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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. The replay shows it was a deliberate interference.


    I guess it's nice that you can see things so black and white and cut and dry, and just lay down the law.  There is a lot of talk in the media discussing this application of the rule, and it is extremely new.  The players and the umpires were all confused about it.  If the umpires experienced no confusion then the "right call" would have been immediate instead of later overturned.   As it's a discussion board I thought this was worthy of discussion.


    The exact quote that Jose used was "I feel like it was a clean slide."




    Some are arguing that the actual contact doesn't matter -- rather that Jose was called for breaking the rule because he didn't stay on the base.


    Others are arguing that the contact DOES matter , and that if you make any contact at ALL with the player on second, you'll be called for interference.  For example, some players are asking to be explained how to slide into second without interfering according to the new rule.


    This won't be the last time we hear about this.  Chase Utley just did a 'bad slide' again tonight.

  2. Toronto's fanbase is imploding and rioting right now :)  We were losing 3-2 to Tampa in the 9th -- we got 2 on base, then Edwin E. hit a grounder that Josh Donaldson and Ryan Goins reached home on.  So we we were GOING to win 4-3 and then they ruled that Jose Bautista interfered with the play at second base because his hand brushed against Logan Forsythe's leg.  So that's a double play, so 3 outs, Tampa wins 3-2.

  3. I am a Lorelai/Luke fan also, which is why I don't actually want to skip through Season 4.  We'll see how it goes.... Basically, when Alexis has short hair, I don't much enjoy the show as I (really genuinely!) enjoy the rest!


    I guess superficially, I had a very similar introduction to college. Went to a Canadian university, was put in a very nice 5 bedroom suite with four other girls.  But But But!!!!!!  It was easily one of the most dramatic, adventurous, craziest years of my life.  In comparison, watching Rory at Yale is very dry.  Hard for me to relate!  Also, I'm the opposite of Rory -- couldn't get away from my mom fast enough (LOL), and partied CONSTANTLY.  So yeah, that could explain it... 

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  4. In every movie with Dax Shepard in it, they seem to cast him as some sexy guy that women find appealling.  He seems to have been shirtless at some point in the movies I've seen.  He always seems miscast to me.


    He has neither happening in Idiocracy or Let's Go to Prison.


    I just realized that Jennifer Lopez has had an obsessed stalker at least 3 times: Selena, Enough, and The Boy Next Door.


    You could even kinda argue this happens in the great movie Out of Sight, but the whole point is that George Clooney's character and her kind of stalk each other.  


    Mark Ruffalo has been a very angsty, sad-sack kind of romantic interest in Just Like Heaven, 13 Going on 30, and Rumor Has It.  I think he's lighter and happier in A View from the Top, but that is a guy who is very comfortable playing second or third fiddle to a woman starring in a rom-com.


    I'm also a fan of Sandra Bullock, but I'm going to look for evidence that she eats like a pig in all of her movies - for sure in Two Weeks Notice, maybe also All About Steve, Miss Congeniality, The Heat?  Wondering if anyone else knows better than I do. 


    I'm sure Jack Black must sing in all of his movies, but I love him too.  High Fidelity, School of Rock obviously, The Holiday, Tenacious D.  Saving Silverman - they are in a Neil Diamond tribute band so I assume there, too.

  5. Hi Everyone!  In the great 2016 Gilmore Girls Rewatch, leading up to the Netflix Revival, I started the rewatch a tiny bit earlier than this board did, and I've been watching way too much of the show lately, so I'm already on Season 4 now.


    My first taste of the show was actually Fall 2014.  I whipped through all 7 Seasons of Gilmore Girls and came to post on these boards, and everyone was so welcoming to me.  Before ever watching the show, I knew little about the actual show and plots, I just knew the names of some of the primary actors.  I knew Lauren minimally from 3rd Rock from the Sun and I knew Alexis from the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants movies.


    I ended up becoming an ENORMOUS fan of Jess/Milo through his 2nd/3rd season arc.  I also knew that Matt Czuchry played Logan Huntzberger and would be appearing in Season 5.  (I am a pretty big fan of The Good Wife, though I was never was an enormous Matt/Cary Agos fan.)  So I was getting pretty restless.  


    Anyways that all led to the culmination of me getting to Season 4 in my INITIAL watch and finding it sooooooooooo incredibly dull.  I don't remember hating the notoriously polarizing seasons like Season 6 or 7, but I do remember 4 being a chore to get through.  I guess Rory going to Yale does very little for me.  There is so little 'drama' in that Rory is not angsty over any relationship and neither is Lorelai really.  (I've just come to the part where she's flirting with seeing Digger.)  I mentioned finding Season 4 being as boring as all get out here and the posters were very kind about it!  They understood that as a Jess fan I might find it quite dull!  (By the way, I don't mind Digger at all.  However, the plot with Digger and Lorelai's father makes my head spin.  I think I understand all of it, I just found it so needlessly over-complicated and strange.  I'm really going to try and pay attention this time.)


    I guess the main thing is that I find The Town Itself and Rory's 'misadventures' at Yale (and Paris) NOT the most interesting parts of the series, so it will be interesting to see how I get through this.  This time around, Season 4 is not so bad.  I am really forcing myself to get through everything, because I don't want to miss any plot points before the revival.


    Just coming to a small annoyance that is not a big deal at all but I thought I should come and vent.  I am normally the kind of GG fan who hates Rory but thinks Lorelai is totally fine (are there are a lot of us out there?).  In this particular instance, however, Lorelai really bugs.  I'm on "Ted Koppel's Big Night Out".  I wonder if she's going to grind my gears more as the series goes on. What is WITH Lorelai and the football game?  What happens is that Lorelai's parents and Rory are going to a big Yale football game with a bunch of Lorelai's parents' friends.  Lorelai insists on going to the game, and so then her parents include her.  Then Lorelai knowingly sits through her parents trying to figure out who they will DIS-invite in favour of her.  Then guess what?  She goes home pouts and whines all night about having to go to a football game to Rory!  I totally get maybe not liking not being invited in the first place, and feeling excluded, but what the hell?   (By the way, I didn't finish the episode yet, LOL!  Going back later.)

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  6. Crispin Glover does such a fantastic job with his role in Back to the Future, the first movie, where his character is set in the 1950s.  Not that I would know what people were like back then.  Lea Thompson is so pretty in that role too, with the light curls in her hair, the rosy makeup, and the peach prom dress.  And Crispin has that very hard side part with a lot of pomade in it, and that lovely white blazer.


    Marty McFly:  I am your density.


    To be honest, I'm kind of always thinking about BTTF, but it slipped my mind that the movie went to the 1950s.  Maybe because (I thought) it did such a good portrayal.  I knew that it was set in the present (1985) and that the second movie went into the future (2015, which would almost count as nostalgia now, HAHA) but briefly forgot about the excursion to the "past".  


    magicdog, you make me want to see Titanic again.

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  7. My mom would TOTALLY be on board with Armie Hammer being a movie star.  I think she even liked The Lone Ranger.  He was great in The Social Network.  I never got around to seeing J. Edgar!  (Should I?)


    So weird to think of him as Gabriel from Gossip Girl.  LOL.  I do not remember him being good in that role... 


    I am loving all of the Sean Young updates.  This really brings me back to a nice nostalgic chunk of my childhood.

  8. Lots of people tweeted images of the Bright Star casting call that said :  All characters are Caucasian.  (Which for some reason the same protesters had no issue with -- I wonder why?)


    But you are not allowed to ask for non-white actors.  I guess you'd have to do someting like this:


    All characters are:  "(African-American, Pacific Islander, South Asian, East Asian, Latino, and a bunch of others; I think the final text said something akin to "...other visible ethnicities)"

    • Love 2
  9. It was about how John Hughes movies about teenagers in Chicago were not diverse.  Tina Fey wrote Mean Girls, so yeah, she included some diversity, like Tim Meadows being the Principal and the Indian kid Kevin G. being a Mathlete that kind of befriended Lindsay Lohan.  I mean, it was nice to see a lot of black and Asian kids at that high school I guess, even though they barely spoke.  Even the fact that they made Janis Ian Lebanese instead of just American White Girl is cool.  And Lindsay's other best friend was gay. But it did treat Africa very ignorantly.   I had no idea Mean Girls was set it in Chicago and I'm sure I've seen it at least 10 times... that's funny.  Although Tim Meadows does say, "I did not leave the South Side for this."


    To try and leap back on the topic, here are some people I had picked for stardom in my lonely movie blog


    - Emma Stone from Superbad 2007.  I have to say though, to see her so "thinned out" makes me sad.  She got so thin and then became a movie star.  I thought she was so cute and curvy in that first movie.


    - Chris Pratt from Bride Wars 2009 (although I said the same thing about Steve Howey and that did not happen.)


    I watch Brooklyn Nine Nine and I think it's so weird that Terry Crews is in an ensemble cast of 10 people.  I think he should be a movie star like Dwayne The Rock Johnson.

  10. Mila is gorgeous, but she was only 14 when she auditioned for T7S and was only 15-23 when the show was on so it would be pretty creepy if they kept insisting how irresistible she was.  I just think that they went way overboard with the Laura Prepon/Donna shit.  

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  11. Yes, that's right, the playing field isn't level.  That's how I feel.  I don't care if someone has been a cheerleader or wants to be a cheerleader or is a cheerleader, that is great for them, and not anti-feminist.  But the playing field literally isn't level when professional sports is dominated by men (in some sports) and in many sports only female cheerleaders with fantastic bodies need apply.  That isn't an even playing field.  If there were more male cheerleaders in professional sports, that would be something interesting.  I went to a NBA game the other night and there was a female referee, I thought that was fantastic.  There is a female Mets mascot, I think that's very cool.  And so on.  The playing field isn't even which is another way of saying patriarchy exists.


    People can think different things of Amy's character in Trainwreck versus Seth's character in Knocked Up and I think that's okay.  There are major differences in age (Amy 34 vs Seth's character was 23) in those characters.  The genders are different.  Seth's character  was going to be a FATHER.  Amy's character was NOT having a child. They're not equal characters, which is why some might find Seth's character annoying and root for Amy's character to embrace being who she was.  Giving up alcohol because you're worried you're an alcoholic or destructive or angry towards your family makes total sense and is not anti-feminist. That's obvious. But if she's having consensual and safe casual sex with people and/or "partying", that's not harmful.  The movie did show a subversive female character in Amy at the beginning of the movie.  It is rare that you see romantic comedies where the woman is only interested in casual sex and not being Married Happily Ever After.  So Trainwreck showed that for once.  That's why Sex and the City was such a phenomenon.  When the show began / if you read the novel that the show is based on, the women were so unapologetic about having "sex like men".   The women were incredibly cynical about love and romance.  They didn't believe in fairy tales.  It was about cynicism in 1990s Manhattan, but also, women being liberated from judgement for having casual sex.

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  12. There's some other movies I don't know as well, like Diner, and movies starring Natasha Lyonne, Parker Posey, Chloe Sevigny (I am trolling their IMDb pages) that deal with times outside of when they were made. 

  13. Movies that Invoke the "style" of another decade, but are (perhaps) set in present day:


    Napoleon Dynamite

    - Movie made in 2004, one can assume it's set in present day, but the charm of the movie is that everyone in the town where Napoleon lives seems to be living in a 1980s/1990s type world.  The clothes, the half ponytail that Deb wears, the phone in the kitchen with the long cord that Napoleon uses.  


    Edward Scissorhands

    - Movie made in 1991, but has style of different decades from the 1950s and onward.  Someone online says that a VCR is used in the movie, for example.  The set design of the houses in the neighbourhood and the clothes the women wear are candy coloured pastels to invoke a more innocent time, perhaps the 1950s especially.


    The Truman Show

    - Movie made in 1998 about the dangers of technology and reality television, but set in a fictionalized world that seems to mimic a Norman Rockwell 1950's or something.  


    "Time Travel"



    - This is not a movie I know too well, but I know it's ALSO from 1998, and I guess the people in it are transported to the 1950s!


    By the way, this is one of my favourite sites, all about time travel movies:  http://mjyoung.net/time/


    Methodwriter85, you're kind of making me obsessed with this topic now.

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  14. I can't say enough good things about The Social Network -- only a few flaws from what I could see.  I don't know if I really noticed the clothes as much, but more capturing the time itself and what happened via Facebook starting out.  Things drastically changed when Facebook came out.  First it was at Harvard, then other Ivy League colleges I assume, then academic institutions everywhere, and so on.  What website did I used to go to first thing when I turned on my computer before Facebook?  It's hard to even imagine.  Anyways I think the movie did such a good job of capturing college in that time, the excitement/newness over Facebook, the conflicts it created in personal relationships, how half the people around you hadn't heard of it.  Even just being in your early 20s.  Great movie.

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  15. I personally think he was being a jerk, and there's no way a 16 year old girl would be able to be so mature as to understand all the bullshit he was going through and why he was taking it out on HER and acting like a completely different person than she was used to, especially after they had shared such a great moment when he made it clear he wanted to commit to her even when she was going away to Yale, and researched the logistics accordingly.  Hence, Rory crying and running away and being very upset with him.  One could argue he was feeling powerless, so he wanted to exert some power over Rory.... jerk behaviour to me.  He didn't want Rory to reject her like he had felt rejected in other ways.  I'm sure he knew Rory better than to think she'd be okay with having sex with him at a house party.

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