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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. This season..... oh boy.  The Josh mess is so convoluted it makes me too incoherent to comment on.  There's no organic conflict..  I don't know what's going on anymore.


    Josh says he has to live an "honest life" but then deliberately hides what Debi Mazar is doing with the apartment from Liza?  Barf me a river.  He's so immature this season out of nowhere.

    • Love 2
  2. I only just figured out that Mr. Eko from LOST is in Suicide Squad!


    One of my favourite movies this year was Focus.  Critics didn't much care for it, but I totally loved it.  It was so up my alley.  The main cast was:  Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Rodrigo Santoro (yes mama), Adrian Martinez,  Gerald McRaney, and B.D. Wong!  Such a fun movie with such a multiracial cast.  Made more than $100 million dollars over budget.  

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  3. LOL he's not even old.  He was 30 there.  His eyes are sunken.   Meanwhile Rainn was 40 when The Office Started and 47 when the show ended, so to me, he looked damn good.

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  4. Well sure.  They look average to you because you are disregarding what I said, that I think that they look Hollywoodized relative to the UK version.  Jim, Pam, Michael, and Dwight are extremely Hollywoodized versions of Ricky Gervais and the UK team.  It's like all of the flaws of normal humans were ironed out.


    Here's the UK Dwight for instance (scroll below).


    And I think that Lucy Davis (who played UK Pam) is very attractive, but she was not thin.  Harsher viewers called her "fat".  And hopefully you know what Ricky Gervais might have looked like in 2001?  Jim/Dwight/Pam and Michael do not have any extra pounds on them whatsoever.  I have a lot of reasons for my opinion on this.  While UK Jim was a kind of a cute-ish nerd it might take you a few weeks to notice, Jim Halpert is like 6'3" and looked like a Homecoming King in comparison.


    f0uxlurl1ej2ugefl8l5.jpeg David-Brent.jpg

  5. Along those lines... has there been a show that was barely renewed and put through a bunch of changes for its second season and improved? As a general rule, that leads to disaster, can anyone think of a case where the show wasn't better off cancelled after one season?


    I think The Office and Parks and Recreation both did this.  Parks fans talk a lot of smack about Season 1, but I actually loved it.  The show changed dramatically after Season 1, and honestly, I still prefer the style of Season 1 over the later seasons of the show.  Season 2-3 were great though.  For The Office, they changed the cast somewhat dramatically by adding in all the writers to have actual characters, gave Steve Carell hair, made it less a rip-off of the original British version.


    Did 30 Rock do this kind of?  I really liked Josh and Toofer in Season 1 and then I felt like I was really missing them later on.  I could never like the show the exact same after Season 1.  I tend to really like shows in their infancy.  Seinfeld definitely did this - the creators didn't even want a main female character in the show!  Maybe a lot the NBC sitcoms did this, I don't know.  New Girl and Mindy on Fox definitely retooled in some ways -- New Girl's Winston/Coach drama, and Mindy has gone through like 6 incarnations.


    Never saw it, will put it on the list of shows to binge-watch!) but Lipstick Jungle which I understand is of a similar vein, was fun too. I didn't watch all episodes, but the casting wasn't bad and the book is one of the the top two fron Candace Bshnell's, based one those I read (which doesn't mean much, as Sex and the City series was vastly superior to the book, for instance!)


    Nutmeg, just beware, Cashmere Mafia is only 7 episodes!  And I do think the first one was the best of it.  I actually love, (LOVE) the book Sex and the City by Candace Bushnell.  I also really loved Four Blondes and to a lesser extent Trading Up.  I could never get into Lipstick Jungle (the show or the book, so far).  I vastly, vastly preferred the cast of Cashmere Mafia - I loved all four women!  They were all so sexy with it still being a pretty diverse cast.

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  6. Idris is an incredibly exceptional man, though :)  Can you imagine if white actors were required to be as sexy as Idris to star in a project.  Hahahahhahaha.  I'm so excited to see where Idris's career goes from here.  I know that he's from The Wire, but Luther also is amazing of course and he had a great multi-episode on The Office (US) that I'm a huge fan of.


    I'm really excited for Mike Colter to star in the Luke Cage series on Netflix!  I've been a fan of his from Ringer, The Good Wife, and now Jessica Jones!


    Something that I really noticed about The Office (UK version) is that the casting people didn't seem to care about looks at all.  It sounds mean but the show had very average-looking people and the actors showed no vanity at all.  It looked like very real people in a very real office.  If makeup was even worn, it looked very poorly applied.  When The Office (US version) came out it was like they took the British cast and gave them all slight plastic surgery and photoshopping - everyone looked a lot more perfect.  It made me hate the US version for two seasons until I got used to it.  So maybe Britain casts 'diversely' in terms of attractiveness, but I'm not sure about race.  (Just my impression based on this one show!)  The difference between the two versions of The Office is staggering in this way in my opinion.

    • Love 1
  7. Zoey seems very cool; I know her from Ringer and she was a spoilt daughter in that but she's very good-looking and a talented actor.  I've always been a fan of Lea Thompson's -- she was not only in the Back to the Futures but the star of Caroline in the City.  She was kind of a big thing in the 1990s.  I think she's very classically pretty.

    • Love 3
  8. I feel like I missed whole scenes with Jubilee where she was mean to the other women.


    Well, she walked around the house with a rose in her hand.  And she might have even sniffed it.

    • Love 18
  9. I've actually SEEN people get off on the wrong floor of my building, a lot of the time.  (They don't pay attention to the fact that someone else came into the elevator after they did and pressed another, lower floor than they did.  So they just get off the elevator on the wrong floor.  They are self-involved).




    They get off, they immediately see their error, and then get back on the elevator!  Hello!?!  Am I missing something?  Who gets off on the wrong floor and then says, you know what, I'll just continue this incorrect trip all the way to the end of it and deliver this pizza to 901 instead of 601 because forget life.


    Also I am far from wealthy but as a woman who's scared of a lot in life I purposely moved into a building that has a concierge and would hold all of my packages in a locked room on the lobby.  And in my old place, I couldn't even receive packages there because there was no such service and I wasn't home between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm.  So this magical system of no concierge in a fancy Chicago building and packages arriving willy-nilly just doesn't sit with me.   The only thing I've seen hand-delivered to a unit is food (THAT IS BUZZED UP), newspapers, and election flyers (which are of course not unit-specific).


    Schmoopy said that Grace had two Bs and three Cs which is a 2.4 GPA. If I were Alicia, I would have told Grace that as helpful as she's been with the firm, she needs to get her grades up so she can get into college unless she wants her only career option to be working for her mom the rest of her life. My parents' rule was extracurriculars were fine as long as our grades didn't suffer so I'm fine with Alicia telling Grace she needs to concentrate on her schoolwork.


    Grace is still in high school?  My word.  I've ranted and ranted about Alicia being a passive parent in the past but here we go beyond the pale yet again.  

    • Love 5
  10. [Jubilee] is far from a drama queen. She tried to avoid the drama! And Ben pretty clearly likes Jubilee. I think this is just piling on to the person who is slightly different.


    Of course it is.  We've all been to high school (I am guessing).  In that arena the behaviour is usually extremely successful, but Ben is more mature than 16 year olds thank goodness.  It's mob mentality.  It's really simple - you prey on who you perceive as weak to show power, and other girls jump in to not look weird.


    I also think [Jubilee]'s gorgeous with a killer body




    She's a typical drama-causer (if that's even a word).  She isolates herself and then complains that no one wants to hang or talk with her.  She refuses to talk to people.  She makes offensive jokes and then cries when people call her on it, claiming "oh, I'm just awkward, it's not my fault".  She's very good at crying on cue and getting Ben on to her side.


    Jubilee caused no drama.  Jubilee would walk into rooms and other women would immediately turn away and walk out (How do you explain that?  Is that drama causing or...?)  "Offensive jokes?"  Telling Ben he's 20 minutes late and asking if someone else wanted her date = I don't see anything offensive about that.  I've also never heard Jubilee complaining nobody wanted to talk to her -- did she?  Please correct if I'm wrong.  I also never heard Jubilee call herself awkward - did she?  Please correct if I'm wrong.  As for the crying on cue, what choice did she have after the Amber Alert?  She played the whole thing perfectly whether deliberately or not.  


    Being friends with the other girls would not matter if this were not a television show with producers calling the shots.  I hope they won't kick her out for it -- she's absolutely got the right idea in remembering that Ben is who she needs to impress (unfortunately this is a television show).


    Are you related to Ian from last season???


    Why would she be related to Ian?  Ian and Jubilee have the complete opposite storylines.  Ian quit the show in a blaze of non-glory telling Kaitlyn that she was not paying him enough mind or attention (am I remembering that right?).  Jubilee is shunned by the other women and gets along with Ben like gangbusters.  If anything, Lace would be related to Ian in this analogy.

    • Love 14
  11. PTVJones I love your post but let's not tarnish the great Baby Sitters club with Amber, LOL!


    First point, Cankles, that is all.... Cankles being the trump card over death, that is all...


    Second point, who interrupts a massage of a grieving person?  These women are mad jealous haters.  They were upset they didn't think of the massage first, which seemed genius.  Maybe Ben didn't want to talk and just wanted to be comforted or have his stress relieved.


    Was Lace forced out somehow and bowed out to save face?


    It is a huge competition of who's more dumb Cankles versus Amber.  You know sometimes when women act like Amber the man buys into it, so good on Ben.  Caila absolutely nailed it when she said Amber simply wanted to attack Jubilee and Jubilee wouldn't stand for it.  Amber refused to even give Jubilee a CHOICE on whether or not she would receive her bullshit --- followed her around the house until she heard it, OMG.  


    I loved Jubilee and Ben's date.  Now that I saw Ben with Jubilee he seemed so much more vulnerable and human.  He was caught off guard by her and not acting like the fake corny gentleman he usually seems to be.  I love how Ben can handle all of these different women and seem totally cool throughout.  It's almost ridiculous.  The man put a war veteran at ease.  Though when Lace left it looked like he couldn't care less and I don't blame him.  Now I think Cankles is even worse.


    Jamie was pretty, but kind of dull.  I still like Amanda.  There were 2 women there, at least, that I didn't recognize at all.  kia112 I agree with everything you said.

    • Love 13
  12. The Weeknd for Best Original Song.  I feel very confident he will not take it personally.


    Just looking at the names of the nominees, the non-acting/writing/directing awards seem more diverse.  Obviously I don't know anyone's racial backgrounds, but there's a diversity of names.




    http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0438090/ Asif Kapadia was nominated for the "Amy" documentary.  Just one example. 

  13. I really liked Ringer on the CW, starring Sarah Michelle Gellar (as a good and 'evil' twin).  Mike Colter was one of the love interests.  Every single person on the show was so good-looking.  It was a sexy, glamourous soap opera.  I never even could get into Buffy but I admit I loved this one.


    Also Cashmere Mafia.  So cool seeing Lucy Liu head a Sex and the City-like show.  The pilot was amaaaaaazing, I thought.  But it never was so great after that.  One of the four main women was a lesbian character, and they were all of varying ages.  Fashionable show.

    • Love 1
  14. I could not help but go "Oooooooooooooooooh" when I read this.


    From Actor Fred Melamed's "Random Roles" interview on the AV Club:




    The Good Wife (2011-2014)—“Judge Alan Karpman”

    FM: That’s gone over a couple of years: I did the first one maybe about four years ago, and then a year ago last summer I did two more. I enjoy that show. I enjoy it as a show, and I enjoy working on it. The Kings, who write it and produce it, are really good, interesting writers. They also directed one of the episodes that I did. It’s a good show. Julianna Margulies’ personality is very much felt in that show and dominates the show a lot, but it has such a broad cast and good supporting players. You know, when you’re a judge, you’re kind of separated from everybody. You have this kind of wall around you—literally, you’re up on a dais and far from everybody—but it also very much limits the kind of stuff that you do. But I really enjoyed it.


    All bolding and italicizing and shade-reading was mine.


    This is a guy who enthusiastically goes on for paragraphs and paragraphs about his other roles and experiences with people like the Coen Brothers and Larry David.


    You know, I thought the SJP on Sex and the City situation was odd, but that cast stuck together and no single actor without exception EVER left the show (that we know of) and they did TWO extremely long and complicated movies together!

    • Love 2
  15. What bothers me the most about Ben Stiller is he's got a character actor's face and a leading man's body. The two don't go together and it bothers me. 


    That's so funny.  I think Ben is really conventionally handsome which is why chooses to imitate Tom Cruise for funny awards show spots and why he's the star in a franchise about male models.  Anyway, he's only a tiny fraction as funny as his wonderful father but I personally have nothing against him, just wanted to respond to that.  Also he seems super short, so I think I feel oppositely of you -- character actor's body with a leading man's face.


    Adam Driver's head certainly seems enormous enough to me in that picture.

  16.  Nate from The Devil wears Prada: He was so condescending to Andy.


    There's a lot I love about this movie -- I worship Meryl, for example -- and the first two times I saw this movie I think I saw it in blissful ignorance.


    Then I think the third time I saw the movie I was like... wow.  Every single person in Andy's life - from her boyfriend, to her female friend, to her parents - is a complete asshole to Andy about daring to be ambitious and have a career!  When you see it from that lens... it's a very strange message indeed.


    Anywhoozlebees, I hope this fits okay within the topic, because it's kind of a backwards way of looking at it, but I hate the common trope I see in 'male' movies where the female love interest is always seriously involved with or engaged to a guy who is a complete asshole.  And the female in that relationship has absolutely no agency to do anything about her situation.  Everyone knows that the guy's an asshole, but the woman won't leave him.  Oh no, she needs a second guy to 'rescue' her from this horrible situation that there's no way she could simply leave, because she's a girl.  See movies like "Harold and Kumar" and "Wedding Crashers" and even "Coming to America", which I watched over the holiday break.  There is ALWAYS a scene where the male in the 'bad' relationship announces his engagement in front of the woman's entire family and the guy that's secretly interested in her, where the woman has no idea it's coming (marking his territory and making a lifelong decision for the woman).


    Actually, they kind of did a gender reverse of this in one of my favourite movies, "Bridget Jones' Diary".  Although Mark Darcy was never interested in (that other woman, forget her name) and he actively went up to Bridget and told her he had feelings for her.  Because he's a man I guess.

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