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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I don't think Jeremy is sandbagging anymore, at all.  Nobody needs to convince me that Spencer is the king of puzzles.  That guy has a quick brain working even when starving.  Regardless, I still pull for Jeremy.  Throughout the season, I'm pulling less for Spencer and my fondness for Jeremy has remained steady.


    This is all, of course, assuming Spencer is IN the final three, which I truly hope he is. I think he has improved the most upon his previous game. To see him being an immediate early target in this game, to totally turning it around and locking down final three deals with two different groups, and not even really being considered as a boot in weeks - it's pretty amazing. AND he solved that final puzzle faster than any of the testers were able to! Quite impressive.


    I like these points about Jury Management.  Spencer turning on Kelley and Keith after making an explicit agreement with them.  Maybe not a great idea.  Keith is already talking about hunting people down in Chicago and Brazil.   Actually, Keith voted for Abi, is that right?  I have no clue what happened actually.   Who has Jeremy turned on?  Okay, Kimmie and Tasha once actually.  The Wiglesworth vote.  Yet, they still seem to really like him.  I guess Voting Bloc Season means no bitter jury votes, hopefully.  


    I've finally come around to the point where I'm not sure why people are pulling for Spencer to win so hard.  Not that I can really explain my affiliations well, myself. 

    • Love 2
  2. Re:  Keith


    More like "Joe Light", not quite as good on challenges and even more hopeless when it comes to strategy.


    I am not even a fan of Keith, but why?   How is Joe better than Keith when it comes to strategy?  Keith has outlasted Joe in the results in two different seasons.  Keith is going to make it much farther than Joe did, yet again. 


    Sagittarius comes after Scorpio, not before.  Abi's on the cusp before.   There's no way that Abi is a Sagittarius.  


    Abi-Maria Gomes ‏@theabimaria  13h13 hours ago Santa Monica, CA
    His wife and daughter are. He knows what up. I am on the cusp. Libra/Scorpio.


    Abi-Maria Gomes ‏@theabimaria  13h13 hours ago Santa Monica, CA
    To Jeremy Collins
    I wouldn't date you either

    • Love 4
  3. I hate admitting it but I think Jeremy was having impure thoughts about Abi.  Like perhaps against his will but still.  


    "Is Abi a Scorpio.... I have 2 Scorpios in my house"  (He knows he has a thing for Scorpios and love them, Val is a Scorpio, saw it on Twitter.)

    (Completely out of context, thanks Editing)  "I mean I can't imagine dating her."  (Total non-sequitor, HA!  Who's talking about dating, Jer???)

    I think the 'fights' with Abi were starting to remind him of his courting days.  LOL

    • Love 6
  4. I meant, why did Kelley not clue Abi in to stick with voting Tasha out.  


    The reason we think Spencer has changed his mind is that he said his Ideal Top Three is Keith and Abi to the camera.  Which would be a great Top 3.  Then he turns around and votes out Abi.  That's not good editing.  It's bad editing!  And it looks like Spencer is being loyal to Jeremy, and maybe even Tasha.


    Today I thought Joe kind of looks like Michael Buble.


    Spencer looks like someone when he smiles too.  He just does it so rarely that I forget.


    Spencer has definitely lost weight.  When you Google him he's chubbier.

  5. Tasha also said a bunch of weird shit at the beginning of the episode.  Something like, And if you don't go along with my plan, I'll find somebody else.  "Get on board the ship!  Cuz this Fox is sailing."


    I thought it was a mixed metaphor at first.  Then I realized, she's referring to herself in the third person.


    Why did Kelley not clue Abi in?  Did Abi vote Keith because she didn't like his ("Jokey?!") threats to the foursome?  Keith, you are not going to Brazil and you're not fooling anyone.


    Thank you to everyone who pointed out how stupid and hypocritical Spencer is being by voting out Abi.  You trashed Woo at the Cagayan finale.  And now you're gonna lose!  See you in another life, Brotha!

    • Love 6
  6. Also, how is Jeremy once again avoiding the target?


    The editors showed us this time.  This time, Spencer saved him.  At the reward, Keith floated out the idea of targeting Jeremy and Kelley seemed to be nodding along.  New Human Spencer went back into full-on robot mode and said with the most dead eyes I've ever seen and in extreme monotone: "I think Jeremy would be a good one to do second."  And everyone went along with it!  Frightened the hell out of me.




    Speaking of the reward, I loved it.  My how Spencey has changed!  His face of happiness and amazement at the reward.  How different from Cagayan when he was frightened to death of the swarming children!  


    So, is Spencer stupid or what?  Whatever, you can just hand my Baby Daddy Jeremy the money now.  




    Bye, Abi




    Best Quotes of the Episode:


    "Is Abi a Scorpio?  Cuz Scorpios are crazy.  I have two of them in my house.  That's why I drink." -  Jeremy


    "You'll never find me in Brazil." (Looks away satisfied) - Abi.  That was like the tagline of a movie!


    Joe still looked fucked up at Tribal.

    • Love 20
  7. One of my favourite shows is Seinfeld.  In one of the earlier episodes between 1989-1993 ish period, George actually meets an Asian woman at a party -- who is played by a white actor in stereotypical "Asian" colouring (hair, makeup, etc.)  I will try to take a screencap for you guys!

    • Love 1
  8. My mother is a fashion designer.  I grew up around fashion shows constantly being shown on our television and magazines all around me at any given point of day.  I absorbed fashion since I was a child.  I was on fashion forums from 2005 to today.  If you asked me about 1930s fashion I would not have extensive knowledge.  I have a passing knowledge of 20s, 50s, 60s and forward.  Can you name the top 5 trends of the 2000s, for example?  What would they be?  I'd say Logos, Bohemian/60s, and.....?  What defines that decade for you?  What are the top trends of the 2010s?  


    Austin Powers is not the movie of this generation we're talking about.  That was my generation, and I'm the oldest of the Millennium set.  These are the youngest of the Millennium set, how would they know a movie from the mid-90s?  They would barely know what 90's fashion was like -- that's the fashion of their parents.  


    I think you are far overestimating what they should know.  Austin Powers is one movie that a lot of people their age missed, if not all of them.  You really think fashion is taught in elementary and high school?   Those must be incredibly progressive schools.  I had no such thing taught to me.  I remember one fashion project I had in high school but that was my own choice because it was open-ended.

    • Love 1
  9. I'm just not a fan of Samantha's personality and haven't been since episode 1.  I feel weird saying that about a kid but there you have it.


    I did like her coat though.


    My knowledge of the 40s and 60s fashions isn't super-immense, but I do remember a 40's renaissance in the 90's.  I remember really liking 40's clothes as a kid.  The really feminine silhouettes.


    I've never been a 60s fashion woman, ever.  Not into bohemian, not into mini skirts, hate all of it.


    My long-winded way of seeing that it was really hard for me to see the decades inspiration in any of the collections.  These are CHILDREN in 2015 -- couldn't they have been briefed better with magazine clippings, Google Images, Wikipedia, something?!  There's no way anyone should expect they have extensive knowledge of the fashion of those decades.  Sorry.  When they were doing a decades challenge I was thinking great -- 80s, 90s, and 2000s.  Even 80s would be pushing it for these kids.  I think the show is forgetting that some of these contestants were born in the fucking 2000s!    Born!    Some of them are probably in the generation AFTER Millennials for christ's sake!  If you're going to force them to do a decade they have zero knowledge of, at least educate them significantly.    When or how would a 13 year old kid in 2015 be able or willing to learn about 1940's fashion?  Can somebody enlighten me?   I'm in my 30s and I only extensively learned about 80's music whenever Wikipedia came out.  Before that it was just memories of sounds I had but could not name.

  10. I don't know much about using psychics in the Chinese community but because of relatives and friends, and my hometown, I certainly know a lot about the dependency on superstition and cultural beliefs.


    There is a certain city here in Ontario, Canada where the number 4 has been banned on street addresses since 2013 because of Chinese cultural beliefs, if you can believe it.  As the number 4 pronounced in Cantonese and Mandarin sounds like their word for "death".

    • Love 2
  11. I just want to say to the posters here -- never be worried that your post is too long!  I always wish for more and longer posts in the BMJ threads and I appreciate every single one.  I wish the show was more popular.


    Talking about selling out I think the discussion is so interesting.  Two things I've been thinking about lately.  I've been watching Master of None where the main character Dev and his acquaintance Ravi are both struggling Indian actors in New York.  Dev (Aziz Ansari) has always refused to use an Indian accent for a character while Ravi is fine with it.  This mirrors the actors' real life practices as well.  But I'd argue that Aziz was able to come up and be successful pretty easily, I'd say.  He was given opportunities that Ravi Patel (the actor playing Ravi) was not.  So for me it's very hard to judge Ravi.


    I've also been mainlining old episodes of Ally McBeal.  This is the show that shot Lucy Liu to fame.  Lucy played somewhat of a dragon lady - a known Asian female stereotype - though I'd argue the character became a lot more complex than that over time - but now she's a bonafide movie (Charlie's Angels, etc.) and television star (Elementary).  The actor was such a hit with the creator that he created a role just for her, and the character was such a hit with audiences that she was written in as a regular cast member.   I think she broke down so many barriers for Asian (and other minority) actors.  I would never hold against her what she did. 


    It's all about what you can tolerate from your heroes/fellow minorities you relate, to I guess.  It's a tough discussion and it's very sensitive.  One of my friends refuses to watch Fresh off the Boat because he says the accents are too caricature-ish and offend him.


    I get extremely offended when I see certain things, for example in the latest Nathan for You episode Nathan Fielder (a white person) did a caricature-esque Asian stereotype accent.  I couldn't believe I was seeing that in 2015.   That's not really a question of selling out or not though; that's just racism.

    • Love 3
  12. The thing is about Teethgate is that I loved Brenda so much before it (in her first season), and then after that I just couldn't look at her in the same way.  I guess I was a bit traumatized by it.  I never liked Dawn so that didn't affect my opinion of her.

    • Love 3
  13. Judd Apatow mixing much more serious themes with comedy isn't new for him.  Funny People was in 2009, and This is 40 was 2012.


    The Cable Guy was quite dark, back in the 90's.  He was a producer on that.

  14. I hope ABC will fire Quantico's sh*tty show-runner and all the writers during the mid-season hiatus. It's the only way to save this show. These people are as stupid and incompetent as their characters. Otherwise I don't see how it will live for another season.  


    Is it the Gossip Girl guy that's been running this?  Because that's so odd -- Season 1 and 2 of Gossip Girl is extremely fine television -- not at all being sarcastic about that.  I have no idea how this shit came to be!  I was absolutely obsessed with the pilot but since then I've barely been watching , and with glazed-over eyes at that.

  15. So he just guessed out of the blue that she was a catfish!?  LOL!  And then threatened to expose her using extortion?  I see.  Thank you!


    I wonder how Catfish apparently 'proved' to Shelby she was her half-sister in the beginning.

    And if the 'twist' down the line is that she really is, or something.  Oh who cares


    It sounds like a song.  "Out of the blue, she was a catfish...."

  16. Maybe Jasper has to be nice to Samantha for the time being.  Maybe she is dangerous or unpredictable?


    You can "inherit" traits from non-biological parents, I'm sure.  Maybe inherit is the wrong word, but you could certainly adopt those traits through environmental conditioning. I agree that the wording was weird though.  


    Does the show purposely make the new maid that Cyrus likes look a lot like the old one?  

    • Love 4
  17. First two episodes of the season were so boring; these past two have actually been interesting because things have happened.


    This episode was like Return of the King; it had like 17 endings.


    By the way, I don't know how it happened, but I'm in love with the actor who plays Jasper.  I guess because last season he was such a skeezebucket or whatever and this season he just stands in the background.  So hot.

    • Love 1
  18. Alllllllllll the secrets came out tonight!


    I didn't understand any of them because I was barely paying attention because the show has sucked all year, plus my drinking


    I still don't understand Natalie's fake scar story, LOL

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