I found the full episode on Youtube but it's NBC copyright material so the voices have been slowed way down).

  2. Just finished Season 1.  I'm surprised I got through it so fast.  Max Medina makes my skin CRAWL (sorry guys) and Rory is just too ubercute with Dean, it drives me batty.  I was always a Jess girl and Anti-Dean so I think this rewatch is giving me a much more positive spin on Dean -- I'm wondering if I just don't like RORY with Dean, and maybe Dean isn't so bad at all?  (LOL, don't laugh at me because I forget what happens later!  I know that adultery is eventually coming up!)  It's how I feel about Logan.  I'm not Anti-Logan at all, I just hate how Rory is when she's with Logan.  And.... I think I just hate Rory.


    Anyways, Season 1 was great, I kind of feel like I should buy the series now (just been watching on Netflix).  I like Luke, I just feel kind of icky when he's so over-protective with Rory (literally physically fighting Dean outside of his restaurant.)  It just rings false and is cloying to me.  I like Sookie and I like Lane.  I think my favourite moment was the end of Christopher Returns.  I love Lauren Graham's acting there so much.  I don't get if she just really turns it on around David Sutcliffe or what.  Why can't she just be that good all the time?  Maybe she's directed to be much lighter usually.  


    Oh and here we go again.  Beginning of Season 2 now.  The Kims are shipping Lane off to Korea using a ONE-WAY TICKET.  Lane contacts Rory to totally panic and freak out, and Rory is just so blase and who the fuck cares about this?  God, she is the worst.  How the hell would Rory feel if she was shipped off to another country against her will with no plane ticket back?  I'm sorry for my language but this character aggravates the hell out of me.

    • Love 1
  3. Schwimmer was also in "Band of Brothers" on HBO. He played Captain Sobel who was, basically, a real jerk. Yet, the hard-core discipline and training Sobel put Easy Company through conditioned them to be such a top-notch company in WWII. And everyone's mutual loathing of Sobel helped make them such a cohesive group. Outside of a couple later scenes, Schwimmer is only in the first episode, "Currahee". He's great. (15 years later, it's quite a thing to see him yell at a 2001 Damian Lewis. Such an amazing cast.) It was the first time I realized Schwimmer could act outside of a multi-cam sitcom. He's even better in this show. I hope he gets more opportunities now.


    Schwimmer also plays "himself", but as a real jerk, in Season 4 of Curb Your Enthusiasm.  Very different from Ross.

    • Love 2
  4. I think it's better for the actor playing O.J. to be known rather than unknown.  It actually goes to Cuba's benefit -- going forward in his career -- that he doesn't look like OJ because I don't think (THINK -- hmm, maybe people younger than I will feel different) that people will ever associate Cuba with OJ going forward.


    Might be tough for an unknown actor going forward after this kind of "iconic" part.  They might be typecast in the future or maybe people will have bad associations with the actor.  I think for Cuba it's very little risk with a lot of reward, even though the more analytical members of the audience think he is very miscast.  


    Looking at almost the entire cast, you can see they really focused on getting name actors for this -- and funnily enough several who were extremely famous in 1994-95 (Schwimmer, Travolta, and Cuba) -- and it MOSTLY worked extremely well.


    I watched all of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip -- loved the show, but didn't come out a great Sarah Paulson fan.  She has totally won me over now.  Another funny thing -- she costarred with Matthew Perry on that show, Chandler from Friends, and now works with Ross!  Jennifer Aniston next?

    • Love 2
  5. That scene wasn't necessary at all. They could have easily just had a character say they got a liver from a suicide victim. The fact it was a teen was done purely for shock value.


    So gratuitous.  Thank you.  The scene really upset me.  I swear, shows like this continue to punish its viewers for viewing, which is the only reason they exist and make money and gain awards.

  6. Who was the woman who sang with Adam? I could not hear what they called her.

    The whole drama with LaPorsha just doesn't work for me. For me she is just not all that.

    ETA: was it Laleh? I played it back again....



    His Twitter confirms:


  7. Jojo's spunky personality:


    The Cooking Class Date:


    "Ben already tasted my taco, and he loved it."


    The Pig Date:


    "This is like a bar in Dallas, there's just pigs everywhere."


    Sorry, I love this woman.  I remember when Kaitlyn was rejected by Chris, there were all these tweets from Anna Kendrick where she declared how hot/amazing Kaitlyn was.  I'm excited that I actually feel that way about the new Bachelorette.

    • Love 6
  8. I didn't watch 13 and 14 in real time -- I watched them years later.  I think they're two of the all time best.  So I couldn't really feel any "uproar" of separating the races in Cook Islands as Season 13 ended up being one of the most all time amazing (and look how many "All stars/fan favourites" come from that year.)   Who cares if the show recruits if that is the end result?  I only care about being entertained, and I'd rather the show be diverse than not.  Yes, Jeff Probst defended the recruitment move by saying it gives them more diversity and apparently not many non-white applicants apply.  Good for the show I say.   32 seasons, they're going to try different and creative things for casting.  


    Casting recruits instead of "letting the people apply through the normal processes" does not make for an awful season IMO.  I love Season 14, I love Dreamz, Yau-Man, The Edgardo blindside, and on and on.  I read about the Edgardo blindside at TWOP for years before I actually saw it.  I think 14 goes in the history books.


    We don't know where any of the cast comes from until we start doing investigation or hearing things in the news.  Apparently Liz was cast after she went on an OKCupid date with Fishbach?  That kind of annoyed me, but maybe the producers are getting desperate and the applicants (if any actually exist) just aren't great or diverse?

    • Love 2
  9. I do blame them for hiring the model who played Caleb. As you said, this show is amazingly diverse. There are already three black cast members, what about another Asian or Hispanic character? How about the rarest of all - Middle Eastern or Native American? I just don't think there's such a small pool of black actors that they had to pluck one from the modeling world. Pretty only goes so far, and in my opinion, his limitations ruined the storyline. And there's no way they "blind casted", or he would have never been picked.

    Other than Annalise, Sam, and Bonnie, and maybe Wes, the acting started out on the weak side (I would argue the weakest of any SR show). K5 is getting stronger, but they really need the guest stars to be strong actors. K5 is not at a point where they elevate weaker actors.


    Bad white actors get hired for huge parts everyday, so I like the equality of it :)  I don't need minority actors to be held to some higher standard.  (And I really hate bad acting!  I didn't think Kendrick's was egregiously bad.)  I put equal blame on the plotting.  Casting hired him and he did the best he could in the part that was written for him.


    I'm glad you pointed out Alfred's acting though.  I love him.  I think Matt McGorry is very talented as well.  And Karla Souza is pretty good.  Really, Michaela is the weak link for me.  She's almost as bad as Kendrick.

    • Love 7
  10. If Anna is a poker player, and that's her occupation, one of the things that's a good requirement to being a good poker player is knowing when people are lying!  Those castaways are spending 24/7 with each other -- all day, hour upon hour, with nothing to do but talk.


    In Survivor, you have to prepare for lies. She was shocked and blindsided.  #Blindsides are such a big part of the game.  You have to expect that they will and could happen.  It's not just luck.  It's a skill of reading people.   Tai trusted Scot and read him a certain way, and he was successful at it.  Anna talked a big game of being so hot or whatever that she'd be able to distract people and do well at the game.  It didn't really happen except for the aforementioned example of possibly screwing up her teammate Peter at the fish puzzle, which looked really easy to me (I wonder if it was as easy as it looked.)

    • Love 3
  11. fishcakes, I know.  I thought Arrested Development Season 1 was brilliant and pitch-perfect but after that Seasons 2-4 it's just unwatchable.  There was a feverish point back then where I thought that the fans of the show were the scourge of society.  I noticed a drop in quality (personally) but nobody else would admit its existence which kind of made me feel crazy-pants for awhile.  I had legitimate criticisms that I had thought out but they were all fingers over the ears, lalala.  Oh boy did I hate those people.  I actually can't believe how zen I feel about it now and can barely remember that.  


    I used to hate The Bachelor / Bachelorette franchise for it's 20-30 seasons or whatever.  Then I got sucked in to last year's "The Bachelorette" which was a choice between a Canadian woman and a (partly) Asian woman!  I could not look away.  I have been hooked onto the franchise ever since.  (That season did a really good job of turning veteran haters, because I know I'm not the only one.)


    Arrested Development - I might have watched except that it it seemed to attract all the pretentious people who usually demur that they "never watch TV" but that this was so good it was worth their precious time. Never have and never will watch one minute.


    Hahahhahahaha.  I know so many people like this.  In the same category of people who "hate sitcoms" and think all sitcoms are below them, then list all of their favourite shows, every which one goddamn last one of them are sitcoms, like Arrested Development, The Office, South Park, The Simpsons, 30 Rock, and Modern Family.


    Add me to the team who hates The Big Bang Theory and will never watch it (I was forced to watch one episode over and over and over and over again on a cruise.   That told me all I need to know).  And 2 Broke Girls.  It's one of those shows always on after shows I do like, or something, but it's just awful.  Add me to the team who hates Girls.  I hate Lena Dunham, and I can just tell that show was not meant for me to enjoy.


    My mom viciously hates Friends but I don't think she's ever seen an episode.  She hates it.  Most of her family loves it. So that might be why.  None of the shows I love are hated the way people so viciously hate Friends.

    • Love 1
  12. Season 1, Star Crossed Lovers.  Emily set up Lorelai without her knowing about it.


    Blind Date:  So, Lorelai, are you a member of the DAR?

    Lorelai:  No, I'm not...... D - A - R - N!  Haha.  Haha.  (Silence.)  It's like DARN, cuz it's a play on DAR --- boy, these carrots sure are tiny.


    Blind Date (bragging about his job):  Picking my locale, it's a very coveted position to be in. 

    Lorelai (brightly):  Yeah.  I'd like to be picking my locale right now!

    • Love 3
  13. Putting Alecia on the Beauty tribe would make the whole tribe a bunch of white people.  Survivor has pushed its narrow view of beauty before and putting Tai on Beauty looks more politically correct (I know it sounds cynical.  I'm a minority myself).  I agree that Alecia is very pretty, but this stuff is so subjective.  I really do not find Anna and the other brunette on Beauty attractive at all.   I think people are thinking too much of it.  What is the social experiment supposed to prove anyway?  Alecia's gone, so the next to go are Debbie and Tai to prove that the tribes weed out the ones who are different?  That's been proved by this show every season.  Also, the original tribes are swapped up now.


    Maybe Debbie is 'smart' in some kind of way; I don't really doubt she is.  So far I doubt it about Joe though.  I wonder if Tai is book smart or perhaps artistic, or perhaps savvy.  


    Remember Cagayan.  A lot of people laughed at Brice being on the Beauty tribe but the truth is he brings more diversity to that tribe and (I don't know him well, obviously) but where else are you going to put him?  Woo is possibly the most beautiful person I have ever seen on the show, yet he was put on Brawn because the Survivor producers probably don't understand that an Asian person could be attractive (I'm not kidding).  They'd probably even put goddamn Brenda on the Brawn tribe for being a cheerleader.  Or on the Brains.


    I never use the phrase "you're over-thinking this" but in this case I really do think people are over-thinking this.  I'd find it damn insulting if at the Cast Reunion show Jeff does a reveal and says "Psych, we don't actually think Tai is beautiful at all" so that the narrow-minded members of the audience can have a sigh of relief that all is right with the world.

    • Love 5
  14. Repetitive, over-used, annoying, cloying phrases:


    I am trying to re-watch Season 1.  The writer(s) insist on over-using this particular use of the word "said":


    Episode 111:


    MAX: And the whole time we were at said dinner table, you ate two maybe three bites of this amazing dinner I made for you.


    RORY: I'm not even supposed to be here. That's the first rule of the 'Gilmore Dating Handbook'. (as Lorelai fiddle with her skirt zipper). Daughter shall be nowhere near house when said man materializes. It's a good rule, it's been working.


    Episode 112:


    LANE: No. We’ll tell her that we’re meeting Dean for a movie, and then we go to the movie and then somebody who just happens to be a friend of Dean’s, just happens to be there, for the same movie and so we figure that it would be completely rude for us to not ask said person to come sit with us.


    Episode 116:


    RORY: And Dean apparently has some big fancy evening planned for us.
    LORELAI: Very classy of him.
    RORY: Yes it is. But for me to actually partake of the foresaid fancy evening, I have to get out of Friday night dinner.


    Uggggggghhhhhhhhhhh.  It's so unnecessary and redundant, it's so pretentious to speak this way -- kill me!

    • Love 1
  15. I just rewatched it.  I think that Lauren Graham's acting is so brilliant in the final scene where Lorelai and Rory say goodbye to Christopher and Lorelai has to very firmly explain to Rory she's not marrying him.


    That guilt that Lorelai feels over making the "wrong" decision -- screwing over Luke by literally screwing Chris (LOL).  Oh god, I've made so many bad decisions like that.  Not literally like that, but I've felt that damn regret so many times.

  16. He's still billed as a guest star each week. And next season, when Connor throws him over for Annalise's "confirmed bachelor" brother, he might be gone altogether.


    No.  As vixenbynight stated, Conrad Ricamora has officially made it to the main cast as of yesterday.


    I don't understand the plotting of this show.  The inconsistency about this show is the weirdest thing about it.  The Hapstall murders were a mistake for this show; they just weren't treated correctly from jump.


    I thought that the finale was amazing, but there were so many episodes in the middle of this season where I just didn't care.  My relationship to this show has become very strange in Season 2.  It has all the elements of a show I should like (.... like Nate, for one...) and yet, it's really hard to care a lot of the time.


    I don't blame them for hiring the actor who played Caleb because he's extraordinarily beautiful and he's good for diversity (this has got to be one of the most diverse American shows, if not the most.)  But yeah, his acting left a lot to be desired and the show didn't even really care to compensate it.  It's like the writers are yawning at him, too.


    1.  Does Laurel know Frank's involvement with Annalise's baby or anything about that?  If not, what does she know?  About him killing Lila for Sam, right?

    2.  Did the show depict Michaela being even the slightest bit upset about Caleb betraying her / being a murderer?

    3.  People assume Frank killed Mahoney (Is that Wes's father's name?)  If so, why would he?  He knows about Mahoney?


    Thanks.  I don't dislike them at all, but I think it's hard for me to pay attention to Bonnie and Oliver stuff so I miss a lot.

  17. Billy Brown as Nate on How to Get Away with Murder..... is a God.


    Sterling K. Brown as Christopher Darden in American Crime Story: The People vs. O.J. Simpson is just breaking everyone's hearts.  He's absolutely crushing the performance, but also, ... he is a dreamboat.


    I'm also in love with Rami Malek as Mr. Robot.  And Billy Eichner.  He posts some really dreamy photos of himself on Instagram.


    House of Cards Season 4 has started, which reminds me that Remy on that show is my boyfriend.  


    I'm very attracted to Joelle Fletcher from The Bachelor.  Same with Alexandra Park from The Royals.  And Ilana Glazer.  I've never seen teeth like that before!


    I could go on forever so I'm going to pry myself away for now.

    • Love 1
  18. She won season 12 - so it's totally hilarious that you can't remember her! Love it! (not making fun of you at all, BTW)


    Haha.  Yes, I understand that.  I don't remember watching the season past Burnell.  I guess I'm guilty of the audience sexism that has plagued this franchise.


    I do know who Candice is, I just don't remember if I was particularly moved by her singing, unfortunately.


    I am confused.  Wasn't this the year of the female singers????  When Sonika is summarily launched, it'll be 3-1 boys, amiright?


    Haha, yes.  They've been saying that since those Candice days.  The judges declared this the year of the female singers (didn't J.Lo literally say "Fuck the boys" on camera -- classy, that) and then proceeded to eliminate great female singers in the early rounds.


    I don't care.  Don't say you're singing a cover when it the original you're doing.


    It's kind of weird that you're taking this personally.  As was well explained by posters here and by Wikipedia (an incredibly useful, wonderful site), Sonika sang the Demi Lovato version.


    Very first paragraph:


    "Let It Go" is a song from Disney's 2013 animated feature film Frozen, whose music and lyrics were composed by husband-and-wife songwriting team Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. The song was performed in its original show-tune version in the film by American actress and singer Idina Menzel in her vocal role as Queen Elsa. Anderson-Lopez and Lopez also composed a simplified pop version (with shorter lyrics and background chorus) which was performed by actress and singer Demi Lovato over the start of the film's closing credits. A music video was separately released for the pop version.
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