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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Then that Ivy League education certainly went to waste. I just don't buy that an intelligent Gen Xer with an Ivy League education wouldn't at least get into a management role at the Paramus Barnes and Noble


    Ugh, I've done those retail management jobs.  They're not what they seem.  Can be horrible stress, or horrible hours, or both, depending on the industry and the position.  I describe that time in my life as a dark cave where I experienced exactly zero social life.  Forget family.  Or your health. Absolutely forget it.  It's a job for a very young person at a very particular time in your life, or nobody.


    or at least get involved with running the dental office.


    I've tried to get this job too.  Even reception for a dental office, anything.  I was told there's no way anyone without a dental background would be considered.


    Job hunting is demoralizing.   It's a hell where you're constantly told things like "You're over qualified" "You're underqualified" "Experience is required (even for the shittiest of jobs that any moron can do.)"  And this is said to people with an Ivy League education.   If someone doesn't have to work I personally wouldn't recommend it.  I am never going to be one of those people who "has" to work.

    • Love 3
  2. I never said that people shouldn't see it.   I get what you're saying and my comments were not at all about the subject matter or about its subject matter's importance.  I just don't (personally) think it's a great film, and I don't think it will be remembered for time to come.

  3. Obviously Black/feminist/minorities Twitter is going off as we were last year too:


    Filmmaker and Oscar Nominee @LexiAlexander has tweeted about trying to get into the Academy for years and being told that she cannot.


    She also wants Chris Rock to withdraw from hosting in protest.  Others have tweeted why not all minority presenters too?  Why not?  Also imagine if minorities/females abstain from watching and it's the Lowest Rated Oscars Ever...  of course people will blame Chris Rock for that :)  It's Lose-Lose.  


    Someone has written up non-white nominees for every acting category.  It's a solid list.  So far my only disagreement is Jada Pinkett from Magic Mike XXL :)  Loved the movie, did not care for her in it.  But hey, there's always WTF nominees that slip in there.




    Article from Harper's Bazaar about Idris Elba versus the white nominees:




    Another good summary from Vulture:




    From Slate, about Creed:



  4. Because I've seen both of those and I'm commenting on what I know and what I've seen - it's my personal subjective opinion.  This thread is about what we see as Oscar snubs.


    In my opinion BEFORE and AFTER seeing The Big Short it's that perfect "Here's a bunch of white people!" type movie that the Academy loves to nominate.  See also:  Joy, Steve Jobs.  For Pete's sake, Jennifer Lawrence has 4 Oscar nominations at age 25..... my personal opinion is that that is disproportionate.  

  5. As soon as I saw the commercials for "Joy" and "The Big Short" I knew that these movies were going to be immensely critically acclaimed.  You don't need to know the subject matter, or even the director, anything like that.  All you need to see is all of the actors' faces.  My joke at the time was that white critics writing their top 10 best lists must be so relieved when these types of movies come out in December.


    Elle Magazine did something wonderful this month.  5 different cover subjects:  Priyanka Chopra, Viola Davis, Taraji P. Henson, Julia Louis Dreyfus, and Olivia Wilde.  I am swooning.



    • Love 2
  6. As am I.  Someone in one of the threads last year called him "sex appeal relief" and that is probably the most accurate way to describe him.


    Haha thanks.  I forget why I said it.  To counter some opinion about him not being good enough comic relief or something, haha.

    • Love 3
  7. This might belong in the Unpopular Opinions thread, but I think it is ridiculous that an actor doesn't win an Oscar for an otherwise superb performance because of stuff that has nothing to do with the movie he or she is nominated for. Why the heck should it matter if Eddie Murphy's next film after Dreamgirls was Norbit?  Or that Russell Crowe got into a fight?  How does that affect whether that person gave the best performance for that category in that film?


    Not only that, but to be nominated for an Acting Oscar the movie must be seen as near perfect as well (a lot of the time).  The voters and voting process could be so much more creative.  For example, if a Best Picture nominee has only okay acting then don't nominate the actors, but if an average / okay movie has the best acting performances of the year then those performances should be nominated.  Obviously it does happen sometimes, but not often enough and it seems like the Oscars were MASSIVELY uncreative this year on many levels.


    I'll tell you that.  I think once you remove sentimentality and nostalgia, people will realize that Star Wars: The Force Awakens is an okay-to-good movie and not a great movie.


    To directly counter that, absolutely no one will talk about or remember The Big Short next year.  People will talk about this Star Wars forever.


    In a perfect world, it wouldn't. But the Oscars seem as political as anything. I suspect Will Smith didn't get nominated because of the antics of his kids. Just a hunch.


    I don't think his kids are a factor at all.  Just looking at how white the list of nominees (not just actors) will tell you that.  Idris Elba and Michael B. Jordan lead very uncontroversial lives for instance.


    Roman Polanski (won in 2002) and Woody Allen (Jesus, the guy has like 30 nominations and won most recently in 2011!) seem to have no problems being nominated and Will Smith's life is 100x less controversial than theirs.

    • Love 1
  8. It's cool that The Weeknd from Toronto got a nomination for Best Song.   Other than that, bleh.  


    About Fury Road,when was the last time an action movie got so many nominations?


    crouching tiger

    lotr 1-2-3
    avatar and district 9 (in the same year)   - sci fi, sci fi  - 2009
    inception - sci fi  - 2010
    gravity - sci fi - 2013


    Looking at my list I created from the previous page, I guess if we remove any Sci-Fi picture, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is listed as a Martial Arts film.   It's from the year 2000, admittedly, a while ago.  It was nominated for 10 Oscars!

    • Love 1
  9. ^ I absolutely 100% agree about Star Wars.  Hold it up against The Big Short and you tell me that Star Wars isn't better, I mean, come on!


    I am obsessed with Idris but haven't seen that movie yet and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt!  What a white Oscars we will have!


    There are also people upset about Michael B. Jordan.  (Another movie I haven't seen).

    • Love 1
  10. When did Alicia abandon Zach to be homeless?  ( I know that was just her fantasy).  Was that conflict ever addressed?  Is she still ignoring him for daring to have consensual sexual relations with someone of the same age?

    • Love 1
  11. Calia seemed like a snooze to me. She had no idea who Amos Lee was.


    I have to have heard of Amos Lee to be interesting?  Jesus Murphy.  (Meanwhile Dolores O'Riordan was a GOD to me growing up, that moment last season was like a FAIRY visiting Earth - but I'd never call someone dull who didn't know her).


    Obviously Olivia would win the Love Lab as they are setting her up for either to win or to be the next Bachelorette.


    No -- please tell me this can't happen.  I'm not trying to be facetious here; isn't her mouth thing way too offensive and obnoxious to watch week after week?  I don't know how straight men would feel about her but I'm hoping they'd find it as scary as I do?  (Yes.... I'm getting the innuendo here....)


    And since I'm convinced that Ben was cast as the anti-Kaitlyn


    With all the kissing he was reminding me of Kaitlyn.  Actually I think he indiscriminately likes women more than Kaitlyn likes men.  At least I can see how people could find Fake Ryan Gosling attractive.  There's no way I can get behind Olivia and what she does with her mouth.  She is the second scariest one there.


    I still like the mother (Amanda)?   I understand that her baby voice annoys some, I do.  But in the limo sequence I picked her to nail this.  For the life of me I didn't expect Busted Cameron Diaz to come out of nowhere and swallow the competition whole.  


    For those mentioning "UnReal" and contestants of colour --- Second season of UnReal is going to be a black male Bachelor!  An ex-football player.  I can't wait.  Everyone should catch up on Season 1 before Season 2 debuts this summer.

    • Love 4
  12. Clue! Lace said she was awkward and picked on when she was a kid (well, weren't we all?). She was just lucky in the beauty department as an adult....I can totally see that awkward picked-on person underneath her claims of being bold, etc. I feel like when she blossomed in her beauty, she didn't ever know how to handle it.....vs. growing up as a beautiful "mean girl".


    I thought it was plastic surgery.  She's not really my type....  Has that hollowed out cheek look and a super thin nose and lips


    Olivia:  Maybe those gigantic, fake reactions are why she's not currently anchoring the news.  Can you imagine her reporting a disaster and then making that gage mouthed face?


    I was thinking, she's never getting hired again after this.  But then I thought maybe news shows are not the ethical paragons I'm idealizing them as


    Ben likes Bubbly.  You can't bring too much bubble, ladies!


    Caila seemed almost catatonic..... nerves?  Or personality?

  13. Canadians who grow up in Canada have it easier.  10 massive provinces and 3 territories should be easier than 50 way smaller states.  Not excusing the girls who made the errors, I just don't agree that "at least they're not Canadian".


    I also noticed that "Twin" was listed as an occupation and got a kick out of that.


    Lace must be kept for producer reasons.  There's no way Ben can be that out of it.  I think that Lace has a serious disorder and it's already at the point where I feel like the show is exploiting it.

    • Love 5
  14. Olivia, she of the crazy Shark Mouth that is always open and ready to eat entire cities, can leave any minute now.  I can't.  I prefer the twins over her.  I seriously cannot.

    • Love 17
  15. Ugh, I didn't like Imogen.  I thought she was a scam all along.  Maybe it was her acting.  Up until the end of the episode I was suspicious of her.  Then again I never remember where these characters pop out from/come from anyway.


    I thought we knew several weeks ago that Ted killed Simon.  I can never keep up with the plots from this show.

    • Love 2
  16. In the past week I've seen David Krumholtz on both Mom and The Good Wife.  If an actress gained 50 lbs out of nowhere the way he has , do you think she'd be given the same opportunities?  Rhetorical question.

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