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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Mob mentality and/or bullying happens nearly every season.  This time it happened against Ashley.  That doesn't make it right.

    The craziest part of it for me was that none of the Mean Girls apologized or backed down or even acknowledged that they didn't act perfectly on screen.  They were all loudly screaming in their own defense.  They seem so ANGRY by the editors' portrayal of them.  (Actually, Candice seemed the most calm about the whole thing.)


    Not one of them gave a good reason for not picking Ashley.  Not one of them gave a good reason for thinking she should have gone home.  Why would you pick the one whose outfit's STYLE you didn't like?  That's a matter of taste, that's not the fucking question Heidi asks on the runway.  That's a bullshit answer!


    If one of them had just said, Look I didn't want to work with Ashley because I like other people better or I picked my friends, I would respect that honesty.  But nobody gave a good reason for anything.  It's all just loud screaming, anger, defensiveness, false outrage.  And they tried to turn it around on Ashley, hahahaha that is some bullshit.  The bad behaviour to Ashley started before she did anything to earn it.


    I've seen that Mean Girl thing where they attack the person they've been terrorizing over months and months and months, crying and calling her mean for ignoring her.  We've seen Helen do that to Alexandria.  It's a thing that happens.  I'm not saying this particular group of girls did it, but man... I am just saying it exists.  Deflecting.  They certainly did some deflection.  It's a distraction technique, you yell louder and you say false things and make accusations so everyone forgets what they were originally questioning you about.

    • Love 12
  2. It's honestly really hysterical that Candice was like "I learned that women can have insecurities."  hahahahahahahahhahahaha.  Whoever said she's like a Christopher Guest movie.. hahahahhahaha (DasFlavourPup).  Oh man, the commentary is on fire today.  


    Another funny gem from Candice was "I know I wasn't exactly edited to be the Hero of the show."  hahahahahhahahaha.


    My opinion of Kelly shot way, way down after this episode.  I really, thoroughly enjoyed it though.  I want to watch all the other old PR reunions because I think I usually skip it.  It was great to see more Swapnil.  Bring him back again and again!


    I loved Blake's outfit!  I'm glad about a lot of the things that Tim brought up, like that racist comment to Swapnil.  It was so straightforward and they really took a lot of our internet/social media comments and addressed them head on.  

    • Love 9
  3. Jeremy is definitely throwing ICs (in my opinion).  I am not saying he would necessarily beat Joe.  I am saying he'd place higher than he does if he was playing at full capacity which I do not think he is.  He purposefully does it in a way to not draw attention to himself.  Of course he doesn't drop out before Fishbach, come on man!  He waits until he's in the middle.   Maybe for this balls challenge he tried 100% because this one was so beyond random on who could get to the final stages.  (Wind, etc.)  But that last Individual challenge yes I believe he threw it.  He waited until Tasha was done and then he was immediately done too.


    For group challenges, I totally believe he is giving it his all.  But not individual, no way.  


    Rick Kitchen, that was 3 votes for Andrew.  I'm sure that happens a lot in the smaller tribal councils!

    • Love 3
  4. I of course understand that everyone is informed by racism and sexism and other biases when liking contestants.  I just wish that it wasn't always the kneejerk reaction to statements like "I hate Kass" or "Ciera is annoying" or "Jeremy is so hot".  I have a wish that we could deal with more intelligent and nuanced discussions about this stuff rather than hurling accusations of sexism towards each other when we don't agree.  I have to deal with people really hating Woo and calling him a "fucking moron" and other things that honestly hurt my feelings a bit, haha.  But hey, everyone has players who rub them the wrong way.  Zuleikha maybe we should start a race and gender thread.

    • Love 1
  5. Small women absolutely can win Survivor. Just look at Sandra. But there will always be players like Andrew who categorically cannot respect someone like Sandra. Jeremy doesn't enter the game with that disadvantage.


    I see what you're saying.  Alpha males have the advantage that they are attractive to people who like Alpha Males, like Andrew.  They have the disadvantage that they're targets.  Jeremy is trying as hard as he can to downplay this.  Joe is not doing absolutely anything to downplay this.


    Small women have the disadvantage and the advantage that people dismiss them, don't notice them, or underestimate them.  I guess I see that Ciera is trying to flip this perception.   I also see that she is probably getting in people's heads, like Spencer.  We'll see what happens.

    • Love 2
  6. Personalities and actions in this game don't have to be static though.  People don't flock to Jeremy just because he's a big man.  He had to act a certain way to get it done.  He's already improved on San Juan Del Sur play, right?  He found the idol, didn't he?  He's acting different this round.  And it's paying off.   The entire show is trying to form a narrative about Spencer, Acting Different Boy this time around.  Kass and Ciera could try to switch things up to improve their game.  Ciera, maybe she is, time will tell.  Kass imploded, could not learn anything, or play better and she went from 3rd place to being first jury member, which is a huge depreciation.   A lot of women have won this game.  A lot.  Small women can obviously win this game.

    • Love 2
  7. You mean, Jeremy wants to use other Alpha Males that look like him as shields, so that he goes farther in the game?  Sure, I will agree with that.  He's said as much about Joe.  There are no other Alpha males out there though.  I'm going to argue that Spencer and Stephen are so-called stereotypical Betas.  He didn't make an alliance of a whole bunch of Alpha Males.  Stephen and Kimmie are his number 1 and 2 and Joe is his designated shield.

    • Love 1
  8. I think people sometimes confuse criticizing gameplay with flat-out not liking somebody.  It's really hard to argue to someone that they should like somebody that they just plain don't.  Is what Ciera's doing good gameplay, that's a hard question.  We won't know until she wins or loses.  But I do not like her.  Also, it's a preference.  I'd rather play like Jeremy instead of Ciera.  Unfortunately somebody's going to point out that this is sexist probably.  But that's what I'd aspire to if I was on the show.  Somebody who can quietly move along and not be super annoying on camera.  Kelley is in the same position as Ciera, and obviously acting a lot differently than her.  Ciera is the ultimate passive aggressor, the eye-rolling is a perfect example.


    I really pride myself on being a feminist.  It sucks that it's extremely hard for me to dislike certain women without people pointing out how sexist that is.  It's absolutely true that I don't universally love all women on the planet.  But I also do very strongly believe in equal rights for all.  I wish we could all like or dislike somebody without somebody trying to 'dismantle that argument' by saying, "Nah, your feelings on a person are invalid because of sexism.  But now, listen to my extremely valid feelings on the exact same cast of characters."  When can we get rid of that ad hominem attack?  


    The name of the Broalliance is so stupid.  Isn't that minimizing Tasha and Kimmie's role?  They are just as much women as Ciera, Kass, Abi, and Kelley.  There's the big alliance versus the small one.  Just numbers, not talking about body types.   I will argue that Jeremy didn't pick his alliance based on gender.  Kimmie looks to be 2nd in his alliance.  Joe is HIS LAST in that alliance, and Joe is a guy.  And one can say, oh, Kimmie is just a useless shield to Jeremy.  But Jeremy probably values Kimmie's loyalty and ability to pipe down during Tribal Council.  I know that I would, her controversial brand of veganism notwithstanding.


    I feel like usually what the audience wants is for people to play the game


    The Audience is not some monolith with just one opinion though.  It's millions of people who all have varying opinions on players - based on so many factors - personality, characteristics, position in the game, shared demographics, etc.  I don't think it's the same group of people saying "PLAY HARDER, JENN!" that is also saying "STOP PLAYING, CIERA!"   Also I don't know if anyone would actually make the argument that Ciera should lay down and die.   But not everyone will agree on how she's acting or playing.

    • Love 8
  9. The score at the end was pretty good, but all of that love-making at the end by multiple couples was just way too much and ridiculous so I looked away while the music was playing. I also think I wind up hating Laurel and Frank together more and more every time they have sex.  Is that score available under a particular name?


    From Tunefind.com  http://www.tunefind.com/show/how-to-get-away-with-murder/season-2/26840.  I liked a lot of songs in this episode too.


    "Indian Summer" by Jai Wolf


    Scene Description:  Annalise invites Nate in; Michaela & Caleb have sex; Annalise & Nate have sex; Connor & Oliver have sex in Annalise's classroom; Laurel & Frank have sex.
    • Love 2
  10. Something I don't understand.  Caleb said he found the dusty gun "last week".  Is that what he said?   If he has feelings for Michaela, and NOT Catherine, then why would he sacrifice his life for Catherine?  I guess it's because he really does love her as a sister?   But - he suspects her of killing HIS PARENTS .....  !!   So why would he go to jail for 30 years for her...  Man...   Shit is cray

    • Love 5
  11. Someone please explain to me what/how Wes figured things out by looking at the painting? What was in that painting?

    And Philip is the child of the racist aunt and her brother right?

    So Catherine shot them for Philip? Because they are sleeping together, right?

    Oh, and Anna must love Eve and Nate, I think her feelings are real for both.


    1)  I'm going to assume Wes gave Catherine a picture of himself when he was a child, and his parents, (I don't know WTF he would do this) and Catherine painted it for him.  Wes thereby understands that when Catherine "likes" someone or feels connected to them, she paints a picture of their family I guess.  He noticed one of those Creepy Paintings in the corner of a screenshot of Philip.  So he figured that Catherine and Philip DO know each other - Catherine lied about it to them - and they're probably closely connected.  That's pretty good detective skills.  


    2)  All I know is Annalise said "Philip is the product of incest.  And we all know Helena only had one brother."  And then they did a close of up of the Father in the painting.  Is Helena the aunt?   But then she said "How would you feel if your parents were fucked up but then they threw you away like garbage.  I would have killed them too."  But imagine hearing this sped up to the speed of light.

    • Love 4
  12. That article echoes a lot of things I was saying in the Master of None Season 2 Wishlist thread.  I mean, it's a wishlist, and I'm comfortable wishing whatever I want.  I love how the article pointed out that the Asian woman that Dev supposedly 'dated' in that one episode was nameless.


    Said date is a nameless East Asian woman who the show doesn’t take seriously as a romantic partner, speaks about two lines, and only goes out with Dev for the free food


    The article points out the coupling of Peralta and Santiago on Brooklyn 99 as a coupling with one white person - LOL, do they mean Samberg?    I was going to say that's a great pairing of 2 different minorities, but I guess Andy Samberg is supposed to be playing (Latino?) and not Jewish.  Wikipedia tells me that Peralta is a Spanish surname.  I was thinking it was supposed to be Italian!

    • Love 1
  13. The one thing I find amusing about Ciera's edit is that, much like Kimmi and Monica, she was invisible a good percentage of the season.  Now that she's getting screen time she's polarizing, just like those two were.


    Personally I do not find Monica polarizing, that is way overstating things.  I'd be hardpressed to form even the most minute opinion on her.   I feel nothing about her.  Kimmie is a bit annoying but I do not find her polarizing.  I do find Ciera, Abi, and Kass 'polarizing'.

  14. Spencer is floating along because he knows that he has a bit of a target on his back and wants to minimize that target. I can see him moving only if he thinks it puts him in a power position otherwise he will keep on floating. Floating will not win him this game.


    I think Spencer is an amazing position, maybe even second to Jeremy, but way up there.


    Tribal was very telling.  Kelley and Ciera calling out the Controlling 4-5 did not even name him.  Kelley, Ciera, and Abi all seem to trust and like Spencer for some reason.  Kelley, Ciera, and Abi may distrust/resent Jeremy and Stephen for being the so called Shot Callers of this game.

    Jeremy and Joe also seem to trust and like Spencer.

    Tasha, Kimmie, and Stephen all do not seem to have any reason to have something against Spencer.  I forgot Keith existed.  Kelly Wigles too.  

    So far, so good I say.

    • Love 9
  15. I keep having this impression that Kelley could be on either side and she doesn't even have to be aligned with Ciera and Abi. I don't even know how she found herself in that position.  Joe confides in her and always wants to protect her.  I don't know.  Maybe Jeremy doesn't trust her or something.  I feel like Kelley is faking this loyalty for some reason.  


    She voted for Kass last tribal.  I think she's just using these alliances to further her own ends which I guess is working up til now.

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