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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I think part of the reason Sia went from not that famous to hugely famous is the David Guetta hit "Titanium" which was also used in movies like "Pitch Perfect", as part of their ad campaign.  Maybe that's when she was getting "too" famous and she decided to do all of this.  

  2. Chocolatechip45, yes that's why I mentioned his parents being attorneys.  I thought I had heard that.  Sorry, I kind of meant it was David's "idea" in the sense that he's the one who brought it to the other 5.  If his mother was the one who actually came up with the idea I am not surprised and that's great.

    • Love 3
  3. I'm here:


    It Should've Been Lorelai

    Lost and Found


    Sherry is so rude.  The first time I watched this show I wasn't sure what to think.  But now I realize, Sherry is basically a person without manners (I sound like Emily.)  Sherry comes off as incredibly strong in a situation that ANYONE with common sense would know is tense and sensitive -- basically an almost-stepmother position.  She falls all over herself praising Rory to the point where it comes off as not genuine, then she asks to speak to Lorelai privately.  She says she NEEDS to get to know Rory, but she doesn't NEED to get to know Lorelai.  RUDE.  Who says that, to an owner of the house they're standing in?   Rory is L's daughter as much as she is Chris's, and L obviously has custody as well. 


    Madchen Amick is incredibly beautiful and I love her dress in this episode where we meet her.  I assume that this has been rehashed in past GG threads/forums but this is only my second rewatch.  Sherry is RUDE. 


    There's a scene where Lorelai is in a bad mood I think because of a conflict with Rory over Jess.  She goes into Luke's and right away Luke, just by looking at her, is as sweet as pie (in his own way) offering to do all sorts of things to make her happy.


    Lorelai has a very weird complex about Jess.  What is it about?  She's worried he'll just straight up impregnate Rory?  This whole arc just makes me think of Cher Horowitz in Clueless, when she says, "Uh, you are a SNOB and a HALF."  Calling Jess "a little jerk" to his face really rubbed me the wrong way.  Oh, and when Jess says "If the bracelet is Rory's most prized possession, then why didn't she know it was missing for two weeks?"  Is that him confessing to Lorelai that he DID take it, otherwise how the hell would he know it's missing for 2 weeks?  This is after he denies taking it, to Lorelai many times.


    Thanks for letting me vent that.  Lorelai is looking hot with straightened hair.  Was Lauren Graham similar in age to how old Lorelai was supposed to be?

  4. I thought there'd be a lot of discussion this episode about how awesome Michele turned out to be.  No?  That's just me?  She is now my favorite, having passed Aubrey (who also does not seem too popular, but at least gets mentioned more).


    I can't believe Tai, Scot, and Aubrey were even discussing or even contemplating voting out a Beauty.  Just to avoid going to rocks?!?


    ETA: There was a line from Scot I couldn't make out (and neither could the captioners), something like "I want to keep Tai, because mumblemumble the chicken".  What the heck was that about?


    I definitely addressed these.  I mentioned Michelle being awesome and Peter said, "I want to keep Tai around because I want to have Vietnamese chicken."  I mentioned both of these things.


    Pamplemousse, agreed on all fronts.

    • Love 1
  5.  The challenge I'd like to see is for each contestant to be given identical fabric to work with.  Then the spotlight would truly be on design, not fabric choice. 


    Yes, ideas like this are outside of the box and clever.  Reminds me of an episode of So You Think You Can Dance, Season 3, where they made the remaining 7 or 8 or so dancers all perform the exact same complicated solo to John Mayer's "Waiting for the World to Change."  By then I liked the dancers so much that it was cute for me to see all of their little idiosyncracies. 


    I've pretty much trained my bladder to never have to use public restrooms anyway (I really hate them, and seems like my bladder knows it.  Always have to go right when I get my in own apartment).  Too much info?  ; )  You don't have to wear a sexy jumpsuit for an 8 hour tour or something, but for a night out, sure!

    • Love 1
  6. There's a Season 2 episode where Rory has a big debate and everyone comes to watch her:


    Rory:  Oh, I'm so glad you're here.

    Sookie:  NO YOU AREN'T

    Rory:  What?

    Sookie:  Oh, I'm just trying to get you in the mood.


    (The GGs are running around rampant trying to clean up for Sherry):


    Lorelai:  They might expect food and drink.

    Rory:  Guests usually do.  We have leftover Hallowe'en candy from last year?

    Lorelai:  OWWWWW waste that on company?

    • Love 2
  7. I'm saying women complain about sexism towards women in the sense of men doing things to them, when plenty of it is from women themselves. 


    No, I never mentioned men doing anything in my post.


    I think it's good that Sia is making people question these assumptions about pop music, i.e. that you need a beautiful face to sell it.  She is having no problem selling her music.  Looks are not IRRELEVANT to pop music, i.e. if you look "good" then you can sell music even when you're not a great singer, i.e. Britney Spears.  One could say that Sia is showing the reverse, that if you hide your face and sing WELL then you can also sell.


    Are you assuming Heejun is not an attractive man, or even worse, declaring it as fact?  I'm very attracted to Heejun.  He's Korean, not ugly.

    • Love 2
  8. Yoenis Cespedes watches a ball settle at his feet, claims he can't get it.  Umps rule inside the park home run.  Ump comes over, grabs the ball, and shows him how to field it.




    Thank you.  I saw mentions or pictures of this without context.


    Sorry to go back to the LaRoche thing.  I think I could watch a whole Moneyball-length film about this drama.  I couldn't help but laugh at the social media reactions to these weird comments made by Adam Eaton:




    He did more for people than we did for him by having him there every day," Eaton said Saturday morning via 670 The Score. "It’s a difficult dynamic to understand, and that’s why there’s such a strong outreach for us."  OK, LaRoche's teammates made a connection with his son. That's understandable. The next part was a bit more baffling.  "We lost a leader in Drake, which is crazy enough that a 14-year-old could be looked at like that, but the kid was so tremendous."
  9. I find it's usually women complaining about other women getting sexist comments...from WOMEN. Not that relevant to your post, but I think that's interesting.


    Yes, women can be sexist.  Is that what you're saying?  I don't disagree.


    Your post just makes me more pro-Sia doing this .  It makes people question what pop music really should be about.  Should it REALLY be about a singer's face?  Are a singer's face REALLY that important to pop music?  Why are other genres allowed to have singers who hide their face without debate, but not female pop?  I think Daft Punk has put out a lot of pop-ish sounding music.  That song with Pharrell "Get Lucky"?  How pop was that?  It was probably the biggest pop hit of that summer.  

    • Love 1
  10. Russell was always rubbing his hands together gleefully like a leprechaun after the gold.  What player enjoys the game more than that guy.  Aubrey looks like she's in the middle of accounting nightmare.  Which she kind of is.  Crouching around with a man who literally interrogates the other players instead of socializing is not helping.


    It's really hard for me to see the negative about Tai potentially being paranoid and doing things to keep himself in the game, when it keeps him in the game.  He turned off the Beauty Women from Day 1 hunting for the idol.  I don't blame him for that and I also don't blame him for thinking that they don't trust him when they were literally walking around and saying that to each other.  Then you have Anna walking around their new camp and telling everyone including an FBI interrogator that he's not to be trusted also.  It was just a bad partnership all around.  Tai obviously wants to work with people he likes and trusts rather than "needs" or "old Beauty affiliations" or what have you.  It's a game where people hunt for scapegoats and he has been picked by several people on different teams.  (Beauty Girls - he hunts for the idol.  Caleb - why is he even on the Beauty tribe?  FBI Joe - I want to vote him out.)

    • Love 4
  11. I thought Ken was a sweetheart as is the usual theme for this backwards season.  So sweet to Emily.  


    Meanwhile, Dom singing, "I made my own faaaabric".    Ugh.  I'll present it without further comment than that.  I would have liked to see the back of her top more, because I actually liked that part of the garment.  I DIDN'T like the black and white belt thing she made that Isaac creamed himself over.  That made it look cheaper.  Leave the white top with the skirt and it's more expensive, I think.


    I loved Valerie's creamsicle jumpsuit.  it just made that woman's body look so amazing.


    Layana's garment was kind of interesting.  Alex did a good job. 


    Ken is my star.  Talk about creamsicles. The whole effect was kind of delicious.


    Ken's (I think) huge orange/red thing looked way too heavy and bulky for resort wear IMHO.


    I picture that woman sauntering into a party wearing that dress, and everyone at the party being amazed.  I love his whole arc this season.  I was actually feeling for Emily's storyline, but when it resulted in Valerie being kicked out instead, I mean F***




    It me hurts that Valerie and Layana were sent to the bottom.   Both of those outfits really intrigued me, though the fabric might have been the best part of Layana's. To be honest, it should have been Kini.


    UGH.  IF EMILY CAN'T HANDLE IT, THEN KICK HER OUT!  What the fuck was all that?


    Megan Hilty is a very beautiful and talented person, and she came off as gracious.

    • Love 1
  12. It does hide her entire head.  She only has her mouth exposed so she can sing.  I see what you mean about the camera shots.  That only happened on Idol because of the intimate discussion format.  When she performs live on all of those other shots, I don't think they do any fancy camerawork.


    I know that she's obviously picked a 'look' that pisses people off, but I do think there is an element of her being a woman that makes her receive wrath that Daft Punk, Slipknot, etc. never will.  People act like they deserve to see her face.  Why?  Who cares.


    Her music is not light-hearted to me at all, rather I feel like it is very emotional music.

    • Love 5
  13. I do not like that Sonika didn't get to sing at all. Cut her after the first round. Let her sing it as an exit like they used to.  But not to be able to do either song she spent all week rehearsing? That's some BS right there.  


    I would have loved to hear it.  Sonika's song was "Loved me Back to Life" (I heard it played quietly over her goodbye).  I love that song!  If you have not heard the real song yet take a listen.  It's sung by Celine Dion, written by Sia.


    I thought Sia was an amazing coach.  She made Mackenzie sound okay on Titanium when he was so horrible doing Cheap Trick.  She made Dalton sound okay, but I thought his tears were so forced.


    La'Porsha really blew me away with Elastic Heart, a song I already love, so I have to admit that the guys singing after her were pretty good; I was impressed.


    Her gimmick is that she has a lot of hit songs, but she never appears in music videos or performs live.


    Sia performs live constantly.  Talk shows, music award shows, etc.  I've seen her on Ellen, The Tonight Show, and Saturday Night Live.


    It's impossible for me to understand people's anger towards Sia for not wanting to show her face.  You'll notice nobody has that same anger towards Daft Punk or Slipknot.

    • Love 4
  14. Dorf: It is a special night and you are a boss so we are going to make you look like a boss. You need a dress that is serious, that says, "Here I am - but I'm busy," "Look at me - but don't."

    Hector: Which just happens to be our signature kind of dress.


    This is really good.

  15. Okay Wait a minute......


    LaPorsha in the first, "forgettable" spot?

    Being somebody with a vagina, doesn't she need all the help she can get?


    Is she so popular that they had to pimp Dalton over her?


    I'm fascinated!!!  LaPorsha kicks everyone's ass left and right, in my opinion, but I know how hard it is for a woman to win this show.

    • Love 1
  16. I think Tai is a great guy and obviously people (meaning the players) love him, but he's a pretty terrible player. But I imagine he'll make it pretty far because people like him so much and I feel like he is a potential immunity run threat depending on the types of challenges. I can't see him winning though because, well, everyone loves him and therefore no one will want to be in the finals with him.


    We don't know this yet.  We've never once seen a player mention Tai's likability as a negative, a threat, or anything detrimental to their game.  They've only mentioned his likability as something that is good for THEM to be around.  So far I'm not seeing master strategists this season, apart from maybe Debbie.  Although, has Debbie even been to Tribal Council yet?


    I really want to like Michelle, and I think I will like her personality, but I was disappointed when she threw herself under the bus after that challenge.  No need to announce you fucked up whether everyone knows it or not.  


    We've seen some conventional, 'amateur' play, I think.  We've seen Aubry vote out an old ally in Peter in favour of someone whom she owes nothing and owes nothing back - Julia.  We've seen Tai admit to 2 people that he thinks he can trust that he has an Idol - WAY early in the game (though, it didn't hurt him, yet).  We've seen the Beauty girls being far too honest for their own good.  Peter, the ultimate honest person, LOL.  I guess it'd be interesting for a strategist to figure out what a threat Tai could be but we'll see.  Even in an entire season of returning players, Jeremy pulled off being an invisible threat from Day 1 to 33.  He didn't fall ass-backwards into the finals through luck.  (LOL - my opinion; not trying to drag up old debates.)


    The Tai and Debbie meeting will be an interesting one... 


    If Cydney is sticking with Kyle/Scot because she knows how hateful they'll appear to the jury, THAT would be master strategizing, but right now that would be too wild for me to believe....

    • Love 4
  17. I personally don't find Peter, Neal, or Nick at all objectionable (yet).  So at least they're not unredeemable, objectively awful people like we've seen in past seasons or like we've seen in Scot and Jason (IMO).  I think when it comes to people like these guys, plus Joe, it's more of a matter of taste or personality issues rather than over the top asshole.  I admit me not loving Joe is a taste thing.  He hasn't shown himself to be a real asshole, just annoys me.

    • Love 1
  18. Glad irascible old Joe is still around for the merge, also - this is a good season for crusties! And now they've survived this far, I can only hope they will be safe for a few more votes, being old and decrepit and deemed therefore no threat in challenges - and/or go on immunity runs and win the whole damn thing.


    Very interesting angle to look at this season from.  It started with (Peter and Liz?  Neal?  Please correct me.  I don't want to be inaccurate) saying a bunch of ageist bullshit about the HORRIFYING OLDIES on their tribe, Debbie and Joe.  It was called the fucking Brains tribe, not the Zygotes tribe, and yet Peter and Liz hatched a plan to kick them all to an old folks' home ... and yet, look who survives from Brains!  (Aubry, Ice Cream), Most Interesting Woman, and FBI Joe.


    Sorry. I  don't think the nicknames are going to stop.  For the life of me, when I look at Nick's face I see a guy named "Peter" and vice versa.  I just think Nick looks like a Peter and Peter KIND OF looks like a Nick, but not a Peter.  I don't know why these things happen in my brain and these impressions are so hard to scratch out. Anyways, the nicknames help.


    Debbie seems "close" to everyone though.  That's her whole game.  Was she really so close to Joe?


    (Caption at bottom of screen:)   CLOSE TO JOE

    • Love 3
  19. #TeamNOTCharles.


    I actually enjoyed this episode which kind of brings me back to liking the show after the goat fuck incident.  Diana's python blazer and gold ball statement necklace were gorgeous.


    At the funeral , I was really attracted to Josh.  Lest you think I have some kind of sick funeral fetish, I think/hope it's because his tattoos and hipster clothing were covered and he was just dour and all in black.  I was so attracted to it.  Back in bed I didn't like him again.


    Are we supposed to think that Chad is secretly Thad or some soap opera bullshit.  I agree with others, this show pushes too often into the surreal but not in the good way.  It's very much a heightened type of reality when they're just dealing with Thad by killing him off.  And Diana pushing Liza to act more professional at work WHEN SHE JUST WITNESSED A DEATH?  


    I was surprised Liza went through with crawling out the window. As I'm at a similar age to Liza's, there would be no way in hell I would do that. Either make the girl go away while keeping the door closed or open up and face the music, but I ain't scrambling around on a fire escape. Too old for stupid shit like that.


    I've asked guys to hide in closets or hallways when my dad's over.  They've never acted put out by it.  Then again... yeah, I was in my 20s

    • Love 3
  20. Woo from Cagayan surfed as a hobby, and then they did a challenge where they had to balance on a small plank.  I think he may have won that challenge also, with the toe shoes.  People also crowed about those shoes being unfair, LOL.  Meh.  You bring them you use them.


    I thought Aubry was legitimately confused.  Am I too naive?  How many times did the editors show her asking Joe at Tribal -- "What do we do?  Julia?"  (It might have only happened once, but it was shown twice.)  Her pausing at the urn was so funny.  We have never seen such a vote before.  And the cross-out.  Her furrowed brow always spells confusion to me.  I wonder who thought she'd be good on TV.  I'd like to be a person who is more able to embrace non-telegenic personas such as her.  It's just, you'd think the experience and game would be more fun and exciting out there.  She's tortured.

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