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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. We are so spoiled!   A new show in only 2 months.  I love it!  I'm so excited.  I'm glad it's new contestants, and I'm glad it's B/b/b.  I loved Cagayan.  


    Off topic - I really hate the Blood versus Water seasons.  Are those popular at all?  I don't want them to come back.

    • Love 3
  2. So the viewers are not allowed to form opinions on the players?   I'm fine with feeling whatever I want about the players without letting other competitors influence my opinion on them.


    Some people (me) couldn't care less about the gossip that the players spew about one another.

    • Love 5
  3. I really don't give a sh*t what Kelley says ....  Kelley played a great game and vastly improved over SJDS but I don't need to take her word as gospel.   I've seen 1,000 Spencer confessionals if you add up Cagayan and this season.  I never liked Spencer's atittude towards Woo, but I don't find him so arrogant.  I get that there is an edit involved, but I've not been offended by his demeanor.   It's clear to me that Spencer never means to come off that way and is actively trying not to.  That goes along way for me.  


    Also, so what if Tasha is fueled by hate?  LOL.  A lot of people are. 

    • Love 2
  4. EW Interview




    I know you’re a huge fan of this game and the result could not have been any better for you, but did you actually enjoy yourself out there while playing or was it just all business?


    At the beginning I enjoyed myself and was just having fun. I let the chicken go. I let Juicy J go and I was like, “Yo, I’m just out here having fun.” I didn’t think I could win the game. From last season I was like, these people all see me as a threat. They see me as a physical threat and I’m not good at challenges so how can I do this? And then they’re voting me out because I have two kids and I’m a firefighter. So I’m like, I” can’t win this game. I’m just going to go out there and have fun and play reckless and do whatever I need to do.” And the further you get in the game, the tighter it gets. When you get down to the final six, seven, eight, you’re like, “Oh, man, it’s right there. I can make it to the end. This is crazy.” That’s when you really start to tighten up and the game’s not fun anymore. It’s really stressful.


    The more he talks the more I realize just how brilliant he was at downplaying every single thing about him.  It actually makes a lot of sense that people would want to remove him from the game.  So he completely removed that idea from everyone's heads.

    • Love 1
  5. And what about Jeremy's behavior when Kimmi voted against him? That was beyond the pale imo and I thought Jeremy was better than that.


    And what about it?  Jeremy thought Kimmi was loyal to him as he had always been to her.  And then suddenly, she wasn't. Jeremy had no idea it was even Kimmie who had been disloyal until it was all figured out.  That's why he said "Who voted for me?"  Then when it was figured out , he said something to the effect of "Kimmie?  Okay Kimmie.  Okay.  Okay.  Shame on you."  Or something like that.  (?) He wasn't mad at Keith or Kelley for voting for him.  He wouldn't be mad at Ciera, or Abi for voting for him.  He was hurt that Kimmie voted for him.  One of his allies who had always stayed loyal to him, and that he had stayed loyal to, too.  It would be like if Stephen or Tasha voted for him.  It would be out of left field, and unexpected.


    It's not like he called her a nasty name or said anything hurtful or attacked the woman.   He reacted emotionally!   It's very easy to say Never Take a Vote Personally, but hey, these are human beings.  In a game where you make promises, then are lied to, are loyal to some, not to others, then change your loyalties - guess what!  People are going to get hurt.  Expectations are had and then broken!  It's the name of the game.  No one is a robot.  Spencer was more emotional throughout this game than Jeremy.


    "Voting Bloc Season" or not, Jeremy is a man who is about his alliance.   He stuck to his alliance from beginning to end, even though Spencer kind of jiggled his way in there.  Jeremy never voted against Tasha, Stephen, Spencer, or Kimmie.  He actually blew me away in that tribal where he told Keith and Kelley to vote for Spencer.  And then he didn't vote Spencer along with them.  Someone smarter than me pointed out upthread that there was no point to, but wow.  I actually thought he was going to do it out of desperation that he had been had by K & K!  


    I don't even see it as an over the top reaction at all.  It's a very medium reaction to a huge surprise.  I still don't even get what is remotely terrible about the reaction.    And I'm not even going to give her major credit for snowing him, though I do give credit to Tasha and Spencer for getting it.  So what..... Jeremy still won anyways !  

    • Love 4
  6. I have more faith in the jury then thinking that they'd simply use ad hominem reasons to not vote for a player, and Spencer was arrogant at one tribal council.  i.e. I don't like Tasha!  i.e. Spencer pissed me off once or twice!  I have faith that most of these players, if not all, voted on the basis on who they thought played the best game.  I don't see much convincing evidence to make me think otherwise.  We spend all season being shown what a likeable player Spencer is bouncing back and forth between alliances.  I really don't think anyone is that mad at the guy at all.  I think that would be ridiculous.


    I was a little shocked to read all of these reactions to Spencer at that council.  I never thought he came off as arrogant.  My reaction was he's talking too much and revealing too much strategy.  I think he just panicked or seemed like somebody who was trying to steer an out-of-control ship.  I didn't find anything offensive.  It's interesting to me to read all these reactions i.e. he was so arrogant, he bullied Jeremy, etc.!  It's all perspective and I'm not sure the entire jury would all see it that way.


    It's like Spencer can't win with some.  It's like the reaction when Jeremy showed emotion for like the second time in the game by being upset that he wrongly estimated Kimmie.  The guy never shows emotion ever.  And when he finally does and it seems totally justified (to me) I read that it's disgusting.  Meh.  Different strokes.


    This takes me back to one of my favourite moments, when Spencer temporarily aligned with Abi and had to calm her nerves that she wasn't going home, begging and pleading with her so that they would all vote out Stephen together.  That made me terrified of Spencer as threatening Jeremy's game.  Like wow, this guy is so serious, a serious threat.  And yet, so many posters here predicted he'd go crawling back to Jeremy to the detriment to his game and lo, and behold he did.  It's crazy how that then led to Spencer having "Zero chance of winning this game".


    I wish more emotion was allowed un-judged in this game. Spencer saying that to Kass has got to me one of the best moments in the history of the game.  Outbursts are entertaining as fuck!  Of course your emotions should be at their highest fucking boiling point!    Now I also have the scene of Spencer being super fake to Kimmie like "Yeah. Splitting the vote?  Yeah.  We're doing that.  Uh-huh."

    • Love 4
  7. So what if they all have children?  How does that make them more sympathetic?  In fact they should be thinking, so what Jeremy?  We all f---ing have kids here.  What makes yours more special than anyone else's?  We're going to reward the person in the final 3 with kids?  Really?


    And I loved Spencer's disdain to Wiglesworth's final Tribal question.  Did Spencer ask a question in Cagayan, or did he just preach to the world about how Tony is the better player over Woo (which of course I agree with, he was just such a snot about it.)


    To me to say that his kid reveal did anything other then move the few wavering votes to his side is to minimize how good Jeremy actually was. Hell even the kid reveal showed another part of his game in that he sat on that information for 39 days so that he wasn't a threat ( he spent his time in the game actually building a strategy in order to get to the end as opposed to using his unborn kid as currency).


    I agree, it wasn't told to make the jury sympathetic or flip their vote.  It was told to make the jury marvel, wow, this guy made it all the way to the end, and he did so without drawing any attention to himself, his idols, what he was going through at home, and his deep passion about getting to the end and why.

    • Love 9
  8. Also, is Jeremy saying his second chance is all about his family and his new baby, really all that different from Spencer saying he's learning to be a real boy?  What is so offensive about the former that is not offensive about the latter.  They're both stories that might warm the heart.  I don't think it changed anyone's mind at all.  Second chancers are smart enough to vote for the best game by now.  If they're so stupid that a new baby makes them award Jeremy for the million, then he deserves it.  But I really, really don't think they are.  Except maybe Savage.

    • Love 5
  9. Wow, lots of people shitting on Jeremy's game :)   This was a beautiful, perfect finale for me.  I remember wanting both Aras and Tony to win - shocked when I got Aras, not shocked at all when I got Tony.  The Jeremy win feels incredibly satisfying.  Unfortunately, I knew about Yul going in!  Yul is a nice counterpoint to Jeremy.  The guy who looks brawny and alpha-male on the outside, but I would say is very much not, in the game of Survivor.  Yul was like the brain of all brain trusts, and Jeremy was like the smoothest, calmest, swimmer through the game.  Jeremy winning the Immunity Challenge was one of the most beautiful moments I've ever seen on this show!  I felt it all.  I couldn't believe how much my stomach was in knots through the entire 2 hours.  I can't believe how much I care about Jeremy!


    Part 1, some things I noticed:


    - Tasha's beautiful breasts

    - Spencer's imitation of Keith

    - The IC with the stairs.  I really thought somebody was going to barf at the top.

    - Spencer's weird (disguising himself?  Lowering his voice) accent when he was strategizing with Tasha

    - Tasha about Kimmie "I think it makes her feel good, to like, play....."   I know this statement will be controversial.  But I loved it.  (And then Kimmie totally humiliated herself at the FTC, and Jeremy answered her perfectly.  I can't even tell if he meant to.  But she hilariously shamed herself and slithered off without a countering word.  All that time to think, and that's what you do.)

    - The scene where Tasha and Spencer figure out Kimmie is lying.  Kimmie approaches them, and Spencer is just so over the top fake when speaking to her!  It is so hilarious and obvious to the audience, but seemingly not obvious to Kimmie.  This is so funny to me!  Spencer doesn't lie well.  His "acting" was just so, so funny.  And then Kimmie got so defensive towards Jeremy and turned on the waterworks.  Hahahahah

    - I love the Tasha/Spencer/Jeremy loyalty.  


    The TC where Spencer had immunity --- when all the votes were in, couldn't Spencer simply hand his immunity at that point to Jeremy?  There would obviously be no votes for him.  But this might be too late because it's too easy a play.

    Loved Jeremy getting so mad at Kimmie, it was very funny.

    My notes were "What disorganized bullshit was that" and "At least Kimmie is gone."


    Part 2


    - Keith in his underwear, TF?

    - Spencer's flaw in this game is being so loyal to the person who can actually beat him.  (Though Kelley could have also handily beat him.  I only now am fully realizing that Kelley is a far superior player to Spencer.  And that Kelley versus Jeremy is the only real tough debate in this game.)  Good on Spencer for realizing how good Kelley's game was, (But not Jeremy's.)

    - Those last two loud drum beats before Jeff reads the vote.  I love those.

    - I loved the second tribal way better than the first.


    IC:  I joked to myself that this weird fucking ball challenge might be good for the firefighter.  Juggling all those balls in the air.  I can't believe he actually won it.


    TC:  I don't understand what Spencer is doing sometimes.  He talks too much.  You could see that Jeremy deliberately stayed incredibly quiet, whether he understood what was going to happen, or cared, or what.

    Abi looked beautiful at every TC and her theatrics were hilarious.  

    I noticed Tasha continuing to purposely misspell every person's name.  I.e. "Kelli"


    So many funny things at the Final Tribal Council, I laughed at like 100 different things.


    - So excited to hear Fishbach speak.  And I love his outfit!

    - After one sentence of her speaking, I was like "Ohh.... Tasha."

    - I was so excited to hear Kass speak to Tasha  (May I point out that Kass very much does not seem in the least bit bitter.  Neither does Ciera.  Both of them aligned with Spencer and would not vote for him.)

    - Kimmie, that is all

    - I thought Abi was carrying a clutch (it was notes)

    - Jeremy's reaction to Wiglesworth's asking for a number between 1 and 10:  "Right now?"

    - Savage solemnly nodding at Jeremy speaking!  HHhhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


    Jeff hugs Val (and not Jeremy) and says to name the kid Jeff.

    Again, I wish that Jeff had touched so much more on how Jeremy played the perfect invisible game, that Stephen and Spencer didn't see how much of a threat Jeremy was, how everyone underestimated Jeremy, and how Jeremy used Joe as the perfect shield.  All of this continued to manifest itself at the Reunion.  I can't believe I've now watched 2 Survivor reunions about how great Joe is.  For Christ's sake!


    Jeremy is brilliant;  I worship this man.

    • Love 7
  10. Spencer vastly underestimated Jeremy, or did not even estimate Jeremy, throughout this entire game.  Did he only figure this out at Final immunity challenge, when Jeremy started breaking down emotionally?  He looked a bit taken aback.  Or perhaps even Final tribal council, when Jeremy announced Val's pregnancy?  Again, he looked completely out of his league.  It was like this episode he was finally taking notice of who had been there all along.  I wish Jeff touched on this more, but Jeff is a moron.


    I forget what happened these past few episodes.  Did Spencer vaguely talk about Jeremy being a threat?  I believe so once or twice.  I have to admit I *ALWAYS* admire loyalty (yes, even the Woo to Tony kind.  Yes, even the Jeremy to Spencer and vice versa kind) so I thought it was really sweet when Spencer, Tasha, and even Jeremy remained loyal to the other parts to the very end.  But I don't remember if Spencer ever really saw the forest for the trees.  At the reunion, his regret about the season kind of painted the story like he thought he had it all locked up until he saw the show.


    I had always seen the major threat to Jeremy's win being Kelley, not Spencer.  What I never really knew were Spencer's, Jeremy's, or Kelley's thoughts to that.  That's why it was very amusing when Spencer said he had a great chance of winning and Kelley was like "............. You do...?  Huh."  


    He needed to be able to work with some combination of Abi, Kimmi, Keith, and Tasha to get to the end and have a chance at a win, and I don't think he was ever going to be capable of that.


    He absolutely could have at several points of the game, right?  He kept winning immunity post-Joe, it feels like?  But he kept his loyalty to Jeremy.  He just seemed to see no negatives to that.    I'm not saying Jeremy's perfect.  I give major credit to Spencer and Tasha for seeing right through Kimmie's ploy, which led to a HILARIOUS scene of Spencer being extremely fake to Kimmie in order to get her to buy what Spencer and Tasha were selling her.  But Spencer's downfall all along was never seeing Jeremy for the player and the threat he is.  Jeremy's strength was manufacturing this magic loyalty in people like Spencer, Stephen, sometimes Tasha, and sometimes Kimmie.

    • Love 7
  11. Ugh.  I'm still unhappy about Samoa!  That still makes no sense to me.  Though I love how this reiterates what a great player Earl was and what a great season Fiji was. That's off topic though.  I am going to coalesce and make sense of my thoughts on this beautiful finale and post tomorrow sometime.  What a great season it's been. Thanks to all and to all a good night!


    I have to say, on the topic of celebrities, I absolutely adored Taj from SWV being on the show.  I was so star struck and enamoured.  And being that my favourite show is Seinfeld, it was cool of Jonathan Penner to be on the show too.  Those celebrities I thought were amazingly cast and great, entertaining players.  All throughout Cook Islands I knew I had seen Sundra before but it took me a few episodes to use IMDB and put it together that she had been on one episode of Sex and the City.  I know these are not Brad Pitt-level celebs, but they're good enough for me (they're the kind of 'smaller' celebrities from the kind of pop culture that I adore, and from my most treasured time period!)

    • Love 1
  12. Were Kass and Wigglesworth the only jury members ignored at the reunion?


    You forgot Jeremy and Woo.  I know this because I like them.  Don't really care about the rest.  


    Redhead, my lust is already ramped up to 100% dammit!


    like what was Wiglesworth's number


    Jeremy:  "2"

    Tasha:  "3"

    Spencer:  "4"


    Tasha and Spencer basically admitting they follow Jeremy and are his zombies ; )




    The way Jeremy said "she hurt my feelings" was adorable. I'm sure that's not what he was going for, but here we are.


    He is a woman's man, in a man's man's body.  I'm getting really gushy now

    • Love 6
  13. Fucking Jeff.


    Edit:  It's because nobody ever addressed Jeremy and how masterful of a game he played.  Spencer kind of touched on it, Jeremy KIND OF touched on it when Stephen talked about how obsessed he is with Joe, but I wanted it explicitly stated dammit.


    Whatever, my man won and I'm getting greedy .  Sorry y'all!


    Jeremy absolutely made the right decision in picking Spencer over Kelley.  Kelley was his biggest threat all along.  (I swear, not just hindsight.  I was taking notes through the whole thing.)  This whole game was Kelley versus Jeremy and I've been saying that for weeks ever since J&K started finding idols!!!!!   See the Winner's Edit thread. So glad the jury heartily agreed with me.  They're smarter than they let on.

    • Love 9
  14. Placing bets on Jeff talking to Jeremy, like at all?   He hugged Val and told her to name the kid Jeff.  Hahahhaha My Word.


    Is anyone going to say explicitly - Spencer and Stephen and everyone underestimated JeremY?  Hah??  Hahhhhhhhh?


    Jeremy =  Beauty + Brains + Brawn <3  And ironically he beats the so-called Brains Trust of Cagayan !!!!!  I know it's corny but I LOVE THIS MAN!!!!!!!

    • Love 9
  15. 4.  Will one of the other networks put something up in this time slot come March so I don't continue to boredom watch this show?


    I am looking forward to a new Shonda show called The Catch starring Mireille Enos of The Killing fame.  There is no way it could be Quantico levels of bad.  If it is don't come after me.


    P.S. I am NOT enjoying watching this show.  I really hope this is the last time I watch it.  I don't care about the mystery. The whole goddamn thing is a mystery.

    • Love 3
  16. I thought it was a pretty good episode.  Does anyone know why this season only has 10 episodes while the last had 12?  Can't believe that was a Season Finale.  They can't do a SF like that without knowing for sure they have a 4th season can they?  Because I felt like it didn't tie up any loose ends.  

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